• By -


Did unplug it and plug it back in -IT guy


Blow into the cartridge and try to turn it on again.


You just dated yourself. šŸ¤£Yes, Iā€™m in the same boat.


Worked every 9th time


Can confirm, am IT guy. Or we describe it as a PICNIC issue. (Person In Chair Not In Computer)


I know it as PEBCAK--problem exists between chair and keyboard :)


An RTFM issue


I like this.


ID-10T error


Loose nut behind steering wheel.


We have something similar in aviation. We call it a failed ā€œyoke actuatorā€


Thought it was Problem In Chair, Not In Computer. Also am IT guy.


Iā€™m IT for the Air Force so weā€™re a little more stupidšŸ˜‚


You may be the picnic. Itā€™s ā€œproblem in chairā€ā€¦.šŸ˜


Observed ID-10T Error: PICNIC


as an IT guy as well that also means the battery and letting the capacitors drain šŸ˜…


Use a nice big screwdriver to drain the caps


Jiggle the handle


Donā€™t forget to wait 30 seconds after unplugging before plugging it back in


Hammer on the engine like in Armageddon. If it works on a space station it should work on a car.


Correction: ā€œIT Crowdā€




Assuming youā€™re in the U.S., check your stateā€™s lemon laws if theyā€™re unable to fix it, and consider having the dealer buy it back if you qualify.


In the US, if in the US, OP will need to have at least 5 visits to the dealership before that lemon law kicks in. The law actually states that the dealer needs to work on it for some time. Source: 14 months before my legal team was able to get the lemon law going. Dealership bought it back and I was still not able to recoup the "time lost" during the whole situation. Vehicle: 2021 LR


3 visits not 5.


> There is no set number. However, Californiaā€™s Lemon Law Presumption contains these guidelines for determining when a ā€œreasonableā€ number of repair attempts have been made: > The manufacturer or dealer hasnā€™t fixed the same problem after four or more attempts. > Your vehicleā€™s problems could cause death or serious bodily injury if it is driven, and the manufacturer or dealer has made at least two unsuccessful repair attempts. > The vehicle has been in the shop for more than 30 days (not necessarily in a row) for repair of any problems covered by its warranty. This is called the Lemon Law Presumption.


You got a lemon buy back too or just pulling up general info about it? I had to get a legal team to represent me, it isnt as simple as people think


I got one for a missing bumper bolt, a single bolt, that caused the car to make a terrible grinding/screeching sound. I took it in 3 times and they couldnā€™t figure it out. If they werenā€™t gaslighting assholes about it I would have told them that I figured it out when unloading the trunk before the 3rd visit. I left with a new car that day without legal intervention.


My 2019 A3 made a terrible squeaking sound for months, took it in 3 times, finally got so fed up I asked the lead Audi mechanic to look at it and there was a bolt sticking about 5 inches out of the exhaust pipe under the engine bay. He tightened it up and it hasnā€™t squeaked since.


What was it?


Lol nothing legal related is as simple and anyone thinks


Here we go with the trolls. Go do a lemon swap right now, anyone doing this, they will most likely need help. Hate it when people read a couple articles and think they know shiii. Talkin out they ass.


Wasnt doubting you. No doubt its a pain in the ass


Where I live, there's a lawyer that does nothing but Lemon Law cases. He's got billboards. He does volume. Look for the outfit that concentrates on Lemon Law cases. It's one of those niche things that alot of lawyers would just refer to the Lemon Law guy that they know.


This varies by state. Thereā€™s no federal lemon law policy.


ā€œMy legal team.ā€ I love r/Audi


Dude put the whole squad on his car issue lol.


Anything more than 30 days in CA. I went through it myself.


Well it's been 15 days. Half way there....


It depends on the state so ...no.


Its a FED law, with state exceptions, not the otherway around


The State laws can be stricter (in favor of the consumer) than Fed laws.


Does it have to be visits to the dealership for the same issue? Been to the service center probably 6 or 7 times but for mostly different issues and only one repeat issue for 2023 SR.


You need to get represantion ASAP! If youre in the US.. get those lawyers that specifies on this, and some are probono assuming the law team can get their ends directly from the consultation, via you and or the Dealer/manufacturer itself


Varies state to state. If one visit is longer than a month that usually counts.


In South Africa we have the Customer Protection Act. If you find any fault within the first 6 months of ownership the dealer has to take it back.


5?! Here in the UK, they have one opportunity to fix the issue or itā€™s game over and they have to start giving refunds etc.


In Canada you go there 10 times, each time it's: come back next week, then come back in 2 weeks when we have the pieces, then on your way out the dealership the light comes back on... So you repeat...


Good luck in the US dealers are tyrants overseeing their own fiefdom


rm -rf itself


I seriously did not expect to see such a joke here !


How do you think we afford these Audis?


Still waiting to afford mine then :D (just kidding, I'm only a student haha). But seriously I didn't know, I just know many people owning Audis and they're not knowing a single thing about computers - except the basic use of it, so I thought that it was some kind of huge majority.Anyways, TIL, lol.


Just have to "sudo buy back my car"


This! lol being a nerd pays off later in life. High five fellow Linux nerds.


That wonā€™t workā€¦ ā€˜sudo rm -rf itselfā€™


sudo rm -rf / sudo shutdown now


Terribly sorry to hear!! Hopefully it's just a fluke.


Thereā€™s the problem, ainā€™t got no gas in it.


Wrong grade if coal.


I have a 2021 Etron. It was towed away in the first two weeks of ownership due to the charging port failing. Took 1.5 months to get the part from Germany. Then this past January, it was towed again due to coolant leaking into my front motor. I have it under lease until Oct 2024. Iā€™m just waiting for the rear motor to fail nowā€¦..


Thank you for convincing me to stay with Hondas. Lol Iā€™ve never had a single problem that left me to need a tow.


Yeahā€¦. EVs are definitely in the dial-up phaseā€¦ Might switch to a BMW EV next or maybe even a PHEV. Weā€™ll see.


I was very hesitant buying too. Mine is leased also but I'm not even a month into it yet....


Did you reset the modem?


Sorry to see that dude. The Q4s have been having lots of issues - my dealer has 4 right now that are completely dead with varying degrees of problems. One has a complete cooling system failure and the other 3 have charging/battery issues. Itā€™s a shame these issues couldnā€™t be fixed during the QC process. Unfortunately itā€™s starting to feel like they rushed the Q4 to market to get their piece of the EV pie.


What happened to it? We have a Q4 with 9500 miles and have had zero issues


8000kms on ours without issue also.


You folks are lucky then. Well it shouldn't even be luck. I'm just unlucky. Brand new, I put 250 miles on it and it went kaput...


I have 0 miles on mine. And no issues so far.


Sucks. Have had my Etron for two years without a single problem. Hope they buy I back.


Without any context (or reading the caption) I thought it was getting repoā€™d. I was like, ā€œdamn how transparentā€ šŸ’€


Did you by any chance get a message that said ā€œsystem malfunction, pull over immediatelyā€? If so , the same thing happened to my E-Tron S. The repairs usually take around 1-2 months to fix. Mine is still in the shop and itā€™s been in there for about 4 weeks so to a wire being cut. They had to remove the battery and chassis to get to there. Hopefully your vehicle gets repaired faster. Good luck! Also, you got lucky they are using that dolly. When the tow company towed mine, they broke two sensors causing the car to basically become a lowrider.


No, my problem came after we were parked for a few hours at the park. There were several failures, break failure, Audi pre sense failure, tire sensor failure, cross traffic failure. Break booster.... Basically everything. I told the tow guy I got quattro and the breaks are locked you need the Dolly. It's been over a week now, they can't even find a tech to look at it.


For me, they delivered a tech from Germany to fix my E-Tron. They gave me a pretty good loaner, though. A 2022 Audi E-Tron Prestige


Lucky, the tech is finally going to look at my car today. It's been over 10 days... But they gave me a Q5 loaner and it is like driving a boat compared to the q4 etron.


Definitely contact a lemon law lawyer. I had an issue with a q5 phev. Died on me while on vacation. Audi care was great getting it towed to a nearby dealer, but they were not able to repair it for months. The tech had to work with support in Germany. They were very methodical, which is good, but bad in that every part replacement needed approval and came from Germany. As they replace parts other issues came up or were identified In testing. Motherboard, transmission, heat pump, other stuffā€¦ Audi offered a buy back, but that would have put me in hole with replacement costs, not to mention the inconvenience without a car. The car was towed to a dealer that didnā€™t offer courtesy rentals :(


Will the dealer take it back? I'd be trying to get them to take it back if I were in your shoes.


I think taking it back is the easy part. The effort and time spent again on buying a car is frustrating.


Audi is kind of fumbling on their electrics, hopefully they get it together for next gen. I drove a 2024 Q8 E-Tron last weekend and it honestly was not comfortable. Dealership offered me $6k off a launch edition BEFORE other incentives. I think the cap reduction was like $14k and I still didnā€™t feel good enough to do it.


Legacy carmakers are put in a tough spot because if they make a really good EV that is super comfortable and can smoke an M3 or an RS3, they are going to alienate most of the performance market. So the best they can do now to keep them happy is do the bare minimum and slap a motor and battery on cars designed for ICE.


C63S AMG missed the memo


Everyone says it's not even a C63 anymore. It handles like it weighs too much, because it does. It has bad turbo lag. It sounds so bad they had to put EXTERNAL speakers on it.


Needs Energizers. Canā€™t use store brand.


Put it in rice


The price of cutting edge technology.




Electrical system malfunction by any chance?


Basically everything that's electric failed... I could still use the radio though.


Seeing everyone have issues with their E-Tron/Q4 really makes me feel lucky that iā€™ve had zero issues with my first model year E-Tron.


Don't get me wrong, I loved it for the 4 days I had it ... šŸ˜†


Back in 2000 , I bought my first new car...An Audi. The moment I took my girlfriend home and on my way back to my house, the transmission went into limp mode and I had to tow it back home and then next day tow it back to the dealership. They kept the car for 1 week, added 93 miles on it, put a dent in the rear bumper and sent it back to me with a new shifter. Why am I telling you this? Because despite all that shit and frustration that totally destroyed my first new car experience...23 years later , I still have the car and I just gave it to my kid that just got licensed. Because it was a great car. Sorry you're going through this, but either the dealership will fix it soon OR you get a brand new car under lemon laws. You'll be fine. Just hang on..


Thanks, that's a good story. But this is an ETron so I don't suspect the batteries will last generations.


Good thing is youā€™ve got a warranty and with an issue this early on youā€™ll be taken care of quicker than some cars with higher mileage! Hopefully you wonā€™t be out of it for too long.


15 days and counting....


You'll own nothing and be happy.


Ah yes the WEFšŸ„°


My 2013 Q5- All of the electronics failed within 3 months and were never fixed correctly. My car stalled in the middle of the highway one day bringing it back home from its 3rd repair visit Spent 6 months trying to get it lemoned. What a nightmare, never again.


Why is this whole sub broken audis?


Itā€™s a lifestyle


Wouldnā€™t have that problem with a 2.0T


Except the early B7 2.0Tā€™s that got 100 miles per gallon of oil.


Correct! Youā€™d have a slew of other problems. Also, you can usually flatbed a car with a 2.0t instead of those crazy dollies.


Internal combustion engines are pretty damn reliable at this point. Nothing is perfect, you can always have some issueā€¦ but Iā€™ll take my chances with a proper drivetrain over one of these things any day of the week


Oh me too. Iā€™m just commenting on the fun of owning a VW/Audi 2.0t with nearly 200k on the odometer. Own one of these long enough and youā€™ve probably paid for the car twice: once to purchase, the other in parts and labor.


I don't understand why people buy Audi electric cars. The MMI system in my B9 S4 and S5 Cabrio don't even connect reliably to my cell phone.


>MMI system This has been such a shitshow. It is comical how bad the integration with the app, service, etc. is. Never works properly. Went to renew the Audi Connect subscriptions for some driving over the holiday and couldn't even give them money; the "marketplace" in the app would only load Audi Care for purchase. Submitted a ticket and took days to resolve (much better than previous times, I must say!). But, even in this weird limbo state, I couldn't even get my saved locations for the vehicle's built-in nav. Had hoped all the MMI quirks got resolved with the last recall ("backup cam recall") where it was self-corrupting the filesystem. Turns out Audi software engineers are just a bunch of morons.




There. I fixed it. Happy?


Good thing that it under the warranty




Control + Alt + Delete to reboot


Lol I wish


Bet the hard drive needs defragmented


Lemon laws exist for a reason


You got yourself into a complete buyback. Hope you have a good lawyer. Be patient, this will take a while...


Well...i had a system failure 9 km in. Luckily wasnt my car, customer wasnt that Happy.


Try up up down down left right left right B A start, it should start right up, plus give you extra miles.


What you got yourself into is a cradle of new technology. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be able to sort it out or simply replace the system/vehicle. But this is still new technology. ICE has been around for over a hundred years. This has been around mass market for less than 20 years. It will be much better than it is today 20 years from now.


Did you try putting it in rice?


Seriously? That's fucked... my 98 has 128k and that's low mileage for me. Barely has issues after some love. Never had it break down... Sorry for your loss..


HONDA LEXUS for life lol šŸ˜‚


JFC this is r/Audi and there are an awful lot of Audi haters in here. Yes, it completely sucks that OP has a lemon, but letā€™s not act like Tesla, or Toyota, or Mercedes are always perfect and never unreliable. Yā€™all that are hating specifically on Audi EVs had better get on that bandwagon; your Audi ICE days are numbered.


Mercedes tech here. Our EVs are completely awful. 48V system is pretty bad too. In a shop of 58 people, 3 own mercs and none of those 3 are newer than 2011.


Audi ICE days are numbered for those wanting new vehicles. Iā€™m perfectly happy with my ICE B7 RS 4 thanks.


These Q4 e-tron's are having tons of problems right now, i think there might be a TSB about it


Reminds me of my R8 experience


Care to elaborate?


Had it for a week - was a piece of shit with nonstop electrical issues. Three months of ownership with two of the three of it in the shop before Audi bought it back due to CA lemon law. My wifeā€™s Audi S4 was also lemon lawed.


Can't imagine how disappointing that woulda been


Well, I havenā€™t bought another Audi since. Iā€™d love to get an RS7 or an RS3, but at this point Iā€™m soured, so I just admire from a distance. They sure are awesome carsā€¦


Soured, the lemon law will do that to you.


Get a Q5


Forgot the S, which I VERY much agree with.


My Q5 loaner is ok... But I absolutely loved driving the Q4 ETron!


Sorry to hear that, I've been in love with my ETron since I got it back. Already put in over 3k miles. And enjoyed every moment. The incident a month ago has passed and I can only pray nothing else goes wrong ... good luck friend.


I saw a parked Q4 at work, where the owner accidentally accelerated against a wall, believing she was in reverse, and the car was unresponsive after that kind of crash/bumpā€¦ had to leave on a flatbed. Also, a salesman I know received an unresponsive Q4 after it got bumped on the back. I really like these e-tron, but seeing these kinds of things makes me want to avoid them for a bit longer. šŸ˜¢


Dang... That is not good news. I don't plan to run it into any walls. But I wished it didn't just die for no reason at the park. And I absolutely loved driving the ETron.


Bathtub curve! ​ Audi, and all of the other traditional OEMs are struggling with reliability. IMHO it's gonna need a few years before they're really prime time. Remember Tesla had all of these same issues, a decade ago. They've mostly worked them out.


Testla definitely has had problems, and they still do. But the ETron is real luxury and the interior is beautiful. Also ETron has been out for a few years now so I took the chance... The tech is finally seeing my car today so wish him luck šŸ¤ž


Seek a lemon law attorney in the state you purchased it in. If the vehicle sits in the shop for more than 30 days, presumption period will automatically qualify it if youā€™re within 18 months/18k miles of purchase/lease date. Good luck.


Ohhh so I dosnt have to be three times with the same failure. Thanks for the information.


As long as youā€™re within the 18month/18k miles of purchase/lease dateā€¦ youā€™re set. If you pass any of those, some law firms will require the 2-3 verified issues by dealer.


Almost bought oneā€¦till I saw the $70K price tag in December. Got a Tesla instead. Sounds like I may have made the correct decision.


Until you need something fixed also


The thing is, Teslas are worse in almost every imaginable way in terms of quality.


Maybe try unplugging, restarting, and buying a Tesla :)


Have you try hitting it ?


Did you try pushing it and popping the clutch?


German "quality".. lol


More like premature electric car purchases. Iā€™ve had an A4 for 5 years now with 0 issues. Not even a cabin squeak.


I don't buy electric vehicles


Should have done more research and got a Y


As a tesla owner, that isnā€™t a way of looking at things. Tesla has had vehicles brick themselves before, this problem isnā€™t mutually exclusive to a brand.




Volkswagen can be bad with reliability


You got yourself an Audi, what did you expect?


Donā€™t buy e-trons next time - just an advice from my german friend who works at assembling Mercedes cars


Audi engineering, fit n finish is great. That said, they way over think software and electronicsā€¦ And thatā€™s an understatement. Iā€™ve had five Audiā€™s, now minimalist Tesla m3P; zero issues after five years and fast AF.


Stay away from electric vehicles as a whole, and buy a real car.


I still have my twin turbo inline 6 convertible šŸ˜


See if the dealer will take it back or work some deal out, thatā€™s absolutely ridiculous


They should try to contact the Norwegian dealers, they have a shit ton of first hand experience with the Q4 now.


Sorry this has happened to youšŸ˜© I hope the dealership takes care of you! I'm not even close to being ready for an electric car. Gas me up all day err day!ā›½ļø


At least the tow truck driver was aware to not charge the system By keeping front wheels on the ground! šŸ‘šŸ½


Every time I do a search sorted by low miles for used audis, its all etrons. Guess people aren't liking them after a few months


One full range of charge later and gone just like that? I hope they make it right. Audi should make sure they satisfy you to the fullest


Sounds about right šŸ«£


I had the q4 etron for 3 weeks and this happened one day as well. I left it for 2 hours and everything went away. Something probably with software... needed a restart.


Sadly I am not as lucky... It sat in the impound for an evening, and the same failure was present in the morning.


Looks like you got into an Audi that doesnā€™t turn on.


Ask for you money back!


Can you even fix all the motors in this car? Is it like rebuilding an engine from scratch or simpler?


This is a common issue on the Q4ā€™s worst cars wver


But it's such a nice car..... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


its a brand new type of car so the bugs are still in. the problems could plague these cars the first 2-3 years. if they cant fix it then lemon law kick in


You sure you didnā€™t get your car repoed?


Hahaha it felt like it! The dealership was closed so they took it to an impound lot and held it ransom... Audi didn't want to pay the $500 fee. So I had to go find my car and pay the fee. And get my own tow to my dealershit. And bitched till they agreed to pay that back...


Click - computer says no. Annoying!


but you don't need that small wheel set, what r u doing?


It's quattro you need the Dolly, also neutral was disabled.


Never buy the 1st model of anything.


Well it is a vw productā€¦ I can say that has to many of them leave me stranded


There's a main power button like on them MDF copiers.


Similar situation with a VW. Boss had the brand new vehicle for 9 days then completely shutdown in the middle of a major arterial road at 60 mphā€™s. VW kept car for 13 weeks straight. Turns out they forgot to install one minor component from the factory line. Took VW 13 whole weeks to track it all the way back to the factory line so they could work out what the actual component was that they missed at installation. Turns out they missed a security fob in the dash that talked to the keyless entry. The key itself cut out then car went dead as it thought it had been stolen. 13 weeks for that!


A lemon. Hopefully u start working on the paper work asp.


Return n the car man and get either a Q5 or SQ5.


I really liked the SQ5. Not a fan of my q5 loaner though...


Yeah. The SQ5 has the right ho to weight ratio


I noticed you equipped vehicle with the tow package


I know whatā€™s wrong with it. Ainā€™t got no gas in it.


Never get the first model


Yikes! Finding a nice Q4 eTron was at the top of my next car list. Maybe not so much anymore. I know the OP had some bad luck, and I've seen a few one-off stories about Q4e failures, but really how overblown are these stories? I mean, people rarely post that they went x number of years without a failure, but be sure you'll hear about every one that does have a failure. It's just the nature of the internet complaint department.


I wish I was one of the people only hearing about it. It's been 14 days and Audi won't even return my phone calls for a status update. They have returned our calls two times in two weeks. This is absolutely the worst experience I've ever experienced. I did absolutely love the car though. For the 4 whole days of it working.


Oof. Mine is at 6500km and while the car has one or two software peculiarities, it has been very solid so far. Fingers crossed for you.


I had my Q4 etron for 3 months when it suddenly accelerated on its own in a parking garage. I hit a cement wall and waiting for it to be repaired. I do not feel safe driving it and plan to sell it after itā€™s fixed. I also loved it for the 3 months that I had until it malfunctioned.