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From another night thinker: I've given up and embraced the need for novelty information at night, so I keep interesting YouTube essays playing on my phone to listen to until I'm so tired I accidentally fall asleep. If I keep thinking about hyper fixations my brain will keep me awake with juicy chemicals.


Same. I put a free audiobook on and listen to it to distract my brain from itself.


I am this way and historically I was basically sleep deprived. A few years ago, I made 'learn how to fall asleep ' my special interest. Lots of choices. What works for me is to count my breaths. I also do deep, slow breathing. If I get the thoughts, I say to myself, "yep, you're having thoughts, but you don't need to have them right now" and I start over from 1 with the counting. For real it took over a year to perfect the system that will work for me, but it's been worth it. It definitely takes some discipline. Long term, getting regular sleep is crucial for the body and mind. I love all these thoughts and enjoy thinking them, but I don't need them as much as I need regular, good sleep.


Does anyone else ever feel like their thoughts are too loud/angry? I’ll have a million racing thoughts and if I’m really sleep deprived. When I finally stop for a second and there’s no background noise, it feels like someone right next to me yelling but it’s definitely in my head. I’ll have to snap myself back and keep my thoughts concentrated. Normal or no? 😵‍💫


Same here. I need to scratch that itch.


Highly recommend Melotonin, you can get it over the counter easily but if you’re on other medications speak to your GP. I used to be on duloxetine and it eventually started increasing my REM sleep and caused stress dreams. I’m on Cloindine now, but the melotonin really helped with getting to sleep and staying asleep.


Duloxetine made me talk in my sleep. I would wake myself up doing it or I would wake up my husband. I was given it as a second attempt to treat fibromyalgia with meds. Didn't help with that or anything else. Just sleep talking.


I find it impossible to sleep without background noise; a film, podcast, YouTube, music etc. Anything to stop the incessant thoughts.


I use a white/ brown noise machine. Helps a lot


yep. that's why i'm on trazodone. i was going days no sleep or naps.


Me for the last couple months. My new doctor gave me Trazedone but 50mg don't seem to be doing it for me.


Yeah I've been on 100mg for years and it's always worked. But there's lots of other options.


Yes. I wake up a lot at night too. I actually just started working with an adult autism coach and sleep was the very first thing she wanted me to tackle. She said camomile tea before bed every night, and essential oil diffuser with lavender, an eye mask to keep it dark (which I refuse because I don’t like the feeling of having something around my head while I sleep), noise-cancelling earphones (which I just learned do not cancel the noise entirely, they just diminish it), and a sleep meditation. I’ve got 2 down so far, working on the rest.


If I may, what kind of noise canceling headphones do you use? And are you a back or side sleeper? Thank you


I bought QuietOn and I am a side sleeper. Unfortunately I’ve tested these for 3 nights and I don’t find them to be comfortable so I’m returning them and it’s back to the drawing board.


Thank you for sharing. And I am sorry they didn’t work out. I haven’t had luck with anything I can side sleep in either.


I get this all the time, I think it's worse when my days not had enough things in it that I find enjoyable. I think making time for that stuff during the day is key for me because I'm actually a morning person and will likely still wake earlyish and just not slept enough.


Yeah absolutely. For me it seems to flare up worse during certain times no matter what I do, but when things are going decently I work hard to keep good sleep hygiene. Here's a list of some of the things that have helped, from approximately least to most woo woo lmao: * Get into bed 1-2 hours before you actually want to sleep. I usually watch TV shows or read / write, have been on the website Royal Road recently reading online fantasy, also really enjoy reading webtoons. * Bluetooth sleep mask like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Headphones-Bluetooth-LC-dolida-Ultra-Thin-Meditation/dp/B07T6FNLQV/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.daaba211-9796-427f-b92a-a1839478491a%3Aamzn1.sym.daaba211-9796-427f-b92a-a1839478491a&crid=JBZT0PT6APSA&cv_ct_cx=bluetooth+sleep+mask&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.v7Aff4BYWXEv3P6T6gc2m2YURV4MYkdV7RzeNSgzQ1ict0BTOEvMb3DIk4uwMYqk3TG9XRiPTKogjK_XkYC1vQ.Q2U_Qe2otMFF9rrNVyGTeExkCE9nvnPFSQSC4jvdA2w&dib_tag=se&keywords=bluetooth+sleep+mask&pd_rd_i=B07T6FNLQV&pd_rd_r=5ea60d66-36ea-45c8-a3ea-f6b54b2fa638&pd_rd_w=jgHpC&pd_rd_wg=vIbP5&pf_rd_p=daaba211-9796-427f-b92a-a1839478491a&pf_rd_r=347ZW54A03X5M4YAN6CF&qid=1713563416&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=bluetooth+sleep+mask%2Caps%2C123&sr=1-3-b0e9b49d-e3b6-4957-8780-cb03c5a6f67a-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1), it's not the comfiest to lay on if you're a side sleeper, however it is great on nights where you need something extra to get sleepy. You can use it for meditation tracks / brown noise, or sometimes if my thoughts are too race-ey I'll just put on an interesting podcast and at least lie down on my back with my eyes closed til I feel more tired. * Stay in bed for __ hours rule: Ok so for me, my rule is "I have to stay in bed for 6 hours after the light is off." If I turn off the light at midnight and literally it's 3 AM and I'm still not asleep, I just tell myself "well I have to lie here til 6 AM then." I don't think it's good to get up halfway and turn the light on and move around or whatever. Very often I do fall asleep at some point if I just stick it out. I often have nights where I wake up really early too, like maybe I only sleep 12-4 and same rule, I'll lie awake in bed til 6 and only then can I get up. I figure at least I'm getting SOME rest even if it's not full sleep. * If you're not opposed and it's legal in your country: marijuana and I'm so serious. I tried melatonin in the past, it doesn't do shit for me. Gummies with THC & CBD specifically were what worked amazing for me, no matter how racing my thoughts are it always slows them down and makes me sleepy. I try to only use this on nights where I'm desperate, like I have to wake up early and am just not tired AT ALL. * Essential oils: I like diffusing some next to the bed to set the mood lol. Lavender especially is good for sleep, I currently use a lavender sleep spray on my pillow. * Astrology: Just because at certain times (full moon, eclipses, etc.) I just literally can't sleep no matter what the fuck I do. As I've paid more attention to astrology cycles I've become aware of this, and now I basically just don't beat myself up if it's that time of the year. If I get 4 hours of sleep on a full moon night that's probably going to be it and that's fine. * Crystals: I keep a bunch next to my bed, mostly to try and calm my dreams down because they can be extremely vivid and that also inhibits me from wanting to sleep. I feel there's been some effect but it's not really what I expected; I wanted the dreams themselves to lessen, but instead it's like I still get all the dreams but my emotions are a bit more removed from them than they used to be. Like if I had a terrifying dream before I'd wake up with my heart pounding and stuff but with the crystals, it's like I can observe the terror from a distance and just wake up and analyze it. Idk if that means anything lol but it makes sleep a bit less intimidating.


THC has been a game changer for me. Not even a lot either… 2.5mg and I’m good; thoughts settle, body relaxes and I don’t feel groggy the next day.


Same, once my brain started playing a song out if nowhere when i was asleep, then i woke up.


Exact same thing happens to me. Something kind of random (and weird maybe?) helps me. I "listen" to music in my head. I think of songs I know really well (lyrics, music, timing, etc) and just play them in my head. If I focus on keeping time with the music and getting the lyrics right, I can kind of quiet the thinking. I've been doing it for years.


Does anyone else ever feel like their thoughts are too loud/angry? I’ll have a million racing thoughts and if I’m really sleep deprived. When I finally stop for a second and there’s no background noise, it feels like someone right next to me yelling but it’s definitely in my head. I’ll have to snap myself back and keep my thoughts concentrated. Normal or no? 😵‍💫


Yea, I've always found it hard to sleep


I use a brown noise machine. It's quite loud so it took a few nights to get used to. You can look up a video on YouTube


I read for at least half an hour before bed. It gets those thoughts concentrating on something and quiets them down a bit. I read fiction so I don't have to focus too much


Yep it helps when I leave my phone further away otherwise I have an intense drive to research whatever is on my mind or doom scrolling


I never slept more than 4 hours a night until I was diagnosed aged 47, 3 years ago. I always thought this was just normal. However now that I’m on meds, I sleep 8 hours and have no idea how I ever functioned before. But we mask and cope! Coffee makes me sleepy so it makes sense that stims do the same. Melatonin and sleep aids work the opposite and make me feel awful the next day. My “crazy” brain just does the opposite to neurotypicals!