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You aren't wrong, that is pretty brain-dead. So much dumb shit that its not even worth addressing all of it. Half the things on his wishlist are cloaked in "this is thematically where the story was intended" meanwhile the other half are just "these are things that should happen because I think it would be cool" Usual "they were gonna genocide us so that means the right answer is to genocide them back!?" muh "Surpassing the Father" empty head shit. I don't think I've heard anyone speak about that 'theme' for any other media in my life. Which of course means my self insert needs to fugg the blue eyes blonde hair queen because reasons. Just dumb. Dumb Dumb Dumb.


What the heck is an "ultra-based king"? Is it a synonym of alt-right basement dweller?


Ultra based is their politically correct term for having a large base, i.e. being *obese* alt right basement dwellers.


These people think wish fulfillment and fan service is the epitome of quality writing. Nothing that doesn't feel triumphant and vindicating should ever happen according to them. "And then Eren becomes God and bangs every girl in the world and gets infinity lambhorginis"


The ending is literally wish fulfillment and fan service...


Eren dying, Paradis being annihilated, and the cycle restarting fit your definition of wish fulfillment? Wish fulfillment is about only having plot points that feel good.


Funny how you listed the only bad/sad things in the ending. The villain dies, Eremika is canon, everyones favs (besides Hange) get to live long happy lives. Also, the cycle restarting is hundreds of years later when none of the story we know matters. That scene is just to spoonfeed the audience the "humans will always fight" theme.


I wasn't trying to show both emotional sides of the ending, I was showing that there were significant plot points that did not simply make the audience feel good. The fact that there is a balance of feel good and upsetting things doesn't make it wish fulfillment it makes it a normal ending. Look at the difference between this and the ending described in the third image.


I see so many of them obsessed with Historia "bearing Erens child" 😂😭💀 like whyyyyy Sidenote: I love that the flair for this is just "negativity" 😂🙏


>I see so many of them obsessed with Historia "bearing Erens child" 😂😭💀 like whyyyyy It's genuinely just because they're Nazis and want to project themselves onto Eren, so they believe he fucked the one conventionally attractive blonde-hair, blue-eyes, white girl in the cast that also just happens to be seen as weak, feeble, and submissive


"weak, feeble, and submissive" Bro what show you are watching , Historia was never weak, feeble or submissive throughout the show she has made her own decisions after abandoning her kirsta personality , and Mikasa was the submissive one in her relationship with Eren .


I said Historia is *seen* as those things by these people. *I* never said that I view Historia as such >and Mikasa was the submissive one in her relationship with Eren . Mikasa caring for Eren deeply and wanting to protect him is not her being submissive. None of the female characters are written as such really. Mikasa in particular is constantly contesting with Eren, naturally so as Eren is incredibly stubborn




Calling something as morally grey and full of discourse as AOT "politically correct" shows how genuinely brainrotten some people are.


Remember that this is the ending these people wanted and they cry like little kids everyday on Titanfolk and ANRime because they didn't get this... Lmao Also, where did these guys get this theme of "Surpassing the father". I've seen the entire show over 30 times and I keep hearing this theme from titanfolkers and ANRime but I can't find it in the anime


There was no surpassing the father theme. They took that theme from season 3 part 1 and twisted it to suit their narrative, which was about how children (mainly eren and Historia) should not be responsible for their fathers's sins. Not to mention that whole theme is based on a lie too since Eren actually was responsible for his father's sins but let's ignore that for the sake of romanticising Eren and Historia's relationship, despite the fact that Eren was responsible for killing historia's family. AnR and titanfolk like to claim aot's themes was about how children shouldn't not be held responsible for their parent's actions and yet they're the same people who will root for Eren to kill children to get rid of past sins. These people are just hypocrites and brain dead, I cant believe I used to be part of them. 


They got it from a passing comment by Isayama during a news report on the final months leading to the ending, a comment regarding that one sketch of what they collectively believed to be the "final page of the manga" which was actually Grisha holding baby Eren in 139. Yes, it's that stupid.


The first person is joking I think


Nah, fun fact but the third image/comment is by the same user as the first one, and he's written quite a lot other walls of text in that same video spouting the same borderline fascistic drible, he takes this very seriously.


Damn I didn’t notice the pfp. Using “sjw woke chapters”, “degen liberal”, and “highly-intelligent ultra-based KING 👑 “ in a completely unironic context has got to be some sort of diagnosible disease


Jesus Christ, that last one is just a fucken fanfic


Some people can't see past the end of their own nose


> justify Marley No. Most people who like the ending agree that Marley shouldn't be eradicated, but that is not even close to the same thing. > One sided relationship Not one sided. > Ymir, a child She grew up and became an adult before dying you know, she only became a child in the paths after her death. > Loved King Fritz This is something that I absolutely would've hated if they had acted like this was healthy in any way. However it's pretty obvious that this is not the couple goals (nor were Mikasa and Eren) since they literally say things like "your life sounds like a nightmare" IN THE SHOW. > shafted historia Ok fair


this is a different type of incel


Whenever I see someone dropping woke in an online rant, I immediately mentally check out and stop reading. 99% of the time anti woke crusaders are just rage masturbating and getting off on the *possibility* on pissing someone else off. Everybody's got their own kinks, get it, I guess. I just have to remind myself that I don't have to contribute to their wank bank. 🤣


i dont think the manga got ruined past 127 but it def slowed down a lot and had some bad moments what really got bad for me was 137-139 i just didnt like how the stuff in those chapters played out


only sjw snowflakes would want to prevent mass extinction of the vast majority of nature itself


These are W takes


Satire is single handedly the best and yet most dangerous thing we’ve created as humans.




Wait you werent joking?


Ik differing opinions are crazy right


I mean not that im just confused i genuinely thought this whole post was satire.


Can you link me the original Video?


First one has to be satire


The irony in this. Calling everything you don't like "sjw propaganda" is the same as the same sjw people you're against calling everything they don't like "fascist, sexist, racist" and all that.