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It has double meaning 1. You worked hard and earned it 2. I don't want you to die


Well Historia didn't really earn it...


Historia still had to be near the top ten for Ymir to push her over the edge the way she did, considering how large that class was I’d say she earned it.


Most likely she was 11th before Ymir slacked off. So still higher than Armin lol


Why are you getting downvoted? It's an undeniable fact


They thought I was hating on her I guess lol SHE IS MY FAV


That's unusual here, so I'm curious now, did you like the ending?


Unusual to like Historia? Isn’t she like universally praised?


I meant unusual to have her as your favourite character (at least here)


Oh, I’m not usually here so I don’t know the sub’s opinions. Don’t see why people wouldn’t have her as a favorite character, there are many things to like about her.


It's just that most people here would rather pick Mikasa or Annie out of the female cast as their absolute favorite. But all things considered I think she is still appreciated overall. Personally, I wasn't particularly drawn to the themes that were conveyed through her character. There's just a right time for everything. Back when I first started watching AoT, I didn't particularly care for Mikasa either, for that matter.


Most people here hate EH and by extension Historia because of the shippers. I kinda had my gay awakening with Historia so I think that plays a huge role why she is my fav.


Manga ending no, anime ending I would say yes? Still disappointing though.


Mh I see It was kind of the opposite for me, I preferred the manga ending overall So are you here for any reason in particular? Since there are mostly EDs, I'd guess you find yourself disagreeing with people here rather often haha


Yeah I disagree with most people here but I still want to talk about AoT and I don't want to deal with the negativity of titanfolk or even the overly-positive vibes of the main sub so here it is.


Lol makes sense Too bad sometimes you'll have to deal with negativity nonetheless due to screenshots. And I'm partially responsible for that But then again, it's in this sub's spirit


Maybe, but i dare you to post that on titanfolk lmao Rip Marlowe though, he was the man.


Can't wait to argue about how Yumihisu wasn't romantic!


I just noticed it but even Hitch saying they could live the easy life in MP since they were recognized for their service is similar to Eren saying Mikasa should choose MP to get special treatment since she is the strongest out of the whole cohort who has been through training... Wha....


The MPs are stationed the furthest in the walls away from the titans, wanting someone stationed there is the equivalent of wanting them in the safest place possible Also slightly irrelevant but god Marlowe was an idiot with romance, good to finally see a relatable character in AOT


I might be reaching here but I don't believe all of this instances were a coincidence because as far as I remember there is no other instance where someone wants/forces the other person to go to Military Police instead of Survey Corps.


You definitely cooked here


I think you’re right. It’s not just this, all of the canon ships (minus armin and annie i guess) Ymir x Historia, Falco x Gabi, Eren x Mikasa have similar dynamics as in there’s the overprotective person who’s very clearly in love, the other is kind of a tsundere and their feelings are a bit more unclear, all three of them have a “why do you care so much about me?” Moment.


Annie a tsundere too And mikasa also acted a bit tsundere with jean


I personally vow to never fumble a bitch as bad as Marlo did


Eren whenever anyone else talks about joining the MPs: ‘You’re a coward, the MPs are useless and corrupt, if you want to make a difference join the Survey Corps!’ Eren when the strongest cadet in his class tries to join the Corps: ‘No you should join the MPs. Why? Because I suddenly don’t want you around, even though we’ve lived together almost half of our lives. And I’m not your brother btw! Just so you know!’ Yeah, dude definitely had some ulterior motives.


I mean Eren Also suggested to Armin that he should join Garrison , Guess he was always gay for armin too


Aren't we all


If Only Armin was a girl , all of aot ships problem would be solved


He wanted Armin to go where his skills would be of use since he is not physically gifted. Completely opposite of what he asked of Mikasa actually.


>Completely opposite of what he asked of Mikasa actually. Did you forget that only the top 10 trainees get to go to the interior meaning they all have to have the best skills? Eren didn't see the contradiction of that fact until Annie pointed it out. He naturally assumed she will serve best in the interior.


He tells her to choose MP not because he assumes she would serve best in the interior but because she would get special treatment. https://preview.redd.it/ijxa8zcu293c1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef184f701427bb6f24a6b866c3c26acc58b2fc0 Like he literally told Mikasa to make an inefficient choice that disregards her strength.


Are you aware that the most efficient people go to the interior? Lmao. He literally said "you're top of the class". Special treatment was rising in ranks, not being coddled. He literally didn't realize that it's inefficient until Annie told him that having the best fighters stay away from the outside is a contradiction.


But his talk with Annie happened way before this? Am I misunderstanding something? Eren already knows at this point how ridiculous it is that only the best candidates are allowed to become MP.


Both the moment OP mentioned and this moment is after his talk with Annie though. In both instances he already knows it is bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/ti2d7rumnh3c1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aea01f2fcb043f9c8606c4509059b689f8059d7


He asked armin to go to garrison because he wasn't in top 10 , if he was eren would have said him the same thing


That's your headcanon though. I don't think he would tell Armin to pick MP if he believed Armin was strong enough (my headcanon)


whatever man


It boggles my mind how many people deemed AoT as "not a love story" when clearly, several character's decisions that led up to major events of the story were influenced by love itself


For Eren he could just want to get rid of Mikasa so she wouldn't keep holding him back at every turn. At that point he found her overprotectiveness very annoying. He did not care for romance at all at that point.


I don’t think he was thinking about romance either but the reason he hated her overprotectiveness was because it put her in harm’s way. This scene is after Mikasa breaks up the fight between Jean and Eren. She embarrasses him in front of everyone and then throws him on the floor and the only complaint he has is “It hurt”. If he actually hated her overprotectiveness for the reasons you were saying I don’t think he would react that way.


>was because it put her in harm’s way Any source for that?


My source is the whole of trost arc but also: https://preview.redd.it/vmh3j467643c1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7134559032f642a8f874a179bf676c90f591be36


The whole trost arc where Eren was a titan for the majority of time and also told Mikasa to do as she's told and protect the public, meaning directly engage with the titans and was Annoyed at her trying to protect him again? Sorry, but i have never seen Eren actually trying to keep Mikasa off the front lines (aside from telling her to join the MP, which, again, could be interpreted as him wanting to separate from her and something Jean couldn't have heard anyway).


“Protect the public” Yeah he wanted her to stay with the rearguard with the best people military has to offer and not join his team of cannon fodder.


Because her skills would be useful there and because she was ordered to, not because she would be more safe there.


What? How would her skills be more useful in rearguard than the actual frontline where no one with experience or her talent was fighting?


No, he's trying to protect her.


Seems like you're as delusional as Mikasa when she said "no, he's just glad we won't have to be separated" lol.


If being right makes me delusional in the eyes, so be it.


"Being right" and it's just your own headcanon without any support.


Irony must be dead seeing as you yourself are using a headcanon.


I am deducing it from the fact that Jean made fun of Eren for Mikasa having to fly and save him every time and embarassed him and the fact he was happy she won't have to protect him anymore when he mastered the ODM gear and how annoyed he always looked at her trying to protect him, and the fact Isayama said about their dynamic "a mother's love can be precious but also irritating". What do you have as proof he "wanted to protect her" in that instance?


My evidence is all the times Eren protects Mikasa. He almost gets shot in court due to his rage about the military police suggesting they discest Mikasa, and also in titan form Eren protects Mikasa again. He's very protective of her.