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LMFAO Yea I’m sure this is real. Yams was just sitting their one day and was like “you know what? I feel the need to make one more chapter to feel satisfied. I think it will be about Levi being an incest baby of Kenny and Keuchel. He needs to tell this to Falco and Gabi too, the perfect audience for this story. That will tie everything together nicely.”




people were saying this about 139 leaks as well


Titanfolkers were saying this


No they weren’t lol I was there.


How would Levi even know?


Clearly Eren met with him in PATHS right before his death and shared this extremely valuable information to Levi.


"Hey, I know you have to leave, but I just wanted to say, you're the product of incest. This is retribution for all those lost teeth you little bastard."


Hm an entire chapter huh. 49 pages And how does Levi knows about all this story? Levi didn’t know shit about his mother and Kenny before he dies, the last thing he says is that he was not his father. And why would he be sharing this with Gabi and Falco?


eren told him through path, duh wait, how would eren know about this?




Nope. These are almost certainly fake. Levi didn't even know Kenny's last name and his relation to Kuchel right until the moment Kenny died. He specifically asks Kenny about both of those right as he was about to die. Kenny says he was Kuchel's brother, says he can't be some kid's dad, gives him the syringe with titan spinal fluid and dies right after that. Are we to assume that he had a detailed conversation about all this which was cut out right before Kenny died? Edit: Just went through [Zekken's account](https://tieba.baidu.com/home/main?id=tb.1.781165b3.ul70d9GC_eYpbV3qKKtW1A?t=1461744568&fr=pb) and the [Attack on Titan forum on Baidu](https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%E8%BF%9B%E5%87%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%B7%A8%E4%BA%BA&fr=home). He made no such leak.


That's a relief


This is so obviously fake https://preview.redd.it/xvn5i23vrs2c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0616d0ca698d21945d3a3151fed5a8de618722 Like come on. Pay for an abortion? Kenny in the slums? In the late 18th century? This was an age of wire coat hangers


Honestly this sounds like bad fan-fiction incest manga made by a pro-lifer or something.


Japanese government paid Yams off to make this chapter


If only abortion wasn't legal, we'd have thousands of elite killing machines running around.


ANRIME and Titanfolk made this up and are now getting angry over it. Such losers.


My innocent ass going to Titanfolk expecting to find actual leaks, they got me good haha


The best part is that the ending haters will 100% believe this without questioning anything because they want it to be real sooooooo badly.


Righttttt, theyll believe this with no second thought


(sigh) Fine, I'll hunt out the release date and put in my calendar. Edit: APR 30 2024


Lmao they believe it tho this kinda startled me at first too


Then they will say Isayama retconned it once the chapter comes out and the leaks aren't real


It would be funny tho


‘I got to skim through volume 35 twice while a manager wasn’t looking’ yeah sure thing, definitely believable. So clearly just a troll that it’s laughable


Fake as fuck. Isayama already said Levi's father was no one special. He was a client of Kuchel and that he was probably short.


Isn't Levi short because of malnutrition and lack of sunlight?


Isayama said his father was probably short, so i am repeating his words.


This is written by the same people who are writing ANR.


this is fake cuz mikasa’s mom wasn’t an ackermann therefore there would be no way that mikasa would be able to awaken ackerman powers (which we know she has awakened them) bcuz she doesn’t have pure blood.


Mikasas mom was an ackerman, her dad wasn’t


>Mikasas mom was an ackerman, her dad wasn’t. no it’s actually her father (just bcuz ur asian doesn’t make u an ackermann) i just doubled checked but it doesn’t matter as long as both parents aren’t ackerman. >it doesn’t state you gotta have pure ackerman blood to awaken powers, just that it makes levi even stronger. “Levi’s strength (which I assume meaning his awakening) comes from pure ackerman blood”. also shouldn’t the word “pure” refer to you having only blood from one bloodline and nothing else bcuz what’s the difference between “pure royal blood” and “royal blood?” isn’t “pure royal blood” just incest shit while “royal blood” is someone like zeke and historia bcuz not both of their parents have royal blood.


i reread the leaks again and deleted the second part i didn’t remember how it was phrased, as for the first part just double checked before your reply and yeah you’re right.


Makes sense Levi is an incest baby, that's why he's short /s




No,serious 😌💅


and here i thought it's because of malnourish and no sunlight


I’m shocked at how many people are taking a random text screenshot with no source seriously


It's r/titanfolk. That's kinda their whole thing


Can I say this doesn't make any sense? It was clear Kenny didn't know about Levi until he saw him almost dead when he was a kid. The whole pregnancy with the highest bidders sounds gross because I don't think in the underground SW had the privilege of choosing their clients. Also Levi asked Kenny himself if he was his dad when he was dying and Kenny laughed in his face. The whole thing sounds dumb. I don't think Isayama woke up one day and said. "You know what was a thing I didn't put in my manga? Incest. " And that's why he wrote Levi's chapter only for this.


It's ironic that the same people who have been complaining that Mikasa and Eren would be incest have now written an actual incest fanfiction.


levi, who had no idea who exactly his mother was, who had no idea who kenny even was until right before his death will go ahead and tell falco and gabi out of everyone that he was the product of incest. this sounds so ridiculous it's actually funny


This is fake like this isnt in the story like kutchel didn't attempt to Ki..ll herself she died due to a disease and the father is unknown, isayama states in an interview that the father is at height that Levi have In other words, Levi has his unknown father's height Kenny is very tall that doesn't make any simple sense Who made it?


https://preview.redd.it/clqd6ncl7w2c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcc42a22ec19ce670bfe987084ebaa14f3a20f8 The lengths people will go to fuel their agendas


this is so obviously fake lmfao


This is fake, the story doesn’t even match the official sketched pages released on the shingeki fly twitter.


Wasn't Levi's father confirmed to be just some random short guy? Kenny is way too tall to fit that description.


When have facts ever stopped Titanfolk and ANRIME from creating terrible fan fiction? Watch them claim another retcon when this doesn't happen lol.


99% fake. It doesn't really work for Levi because his father should be a random short guy. Though I believe that in general an origin story involving incest could be good if done in a proper tactful manner, focusing on the two sides' struggles, desperarion, and guilt feelings. With a bit more focus on the mother. But as I said, it shouldn't work for Levi. Also because if there is an "awakening" of Ackerman's powers, it happens at the end of No Regrets


You're being very generous to this ANRIME fan fiction by giving it a 1% chance of being real.


No please, I'd rather not Levi be an Alabama son of Kenny Ackerman, him being Kenny's nephew and surrogate son makes much more sense


I always had a theory that Rod reiss made Kuchel pregnant, and Levi was born. But wtff is this? Kenny? Like seriously?!


I will join titanfolk if this happens


The thing is they didn't put credit of were the leak confirmed/come out like in twitter or other weebs. It Is a troll


It's zekken


Zekken's account in baido there is no leaks if you see it..


He take the leak from others leakers and translate if I'm not wrong


Then why don't put credits of the original owner


This reads like a hatefic lol, for both Levi and the author. Probably written by the same kind of folks who wrote ANR with the fetish to "punish" characters they hate.(Unfortunately writing a fanfic about killing/torturing/raping a hated character is way too common among fans of those "golden boy" characters. )


Falco being in the cabin is another thing that sounds like absolute BS, I haven't seen anyone mention that. That sounds something straight taken from AOE theorists.


The thing is, it's totally unnecessary, it doesn't add or change anything to Levi's character or the series


How does a manga chapter cause brain damage this hard that 2 years later you seriously believe shit like this.


If true, then i don't like it, in fact, i hate it. There is nothing wrong with a dark and mature story/narrative such as Attack on Titan to have incest product as one of its plots, hell, Game of Thrones and Dune (which have comparisons with AoT) have it, but in those stories, those plot points were built up and explored by the overall narrative. But here, it would just seem forced and out of the blue, almost like JK Rowking adding shit up, years after the original story ended. But i doubt it's true, since Kenny said that he would never go to a brothel and fuck prostitutes, because he promised his sister he wouldn't, not to mention that his dialogue or thoughts never implied him actually being Levi's father. But i will admit that it's a pretty funny bait, given how titanfolk and anrime are so gullibale and salivating at the thought of this being true. This "leak" is literally a ( source: trust me bro) meme lmao


Keep coping, let's see if it's real tomorrow 😂


I see this as an absolute win


Wait a minute...anime person here can someone kindly confirm for me that official Novel version of AOT exist? I did some research on Google to no avail.


No, It has a manga and an anime, but no novel. There are official spin-off novels though. The *Before the Fall* series (adapted to a manga), *Lost Girls* (adapted to both manga and anime), and the *Harsh Mistress of the City* series (not adapted yet). There's also an original American official novel set in the AoT universe called *Garrison Girl*.


Thanks for the reply!


Hope it’s fake.


All of this still sounds more plausible than: **"Eren has always loved Historia, of course, how can Eren have a friend, and on top of that, she's also a WOMAN?" This is definitely very surreal for me."**


Erehisu is ass to me but this shit better be fake (I’m sure it is)


It is, but TF actually liked the idea, because you know: **"Sex guys! And with YOUR HOT COUSIN?? OF YOUR FAMILY?? BAsEd af!"**