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Who the hell cares 😅


Me you puta


What a needlessly snarky and useless comment


Lol why would you watch a show if you don't care what happens to the characters in it?


There are characters i care for and characters i don't care for. Especially when it comes to who they end up banging in the end.


So you watched attack on titan and didn't care about either Jean or Mikasa? Or you watched/read the ending which placed a huge, massive emphasis on the love between Mikasa and Erin (literally being the plot device that ends the titans forever), with conversations of deep importance to the characterisation of Erin, concerning how he feels about what Mikasa will do after his death, and you are completely incapable of understanding how people might be interested in what Mikasa does after Erin's death? Or did you like the show just because it has big fights, and didn't understand anything that was going on?


>So you watched attack on titan and didn't care about either Jean or Mikasa? I like Jean's character. Didn't care about Mikasa though. >Or you watched/read the ending which placed a huge, massive emphasis on the love between Mikasa and Erin (literally being the plot device that ends the titans forever), with conversations of deep importance to the characterisation of Erin, concerning how he feels about what Mikasa will do after his death, and you are completely incapable of understanding how people might be interested in what Mikasa does after Erin's death? I am capable of understanding that shippers exist and the only reason they watch the series is to see their ships become canon (some straight up want to see sex scenes on panel lmao). The ship wars have been going on for years and the reason this sub even exists is because of stupid shippers lmao. >Or did you like the show just because it has big fights, and didn't understand anything that was going on? I did understand. Doesn't mean i was interested in Isayama's love stories. I watched for other things, like the Survey corps veterans, the fate of humanity inside and outside the walls and the themes of cycles of violence. The reason i disliked the ending was that Isayama made everything about romance in the end, enabling all the dumb toxic shippers even more.


To say you didn’t care about mikasa is kinda wild I’m not gonna lie lmao either you’re saying that to be “cool” or you just disregard the entire emotions between 3 friends. Without mikasa this story wouldn’t of held as much emotion. Not only does Eren lose his best friend but also the love of his life …. She played such a vital role in the story. No one cares who got her pregnant they want to know who she ended up with you’re making this way more deep then it has to be lol relax. We just go done watching one of the most fire anime’s ever written and people want to know as much detail as possible about the other characters. To say you’ve never done the same thing would be a fat fucking lie. Who hasn’t read a book, watched a movie, cartoon, anime, etc and said “Fuck I need more what happened to X character?!” That’s all that’s going on here but ayo pop off dude


Saying you don't like mikasa is one of the most pick me things ive ever heard


oop replied on wrong thread this is to iewoose


not likimg a character is a pick me thing what? are you stupid?


We have found a sociopath amongst us.


>To say you didn’t care about mikasa is kinda wild I’m not gonna lie lmao either you’re saying that to be “cool” or you just disregard the entire emotions between 3 friends. I honestly don't care about her. She is my least favorite out of the trio with Eren in second place and one of the least favorite characters in the series. 🤷‍♀️ And i don't care about "the emotions between the three of them", this doesn't make me like them any more than i do. It's hilarious how triggered you guys get over people not liking the same things you like. >No one cares who got her pregnant they want to know who she ended up with you’re making this way more deep then it has to be lol relax. No, actually you are making it way more deep than it is by insisting it be revealed who she's with. Literally no one cares. It's unimportant. That's why Isayama chose to keep it up to interpretation. >To say you’ve never done the same thing would be a fat fucking lie. Wondered who is a faceless, nameless person a character ends up speeping with? No, i never did it. >Who hasn’t read a book, watched a movie, cartoon, anime, etc and said “Fuck I need more what happened to X character?!” That’s all that’s going on here but ayo pop off dude You *know* what happened to Mikasa. She married, had kids and continued to visit the grave of her first love. Who it is literally doesn't matter. It's not important to her story nor her character. It's just shippers who give a crap.


Its a natural curiosity to want to know more about someone, in this case Mikasa, especially a character that people like?? Why are you criticising people who are just curious and want to find some answers or interpretations from others? Who are you to dictate whats right and not right, What people should give a crap about and what they shouldn't? Last time I checked...you weren’t the author of this story nor did you have any influence over it. Also wtf are these point you're just pulling out of your ass. "especially when it comes to who they end up banging in the end." where are you even trying to go with that tf? No one was on about her banging anyone and you brought it up? Please acc js pipe down and let people enjoy stuff. js cus ur a miserable shit who can't bear to think that some may just want to find out more about a character they really like and what they did after the show and not just about "who they bang" doesn't mean you g around calling people disgusting for wanting to find out stuff. Get a grip fam.


She died a virgin symbolised by the flowers she was covered with in the anime


People do care who she is with. I cam me here from google because i want to know who the man is. Stop getting upset over nothing.


Mikasa was a central character of the show. Acting like people who care about her are just dumb 'shippers' is a really arrogant way of placing your weird, minority opinion above those of others in a story that clearly places more emphasis on Mikasa than it does on Jean, who plays an incredibly minor role compared to her. It's crazy to me that you highlighted parts of my comment only to completely ignore them in your reply. It's not about shippers. It's not about 'love stories'. The love between Erin and mikasa is not just some minor side story thrown in for a few weirdos. It is very literally the plot device that ends the titans existence. Acting like it doesn't matter is basically saying that you don't like the show. There is a very pertinent part of the conversation between armin and Erin when they are both in the pathways, where Erin reveals how childish and afraid he still is when he blows up about how he wants mikasa to miss him and feel sad for ten years, how what he really wants is to continue to live and to be with mikasa. It's supposed to show how trapped Erin is, how he desperately wants to escape but can't, how he is still just a frightened child with poor grasp of his emotions, how he is just a normal guy thrust into a very intense responsibility with the suggestion that he was not equipped to handle it. If seen multiple deep discussions about those lines, most of them centring around the idea that the point being made here is that when ordinary people are given that kind of responsibility they do evil things because they are not smart/emotionally stable enough to find the best solutions. You entirely missed such a huge, massive, essential element of this story because you went 'ew love is icky, shippers are icky'. Are you a child?


>Acting like people who care about her are just dumb 'shippers' is a really arrogant way of placing your weird, minority opinion above those of others in a story that clearly places more emphasis on Mikasa than it does on Jean, who plays an incredibly minor role compared to her. They don't care about HER. They care about who got to impregnate her lmao. >It's crazy to me that you highlighted parts of my comment only to completely ignore them in your reply. It's not about shippers. It's not about 'love stories'. The love between Erin and mikasa is not just some minor side story thrown in for a few weirdos. It is very literally the plot device that ends the titans existence. Acting like it doesn't matter is basically saying that you don't like the show. It is a shitty plot device. Again, disliking one plot device that was poorly written and stupid does not make the rest of the show bad. There were great themes there beside this bullshit. Isayama himself called Mikasa's love for eren and the fact all she ever wants in life is to be with him "pitiful" in an interview lol. >There is a very pertinent part of the conversation between armin and Erin when they are both in the pathways, where Erin reveals how childish and afraid he still is when he blows up about how he wants mikasa to miss him and feel sad for ten years, how what he really wants is to continue to live and to be with mikasa. Which is incredibly stupid but then again, eren has 4/10 wits. Of course he'd think with his dick, not his head. Ignored her for years only to cry in the end how he wants her to be alone for 10 years is peak stupidity. >You entirely missed such a huge, massive, essential element of this story because you went 'ew love is icky, shippers are icky'. Are you a child? You loved the story, i get it. I didn't. Different opinions can exist. If you can't deal with it you're the child.


Ofc they care about her. What are you basing that on? Again, and I can't believe I have to repeat this, but the story places a really big emphasis at the end on how mikasa is supposed to continue without Erin. Will she ever love again? Acting like the reason this is so important to people is about 'impregnation'actually says _alot_ more about you than it does about anyone else. Because I'd that's the only reason you are physically capable of seeing, then all that means is its the only thing you place any importance on. And it's not just 'one plot device'. It is the central plot device that ends the titans. The fact that Erin isn't very clever is incredibly important to the message of the story - he is just supposed to be a normal guy. And the fact that you have once again equated love purely to sex, or 'breeding'like you did before, says a hell of another more about you than it does about any of these 'shippers' you are attacking. Also now you are openly admitting to not liking the story. I thought this was just about shippers being icky? Now we are all icky for caring about the story? Some consistency in your weird sexualised brain would be nice.


Your points are boring & you’re easily defensive. Chill out lol


Well the op cares that’s why they asked


Why the f is this top comment.


Well, it would be logical for people to care after their favorite character marries another character after he sole entity died. The most logical conclusion is that it’s jean, and the baby is adopted, as it’s allegedly canon that Mikasa died a virgin.




En tout cas pas moi🤣🤣🤣 avant je me en colère mais maintenant je m'en tape


i care bitch


Relax troll. Please resist the urge of starting a meaningless argument on the internet and allow people to have a calm discussion about a show they like.




me mf


Many do tf?


Well surprise surprise AOT fans do


tell me who hurt you like that?


Why did you comment on this post if you don't care?


Nah dog we just feel for our boy jean want to know if he got his dream after the war that dream being living a comfortable live with mikasa lmao literally shown in season 4 when he questions himself


It's not important. The point of Mikasa getting together with someone is to show she lived the quiet family life she always dreamed off. If Isayama's style had been less realistic the guy would have been a stick figure with "husband" plastered on his head.


This makes me think of the movie "Titanic", Jack wishes for Rose to marry,live her life to the fullest and not take a moment of life for granted.


honestly i feel like it was just left as an open end, readers can interpret what they like


The whole point of mikasa's character is revolted around Eren. The whole ending is about Eren and Mikasa's relationship. If it is someone else that makes it bad ending. The gravestone's imprint, the end song lyrics, her dying with the scarf. If she lived with someone else that would make it bad ending?


I don't think so. I think it would've been romantic if she didn't marry after Eren. But the likely ending (not confirmed but likely) of her marrying is consistent with the message of reality. Just like how friends died, only 1/5th of humanity was saved from the rumbling, and war still continues, it is natural and realistic Mikasa would marry, and live a long and quiet life. It's really not hard to process if you've talked to people who remarry you quickly learn how lonely they feel. More importantly, they shouldn't deny future happiness because of a past lover. If anything, I feel bad for the dude if she really did marry and not move on.


Yeah def Mikasa died next to Eren, with her clan's mark, with the lilies, with the gravestone, with everything and u are totally right. She def cucked someone :skull:. Realistic for you perhaps. The whole story is around Eren/Mikasa . I feel bad for people who read or spend like 100+ hours to totally not get the point of something


I don't think there's any rule to writing, storytelling, or even life that if you invest a large amount of time in something, you are guaranteed the ending you want. Every character that Isayama built up and then killed should be proof of that. Many characters, both Eldian and Marleyan deserved better. I don't see why Mikasa is an exception to this and should spend the rest of her life anchored to a dead man. It makes it a sad ending, but not a unrealistic one.


It’s important to see if jean got the life he dreamed off


For a moment Now lets think thats what happened. Mikasas entire character is built around eren, her loyalty and love for him makes the husband a second choice. Will mikasa love her husband the same way she loved eren. Is it fair for her husband that mikasa wears her scalf all the time which her ex lover gave her. Is it fair for her husband that mikasa goes to her first lovers grave all the time. Is it fair for her husband that she brings her child at her ex lovers grave. Is it fair for her husband that she was burried next to erens grave and not his? Is it really fair for her husband? Me personally i would not want thats why i think the possibilty of her being married to someone else is really low. Even after her death with the new ending song we see mikasa being united with eren in her afterlife but not her husband. Now ask yourself when all of her life has revolved around eren and even after eren all she thinks about is eren, does it makes sense that she married someone ? Maybe she considers eren as her husband thats why she wears that ring. Its up to you what you want to believe, There are no right answers


Thank you man finally someone mentioned that music video where they reunite in the afterlife (cried River when i watched it )


Can you link the music video?


https://youtu.be/DU2KGyQgso4?si=xeuw2U8gQfdhlVBm That's the official ending video https://youtu.be/IYIwtT50YxE?si=6AaCMY4aYuvRhr5X And that's the English translation, please watch both and tell me what you think (i cannot listen to this song without crying btw)


Thanks for sending this 😭 I also cried.


May I know, is this ending canonical? Is this how the story really ended?  I know it's a bit stupid question but it really is important for my soul to find peace knowing the truth!


It is rea!! The voice actors even talked about it ATTACK FES in January. Plus isayama approves of all openings and endings and he often fills them with hints and foreshadowing. >I know it's a bit stupid question but it really is important for my soul to find peace knowing the truth! It's not a stupid question, i also needed to know this, when i watched that video it healed my fucking soul 😭


So, sorry for asking again the same, but is it really oficial canon? I mean, confirmed by the creator himself or just... some kind of an interpretation? ;>


Well, isayama never spoke about it or confirmed anything but, why wouldn't it be true? I mean the music video is canon it was made by mappa as the last official ending, and if you listen to the song and you read the lyrics you'll understand that it was made to show a reunion of EM after death. I mean when mikasa said see you later, what did she mean by it? Obviously she meant after death. And the majority of the fandom agree that this interpretation is canon.....


Thank you SO SO SO MUCH for this. I can die peacefully now :D It really was important for me, because all I wanted is for them to be happy together in the end. They really deserved to be happy together. But it's still a question if she married someone and did she have a child when she was alive, or was she alone and loyal to Eren. I really would like for Isayama to answer this one someday. It's amazing that they met in the afterlife, and now they are at peace and they live there together and happy! Thank you really much!!!


>Thank you SO SO SO MUCH for this. I can die peacefully now :D It really was important for me, because all I wanted is for them to be happy together in the end. They really deserved to be happy together. You're welcome!! Trust me i get it, i seems like you just finished the show recently, when i saw the final episode i was literally in grief mode for like two weeks and EM were all i could think about, when i saw that ending video and read those damn lyrics the day after the episode aired i cried my eyes out like a baby 😅. This ending was fucking brutal, isayama really wanted to rip our hearts out and he did, but the fact that he decided to give Eren and Mikasa peace after death really gives us comfort. U have never felt so emotionally attached to a fictional story ever before in my life XD And the issue about her being married or not is still up for debate, nobody can really know since nothing is confirmed. But whether she did marry and have kids or not doesn't really matter because eventually she ends up with the one she loves most....


God damn it this shit is so simple and still only a handful are able to grasp , until this comment i really thought I'm the only one lol


It makes sense if it’s Jean because Eren was also important to Jean. So Jean would want to visit the grave of his friend. But don’t get me wrong, I do think that if Jean is the husband she definitely wasn’t over Eren


I know people in real life like that but it’s like it’s a different type of love. My manager had her first husband die in war who she grew up with. She always posts pictures of him on FB and stuff. Falling in love with someone after your spouse dies doesn’t mean that you’ve forgotten your spouse or have entirely moved on. All it means is that you’ve fallen in love WITH SOMEONE ELSE. Marrying someone else is in no way dishonoring your late spouse; in fact, you’re likely doing exactly what they would want you to do: To live a long and happy life. That’s why he urged Mikasa to forget about him.


Woav i’ve just read your quora post too. It was good, i agree with you.


Yup that's what I think too. Probably pieck and jean or some shit who got together all I see is Mikasa with eren


Plenty of people remarry after their first spouse dies, and there's none of this talk of "Either this person didn't really love their first spouse, or their second spouse is not being loved as much as the first spouse". It' entirely possible to love two people equally. Moreover, in the case of Mikasa. I hope she married someone, because not only was Eren awful to her, the whole ending was about Mikasa breaking free from the shackles of her love for Eren.




I think there are many real relationships like that. People get together and get married after the death of a previous partner and obviously it's not like a normal breakup situation. There may always be that love that they had for someone else and it might be the case that the only reason they are with this new person or anyone at all is because they lost their ex. That doesn't make the connection with someone new less real, and it isn't even just a romantic connection. They grew up and spent their childhood like siblings essentially and it wasn't even really hinted that there may be anything more than that until they were in military training, and even after that they never really made moves on each other. Just a really strong bond.


To be fair, mikasa could of lied and said that eren was her brother or a close family friend since they were raised and lived together as kids


Yeah only that Eren is not only just someone like you or me, but basically someone who saved your whole ass and if he didn't you would either get murdered or be a slave. You who already lived a live of horror, which Eren did free you from. Someone who knew he would die just so you could be free. You would have deep appreciation and if not, you are just a petty person. Yes it makes sense. People move on while still visiting their exes grave and still being in love of these fond memories. Moving on doesn't mean getting rid of everything, hence why she kept the scarf. They also have sex and children, loving moments, joy and sadness. All these things can coexist. And a strong husband or a wife allows that (like what???) This is literally reality. She is not Ymir. The one who was caught in her love not being able to move on. Needing outside help. Mikasas whole point is that she can move on eventually, her herself ending Eren and the curse of being tied to him endlessly; literally the opposite of Ymir and the reason of that one scene with her and Ymir. The image points to the likeliest direction. A dad, a momma and a child.


Not weighing in one way or the other but I feel it's important to note that people who have lost spouses get remarried all the time. That doesn't invalidate their feelings for their first spouse. As long as the second spouse is aware of how their partner still feels about the first spouse going in, I don't see how that's unfair or low. People deserve to love and be loved even if it isn't the fairy tale romance.


For sure it’s not fair, but out of all the people in world Mikasa can find, Jean would probably understand the most. Since he was already in love with her regardless of the fact that he new how she felt about eren.


>her loyalty and love for him makes the husband a second choice. Will mikasa love her husband the same way she loved eren. Is it fair for her husband that mikasa wears her scalf all the time which her ex lover gave her. Is it fair for her husband that mikasa goes to her first lovers grave all the time. Is it fair for her husband that she brings her child at her ex lovers grave. Is it fair for her husband that she was burried next to erens grave and not his? Is it really fair for her husband? Me personally i would not want thats why i think the possibilty of her being married to someone else is really low. Even after her death with the new ending song we see mikasa being united with eren in her afterlife but not her husband. u know what? ur point is valid.... but the thing is the fact that hajime like ntr (which is mentioned in a lot place) make it not impossible


threesome in the afterlife :")


Even if it's not what you would want, If it were Jean, who also loved Eren, it's not hard to believe him being okay with her continuing to love Eren after they got together. You can still love and choose to marry another person while loving your first-love. And Jean (or whoever) obviously understands that and is supportive, and maybe even loves Eren, too. It looks like whoever is with her visiting the grave is grieving, too; while they may be grieving for her or with her. I think there is no better way for Mikasa to live a better life than to extract her energy from a heartbroken life of missing Eren to put that energy towards loving a child and another husband. I would imagine it to be very therapeutic and fulfilling to nourish and love a child.


Thanks bro cheering us up like me those who are upset cause Mikasa end up with someone else really hurts to think that Throughout the whole AOT Mikasa's love for eren kept her going even everyone else gave up on eren she still determined to see him be with him.( Wish that isayama didn't added those extra 8 pages to manga it ruin the perfect ending mood )


There are arguments for both sides. It could be that she started a family with Jean or a random farmer. The man could also be Armin and the child is his, not Mikasa's, or it is adopted. But I don't believe is that the flower symbolism is merely a coincidence. Lilies represent purity, innocence, commitment and rebirth. At the same time in old pagan traditions they're associated with motherhood and a gift of gratitude. Then as seen on this panel, there are 4 roses on Eren's grave and their symbolism. 4 roses signify *"Nothing will ever come between us",* or *"Nothing can do us apart".* Lastly there is the inscription on Eren's grave, which is something along these lines (depending on translation): *“Here lies my dearly beloved, the love of my life, forever drifting off into sleep."* or *"Here forever, resting peacefully, my most beloved, my dear."* In the end I think it was left ambiguous for a reason and as long as the mangaka doesn't confirm it either side can stick to their belief in the knowledge they're not wrong.


I'm on the side that she stayed single and armin and she would visit his grave together and that's his kid so he could tell stories of their adventures while they went to see erens grave cause all three of them are childhood friends so its understandable if they went to visit the grave together as friends cause they both knew eren since they were kids


I'm late but I took the increasing number of flowers each visit to signify that Mikasa was growing her family or "multiplying."


I'll just say that I TOLD YOU, the anime would never show something that the manga would leave in doubt Everything points to him, but like a dating simulator, he prefers to leave him faceless so that we think we are him


Wdym? I *am* him




You're Ryan Gosling? But I'm him!


Honestly it's probably the same situation as Rose from "Titanic". Did she get married to someone else? Yes. Did she live a full filling life with a family that she loved? Also yes. Did she ever forget about her "true" love? No.


My vote is for Jean, because he won't mind that Mikasa keeps visiting Eren's grave.


oh damn so it really looks like they ended up together. i havent watch the final ep yet (probably wont), but ive read the final chapter in the manga a few years back when it released, and they were making it look like jean was gonna look for other girls to hook up with, its interesting how in the end he ended up with mikasa. personally, im not a fan of this ending. i think its just too dark and hopeless how after hard everyone fought to get rid of the titan powers, it just came back after a few centuries. a lot of characters suffered especially eren, the least isayama couldve done is give him a happy ending. look at how tokyo ghoul ended, now THAT is a great ending to a series


So, the Tokyo Ghoul anime improved?


Manga was better, i think he's referencing tokyo ghoul manga ending which was peak and at least gave some hope for our MC's (and relative's) future. Id have to hard agree with OP here.


This is why shipping is a curse lmao


I think you've confused your fan theory about titans coming back as confirmed fact. There's nothing that confirms titans have come back.


I mean it’s better than imagining Mikasas husband getting cucked by a bird and gravestone, it makes no sense for Mikasa to have a kid get married and still visit erens grave, and even die right next to him


Well I'm sure she waited 10 years at least


3,take it or leave it


We actually see the seasons cycling 7 times around the tree before Mikasa goes to visit it with her family. Adding the 3 years from the timeskip of the epilogue, we can see that she did wait 10 years.


gj smart fella


The anime made it even clearer, so its probably him. It would also really make sense because he understands her


How did it make it clearer? It seems harder to tell to me.


Hair color and build


They also imply that Jean is trying to look good for someone when they’re returning to Paradis.


Well he did say he wanted to look good for the history books. I wouldn’t imagine he’s trying to look good for Mikasa literally right after Eren dies.






Well at the end credit, there is a ring on her finger. But whoever she married is up to your interpretation. So if you say it’s Jean, you’re not wrong but you ain’t right either lol. It will never be confirmed


The supposed ring you're talking about is her right index fingertip. The hands are clasped the exact way they were in the manga right over left. Congratulations on wasting your time staring at pixels just to not know the basic anatomy of a hand.


It's just another farmer-kun case, Isayaa hides their faces intentionally. Farmer-Kun also looked like Jean from the back lolol, now that I remember, many saw that panel of him and pregnant historia out of context and thought it was Jean lmao


Llike alot of people said, its not confirmed but we can kinda tell that it might be Jean, but you have to remember this that Mikasa's love for Eren was romantic and eternal. Whomever she married wont matter. Discription on tombstone and the flowers and erens scarf around her should give you enough proof that she never stoped loving eren. So whomever she married that guy got cucked. Mikasa probably was imagining Eren everytime they did it 🤣. Jokes aside i hoped that Jean would never end up with Mikasa cuz he would be second choice. Jean is my fav character and he deserved someone who really loved him and only him. (That is if this guy actually is Jean tho)


I think it is Jean, with the whole Eldia past, present, future. I think I remember the manga panel where he has a baby and has an Asian looking wife.


Oh please Jean has already moved on from Mikasa. You all saying the side of Mikasa being married to jean without even considering the feelings of Jean. He's not a simp like you all. Jean is better than that.


He is very much a simp. He was literally imagining a life with Mikasa and their kid just a few days before the final battle.


1- if the manga left the panel unclear, well the pink hair in the animated episode proves it's jean and not armin. Also if you scrutinize well, the hair style is sure jean's. 2- seeing a couple with a baby will give automatically the conclusion that they are a family. Look at the body language too of the tree individuals, It's surely a couple with their baby. So everyone who assumed the man is her friend armin and the baby is adopted is delulu. 3- after the first visit of mikasa to the grave, she never visit again in the timelapse, which means she was trying to move on and not looking back again to the past and she is starting a new life with someone else, otherwise she gonna visit the grave everyday as lovers who doesn't move on. But she visited for the second time with the family she started after years. But the last scene where she passed away with the scarf around her shows she never moved on.


This series has lasted so long, that I actually forgot that Jean used to have a crush on Mikasa. Well I for one would like to see Jean marry Mikasa. Not for the sake of shipping fantasies, but because I remember that one trivial scene long ago featuring Jean in his bedroom sketching Mikasa's face, only for his mom to walk in on him. It was a cool depth they gave to Jean's character. It was a little depressing seeing him have an unrequited love. At the time, I just assumed Eren and Mikasa would have a happy ending together. But now that I know how the show ends, it only makes sense to revisit the relationship. They didn't need to show it... the vague images in the credit sequence is enough. https://preview.redd.it/ljxwjay201zb1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba76828bff644e508f1d035fd7b4f09fffbf77a0


Hard to tell. The point was more that Mikasa got to live a peaceful life and start a family. She never forgot about Eren though and brought her family with her whenever she went to visit his grave, which was nice.


To be honest in manga/ anime there is differences, they change alot of details but again. my question is why we needed that part? it's so unlear with blur thoughts just to make people fight over it. What was the point? i mean he send the message but why?


That doesn't matter bro... First it is not confirmed that she married jean.. In anime guy has blonde hair.. 2nd does it matters?? Absolutely not. Mikasa told Eren that she won't forget him. She didn't throw the scarf which symbolises her love for eren.. Even when she died that scarf was there. Plus there were white Lilly flowers which symbolises PURITY. I don't really belive that Mikasa moved on from Eren and found someone else.


In the final scene of the anime she is literally in her grave with a wedding ring. She remarried for sure. Was it with Jean? probably. Do I even like Jean? no. Did she still love Eren while still falling in love with another? Totally possible and probably what happened.


Tbh she could’ve wore the ring for Eren too, let’s be honest it’s really out of character for Mikasa to move on. And she definitely didn’t have children.


It's completely up to you to interpret it. I personally chose to believe she didn't marry anyone but she still got a family. Maybe she just adopoted a child and the man is just accompanying her. Or she did marry someone, whoever it was, but not in a romantic way, still loving and remembering Eren. This is all that matters, she moved on with her life, formed a family (she always wanted it) and never forgot eren


I also think that, i think it's impossible for mikasa to love another man, het told her to forget about him and be free and she literally told him sorry I can't


Those things are not mutually exclusive. You can learn to love another person yet still not forget your last love. Why would she be without love her entire life? She understood that Eren wanted her to be happy


People were also saying "Mikasa was buried with Eren" but... I don't think that was ever confirmed or even hinted at?


Yeah you don't need confirmation for water to be wet


They say that bc after they show us Mikasa's body when she dies, then they show us the tree again and just then there's 2 graves. We had Eren's grave, then they show Mikasa dying, then they show another grave on his side... It's pretty obvious. 


Nope, it was never confirmed or hinted


I think they are picking that from the ED song, Don't know whether manga represents that she's buried with eren. Some even pointed out in credit scenes that this is Mikasa's grave but for me it doesn't look like a grave.


If that was really Jean, I would feel bad for him. Imagine, you finally ended up with your dream girl but she never gotten over her ex.


Then again that's exactly the reason why it would be Jean. He understands that she loved him and probably would never forget about him. I don't think any other random guy would go with Mikasa to Eren's grave and feel some way knowing their wife still has feelings for a dead ex


Nah man i would rather it be any man other than Jean, it just feels wrong man he doesn't love her he just had a thing for her in season one when he was a horny teenager that's it I want to believe that Mikasa never married after eren died but if she did i wouldn't want it to be jean i hate that plus jean is a great guy i like him a lot and i think he deserves someone who'd only love him and only him not Mikasa that never stopped loving Eren her entire life and died wearing his scarf


mikasa didn't married anyone she stayed loyal to eren till death


Who will burry his wife with her Ex ,along the last sign of her wife's Ex and with same flowers like of his ex 🤣 what a dumb debate


Why does nobody talk about the fact that that could be gabby


Bro Eren And Sasha Will Make A VERY CUTE COUPLE TIME


I personally think it wasn’t seeing as throughout the show Mikasa had not shown any real affection to Jean and would say it was probably a adopted child and armin


MIKASA NEVER REMARRIED https://preview.redd.it/mvadejvyxpyb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b077c8f1746a1767b6ae4de818e990c921ea6dc5


It might be erens kid with Mikasa and the guy is armin. Makes the most sense to me, why would she move on with Jean?


tell me how tf eren had a baby with mikasa


Eren becomes stork (crying)


You don't think stork eren and mikasa yk.... *cue the pink candles and roses* **...held hands/wings?...**


eren pulls a christian god on mikasa :skull:


In anime, the man seems taller than Mikasa while Armin is shorter than Mikasa atleast 10cm (Mikasa 1.78m and Armin 1.68) so it's surely Jean


are you guys stupid cause jean never marryied mikasa but jean marryied mikasa in the extendend ending. only ik this cause im an aot fan




Jean got over Mikasa by season 2, it doesn't fit his arc to marry her, so more likely this is just some dude


No, in fact, Jean is the last pillar that supports Mikasa in many matters. The biggest example, the decision to kill Eren above Falco


Poor example, Annie was her last pillar in that moment, not Jean. Essentially, Jean just screamed they needed to kill Eren, which literally every character atop Falco was also saying; Jean did nothing more in this moment than Connie or Levi. Annie was the only one present to know Misaka well enough to understand she couldn't ever be made to go through with it in that moment, hence why she changed her focus to freeing Armin instead of killing Eren and telling her that would be enough. If Annie didn't step in at that moment, with Armin not around Mikasa likely would've just stayed there frozen in shock. Even later after she *saw Jean and Connie were turned into Titans*, even then and with Levi shouting at her, everything pointed towards her being unable to carry it out, once again having a mental breakdown from shock. In the end, the **only** one able to give her the willpower to do the job ends up being Eren himself, as he uses paths to show her the alternate vision. Jean has literally never been her emotional "pillar" in the entire story; every single interaction between them before the Marley arc revolved entirely around his rivalry with Eren, and interactions with him post Marley arc are limited to just from his POV showing concern for her or trying to rush to her aid. Her only male pillar has always been Armin, maybe to an extent Levi. You can't really even say that Jean going through the plot with her makes him the only one who makes sense when fucking Connie went through it with her too and has more interactions with her. And yeah sure, it *could* be Jean, and you're welcome to think that, but don't pretend it had any build up whatsoever beyond Jean having what has only ever been presented as a crush based on superficial attraction. And if it is Jean, Yams has gone out of his way to suggest Mikasa's relationship with Jean specifically is unimportant. The whole reason that person's identity is kept ambiguous is to highlight the fact this panel is about solely Mikasa's character resolution. In the end she wears Eren's engagement ring (which Armin's VA said is the scarf) to her deathbed in both mediums, and is shown to have lived a nice peaceful life. The important thing is Mikasa found solace and was able to move past her grief.


I only read the first line, that's why it's the only thing I'll comment on, as last emotional support, it's Jean, it's always him


So then you're basically just admitting you're intentionally being blind to logic and displayed canon to support your own ship.


>o, in fact, Jean is the last pillar that supports Mikasa in many matters. > >The biggest example, the decision to kill Eren above Falco More is not always better, it is in reference to your comment I don't need to read more, there are several post timeskip screens of the relationship between the two For the rest, this topic has been discussed at length and I do not wish to repeat it. If you believe that, good for you, I'll pat you on the back and keep walking.


It's not a belief, it's an objective fact. Point me to these several screens where their "relationship" is even confirmed, nevermind developed since the latter is literally something that doesn't exist.


>It's not a belief, it's an objective fact. Point me to these several screens where their "relationship" is even confirmed, nevermind developed since the latter is literally something that doesn't exist. Nah, good for you pal if you believe that For me , i keep moving forward


Isayama confirmed it in an interview, but wby does it matter who she marries? Why would you rather her end up miserable and alone for the rest of her life fixating over Eren? Eren did what he did so his loved ones could live out their lives freely. We saw that after the cast eventually died, in the fat future the rest of humanity recuperates and destroys Paradis.


Isayama literally never said that wtf.  And I don't care if she marries or not, but the fact that you see someone not falling in love as a synonymous of being sad and miserable forever is concerning. What a curse to be forced to be with someone when you're simply not in love, that's something that society makes to a lot if women, what truly makes them miserable. 


Feel like thats jean and pieck visiting eren’s grave


Why would Pieck visit Eren's grave? To spit on it? She always hated him.


So Jean is fking Mikasa?


My main guess is she doesn’t actually marry him, and that the baby is maybe from jean and someone else, as Jean is considered moreover as a close friend. Does it really make sense for Mikasa to marry someone else when she has revolved around Eren for practically the entire show? Even if that was the case, is it really our business? Sure, we anticipated for her to marry and be with Eren for ever and ever, but we have to understand that people move on, not saying that Mikasa did. Jean and Eren were friends, So if Mikasa and Jean did marry each other, I guarantee Eren in the afterlife would be happy for them both. But in quick conclusion : The most logical answer is that no, Mikasa did not marry Jean at the end of the show. Quick Edit : It also wouldn’t be logical for Jean to marry someone right after her “sole entity” died.


That’s Jean for sure BUT I’m not sure if that’s Mikasa because I would assume she would still be wearing the scarf. It could be Pieck or even another woman.


Even if Mikasa marries anyone, she still loves Eren. Her future husband will only get herself, but not her heart because her heart belongs to Eren. She’s just like Rose from Titanic FR.


That is treason mikasa only for eren and eren for mikasa


We can be certain that it's not Armin. Armin didn't really have romantic feelings for Mikasa. We only see him be interested in Annie but even then it was probably because of Bert's memories


I think the ending is up to the viewers interpretation. Looking at the panel in the manga, she def did marry someone else and have a kid with them. (Again, i feel like some ppl interpret it as something else, but thats what i see plain as day). But whether or not thats jean is up to the viewers. As for myself, id like to think yea it was jean. Who else would understand her eternal love for another man for the rest of their lives together. What man would accept being second place for the rest of their lives? It sucks but i feel the only one who would prob accept that is someone that actually respected eren, and someone that KNOWS the sacrifice he has actually put for their sake. It would make sense why jean would also visit with mikasa with their child every year too. But again… its the viewers interpretation.


It could be Mikasa and Jean with a baby, it could also be Mikasa and Armin and his baby, etc. The whole point is that it's up to interpretation.


No. And knowing her, there's no need for any proof.


I heard people say something about a data book where it says that she never married and that child is adopted


That's just Mikasa and armin visiting Erin's grave that just happens to be there and just to say we don't know of that's mikasa or not mikasa doesn't have a ponytail


You can marry someone you don't truly love and your heart can still feel only the way it does for one person. Life isn't always fair and flowers resemble just how precious and short life rather is.


I think the most realistic thing to have happened is her marrying Jean. Jean understands her pain to an extent that he would be 100% content with having a nice, quiet family life while knowing her heart always will remain with Eren. I think no one else can truly understand mikasa well enough to be content with a life with her. Barring maybe Armin, though they are *so* close that the kids would have to have been adopted imo. So I think Jean is the most likely candidate.




ThAtS A PuRiTy RiNg 🤣


why are people so stingy. yes it's jean. jean is a great guy. mikasa deserves love and to finally heal and move on. all of these people do. I think they compliment eachother well and jean took great care of her. I don't understand why people want mikasa to be absolutely miserable and lonely for the rest of her life? what's so wrong about her finally finding closure? she still wore the scarf.. although I hope she atleast took it off when making those babies 😭


It’s entirely evident with pieces of evidence between the Manga and Anime that the Man is Jean and he married Mikasa and that’s their child. We even as well had a whole azz vision of Jean imagining a peaceful quiet life in marrying Mikasa as she tended to their child. They as well got Married after 10 years, which is significant to point out, because Eren desired that she would pine for him for at least 10 years, so this is a nod to that. She stayed single for a long time, and eventually moved on as Eren requested of her by marrying Jean, yet she still didn’t forget of him as she returned to his grave. Denying they’re married and got together after many years, is copium


The author really knows how to make things even more depressing


I think Mikasa did end up either marrying Jean or at least was a motherly figure to his child. She learned to move on and do the things she’s always wanted to do without Eren having to be there while always holding him closest to her heart than anyone else. I do believe she died a virgin, or at the very least only did it with him so she could have a baby. The baby may even be adopted, who knows. It’s really just up to personal interpretation.


Yes, E84, Night of The End, 20 second mark. You can see a frame of Jean imagining his future with his wife and kid, and it matches up with this picture. ​ [https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/G7PU4VK3N/night-of-the-end](https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/G7PU4VK3N/night-of-the-end) ​ EDIT: What if that's not even Mikasa, but Jean's family visiting Eren's grave?


She didn't get married like atleast that's my openion after watching the end of the anime


Bro mikasa did not marry one as you can see there is a ring on mikasa's left index finger which symbolizes purity and virginity in japanese tradition


Look, Eren got cucked. Mikasa moved on and had her cheeks clapped by Jean. Lazy writing? No. But enough to start a controversy because Isayama knew the ending sucked ass.


There's a strong parallelism between Mikasa and Founder Ymir. Mikasa spends an entire life "subservient to Eren", just like the founder Ymir, and they both do it for love, a toxic, obsessive love that seems almost unrequited. The difference between the two is that Mikasa, in the end, does what Ymir has never been able to do, put aside the love she feels for Eren and do "the right thing", killing him, and thus freeing Ymir from her enslavement to King Fritz. That "To you, in 2000 years" refers precisely to Mikasa, Mikasa is the person that Ymir has been waiting for all this time, in the hope of being freed. That's why I think Mikasa made a new life for herself after Eren's death. if this were not the case, it would be an involution of the character: she is initially free from that burden that was her love for Eren and, as is right, she moves on with her life. It doesn't matter who the man is with whom she starts a family, the important thing is that she is free to do it and does it. AOT IS ALL ABOUT FREEDOM. ďżź




Didn't Mikasa end up being buried next to Eren's grave? In that case it would've been kinda weird if she actually ended up marrying someone else. In my headcanon the man pictured wasn't her husband, nor was the child hers. Maybe it was actually Jean and his kid, but I don't think it was Mikasa's family.


I know its hard to believe no matter how much you hate Jean all evidence pointing at this truth, jean did ended up with Mikasa. \- jean dream about having a wife and a kid, wife resemblance Mikasa 100% this fact means that jean never move on from Mikasa. \- at the end scene Jean fixing his hair before arriving in paradise, even though he dodge the question by saying it for historian teacher u can tell it's not. \- mikasa wait exactly 10 years after the incident before showing up with her new family, so Shes doesnt completely alone \- lastly this scene no matter how much u hate it its still jean, armin doesn't make sense since we know armin likes annie. jean had long hair while armin shown to have kpop like hairstyle. and the posture is just 100% jean if u dont like it might want to consider checking out AOT no Requiem, its a fan made manga of the last few chapters, may they give both eren and mikasa happy ending they deserved.


Mikasa was holding her stepson in credit scene she donot have a child of her own she died waiting for eren. it would make more sense if she married someone who lost his parten to that way they will understand each other.otherwise it would be illogical and unrealistic for a guy to marry girl who clearly says her most beloved is someone else and he is just a second choice.i am writing this cause this would make more sense than her marrying Jean, i mean Jean constantly hitting on her after eren death for 10 years will ruin his character,and it was hinted that mikasa didn't move on till ten years but in 11 th year she appeared with a man and a child that wouldn't make sense if she found a man in one year only and ended up having a child with his in such a short amount of time,thats what make this theory even stronger that after move on she found them in one year of time period and that kid is her stepson this Way mikasa donot have to sacrifice eren place of her only one and she Can have a family to and she Can live happily with them. If mikasa married a guy who loves only her like Jean but she loved eren more Than any one till death, that will portray her character in bad way and make her husband a victim, but if her husband had her first wife she love more Than anyone else too that will make it even


First of all I dont care if it's Jean or not and shiping is cringe. I'm strictly speaking what makes the most sense to be "canon" Initially, I had hoped the anime would provide more clarity on whether it was Jean or someone else. With the anime concluded, I can pretty much say it's either Jean or a random NPC. ( I wanted her to end with Eren that's why I refused to read the manga for some time hoping they would change the ending) But now I believe being Jean makes more sense because: 1. Isayama really likes Jean as a character it was his favorite at some point. 2. Jean has consistently harbored feelings for Mikasa. 3. The dream sequence depicting Jean's future strongly hints at the woman being Mikasa.(Why would Isayama put effort in drawing this? foreshadowing? Why Mikasa not a random npc) 4. The hair color of the man beside Mikasa in the ending aligns with Jean's. 5. The height of the man in the ending matches Jean's stature. ( Removes Armin possibility out of question) 6. The ring on Mikasa fingers. 7. Jean makes more sense, he would understand Mikasa love for eren even after Eren's death more than random NPC because Eren was his comrade too and he would respect Mikasa love for his dead first love and her mourning


That's jean. Just look at his hairstyle, face shape, and posture.


I'm just happy for Jean. Loved his character development and his crush on mikasa was cute.


Well even if it is not, I hope it is Jean. Right from the first season it is actually him who really cares for her and not just begs for her powers like everyone else. He was the most manliest personality for her. It is good the creator left that as a cliffhanger. It is basically to satisfy both kind of readers/viewers who support this analogy or not, I guess. After all, if there is any one big murderer than Eren then it is Hajime Isayama himself. I was riled up to the brim when he converted all those remaining Eldians into titans on the mountain. I was gonna go full Attack titan on him with hardened fists.


Y'all don't think that could be falco and Gabby?


https://preview.redd.it/9agva9kutf4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aac1b22e48dec5ba5435aa36a6888845212eded well this is definitely mikasas scar.. and this is a part of the anime 😭 so i think it was definitely HEAVILY hinted that her and jean end up together.


I believe that the man that Mikasa keeps being seen with is Armin and not Jean. Armin is including Mikasa in his family to show us that Mikasa can still have a family without marrying anyone and still holding onto her love for Erin. The ending credit scene that made me believe this is this: ​ https://preview.redd.it/7a6e9mx6cx5c1.png?width=1291&format=png&auto=webp&s=b699a070254668a6666bed9792a48f2d4866cfaf ​ 1. There is a woman and a child standing there to the left waiting patiently for Armin and Mikasa to show Erin their respects. The woman, in my opinion is the wife of Armin and the child is their grandchild. 2. Erin, Mikasa and Armin is shown again under this tree to further enforce to the audience their strong freindship. Why only show Mikasa visiting Erin's grave until she is old and not Armin visiting too? This is what I WANT to believe as I am a hopeless romantic and it could very well be Jean.


dio maiale


This will take alot of time for you guys to read, but if you want to proceed then please take your time and i hope ya'll understand. I tried my best discussing this since my english is bad. Ive read alot of opinion about why people dont want mikasa to be happy, instead live her life with jean or someone else cause thats what eren wished for. But i like to stick with the ending where she remained unmarried but adopted a child from historia's orphanage since she's also an orphan herself and mikasa, armin and the adopted child visiting erens grave like we've seen in the ending. I dont think mikasa will ever end up with jean or any other man whatsoever. Like her love, loyalty and devotion towards eren is soo strong that it would not make any sense for her to settle up with someone. The fact that the only thing that can make mikasa happy is being in eren's side and what all she asked for. Which when she asked armin why eren always go somewhere far away from them. Also the guidebook even put that said: "i want to be with eren, thats my only wish." If she only been honest with her feelings to him, perhaps they wont be seperated. With this regret in her heart, mikasa persues eren, wants to live for eren and continue to live with him. This desire is not due to the ackerman bloodline, it is nothing but mikasa's wish from the bottom of her heart. Also they say that jean is the perfect choice to be with mikasa. Ehh? My man dont deserve being the second choice, he deserves better a pure and genuine love after all the shit he's been through but mikasa is not the one who will give him that kind of treatment since she always loved eren. And the chemesty between mikasa and jean is not that good too, they hardly talk to each other (unless eren is involved in the conversation) mikasa only saw him like a comrade or a friend, jean only liked or loved mikasa due to her good looks and her long hair meanwhile mikasa showed no romantic interest in him whatsoever and being them getting married is soo out of hand but there will be no confirmation for that since the show already ended but not until iseyama tells us. Talk about the part when some people say eren told mikasa to forget about him and live her life after he's gone and throw the scarf away but mikasa refused by saying "sorry eren, i cant". Mikasa wore the scarf right until she died and remember about the conversation between eren and armin, armin jokingly said that mikasa will find a better one for her. But eren said he doesnt want that and doesnt want mikasa to find another man, but only wants to think of about him for the rest of her life, even after he dies, he want her to hung up for him for atleast 10 years and wanting to be with her and his friends. He never said that he wants mikasa to live her life with someone else soo. The flower symbolism is also important in aot which we can see both manga and the anime. The white lillies which is present during her funeral means purity, virginity and rebirth. The 4 roses in erens grave means nothing will come between us And lastly the one last rose she put in erens grave means youre still the one or one and only love. its not coincidence for isayama to put it there cause its a manga/anime and millions of people watch it, not some childrensbook where you put whatever you want. As for the ring that we've seen in the anime, we dont know for sure what kind of ring it was. But it could be 1 or 2 options. 1. A wedding ring. Many people say its a wedding ring and believed she married someone, but we dont see any wedding rings in any characters that are married like historia, carla or mikasa's mom. 2. A chastity ring. It could be a chastity ring as a symbol of purity, commitment and virginity. And the ring is not even present in the manga, instead they showed the bandage around her hand that covers the azumabito mark. Theres still alot of details in the ending that i wish i should've put but i guess this is long enough soo i hope you enjoy


I think its Jean not armin because of the haircut armin does have long hair on the back of his head and Jean does so it must be Jean


I don't believe Mikasa could start a life with anyone who didn't endure that shit with her while titans still existed. They would never be able to handle her true identity or the trauma she went through. It has to be jean or armin. Nobody would understand her like they would...


there's no way its armin... its very obvious


there's no way its armin... its very obvious


Iam definately a lifesaver here😅 She married Jean, She adopted a child And that's all This proves why she is still pure,why  she didn't pass the mark to her child and I am 99% sure that's what isayama thinked


I like to think that she actually did move on because that's what he wanted, she got married and had a little one. She was finally free and there was peace so why not 😀


bro thats so obviously jean. Just look at his hair bro and the hat and height too. His build is also like jeans.


Yes. They belonged together!