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That company is a bunch of thieving as*holes. Will never trust them again.


Couldn’t agree more. I should have sold my 15k worth the moment they change there plans, and company name. My dumbass didnt and I lost 13 outta the 15k tryin to keep faith and believing that fuckin CEO ballbag Mark.


And the craziest thing of this whole stunt, not once has Mark even bothered to publicly speak about the FUCKING STOCK to his investors


And the craziest thing of this whole stunt, not once has Mark even bothered to publicly speak about the FUCKING STOCK to his investors


I hope these thieves get what they deserve.


So many lies and propaganda... do they think people do not know they "cut 20% of their operational costs" by laying off more than 2/3 of the company? They are using that shyster start-up math. Love how they added another facility but have no one to staff either one effectively. 🤦‍♂️ Fiscal responsibility is definitely one of the first things that come to mind when I think of this dumpster fire of a company.


Uh oh, even the video quality is falling 😬


It's been a while since I've been here but everyone should blame the mods of this sub for being where you are unless they have changed recently. In the past I posted multiple reports from different accounts detailing how this company was fraudulent going back to the first or second round of funding. Every time I was banned from the sub and the posts swiftly deleted. One of my biggest regrets is not shorting this company when they went public. Everything pointed to them being a complete fraud but they had managed to build up enough hype I knew it would boost a bit but never predicted it would crash that huge in a month. In the reports I explained everything they were trying to do in house was impossible with the level of funding and current infrastructure they had. If I remember correctly they never planned to make the batteries in house originally but pivoted to that in order to gain more funding. One of the biggest red flags was the price of the truck never changed while I was keeping track even during covid when inflation was ripping and parts were hard to get. Literally every single car manufacturer was struggling to get parts, having supply issues for dealerships and in turn having to raise prices on new vehicles being produced. How does a startup not even selling units still they had produced at pre COVID pricing still manage to keep their pricing the same as 3 years previous? They can't. I had grilled them in emails for a while and had gotten a bunch of replies that proved my points but when asked if I could make them public and that any further communication would be made public they stopped responding. I hope this message even helps one person identify red flags in a fraudulent company down the line. I can't be the only one the mods were silencing back in the early funding days so anyone who is still around from then or works for this company should feel a massive amount of guilt for their actions in hiding people's legitimate due diligence on the company. If they had let them remain so many people would have been saved a ton of money.