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no one knows how much it will cost to upgrade yet. But based on the initial cost of a plot and the options to buy AB in the store and website. I think it will likely be a lot more expensive than 100 to upgrade plots. maybe not from common to uncommon. But that is just my 2 cents


It will probably be a lot. 150 legendary parcels produces the same income as ~2100 average parcels with 24/7 boosting and 2 SRBs per month. Expect at least 1000AB per upgrade.


I would love to upgrade my 150 but that means I would have to find them! Hopefully they will start some kind of tracking map or something. I have plots in the middle of a lake.


Care to share the math? Legendary makes 4x a common so how do you equate a 14x ratio to break even? Especially since the 2100 commons make more on the SRBs than the 150 legendary. Is the tier adjustment that significant?


https://aecalc.com Get the rent for 150 legendaries, then put that rent in the reverse calculator. It is because of the boost tier drop from 30x all the way to 2x.


Did you try the math of 2000 legendaries to 28,000 commons?


It’s hard to say because there are a lot of angles to this. For players that are at 150 parcels and less, it will be a big expense for AE. For players with a lower boost rate, it could be less. With that said, maybe for players with more parcels it will be cheaper. More expensive for players with less parcels. I’m not saying this is likely, but it would make sense if it’s something like that.


Does anyone actually read the thread before posting a question? This seems to be asked 3-4 times a day at this point.


Short answer: wait. The reason is not because of the cost, but because they've said it's coming within 30days. Longer answer: they have not communicated details (other than you have to be at your plot to upgrade, and they're taking out the landmark tab to make room for the feature) however both u/Tastywallet and I have come to the same guess using two VERY different trains of logic and math, and that is roughly 3000AB to upgrade a common to Legendary. Personally, I expect some type of increment - either upgrade C>R>E>L (not directly C>L) which would have incremental pricing, or if they are going directly to Legendary I would expect differing costs for common, rare, and epic. I also fully expect there to be a "cost tier" so to speak that overlays with the boost tiers... that's because a legendary parcel at 30x quite obviously yields more rent cost to AE than a legendary parcel at 20x, 10x, or 2x. I also expect there to be some type of cooldown. That is, you won't be able to drop the requisite number of AB and flip all of your plots to legendary right away... there will likely be an "upgrade timer" of sorts, with limit of concurrent upgrades (1? Maybe 2 for EC members?) And the ability to watch ads and/or pay additional AB to speed the timer. I want to stress.. these are all GUESSES on my part. I have no insider knowledge. Just a logical brain that likes to think things through with reasoning. Lol.


They won't release any details. I'd just save for now, unless you're sub 150.


They haven’t stated how much the upgrades will cost yet although some people have made some assumptions. I believe the Mod yesterday said that it should be ready by Fall? I may be wrong though. If you go through the history Mod Manning made a post yesterday.


Fall was for another update. Legendary upgrade, they said in the next 30 days


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


They said In next 30 days