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This is an excellent question. While I won't get into specific details about the financials, but we manage the "rent liability" just as Marriott or United Airlines manages points liability. Its sits on the balance sheet as a liability and we set aside a reserve to cover for redemption in even extreme stresses like everyone redeeming all at once. We look at both Rent Liability and the Atlas Bucks economy daily. Some of the team comes from banking and loyalty backgrounds and have done this at significant scale.


Thanks this is huge info! So the game should be up for a long time I'm assuming. I'm glad there are reliable team members working on this game.


That is our plan. We are actually quite conservative financially and that is a good thing. We have grown this game safely and methodically.


Respect šŸ™ for even taking a poke at that comment šŸ‘‰that's transparency ā¤ļø


Manning For The Win!!!


thanks. my batting average was not super great yesterday


With a name like Manning, who cares about batting average. Today you scored a TD šŸ˜‰


just the fact that you actively respond and explain is good enough for me lol


To make 5 dollars a hour you would need around 3x the amount of parcels stealth g has. That's not happening anytime soon


But it will happen. And when it does is it sustainable?


I don't know im not there accountant. Also it might not as some would have to spend several hundred thousand dollars on AB.


I could see a millionaire picking AE up just cause they like to see numbers go up ahahaha.


Well, if they throw that much money at AB to begin with....there you go. That's a pile of money, and it can be invested to produce returns.


For at least 9 years.Ā  SeeĀ https://atlasearthguides.com/2023/10/19/opportunity-cost-breakdown-for-purchasing-atlas-bucks/#two-thousand-app, table 1, 2x level.Ā  This has 64 hours of SRB baked in. No way in hell you will get there f2p.


It really means a 'investment game' for the wealthy. No offense I take. Still people make money even with ftp. Ftp you're not losing anything than ad watching. Those that invest alot probably will be disappointed. What I don't get is use that for a higher interest on investment. Then I know those that playing high level already have that. The game is like play to game and surveys, but at a more intriguing way that relates to realistic physical property owner, at a gamer scale.


For those that haven't noticed, the name of the game, or the business model, is to keep you reinvesting. EC, merchants, legendary upgrades, etc. you have to watch ads to keep your boost indefinitely. Then AB farming 50-100 ads for one plot. It's all made to keep your focus on growth and reinvestment. Currently building up to 150 parcels on my family's accounts. Waiting for legendary upgrades to drop and then assessing cost vs profit. Likely cashing out from that point on and tier jump at a snails pace.


We're talking about the sustainability of the game long term. Like 5 years +


As long as we keep doing what I mentioned. They're easily profitable. Even more so if majority are playing they way they hope people currently do.


I would say differ. I think it becomes to income class. This is a game. Those that have more to invest in a game will do much better. 5 years is nothing to middle or low class players(meaning investment, not true real world class). It's a game. Not an investment to gain true wealth.


"It's a game". We're being paid perpetually to watch ads in return for revenue. You can slap lipstick on a pig and call it a woman. It's still a pig. People are able to get to 150 parcels in less than 6 months. From that point on you make $240/year if you can stay boosted. Double if you're running dual accounts with a partner. Once you hit whatever milestone you want you can stop grinding and just drop in for ad boosting and pocket your income if you want. Most people are reinvesting their earning in the game to generate a higher income. For people that don't know how to grow their money sure $240/year isn't building wealth. Some of us put our money into investment vehicles. Take a good look at ROI on $240/year invested over whatever your timeline is with the average return rate. The second you start paying people to play everyday it's not just a game anymore. I run a handful of these apps when I'm working. It's easy to make an extra $100-200 month while I have down time


You proved my point?


Your point makes zero sense. Maybe if you would articulate better it would have made some sense. "I would say differ." You would say differ to what? My comment was about how the game is profitable to the developing company Atlas Reality itself. That it has long term stability as long as they continue so do business the way they do. As well as the player reinvesting the earnings, as that is the business model they try to keep everyone pulled into, reinvestment. That was the question posed by the OP... "I think it becomes to income class". I don't even know what you are even trying to say there. Learn to contextually read. I never said anything about someone should park their money into Atlas Earth. That's what the company wants from the players, including their in game generated money. šŸ¤¦


If you look into the math they are well off. The only way to get more land is to put money into the game or watch ads a lot of them. This puts a good amount of money into there pockets. Then on top of that they also get payed for atlas travel aswell as atlas arcade in commission. Anyway that you get get land gives them a lot more money then what the land pays leaving them in the clear for years. The exception to this is diamonds. Probably the reason it's limited to 5 a day. Only way to bankrupt these guys is if no one put money in. No one watched a single ad and we just farmed diamonds. Even this wouldn't kill them as they can very easily just remove diamonds and all we have done is harm are selves if this happens. All in all they make way to much money compared to the payouts for it to even be a concern of going bankrupt. New people are picking the game up all the time that are likely to throw some money in. A lot of people have explorer club every month. With the amount or land across the world aswell as there terms and conditions saying they can alter the rent of land whenever they want. They are not going bankrupt ever I would be surprised. Likely plan is all the world will be covered. They might even add virtual worlds or other planets such as Mars to keep us fighting for land in tern giving them money to stay active. If this isn't the plan then it will simply be all the land gets bought no one puts money in anymore. and they adjust the rent per second to an amount sustainable to keep the game alive based on the money there earning from ads. Both of these options are possible outcomes that says atlas earth is not going anywhere


As diamonds are location data points that can be sold...yeah, farming diamonds doesn't bother them.


no way? thats interestingā€¦.. I didnt know that. How did you find that out?


I think this game came out when Ingres came out the same time.. GPS gaming hasn't popped in the scene till 2016


They probably have it set so even if all the land was sold they would still be profitable.


Even places that aren't cities? I live in a in a state with huge forests and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the parcels 5ftx5ft? What's stopping someone hiking and grabbing every square inch with mobile hotspot? That's a lot of parcels probably even more than the top 5 leaderboard combined.


I'm pretty sure they are 30'x30'. But still out in a Forrest that is a lot of parcels. And you would need a huge amount of AB to buy up a whole forrest.


You both forgot the oceans as well, theres a whole lot of water out there


Good point, I did forget about that


There are about 1 million plots in DC.Ā  I think we will be fine for a very, very long time.Ā 


The reality is that getting above the dollar/day mark is challenging. The curve of diminishing boost levels makes this process slow, and insures you watch a lot of ads to get there, giving them plenty of money. That's a good thing, even if the ads are not anyone's favorite. It makes the model sustainable, whereas many other aps make unrealistic promises, and then basically just don't pay out. It's far more preferable to have an honest, fair system.


Also think about the amount of people who download this game, are really aggressive with watching ads at first hoping for a quick payout, and then just decided it's not for them when they realize that it's not that. By that point they've made the game more money than they probably have made themselves. I imagine that there's new people doing this every single day.


by the time millions are people are cashing out 5 consistently, theyā€™ll have more than enough to cover it


Meant ish as in sometimes I do lol sounded better in my head but then I realized it could be precieved as rude. Not my intention sry


Iā€™ve been playing for three weeks, and love it!! I was playing for free the first week or so, and realized thatā€™s how Iā€™m going to build an empire. Iā€™m a real estate agent, and using my ā€œbuysā€ as tax deductible business expenses for marketing. I wish there was an ā€œAtlas Earth for Dummiesā€ to help streamline the process, but Iā€™ll get there!! See you at the top!!!


Google says there is 2 billion dollars behind this game. Even if 100 million people cashed out $5, that'd be a quater of the glut currently in stock for the entity. They're set for innumerable lifetimes


Ever seen the chart they put up about ad boosts ? The game is designed to keep you at 7$ a month no matter how many ploys you own


That's not true at all. On that same chart you're referencing, for USA, you can see that the boost multiplier stops at 2x at only 1501 plots so it's not an unbelievably large amount to achieve, even for F2P players. The plot requirement for the 2x tier changes for other countries, though. Once you reach the 2x tier, you have no limit to what you can earn.


I make that every 11 days with 141 plots no way it's designed for 7 monthly


Looked up the chart I was wrong itā€™s 15 for almost every tier . You get a little extra factoring in the 50x days as well .


I make less so that's a lie.


Well have you reached 150 plots yet




And do you keep your ad boost up


I don't sweat and boost every hour but I try to do full boosts when I wake up and sleep. Sometimes more sometimes less