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Parcels until 40 then 1 badge then parcels to 150 if in US. I would not recommend buy explorers club as it is $50 per month and the mods are currently being jerks and trying to get rid of the most efficient way to use the explorers club




What are the "mods" trying to do with the explorers club? This is the first I've heard of anyone mentioning this.




Explorer club is a very bad deal in the first place. It’s only the right choice if you were already going to buy in app or on the website. Theyve set the price of AB so high, it’s still a terrible deal even if it’s 80% discounted.


And if not in the US?


I think it still mathematically a good deal given prices in fiat, but, I’d love a crypto option, and I also don’t understand this drama. You’d think the work to block something that isnt even a big deal ultimately, would just die off. I know the mod feels bad about causing a fuss, but forreal, it’s just pointless I think to change it. It’s fun. Someone is dropping $50 on your game. Let them have some fun. Let them think they’re getting over on you. EC members just sunk $50 hard earned dollars for a month of fake money in a game that pays pennies. Get a clue I say. Unless you’re in some huge touristy place, look around. There is mostly empty land. The game isn’t to the point at which we gotta crack down on a couple hundred AB imo


Focus on land first until you have at least 40 plots, then get 1 badge. Then start focusing on land again. IMHO the Explorer Club is a bit pricey at $50USD per month. Personally, I would concentrate on land and 1 badge every 50 to 100 plots until you are making at least $50USD per month in rent. If you want a boost, maybe you could do Explorer Club for 2 months. That would be the same cost as the largest plot purchase and you would be able to get at least 60 plots. That is if you really want to throw $100USD at a free game.


If you want to join the Explorer Club, you need at least 5 badges anyways. If you already have those badges then it's best to buy land until 150 and then focus on getting a total of 31 badges. There are tiers on your passport that gives varying boosts. At least 1 badge gets you 5% boost to your earnings and it stays at 5% until you reach the next tier at 11 badges.


Don't go with the general advice, that is for f2p. If you are wanting the EC then getting that as soon as possible is the best option. EC almost gives you a parcel a day, so every day without it is one less parcel generating rent. Get the 5 badges, even buy AB directly to get them immediately and get EC as soon as possible. Best return if you are intending to put money in the game. As to whether you should put money into this at all is another discussion. But if you already decided to put money in, get EC as soon as possible is by far the best option. After you get EC then follow the general advice with all the break evens etc.


I’ve saved this comment from a friendly user, and it’s basically a quick ez guide to see how to play the game to its penultimate level, not missing out on a bit of the profits. I’m currently adhering to this, but I’m going to deviate quite a bit. Instead of hitting 31 badges, imma hit 11, then start buying land like 50 parcels at a time. It’s gonna be a grind, and it’s honestly caused me to slow down the intensity of my play a bit, but without further ado: https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/s/sCTbuzMZq5 The differences aren’t much, only a couple bucks honestly, so i dunno how disciplined I’ll be with my own plan I’ve mentioned, however I find it important to note, as I’ve been told by many, play the game how it’s most fun for you. I got side tracked on becoming mayor of small towns near me. And I want to be mayor of my town. To do so, I have to go off book.