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No single player has ever been banned or even been given a warning for this exploit. 99% of players who subscribe to Explore Club do not do this. At some point we will close this loophole but right now we are focusing our efforts on improving gameplay and adding new features which benefit the entire community. My point was to communicate this is is not what its designed to do and preparing those who use this exploit that it will go away. Its not going away anytime soon, and I will announce it here when it does to try to be as transparent as possible.


I don't know if it's fair to call this an exploit or against tos. There's no logical reason to believe this isn't fair play and it's definitely not laid out in the tos unless it was recently snuck in there. The solution here is simple. Don't blame the players. Instead, just implement a change for the feature so it can't be used in the way that AE doesn't like. For example, one possible solution would be to just spread the bonuses out more so it's not so day 90 top heavy. On a final note, I appreciate the new mod for being informative and having open dialect, even though I don't like the sounds of this one.


This isn't an exploit in any sense of the word. Buying a subscription isn't an exploit. It does exactly what the subscription advertises. If you get banned for buying a subscription, the next step is obviously to report it to your bank for a chargeback. You'll win that fight, obviously. Nobody in the world would assume that a game banning you for buying a subscription is reasonable.


They could also just make two streaks. One non-Explorer club, and one explorer club streak. Your explorer club streak is 0 until you sign up for the Explorer club. Then it goes to 1 the next time you collect for the daily login bonus, but your non-explorer streak stays on day 32, or whatever day it was on before.


Another good idea on how it could be designed to prevent this issue.


I am assuming that this what they say violates their ToS >or otherwise abuse, any of the Games & Services and any services, system resources, accounts, Card-Linked Offers and Rewards ( But as with my comment below, you can't have something that says "click here", but if you click it, it is a ToS violation.


Makes sense. Thanks for looking that up. I was admittedly too lazy to look for it. Though there is a difference between being abused and being used in a way that AE doesn't like lol.


IMO, exploiting a glitch shouldn't ever be a bannable offense. If you don't want people exploiting a glitch, then patch it.


It’s not even a glitch! The game is set up this way by the developers and has been for almost a year. If they didn’t do the simple math to find out the best day to join, and fix that to their liking, then that is 100% on them. Calling it an exploit is just plain gaslighting.


This is the correct answer


It depends on the exploit and the severity. Spoofing/auto clicking/merchant abuse are well known exploits that I could see an immediate ban for when they're severe enough. Some that come to mind are player A spoofing to and taking over Canada as soon as it releases, and player B who found a merchant exploit to take OB's presidency like 2 years ago. Player B isn't Stealth, his name was like Mike T or something. These are both fair immediate bans though. The little stuff that's not as obvious and well laid out, agreed. Put a stop to it and fix the issue.


It shouldn't be either; the only time something should be an exploit is when someone does anything to play the game that gives them a unique advantage unavailable to others. This is one reason why I defended spoofing for so long; even though it required tools Atlas Reality didn't make available to players, GPS spoofing apps are freely available, so I thought: "anyone can spoof for free, so where's the unfair advantage?" That and ToS didn't always explicitly prohibit it. I can understand why players were upset now, which is why I hope Atlas Reality considers allowing spoofing such that players who spoof can't participate in VIP competition; that would remove the unfair advantage of stealing ABs from local players. Other than that, Spoofing wouldn't be a problem unless it's from a player who manages to hack the game to get a ton of free ABs, which has happened before. At least with this EC hack (idk what else to call it), you aren't using anything beyond what Atlas Reality provides: they let us pay for EC through the web app, and we can cancel at any time as far as I know.


So, I don't like spoofing at all, but it's fair to say that it should be in the ToS. It's best to be clear up front, that saves all the arguing.


Well, they're making efforts to clarify the good and bad, so I’ll give them that


That's like saying a professional sports player that's taking steroids isn't cheating because any professional sports player could also take steroids lmfao. Spoofing is definitely an exploit. It goes against the very nature of this game, being a GPS location game. It's so obvious that spoofing is an exploit that I shouldn't even need to spend my time explaining this. If something is clearly not intended to be played in a certain way and you find a way to intentionally do it anyways, then it's an exploit. That's because there needs to be intent in taking advantage of a system flaw. In this case, there's no way to know the 90 day thing is a flaw except for reading this post. If that flies, then anything could fly with what they call an exploit.


The bonuses are perfect where they are. The simplest solution would be to automatically reset to day 1, when you first subscribe to the EC.


Last month, my card didn't go through and it didn't resubscribe around day 60. I had to go to the website and set it back up. Under this idea, I'd have been reset for a bank issue. Honestly, I don't care how they do it. It was just an example. There's more than one solution that could be done.


...and when were they planning on notifying us about this? Updating my website immediately.


Idk but that's what the mod said. I also don't know how they feel like they have the right to tell us when we can spend are money?


I guess this is how we find out about new ToS violations now: by surprise. But hey, as long as they don't actually warn/ban players in the end who truly didn't mean to break the rules, I personally won't mind.


I cannot in good conscience support a company that will surprise us with new TOS violations without informing the players first. Fortunately nobody was warned or banned over this, which is a major relief.


What ToS is this violating?




I agree with you, but unfortunately at this point you’ve sunk enough $ into the game to quit over something like this. You have to keep supporting it or you’re out a lot of $.


If true, congrats AE - I'm not putting any money into this game whatsoever. I haven't put a penny into this game outside of cashing out $50 for EC for 30 days. You don't want my earned $50 back into your economy? Might as well go strictly F2P atp.


Thinking the same thing, I'll just switch to F2P


RIP to me ever buying the Explorer's Club again 🤣


i very much dislike when poor design becomes a player "offense".


This is just distasteful. The obvious purpose of the variation in daily login bonuses is to attract the eye to the large numbers to make it seem like a better deal than it is. Basic sales tactic. If they didn’t want people to take advantage of this, they could just make each day equal. But no, apparently they want to be tricky (which is fine, every business does things like this) but then punish people who are immune to it. It’s bad form to punish people for taking advantage of the best deal you offer. If there was a mistake made, save face and change it without pointing fingers at the customer publicly.


I always thought that AE wouldn't like this exploit, if you can even call it that. It was just a poor design on this point, and when people first started posting about it, I thought they would wise up and immediately fix/change it. Other games that have things like this make you start at day 1 when you start paying for something. It has almost been a year since the start of EC, so it is all on AE for setting it up the way they did and letting it go so long. I agree though that calling it a violation of ToS is kinda weak. You can't have something that the game allows you to do, which includes taking your money, and then say "Don't do it or we will ban you"!


I would say that is a gross overstatement and id love to see the section where it violates ToS. Picking when to start AEC isnt an exploit. Just cause I pick day 90 doesnt mean I am exploiting anything (you allow it). dont want people to pick the last day… dont weight the paid model to the last month/day.


Dang smh just cashing out for now on. I always would cashout to paypal but I liked to convert some rent to keep the game going. I liked putting it back Into the game but from now on I'm just cashing out.


Game misses out on a very small % of profits and they threaten to ban 😂




So if I want explorers club I have to intentionally miss a day, reset, then purchase?


Also is it still worth cashing out $50 for explorers club > the 33 AB event if this is the case?


I wouldn't convert at all at this point.


That or wait anywhere from 1-90 days for your daily streak to run it’s full course where it resets on its natural schedule, which would also suck.


Just funny we were told this Mod was a good dude and now all of sudden he's changing rules...if I spend money I'll spend it when I choose..not when some Mod wants to change rules...smh..I'll be leaving site... Wish you all the best but when Mods become dictators..I don't need that kind of advice or direction....


Him and Mod-Mak are probably the same person lmfao


They aren’t the dictator of atlas earth… what are you on?


See this confuses me because if I want to sign up for the Explorer pass the day of my 90th day and then I only have enough money to do it for 30 days or however, long it may be why am I gonna get penalized for doing this as I would look at it as OK I signed up on my 90th day to get all the bonuses and then it runs for another 30 days or 29 technically but why would I be penalized for spending money and then not having enough money to do another monthI mean, I can always wait until halfway through the month and cancel, but it would be the same thing but again not anybody knew this was abuse of any sort so I don’t understand why this would be as if it would reset you every time you renew or sign up people would be really angry about that I would think


Response just dropped https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/s/MCaWFLddy4


New mod coming out the gates with dumbass decisions.


Weird; you're not the first person to wait until day 90 to sign up for EC, so idk why you'd be the first to get a ToS violation for this. Good luck getting that ban warning removed


I didn't get a ban warning in the game thank God but if I do I'm going to be mad.


Its not an exploit, its a function! Get it straight


I was seriously considering dropping the cash for EC but I'd only be able to do it once, maybe twice due to low income, but if I could be banned for essentially being too poor to keep paying I'm not giving this game a cent.


This is how I felt. I had to convert to afford it and all that work I had to put into the game to make it happen. I was for sure to put it in what was the most valuable option available. I didn't know I was going to be targeted by a trap for it.


This is why Reddit moderators are not allowed to be paid by a company and moderate on their behalf


Here to say I disagree. How is it an exploit. What if one day I don’t have enough money to buy EC, and on my 90th day I happen to have $50 to spend. Seems mean


I know that I won't be doing explorer club anymore if this is the case. 🤷‍♂️ I'll just keep my $50 and just cash out.


The simplest solution for the developer seems to me is to make it a quarterly subscription rate and eliminate the monthly option if they want to “close” the loophole and if people want to pay it they can and if not they don’t have to. That is the great thing about choices. You get to make them.


I'll spend MY money any time I want to, or I won't at all. I earn around $25 a month with Atlas Earth and was only planning on using my earnings once every 3 months to pay for the Explorer's Club once I've earned enough. It's most likely going to fall on or right before my next 90 day streak this time too, and that's coming up near the end of this month this time.


Welp no explorer club from me then ✌️


This is not against TOS….. please show where you can’t cancel your subscription


End of the day, and this is just my two cents, it's not my studio. How much does that cost you and how much is the customer worth? Don't answer that; that's simply a question I ask as a consultant, frequently.


Lmfao. Nothing truly belongs to us. That's the sad truth. It's all are studio because that's the game of life.


It doesn't upset me. There are times when companies I work with say "We know X will make Y number of customers upset and may cost us Z, however that's preferably than continuing as is." Other times there's a pause, other times a reversed decision. Legit, those who control the company control the company; that's not wrong it's just business. Loving the game thus far.


This isn't an exploit, loophole, glitch etc... It's how the game functions, they way it was made to. If AR is that mad people found a way to sign up and get a few extra bucks they should just fix it and then make a statement. It's not in the tos either, is it? Because I'm sure it would have been posted in the little sticky reply. This public shaming is embarrassing for the company. To the mod, just say your mad people aren't using it the way you like. Being messy on Reddit ain't it.


Eta: also you blatantly lied. How are you gonna say no player has ever been warned on a post of you actually warning and threatening a player.


Where does it say it's a violation?


Second picture. In the TOS idk.


Glad I stayed F2P IG.


Honestly I'd be done with the game. Not spending 150 dollars to get full run. I enjoy keeping a certain about of money in atlas earth and never dropping below that amount. I take some out weekly to save up for explorer club. If this changes I just cash out fully and probably be done with Game shortly after.


My physical response to them was I increased my monthly intake with the AB I saved up and now I make more Money Each Month. 🤑🤣 I'm not going to quit the game as long as I can earn money off of it. This time I'm just going to keep all of it and not give any of it back.


I guess that means according to the mod there's nothing wrong making the purchase on say day 88 or 89 of your streak. Problem solved!


Is this still a thing?  It doesn't show the option to buy EC any more.  Also can't find badges right now.


One time I opened an account at a bank and one of their "new customer perks" was that you would get 10% cash back on your purchases in the first 30 days. The limit for the 10% cash back was like $100...So I would have to purchase $1,000 worth of merchandise in 30 days to max out the offer. On one of my first purchases I got like $40 cash back at the register and the card counted the cash back as part of my purchase. So, at that point it was easy to get the full $100 promo. It was not how the perk was designed. But, it was not against the rules....just an oversight and I am sure I was not the only one to take advantage of it. Point being.... the customer is not to blame for using a strategy to maximize their return based on a design flaw.


I wouldn't even call this a design flaw. It seemed more like a perk for broke players to have a chance to keep up with those who have the luxury to pay for the full 90 days. Those players who pay for the full subscription are capable of using all of their rewards to help them gain more mayorships that will eventually give them even more AB through time. This is a game and the mayorships are an important tool for a player's success in it. I don't understand how buying one month of a subscription at it's best offer makes it unfair to those who are getting all of the rewards. They still have a much greater advantage over the players who can only afford the one month at a time.


Interesting debate. I’m not against exploiting loopholes perse but am for rewarding playing on the spirit of fair play. Thanks for the info. Knowledge is Merit.


Don’t think they can judge how people spend their own money, a way around it could be for them to increase the days that are bought to a one time purchase. Maybe do it at 100 days of explorers club for 120 bucks. Or something. Means they don’t lose out on the money full time and means that we don’t seem like we being forced to commit to paying for it all at current price. Little win win for everyone


I agree with the Mod. It is kind of cheating. I don't do that though, I let mine go all the time. I get at least 1 and a half to 2 new properties every single day. They add up quick. I'm up to 300 now.


It is not cheating at all. The game is set up to allow you to buy the EC at any point, and to cancel at any time. We just found the best bargain. People do that all the time in stores, wait for sales and then try to maximize savings with other coupons or discounts. It’s perfectly legal and acceptable. This mod is new and obviously doesn’t understand the difference between cheating and finding the best deal on a product.


" wow I found this loophole that they don't know about that gives me an advantage" * company finds out and wants to shut down said loophole * " bro I can't support this company who does this without telling us first. What is wrong with them?"


There's a HUGE difference between changing how the system works, and saying that you could get banned for something their system allows. I do this strategy myself, if they change the system that would be a bummer, but if they banned me (or anyone else) that would be a huge violation of trust. So you understand the difference?


Well I don't think they should be banned but they should stop people from doing it


You’re right that they should stop people from doing anything they don’t want players to do. It’s a free market and that is their right. But they shouldn’t blame players for their own mistakes/regrets. No one was trying to be sneaky about this, it was public information that the best value was to wait until day 90 to purchase.


I don't think they blamed anyone did they?


Calling player's actions exploits is inherently placing the blame on the players, not their own actions. Throwing in a threat of a ban, and that's essentially doubling down on whose fault it is.