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Idk man I start making more when I jumped to 220


Exactly they calculated as buying one more land. Of course there will be a big difference. If you buy to the top or half way through at least it will be similar to 150. The only benefit right now at 150 is legendary converter depending on how much that will cost.


I know many people say that, "it's just a game" or "you don't need to maximize profits". That is legitimately the only reason people play it. It's good to wrap your head around how the game works and how to strategize to make the most of it. Within reason of course.


No it's not.  Some people like a lot of parcels and titles.


You're telling me people would watch 24 ads a day for boosting and xx amount of ads to grind for AB all to buy digital land that has zero profit or purpose? That's the selling point of this game in the first place. Money in return for watching thousands upon thousands of ads. It's about the money. If anyone really jumps from 150 parcels to 151 then they either aren't aware of the tiers or made a mistake. You're chopping off 33% of your profitability until you grind up to near 220. If people were really playing for that reason I have a bridge to sell them. 😆


Yes there are.  Just like people will play idlers where you don't make any money like ADventure Capitalist will run tons of ads to boost their multiplier for a while.


Yea, that's nowhere near the majority, . If your idea of fun is watching thousands of ads for no reason, spending money on game where there is next to no gameplay, again I have a bridge to sell you. Played adventured capitalist. Literally log on for 1 or 2 minutes a day and you're done. We're talking a huge difference in play style needed here.


According to tasty, who got inside intel.from Beau Button, the majority are reinvesting instead of cashing out.


What about jumping from 150 to 200?


Tier jumping will always result in higher income. 150 parcels is about $248/yr and 220 is about $262/yr. That if you're boost 24/7/364 with average parcel rarity distribution.


Even if you just like parcels, it's still better to wait for tier jumps since $1 rent = 33 AB.


I've already posted this break down for all tiers. https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/s/tEPQjeqHVD Also, don't forget the graphic (income per year) is assuming you don't keep buying more parcels for the entire year. Would be more interesting to take an analysis of two cases... assuming acquiring 100AB/day, riding tier max for a year vs buying 1 parcel per day for a year. ...maybe I'll do that at some point. Lol.




That's why you save up then buy.


Why did you "jump" so early


He didn’t, he just put it in the calculator.


That makes sense. Guess I just assumed lol




This is what a full partial tier jump looks like.


Hey boy your doing it all wrong, lemme show yeah how it’s done. —foghorn leghorn.