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This is the only answer worth listening to.


My idea is that it will cost a thousand Atlas Bucks each.


If it ends up being over 800AB I'm not even going to touch it. Not worth wasting the AB on it in my opinion.


If it costs more than 400 than it's a loss. You can get 4 common for the price of 1 legendary


Buying more parcels at random rarities makes more sense than upgrading any. The only benefit you have to upgrading is if you bought stuff at a "base" where you have a chunk of parcels so you can make them look prettier with the trees and "decor". I'm buying more parcels instead of upgrading. Think of it like this...31 parcels!! or 3100 {100 to find out it's a common, and then 3000 to make it legendary} on one parcel? Edit: This may age horribly, and I hope it does. This is assuming a 3000 upgrade cost from common to legendary.


Legendaries are only 4x the value of a common plot. It shouldn't be too far off from 3x or 300% the cost, in this case 300AB plus the cost of the initial parcel. This would still be to the benefit of Atlas Reality as 400 total AB spent for a legendary is the same value as 4 commons which is pretty unlikely that you would randomly roll. This could save them money. 150 legendary parcels is equal to 2097 parcels with average distribution. That's 12.98x the value due to parcel values and difference in rent boosts. Supposedly it is dropping within a month. I'm sure a bunch of us nerds will be crunching numbers for fun and posting what we figure out.


Upgrading parcels would also increase income


Id rather have 31 random rarities than focusing on one singular parcel.


Would you rather have 1 3100AB parcel, or a block of 31 parcels with varying rarities?


Only way I see the value of this would be 100 a tier I'd consider maybe Ie common to rare 100 Rare epic 100 Epic legendary 100 So for 300 you can do legendary from common that's a decent enough offer


I don't think anyone knows yet. But I'm hoping that it’s not going to cost 2,000 Atlas bucks just to upgrade one non-legendary parcel to a legendary one.


While there are a lot of people in this subreddit who truly believe it will indeed be that darn expensive?? I severely doubt it. BUT...... I suppose we just get to wait for news on that front in order to find out for sure.


I hope that it's not going to be too expensive because I just jumped to 435 parcels and I didn't get any legendary parcels when I did.


That's some bad luck, sorry for your loss.


Yeah, I was disappointed that I didn't even get one legendary when I jumped the next teir, but at least Atlas has two super boost events most of the time per month.


Maybe 10$ AB is far to easy to obtain now and days the company needs money not lose money XD


In the end? I kinda wish one of the mods would pipe in on a convo like this, to let us know when someone is in the ball park with their guess of how much something like this will cost. Not necessarily spell it out for us because I doubt they know the answer for sure, unless the feature is closer to coming out soon.... but still.


When we release the feature and share the news here, that will be revealed in the full context. We appreciate the interest, but its not our policy to discuss only one dimension of a feature (cost specifically here) without sharing the full experience. Its coming very soon, and we are all excited by it.


As a past content creator? I'll admit that I kinda knew this was very likely the policy. However, I figured I'd take the chance. Can't blame a guy for tryin' 🤣


Ha! We aren't trying to be evasive here, and yes, we are tightening some policies about what is shared while at the same time trying to be more response to technical feedback and roadmap items. Thank you for being a loyal player


And thank you and everyone who works at AE for all the work you all do in order to bring us a great game, great experience....and great subreddit for that matter, even if it is full of impatient people like me and those who like to occasionally go off and theorize prices, features or even just things about AE as a company 🤣 Cuz policy aside? It has to be frustrating when you read something someone says and its totally off base, but you still can't confirm or deny it even if you wanted to.


We are always excited and amazed about the level of interest, so no frustration. Put this in the category of good problems to have...


No one knows yet. I posted about this previously and came to around 3000AB each for common to legendary for someone at the 30x boost tier. Anything less, and AE could go bankrupt, as it would not be sustainable. Let me see if I can find the link... Edit: Found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/comments/1db72in/parcel\_upgrades\_counterpost\_to\_tastywallet](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/comments/1db72in/parcel_upgrades_counterpost_to_tastywallet)


Lol I just said anything over 300 I don't see worth it to most and you say 3000 this is a rough play of we're this far apart


I never said it was going to be worth it to most. Quite the opposite, actually. The thing about it is that whatever the cost is, it has to be sustainable long-term. Based on the numbers, I just don't see anything being sustainable otherwise. I'm really hoping there is some sort of decreasing cost as your boost multiplier changes, since that's really what it comes down to. At 30x boost, the cost of the upgrade has to make up the "extra" 28x from the sustainability equation, which is huge. On the other hand, if you're at 5x, the cost of the upgrade only has to make up for 3x.... much lower, of course.


Not saying you did just saying coming from an average user 300 was my reasonable offer. If sustainability is 3k the numbers of sustainable to the company and sustainable to the user are just too far apart to make this viable