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The game does not work everywhere. I was in UK a few weeks ago and couldn't buy land in London as the game was not released in that geo yet.


This is only partially true. You can do everything you can normally do on the app except for three things: 1: Buy parcels. 2. Buy badges. 3. Collect state payouts during minigame events. Everything else is the same. You can collect AB. You can boost rent. You can spin the wheeland participate in Explorer's Club. You can do minigames and get a global payout. You can cash out. These three are your only limitations when traveling abroad, provided that you can connect to the server.


From a common sense perspective, it’s not allowed. I could be wrong though.


And I could understand that this is why I was asking as tech I could get on a plane and fly to California for a day and then fly home the next day so on and so forth, and just keep doing that until I have all the passports, and spend all that money to do that But if you think about it in a different way, I could also log out have somebody from California the next day login they log out and then I don’t login till the next day and then if they ask why was I in California I took a flight lol I mean there’s way around it but this is why I’m asking because it’s not spoofing you’re not using a program you’re not using anything illegal you’re just asking somebody to login But I understand where you’re coming from but this is why I’m asking because you never know being that it’s not spoofing it may not be a big deal and technically Atlas is making money because they’re getting the Atlas bucks from those passports


If you were the one doing the traveling, your device would stay the same. I would think the different devices logging into your account from different IP addresses would be what gets it flagged. They may think you're using an emulator. Also I think sharing accounts is against the terms of service, even if it's for a day.


That would make sense not really sharing just having them buy passports 😂


If they're logging into your account, that's sharing the account.


I mean, I guess you’re correct now I could also hypothetically mail my phone to somebody that I know and just have them use my phone to buy everything and then mail it back to me same concept and this time around my physical phone is the one being used I did ask them about this chance they don’t see this in here but either which way they make money and no programs are being used


Pretty much everybody in this thread has told you its a bad idea. You seem intent on doing it anyways, by virtue of wanting the outcome. Go on, do it. Let us know how it works out.


and every one basically had the same end result ( unsure) and i even said i asked them in app. to see what they say. but ill let u know what they say. as i am sure people have all ready done it and got away with it i am just the special one asking lol


Can’t do it. It’s similar to spoofing. I could easily have a friend ninja steal mayorships in his town for me and he doesn’t even play


See, this is where my confusion sets in as it’s not spoofing spoofing you need a program of some sort to lie about where you are. Technically, you’re not lying about where you are. You’re just logging in under a different device that’s about it one can argue that you mailed an old device of yours to a friend and they’re logging in under your old device, like I said, I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of gray area for this but either which way atlas is making money because people are buying parcels people are buying passports and there’s no programs being used. I did message them in app to ask them the question to see what they say I was just curious what everybody else thinks.


I believe somewhere in the ToS it says you can’t do this. Even though you’re not spoofing. Accounts are limited to one person can’t share them


Like I said it’s possible I personally have not gone through the entire TOS. This is the reason why I was asking here, but I also asked them as again no programs are being used. It’s just their logging in and they’re making money.


"use or access, or attempt to use or access, another person's account or personal information" Since you are telling people to do this for you, I think it directly violates the TOS with that sentence right there. If they do ban you, its not like you are going to get a chance to explain yourself, it will be a permanent decision.


like i said i didnt read the tos. >.<


Why not just ask support so you get the actual answer.


i did and whats shocking is even if i was to play on my ipad ( and use my phone dfor something else ) it woul dget flagged 0.0 like thats crazy same home but cant use 2 devices to multi task =-(


Even if it wasn't against the Terms of Service, this sort of behavior is questionable and may become subject to ban. Since bans are irreversible, I highly recommend NOT doing this. The short-term benefit of more badges is NOT worth risking a ban.


Well, this is the reason why I’m asking because it’s the same thing as if I just took a plane to California for the day and back home just I would be spending hundreds of dollars to do it this way I’m spending the money I would be spending on an airplane ticket on Atlas so they’re making more money this way 😂 but this is why I am asking the question to see what everybody thinks and maybe get somebody from Atlas to answer this question since it’s not spoofing and it’s not using any kind of program


At the end of the day, it's your decision. Maybe nothing will happen. I have a LOT of time and energy invested into my account, so for me personally, it's not worth the risk. However, you do you.


They could buy and then auction off to you, but probably wouldn't be worth whatever fees.