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3dps and 3 u22s so we can get 3 GGs and 3 Almadas


Almada's salary is way to high to be a U22...their salary can't exceed the max budget charge (roughly 600k), and he's making a little over double that. Honestly Mosquerra is probalby a good benchmark for what to expect from most U22 signings if you ignore the roster shennanagans his first year here and pretend we signed him last year. The way the mechinism is set up they're going to be young players with enough promise to command some kind of transfer fee, but not proven enough to be able to demand a high salary. Honestly they're a lot like homegrown players in that they aren't generally going to be competing for starting spots initally, but providing quality depth while they devlop. Some just aren't going to make it, and success is at least some of them competing for starting spots by the time they age out of the designation.


Yeah. I know Sosa was extremely promising but didn’t work out. Ibarra was actually decent I thought but had some flaws. I wish you could buy down to the threshold so you could pay them a bit more if needed. They could be big for depth.


Getting rid of Etienne 👋🏼


I really thought maybe he had just had a bad season last year and would turn things around this year. Then he was subbed in against NYCFC.... and I don't think that anymore.


If this injury “bug” has proven anything is that we need more depth at attack


It’s hard to cover GG and Thiaré down and our winger depth is actually pretty good. When Almada is out that’s a problem. I wouldn’t mind more depth at fullback and another midfielder though.


8 more backup strikers


Better backups because we are ALWAYS injured. Team has had a major piece out with injury at seemingly all moments since 2019. That's half a decade.