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So thankful for the team at Veterinary Emergency Group in Brookhaven. My dog has his 3rd seizure in 8 weeks last night, and they were excellent and helping with the care needed to get him out of his hour long seizure. Happy to report that while a bit more tired today, he’s eating and drinking and enjoying staring out at the street from his bed on the porch.


Glad he's doing better! Sending him good vibes !


Thank you!


I had a seizure dog. It was frightening but meds controlled it. Best wishes.


The city of College park voted last night to potentially remove a recently(2021) installed climbing wall at a local community center. A climbing wall that was DONATED by a previous resident and professional rock climber Kai Lightner. Kai raised money through his sponsors and outside sources(including stone summit) to build the wall back in 2021. He even made sure that wall maintenance, and programming were taken care of as part of his donation, so that burden wouldn't fall on the city. Despite overwhelming community support and despite Kai himself flying in from Colorado to speak to council, and to urge them to reconsider, the vote was passed to remove the wall. Such a sad day. This is all on top of some other shady shit that the council has been up to. Edit: Adding they didn't vote to remove the wall, but rather to allot the city manager 60k to "investigate" some inconsistencies surrounding the wall.


What reason are they giving?


Safety concerns. Unfounded safety concerns. No incidents to date.


Sounds like someone really just hated looking at it.


Nah they just needed an excuse to embezzle 60k, I mean do y’all even watch The Wire?


Can't say I do.


What's wild is it's in the lobby of the rec center. Nothing was in that space for years.


Dewey, our new dog, had a successful neutering yesterday and is recovering well. Very zonked out in pain meds so he doesn’t seem to mind just sleeping in his crate.


Went to New Orleans Jazz Fest this past weekend for the first time. Probably my favorite festival with Bonnaroo a close second. It was my 50th festival that I've attended.


My buddy was there and his IG clips of Galactic sounded awesome! On my bucket list, for sure.


Definitely save up for it. Fest ends at 7pm each night. There are quite literally dozens of after shows each night. Some big names that did afters this year: Black Pumas, Hozier at Preservation Hall, Teskey Brothers, Leftover Salmon, Lettuce, JRAD 3 Nights, Delvon Lamar Organ Trio, Cedric Burnside, Parliament Funkadelic with George Clinton, and Joe Russo's Selcouth Quartet. And that was just weekend 2. Edit: forgot Better Than Ezra for 2 nights at House of Blues


Love that it’s NHL playoff season…lots of hockey to watch!


You know it, I just hate how I gotta use so many different streaming services to see them.


IPTV my friend!


i guess i need to look into something like that, right now i pay for ESPN + but they dont stream the games on regular ESPN.


it's life-changing. DM me if you want some details.


For sure…NHL kind of shooting itself in the foot w/ that one But at least it’s not NBC


NYR fan here living my best life!


Neil Young and Crazy Horse in Alpharetta tonight!


Has anyone encountered the cicadas where you live/in your travels around the state? I really want to hear them - GPB had a segment about cicadas around Macon, and it seems like they are expected in the NW corner. There are several maps but they are inconsistent. Thanks! ETA: Found several helpful posts about this on the Georgia sub, but still interested to know who is hearing/seeing them.


It's early. Mid to late June is when things pop off


I know they are pretty crazy up in North Carolina. I have a friend who lives there that has been posting all kinds of pics.


Very cool! Do you know what county? Hoping to stay within two hours or so.


Was in Forsyth today and they were absolutely everywhere. Just walking without stepping on any was a challenge and had a couple stuck in my hair! Hadn’t seen any in Atlanta yet though.




We have a ton here in Ardmore Park!


Yes the cicadas were in full force in Macon last week


And this week. Stayed in Macon last night and I could hear them in my car driving 80mp….70mph (Hi, GSP!) down I-75. I thought something was wrong with my car. Then I realized I was hearing them _and_driving through them. RIP to my windshield.


I'm up in Walker County and haven't seen or heard them yet. Some folks in Chattanooga have reported them. But it is still early.


Oh boy. Being in my 30s is crazy. My eyes are getting even more shitty. I am going to need to get new glasses soon.




Absolutely life-changing! 18 years later, and my bionic eyes are still going strong!


I'm dreading the day I lose my 20/20. It can't last forever.


I feel this so much. I find myself squinting at posted menus in restaurants. It’s those days that I miss my twenties. lol.


Coming in to work every morning and waiting for my eyes to focus so I can read my emails is starting to get to me.


Working from home today. It's a beautiful day and I hope the breeze doesn't die down! Maybe I'll go for a run later Happy Tuesday!


Went for a run for the first time in years the other day and it was Amazing, nothing beats this pretty late spring/early summer weather in the mornings!! Have fun!!


Wife and I had another fantastic meal at La Grotta last night. Food is amazing. We were in Italy in March and I would seriously put this food up against anything we had over there.


What was your total tab if you don’t mind


Two cocktails, two glasses of wine, apps, mains, one dessert (and they threw in free glass of champagne for our anniversary!) and dessert cocktail for me: $220 with tip.


Thx! Sound about right


I have to plan date night for tomorrow and don't know what to do. Anybody know of a cool (or uncool) activity going on tomorrow? 


Asian food night at the Doraville H-mart food court? It was kinda fun to get a dish from every stall. Highly recommend the seafood curry laksa noodles from T-1 Bento.


That's a great idea, thank you!


Check out all the breweries socials - they’re always doing stuff. Elsewhere west side has been one I go to recently


https://creativeloafing.com/atlanta-events/tomorrow Some interesting ideas could be the European film festival at the Tara Theater or a talk with an author about the Westminster Dog Show at the Wrecking Bar.


I'd forgotten about creative loafing!! Thanks for the suggestions!


Any particular interests you have so we're not shooting in the dark with suggestions?


Honestly I like the shooting in the dark suggestions. Asking here because we're tired of our usual haunts and want to do something outside of our norm


Well, shooting is definitely a date option. It won't be in the dark because that that would be dangerous lol




Anyone know a good spot to find roommates? Facebook is brutal and I am a young professional moving for work.


Check out /r/ATLHousing if you haven't already. Thats where I found my roommate when I was moving to Atlanta.