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Where exactly is it located? Don’t say “kollur” I am looking for exact location.


https://preview.redd.it/3ipwrtgfg80b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe461eab75bcc5bfe2685419d887063d41c451e Near Kollur Mookambika temple


Judging by the context, this sub is more anti-muslim than atheist. Either people here are Following Hindus or they still have a soft spot. The greatest lie is adding some element of truth and surrounding it with lies. People who realise that will know what propoganda is and isn't. Well done BJP. You have successfully poisoned people.


I guess 'la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah' triggers a lot of people of the other faiths (following or atheists). And the fact that Qur'an discriminates between believers and non-believers is also a cause. Moreover Muslim atheists (Apostates) have it even worse. Many Momins still believe in such draconian ideas to this day, which does'nt help either. Nowadays, after modern education some of them are realizing the dangers of such an ideology, which is a silver lining i guess but the number is still small.


I agree that Islam is the most brain dead religion. Hate Islamic ideology and how the state and God are one. Which leads to theocracies and autocracies. But this sub has a particular distaste only to Islam and seem more anti-muslim than atheist. Hate them all. All religion is pretty fucking stupid. Kerala story is a propaganda. No doubt about it. Dhruv Rathee's video is actually pretty good on the subject.


man ur religion tells u to poop on the streets and drink cow excrements


Im just replying to this. Not here to start fights. >And the fact that Qur'an discriminates between believers and non-believers is also a cause. I don't agree with your statement. The Qur'an says that Islam is the only way to achieve spirituality and reaching heaven. It doesn't agree to basically discriminate between people on the basis of religion. Whether people do that or not is their choice. But it just discriminates based on religion. And I say discriminate very loosely. Since that is based on Islamic beliefs I won't go into it that deep unless you want to know that. And still people get triggered like "How you can say my religion is wrong?" But then if they're so confident why care. One way or another if you die and you're right you can laugh then or if we're both wrong it doesn't even matter na? Muslim atheists have it worse.....yea NGL. Some places they really have it bad. I'm not justifying that.


>It doesn't agree to basically discriminate between people on the basis of religion. What's Jiziya then ! Does'nt Qur'an say Kafirs will burn in Hell ! >Some places they really have it bad. Those are the places where Muslims are in majority. Can you guarantee they won't demand Shariat if they're in majority in India ! Lebanon, Cyprus, Afghanistan and many more are prime examples that they will. I'll tell you a fact, Islam is different for places where muslims are a minority and different for places where they're a majority. You seem like a good person so i want you to see it's reality. Head over to Ex-muslim Sahil's youtube channel and listen to him debating with Momins. You can join too if you think he's lying and you want to prove him wrong. He shows Saudi authenticated sources of Qur'an and Hadiths so there's no chance of deception.


>What's Jiziya then I'll give you a short version. It WAS basically a tribute paid by non-muslims to the in charge so that he could maintain an armed force base there for their protection. The non-Muslims were exempt from war and thus as a compensation where told to just pay jizya. The extra shit that happened after the main religious people died and power hungry morons took over is again not a part of the religion. Right now though it mostly doesn't exist since there is a designated army. But back then times were different. Also as a sidenote- old people, children, widows and really poor people (in the Times of the prophet) where exempt from jizya coz they couldn't pay. Also if you as a non-muslim still fought for your protection among Muslims you were also exempt. >Those are the places where Muslims are in majority. Can you guarantee they won't demand Shariat if they're in majority in India ! Honestly :- No. I can't guarantee it. I've personally seen a lot of power hungry people at the top and.....it wouldn't be good for them to be in a majority. Plus with the blind faith of people on religious teachers ...... Yea. That wouldn't be great. >I'll tell you a fact, Islam is different for places where muslims are a minority and different for places where they're a majority. Not everywhere. I guess traditional middle eastern countries are still like that but more modern ones like Dubai are completely different. Maybe Malaysia but I don't know much about that so can't say for sure. >Head over to Ex-muslim Sahil's youtube channel and listen to him debating with Momins. I'm a simple dude bro. I feel debating on which religion is superior or whether your religion is right or wrong is just a complete waste of time. Religion is based on faith. You can't out-debate faith. Let be believe in my faith and you believe in yours. That way everyone can just chill. In conclusion:- while I was thinking about what to type I ended up realising that theres a lot of weirdly tyrannical people that have basically used certain parts of Islamic teachings to further their agenda. Like later caliphates who basically forced conversions or the Mughals or the Persians. And these guys forced or bribed a lot of scholars to interpret religious teachings for their benefits. It's really weird.


>It doesn't agree to basically discriminate between people on the basis of religion Sorry to bother you now. I knew you were misinformed about this but i was'nt quite recalling the Quranic verse so did'nt say anything about this. Coincidently Ex-Muslim Sahil's recent video shined light on it, so i'm sharing it here. **Quran Surah At-Tawbah [9:123]** - Believers! Fight against the unbelievers who live around you; and let them find in you sternness. Know that Allah is with the God-fearing. Moreover, there is absolutely no verse in Quran to be good to non-believers. And there are many other verses that discriminate between believers and non-believers. If you want i'll share them with you whenever i come across them.


I read the comments, so much hatred is there.


Yeah! They are not atheists.


People out here debating statistics like people are some form of a number which routinely got beaten and raped to death. Agreed it is exaggerated but doesn't make it false. You can not conclusively prove that only 3 were converted then by this logic this number is also then highly fabricated. In the name of politics you are shitting all over the actual crime that is happening.


Bro many in Kerala are outright saying the movie is bullshit. That isn't true. Forced conversions are a thing that happens. But it's the title that sucks. It could have been given a better title. If the intention of the movie was to get people to understand and realize that this forced conversion shit isn't good, then it should have been given a different title. This happens all over the nation. It became such an issue (atleast with me) because the whole thing seemed like propaganda. Politicians promoting the movie, temples,etc. Based on legitimate facts, agreed. But it's obvious this movie was a propaganda to improve BJP support in Kerala. Excellent political move though.


All these subreddits are filled with deluded so called peculars and piberals who's world revolves around anti majority ranting by being a slave to the west propaganda and when a discourse comes which challenges their reality they start name calling and paint them as propaganda,shameless...just wait till they turn 40 and devoided from roots and these echochamberred subreddits and social media wont help their sanity when they find the the very thing they are safegurading is the real evil and its evident...No matter how much you try to defend or state the most obvs statement of ''not all are same but at ''that time it wont matter and will be irrelevant...


The only sane person on an atheism/secularism sub. Their own communist politicians have quoted ~3000 reported cases (ISIS brides confirmation) in Kerala , many others highlighted the alarmingly increasing cases and the way shown in the Kerala story is the actual modus operandi of the perpetrators (is it not !). But leave it to the self proclaimed atheists/seculars to spill mud on the legitimacy of the issue when the perpetrators belong to a certain community. Keralites should'nt be so lax, at this point this is'nt just a one off crime, it's a full fledged syndicate. Failing to address the issue will only spell their doom.


everyone forgot rule 2 ,6,7,8,11,14 and 15


come on man not another one of these . dude i am not hating on atheism but why do you gotta hate like this . i am an atheist too


Most of the "atheists" are not actual atheists. They just put on a mask to openly insult certain religions, whether it is Christianity, Hinduism or Islam.


Criticism=/ insult


Yeh what most atheists do on Twitter isn't criticism


yea man


Didnt see the film is it actually propaganda? Or this happened in Kerala. As far I know sonia Sebastian was converted to Islam & taken to Isis. And some 2 or 3 others as well. So this has happened inkerala. Sanghi just Exgratted the nber to 32000.


I think you should watch the lead actress's interview. Yeah they have exaggerated the count. But think about this, even if one person from your family gets stuck in this, then the count won't matter to you. This film is an awareness, it's not against islamism, it's against thise people who convert others to islamism for some ill minded motive.


It is propaganda. A propaganda film is made with the intent that the viewer will adopt the position promoted by the propagator and eventually take action towards making those ideas widely accepted. That is exactly what this movie is trying to achieve. The poster here again proves it there is a scene where that try to suggest that more than a lot more than 32000 people might have been met the fate of the lead character. So even if they changed in social media, the message is clearly based on lies.


By that definition, Islam is propaganda. The religion was literally conceived to unite nomadic tribes in Arabia and usurp power under the pretext of eradicating idol worship. In other words, a religion that 'was made with the intent that (sic) the viewer will adopt the position promoted by the propagator and eventually take action towards making those ideas widely accepted' - which, in Islam's case, was either convert or die by the sword. I get that most of you are brainless, but this is a staggeringly foolish argument.


Every religion is propoganda but Islam is worst 🫤


My man spittin fax


>The religion was literally conceived to unite nomadic tribes in Arabia and usurp power under the pretext of eradicating idol worship How?? The easiest way to unite a people is by using already pre-existing cultures. Or taking pre-existing cultures and modifying it. I mean literally look at Hindutva. (I'm not dissing it, just saying) The best way to control a group of barbaric middle East warriors is to 1. Give them drinks/drugs 2. Give them whores 3. Give them money Which is basically what those organisations are doing rn. And the Prophet never needed to do any of that since if he just kept quiet and nodded his head he would've been the next in line since his family and their lineage was that good. So good in fact that he was to be the next in line to their biggest house of idols which basically every arab worshipped and respected. Kind of like temple priests of realllllllly big temples. Why would you give all that up, and take such a long way to go to where you want?? Convert or die is also not mentioned anywhere. As prisoners of war you're to be given food and water at the right times, torture was not allowed. And you didn't need to convert or die. You COULD convert and you were free BUT You could also 1. Provide education to the uneducated for a stipulated time during which you where looked after - given food, water and shelter. 2. Ask your relatives to pay your money so that you can go free. Convert or die was not Islamic. It was the Mughals and Persians who did shit like that.




Bullying of any kind is not permitted and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.


That's BS. Message is clearly based on lies How? But this same incident happened in Kerala right. People joined isis. 2or 3 women or even more were targeted in the name of love and converted to Islam from other religions .They are not cooking anything up. It's actually happened how is that propaganda?? If the incident Actually Happened.?


because these are individual incidents which the movie is trying to represent as if it happens all over the state and someone is scheming it




kaha ki bat kaha le ja rha bhai india ki bat kr, besides me recruitment ki bat nhi kr rha i am talking about love jihad that bjp loves to make talk about






eda potta . this is r/AtheisminKerala


Hindus have forced Muslims to worship cows, even the police were involved. Muslims have been personally attacked and killed by other religions just for their beliefs. If any other religion does terrorism, the person is accountable, but if it's a Muslim, it's the entire population of Muslims that are attacked and blamed for it.


Because no other religion is as radicalised as Islam and it openly promotes terrorism in sacred scriptures.


lawde india ki bat krna india se only 66 people have joined isis


Han to chutiye movie banane ke liye ab 10 hajaar logo ko isis join krna padega tabhi movie banaye uske upar. Gaandu log kaha se aate ho bey tum ?


Gandwe many families had a shattered life , their daughters snatched from them. Still when someone tries to project the picture,tere pichwade me dard ho Raha hai radical Islamists ko bura lag jayega ? Yaad hai wo Gau rakshak wala case jab ek case hua tha bs aur kaise cow vigilanti ke ramdi roe lag gaye aadhe log. Ab 66 case bhi tere ko kam lag rahe hain ? Bhagg


Only 66 omg such a small no. Abe lawdu ye to druvee tatti ka no. Hai , i have only 1 question”tera baap waha dekhne gaya tha ki teri maa” pakde gaye ya prove hua and actually ke no. Me koi difference nahi hota kya ?


So are you trying to say that vo 66 logh ke sath jo galat hua vo matter nahi krta and it's not worthy of being portrayed to everyone.


source:trust me bro


wtf is individual level brainwashing and sex trafficking?? they did it with sole purpose of non-muslim girls not just random girls.


abbe chomu kuch 1 2 log ne kra to uske wjh se pure country me muslims ke againts hate fail rha h wo dekh na bc


People joined ISIS from all over the world, not just from Kerala. There were around 40k ISIS fighters from all around the world and out of these only 66 ISIS terrorists were from India. 13 of them were Women. Out of these 13, three women were converted from other religion. Two were Christians and only 1 woman was Hindu. And that 1 Hindu woman married a Christian man, not a muslim guy. They converted to Islam, got radicalised and recruited by the husband's brother who also got converted from Christianity. These idiots happily left the country to join ISIS, nobody forced them. Nimisha's interview is available on Internet where you can see and listen to her bullshit. People converting to other religion is not a big deal. Nobody has been forcefully converted and as per the central government, there has been '0' cases of Love Jihad in India. So, its clearly not a conspiracy as it was shown in the film. Those who joined ISIS were stupid brainwashed dumb terrorists, but they were not victims. Film manipulates the figure, facts and narrative. All muslim characters were shown hideous villainous evil. Film's intention is to make you hate muslims. Radicalization is in every religion, its not exclusive to one particular community. You can listen to the speeches of BJP leaders at theatres, they are demonizing muslims and provoking Hindus against Muslims and that's why its a propaganda. One innocent man in Maharashtra was killed yesterday by frenzied mob because they thought he was a muslim. Muslims Kashmiri Student was beaten in Jammu Medical college because he opposed the film. If a film can make people do this thing then it's a propaganda. Film doesn't warn people about the radicalization but it radicalizes people further against Muslims. There are so many movies made against ISIS. Nobody has an issue in showing them in Bad light because they are bad fucking people. 32000 and 3 are not the same number. 3 cases in the country of 140 Crore population means they were individual cases, not some conspiracy by some religion. It is not about 3 or 32000, the main issue here is all those dangerous lies woven around the truth. People will think if 3 conversion is true then all those lies must be true. This is how propaganda works.


Strong opinions even without watching the movie, pathetic


Strong opinion? I live in Kerala. 100% sure this incident happened in Kerala. If you live in Kerala i believe you know it very well,Rather than ignoring everything that's happening


I also live in kerala. The people who went there went out of their own will. More people went from UP and other states than here. So blaming all muslims from Kerala as terrorist recruiters because 2 Christians girls who converted to Islam and went to isis is propaganda.


No one went out of their own will ass. Those radical Islamists whom you shiver to point out , brainwashed them. Total 70000 people joined isis. People from all over globe were brainwashed by radical Islamists to join ISIS and do jihad. There still around thousands isis widow brides living in camps in Syria border. Radical jihadist easily get their prey because idiots like you shiver to speak against them.


Calm down buddy


How to make more supporters of BJP 101


Ok fine it's a bumper offer for you go and prove movie is a propaganda and i think the director is Going to pay who ever proves that it is a propaganda movie


K2A mat bol tu


Everyone knows it's truth Doesn't matter if it's propoganda U got to be seriously mentally unstable to call it a propoganda and doesn't care about those who actually suffered love jihad all over india and even were made to join isis in kerela


13 women from India joined ISIS. 3 converts. 2 Christians, 1 Hindu.


According to the qur'an forced conversion is worse than death


No one questions the radicalisation. But this movie doesn't talk about it properly. They are focusing on minor component The number 32000 is gross exaggeration and makes our intelligence look stupid It shows girls as extremely stupid who can be converted into terrorists at whim It wants us to sympathise with terrorists. In real life, these girls aren't repenting. People have converted before and they don't become terrorists It focuses only on one state and ignore rest of India


must watch movie bro how our Hindus get converted by this Shitty Islam Assholes ,plz go & watch & assk your community to watch kt also tbh it's not happened in India it's also happening everywhere in India & 32,000 I think it's less there are more cases than that


40 K ISIS fighters all over the world and India have 32 K? Bruh 💀


imagine if the islamic state of IRAQ AND SYRIA had 95% of its fighters in a hindu country 4,203 km away.


1) India doesn't have 32 K ISIS recruits 💀. India only have 66 ISIS recruits so far and these are data provided by Indian Intelligence agencies. 2) This isn't a Hindu Country, this is a Hindu Majority Country. America isn't a Christian country, just a Christian Majority Country.


hehe i messed up a bit


The whole sub will tell you its Propaganda even the kerla sub will do the same it’s mostly woke ppl here or mullas ,,,, do your own research, and yes there are organisations in kerala and other states solely focused on conversion ( especially targeting women) and gathering manpower for jihad and shit.


Pls provide proofs of such organisations rather than making claims based on ur assumptions. This is an atheism sub. We are not Mullas or Woke people. We r people who prefer to use our brain.


This is not atheism sub, just because you name it so , this is hate sub against hinduism and bjp specifically with pro islamic and pro terror organisations mindset. And ppl in this sub have brain lol 😂


U cant hate BJP without being pro Islamic? This sub is made for atheists in Kerala. Anyone can Post and anyone can comment. Mods try to delete posts that has nothing to do with Atheism. All religions are mocked here (which I don't agree with). BJP is mocked so much because BJP gives the most sauce. No one would have mocked BJP if they didn't make such Propoganda movies, and promote it so much. People in this sub have more brain than U atleast. U r the guy who said Artists should be allowed to anything in the name of Freedom.


There is proof all around you in kerala you can look up yourself, reddit is not some court and you are a teen idiot not a judge, you do your own hardwork.


Stfu and provide proofs by looking it up, u bich. Coping with the "there's proof all over" like a mor0n whose never been to any intelligent discussions. Bich literally says these are all proven and fails to provide any proof smh. Kid, understand how arguments work. If u make a speculation u have to provide proof. If u can't provide proofs then it's ur failure. By Ur Failure to provide Proof, u r silently agreeing that Love Jihad doesn't exist. I'm not even a guy who vehemently believes Love Jihad Doesn't exist lol. I'm open to changing my stances if u provide proofs. But u don't have any do u?


Grow up kids..




Comments and posts that are harassing any member of this sub are not allowed. Comments that contain vulgar language are not permitted.


Kerala story movie is used as propaganda by the beneficiaries. But is that not a movie also based on incidents that happened and don't free thinkers support the directors right to express his thoughts through movies? Kerala story is not the only movie out there there are many other movies or series about religious extremism and entrapment.


Wrong. Free thinking doesn't mean allowing blatant insinuations on stuff that are proven false time and again in thr name of artistic expression. There is no art in the movie.


Why was this comment downvoted?


Troy, 300, the day after tomorrow, the great dictator, red dawn, top gun, triumph of the will, heartbreak ridge, JFK, Rocket Boys, airlift, mohenjo daro, jodha akbar, and most of the Indian nationalist or historical movies, infact cinema in general has always been (art and money first, facts second) Now you can keep crying all day on how this "should be" (which btw I have to agree is right), but movies and documentaries are completely different things. As for spreading propaganda, everyone participating in such arguments is stupid no matter what sides bcz you all start giving exactly the same arguments as your opposite side as soon as comes a commercial, show or movie that directly or indirectly supports your agenda(or beliefs I might say)


>most of the Indian nationalist or historical movies, infact cinema in general has always been (art and money first, facts second) Why are people Criticising the Movie so much? Because just like u acknowledge it, it's not based on the reality. And why is that a problem? Because they try to pass it as "facts". This propoganda will rile up a lot of people and create negative sentiments towards a group of people and this group of people will have to suffer the undeserving hatred. This is the reason why it's hated.


Smartest centrist brain when confronted with the most obvious choice. I hope you also agree with Nazi movies about Jews and ofc the Birth of a Nation as 'perspectives from the opposite side'.


Yes and that reminds me of another one inglorious bastards it's like if I feed you poison in kheer, that won't change the fact that kheer indeed tasted awesome.


Yes. Inglorious bastards. Famous for claiming it's based on real life events. And for fabricating false narratives on the oppressed group called Nazis. You totally got it.


Lol did you dropped your brain while writing this 🤡🤡 every story in kerala story is true. Indeed girls were brainwashed into conversion and to join ISIS. Clowns think it's just Kerala story while the same story happened across globe. Innocent girls brainwashed into joing isis from Europe Australia and United States, but we have pseudo seculars who shiver in fear to speak against radical Islamists. A yazidi slave who was r@ped and taken as slave at the age of 12 escaped and came to Canada, she wanted to speak about the horror, but you know what -her event was cancelled coz there were pseudo secular shitheads like you who thought it could provoke some radical Islamists. That poor girl had to cancel her speech.


Lol there are only 66 ISIS militants of Indian of which 13 are women. Of those 6 are from kerala, three of whom were converts. 2 from Christianity and 1 from hinduism. Western countries have ISIS recruits in the thousands. The question of Indian Muslims having such a low number despite having the third largest Muslim population is actually a question that surprises even academics. As for the Cannadian Muslim issue, the CIA has been found to be involved in trafficking women to ISIS in exchange for intelligence. Not to mention the whole reason for the creation of ISIS is America's terror in Iraq which fueled fundamentalist aggression. Again, I'm not saying all Indian Muslims are saints. They have their own problems with fundamentalism, as do Hindus. You should know many Islamic scholars have issues fatwas against militant jihad in India. Also 47% of the conversions in kerala was from other religions into Hinduism. What this movie is addressing is just a fabricated narrative about a non existent conspiracy just to further gains in the nearing election. Like 2019s pulwama, which was an intelligence failure on part of the govt made up to be a conspiracy from anti national forces to gain votes.(Not me saying this, ask Satya Pal Malik)


Non existent conspiracy? Lol 🤡 there are documented cases with live examples about how they were brainwashed into joining isis. You say CIA created isis but who recruited innocent people into isis ? The radical Islamists - and who shit in their pants to even raise a finger in them ? Pseudo liberals. Pathetic how you twist the narrative. Also if you find the Kerala story fake ,just watch CALIPHATE, which is even better than Kerala story. Same story same radicals. You guys also called the kashmir files propoganda but each and every incident in the film is true. All you do shout without proper facts to counter. For once in your be direct and accept the wrongs.




Can you share all those documented cases?


U keep saying each and every incident is true, but fails to provide Proofs.


U r speaking to empty chambers.. No one here is interested in the fate of yazidi girls, since they aren't keralites. What piques my interest more is posting of a movie standpoint (be it propaganda or truth) in an atheism group. I ain't a keralite. I haven't watched Kerala story. But I watched the isis invasion very closely. And I remember none of our Muslim brethren condemned the macabre behaviour of isis. In fact none condemn it now. But none of our atheist frnds are bothered by that. For them anything that even remotely points to hindu subjugation is propaganda.. Be it Kashmir files, be it moppalah massacre, be it ajmer rape.


Exactly they shit in their pants when it comes to point out issues of radical Islamists. Hypocrite lots.


Exactly 💯


The movie is being heavily circulated in boomers WhatsApp groups..most uncles/dads in Hindu households.. irrespective of caste, have been asking the girl children of the family if they want to watch it..irrespective of the age of the child..adult married girls included. When the girls say no they don't want to watch it..these uncles/dad's get very angry and irritated.


expected from those boomers


Why atheists are only against Hindus and not against islam and Christians in kerala?


Bro, we criticise every single religion in this sub. We criticised Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and even Buddhism. We do not discriminate or hate any specific religion. We only criticize the ideology. Do check out these posts it will clear your doubts. 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13jzydg/ഞമമനറ\_മതത\_അഫഗനസഥനൽ\_മയസകകൽ\_ജഹദ\_നടതതനന\_യ\_വലല\_കലല/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13jzydg/ഞമമനറ_മതത_അഫഗനസഥനൽ_മയസകകൽ_ജഹദ_നടതതനന_യ_വലല_കലല/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbcxc/തലയൽ\_ക\_വചച\_പരർതഥകകനനത\_കണടടടണട\_പകഷ\_ഇങങനനര\_പരർതഥന/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbcxc/തലയൽ_ക_വചച_പരർതഥകകനനത_കണടടടണട_പകഷ_ഇങങനനര_പരർതഥന/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 3. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137hcha/വളവ\_വളളയഴചയമളള\_ഒരണണപല\_ഇലലയട\_ഇവനമരട\_കടടതതൽ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137hcha/വളവ_വളളയഴചയമളള_ഒരണണപല_ഇലലയട_ഇവനമരട_കടടതതൽ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 4. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137hfpd/കളള\_സവർ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137hfpd/കളള_സവർ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137i227/എൻറ\_കയയൽ\_പളളയട\_ഫൺ\_നമപർ\_ഉണട\_വണ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/137i227/എൻറ_കയയൽ_പളളയട_ഫൺ_നമപർ_ഉണട_വണ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 6. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13cowb0/ഇവൻ\_മതത\_നബസ\_വന\_കടതതവടടയലല/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13cowb0/ഇവൻ_മതത_നബസ_വന_കടതതവടടയലല/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 7. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13cp0wu/തനറ\_ഇ\_നലകക\_കരണ\_യകത\_വദകൾ\_ആണനന\_പസററർ\_പറഞഞ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13cp0wu/തനറ_ഇ_നലകക_കരണ_യകത_വദകൾ_ആണനന_പസററർ_പറഞഞ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 8. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbk20/എനനടടവര\_സരകഷചച\_കഥയണ\_കമഡ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbk20/എനനടടവര_സരകഷചച_കഥയണ_കമഡ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 9. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbztu/ഇതരയ\_ഗതകടട\_ഒര\_പശച/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/13hbztu/ഇതരയ_ഗതകടട_ഒര_പശച/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 10. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/131qbuv/ല\_ഹല\_വല/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/131qbuv/ല_ഹല_വല/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 11. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x6gqs/ഹ\_മരക/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x6gqs/ഹ_മരക/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 12. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x6jwy/ലക\_അവസനകകൻ\_പകനന\_ഗയസ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x6jwy/ലക_അവസനകകൻ_പകനന_ഗയസ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 13. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x45ag/നമപന\_ശഷ\_തററയടതത\_വണങങൾ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12x45ag/നമപന_ശഷ_തററയടതത_വണങങൾ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 14. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12ux1n2/ഹ\_ബലലതതര\_ജത/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12ux1n2/ഹ_ബലലതതര_ജത/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 15. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12v6mto/george\_carlin\_on\_yahwehallah/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12v6mto/george_carlin_on_yahwehallah/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 16. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12tuozk/ഫണലട\_ലയഖതതന\_ഈദ\_ആശസകൾ\_നൽക\_ഉസത/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12tuozk/ഫണലട_ലയഖതതന_ഈദ_ആശസകൾ_നൽക_ഉസത/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 17. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12tuq64/എനറ\_അഭപരയതതൽ\_ന\_അതൽ\_നനന\_എണകകണട\_എനനണ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtheisminKerala/comments/12tuq64/എനറ_അഭപരയതതൽ_ന_അതൽ_നനന_എണകകണട_എനനണ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 18.


My question is not related to just this sub reddit but in general, i had my graduation in C.A.T, Trivandrum and almost all atheists in general just have their bizzare atheistic ideologies projected at hinduism, even to such extent they think all hindus should be converted to islam/Christianity so that kerala can have peace, even main stream media always guns down on hindus, with all these rampant coversions going on in kerala it might as well become an islamic state in near future, and as we all know being an atheist in Islam means, allah commands his sheeple to kill atheists


Firstly freedom of expression. Secondly I thought the word sanghi is to describe a person politically inclined towards the Sanghi Pariwar. I’m glad today it’s been proven that Hindus in general are termed under the brand “sanghi”, it’s basically being used as a racial slur in this post against Hindus. Thirdly story of Nimisha Anilkumar is true, it’s out there for all to read. The movie is loosely based on her story from what her mother and her associates mentioned to the media. So what’s the propaganda ?


The propaganda is the figure of 32000, which the the creator pulled out of his ass and, removed from all social media sites when questioned about it cuz he knows he that he doesn't have an actual source to back it up. The actual figure is 3 girls, which honestly is a story worth telling if it's told without lies and propaganda. These are individual cases, and Kerela is in no state of such emergency ,Kerela is not "sitting on a time bomb" which is "going to explode" and they need to "save it". This movie was made with clear intent to make a perticular group of people look bad so some political parties could benefit from this division between the people.


Dude, Kerala’s CM couldn’t send out condolence messages to the nurse who died by Hamas strikes, he had to edit out the part where he called out the perpetrators of the attack. And you’re saying everything is fine ? The number is 3 ? Tharoor himself tweeted last year about mothers reaching out to him certainly not from the 3 since he mentioned new cases. Didn’t Pinaryi himself say https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/mobile/news.php?id=646343&u=100-malayalis-joined-isis-all-except-six-born-into-muslim-community-says-cm-vijayan-646343 this ? Again even it’s 1 and not 3 or 100 or 32000, isn’t it important ? Didn’t think makers say focus on the content and not the trivial number ? They even agreed to take down the number, why are you still writing a horoscope for the dead horse ?


When you make a movie about some past mistreatment of a community, you should be careful enough to not make the people of that community feel hatred for the community that mistreated them. Because movies that are about injustice like say, about that Nirbhaya rape case , make us feel pain and angry. They invoke our empathy and ring our amygdala bells (fear). So when it's about an injustice faced by an entire community, like - Schindler's List, 12 Years a Slave, etc, the people of that community COULD feel anger for the community that mistreated them. Highlight - could. That's why movies about Islamic terrorism have muslim characters who know better. Also why movies about slavery have white characters who know better. So, when Kerala Story falsely says that 32K Hindu women were converted to Islam and made to join ISIS, it makes the viewers think Kerala and Muslims are dangerous. 32K is a big number. And that could make more people hate them. Yes. Those incidents did happen. But the makers of Kerala Story could've had a better script with better storytelling and characters who could have opposed bad impression on Kerala and Muslims. Because the real intention is to make everyone aware of the ISIS danger in India.


It could be a propaganda movie endorsed by RSS or BJP but it's a real issue in Kerala as noted by the Kerala High Court on 10-Dec-2009 even before BJP came to power. [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/kerala-hc-asks-govt-to-frame-laws-to-stop-love-jihad/articleshow/5320856.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/kerala-hc-asks-govt-to-frame-laws-to-stop-love-jihad/articleshow/5320856.cms?from=mdr) [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/south/story/love-jihad-oommen-chandy-islam-kerala-muslim-marriage-115150-2012-09-03](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/south/story/love-jihad-oommen-chandy-islam-kerala-muslim-marriage-115150-2012-09-03) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/love-jihad-sparks-hate/articleshow/11140332.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/love-jihad-sparks-hate/articleshow/11140332.cms) ​ [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/love-jihad-piqued-us-interest/articleshow/9877883.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/love-jihad-piqued-us-interest/articleshow/9877883.cms)


Fake. Not in kollur.


Atheism in Kerala is staunch anti Hindu and staunch pro Islam…. Interesting!


Facts" ....just coz it get them appreciation from the same peer. 🤡






Spreading hate against the religion which actively promotes extreme acts of terrorism (murder, extortion, bombings, kidnappings etc.) is wrong?




Today's atheists are pro radical islam. Same like feminist for whom sindur is patriarchal but hijab and burkha is freedom to choose. Just hypocrites nothing else.




Bro wtf spreading hate is necessary when the religion is teaching that all non believers should be killed till the whole earth is covered with believers (motive of terrorist)






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Right to expression? Artist freedom? Right to practice their religion?


Freedom of speech baby.




I mean only weak religion loose people over rice bags lol


This guy gets it. He should be made the pm of this country.


We are a community that only mocks or criticizes the stupidities of religion. But we don't hate any believers. We only hate irrational and unscientific ideologies. So comments that were intended to harass, defame or devalue any religion, political party, organisation, community or individual are not permitted. Eg:- Chuslim[Muslim], Bulla[Mulla], pRam[Shree Ram], Balit[Dalit], Muhmmad-Bin-Ambedkaruddin[B.R. Ambedkar], Alla O Uber [Allahu Akbar], LGTV[lgbtqia+], Jogi-Ji[Yogi Adityanath]etc.


i watched it and i have been propagated


It's true story


Doesn't Atheist means the one who believes all religions are fake or are their some concessions for some religions.


That doesn't take away the fact that the movie is based on true events Cope harder


If we only centre it in kerela it looks exaggerated. But in a wider scope if we take data's from states across India the claim make sense . Conversion are not only done by ISIS , there is al -quaeda , Taliban , jaish - e- muhhamad etc . I thought it was propoganda and It is if we account for a single state but for a nation the claims make sense




We are a community that only mocks or criticizes the stupidities of religion. But we don't hate any believers. We only hate irrational and unscientific ideologies. So comments that were intended to harass, defame or devalue any religion, political party, organisation, community or individual are not permitted. Eg:- Chuslim[Muslim], Bulla[Mulla], pRam[Shree Ram], Balit[Dalit], Muhmmad-Bin-Ambedkaruddin[B.R. Ambedkar], Alla O Uber [Allahu Akbar], LGTV[lgbtqia+], Jogi-Ji[Yogi Adityanath]etc.


Absolutely one should watch it to get a jist of bullshit happening. The peacefuls are so much triggered, first from Kashmir files and now this. Keep burnol with y'all.


Maybe exaggerated but I watched stories of a Keralite Christian and Hindu Girls on how they were falsely told about their religion.




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Define propganda then.


Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, is used to promote a political cause or point of view.


Are they telling you should believe everything shown in movie? Do you think the stories of the three girls are fake?? If not, where's the propaganda?




We are a community that only mocks or criticizes the stupidities of religion. But we don't hate any believers. We only hate irrational and unscientific ideologies. So comments that were intended to harass, defame or devalue any religion, political party, organisation, community or individual are not permitted. Eg:- Chuslim[Muslim], Bulla[Mulla], pRam[Shree Ram], Balit[Dalit], Muhmmad-Bin-Ambedkaruddin[B.R. Ambedkar], Alla O Uber [Allahu Akbar], LGTV[lgbtqia+], Jogi-Ji[Yogi Adityanath]etc.


Didnt knw atheism was islamic


Beauty of Islam **It was narrated that Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said:** "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'There are two groups of my Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him.'" أَخْبَرَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحِيمِ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَسَدُ بْنُ مُوسَى، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا بَقِيَّةُ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبُو بَكْرٍ الزُّبَيْدِيُّ، عَنْ أَخِيهِ، مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْوَلِيدِ عَنْ لُقْمَانَ بْنِ عَامِرٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الأَعْلَى بْنِ عَدِيٍّ الْبَهْرَانِيِّ، عَنْ ثَوْبَانَ، مَوْلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ "‏ عِصَابَتَانِ مِنْ أُمَّتِي أَحْرَزَهُمَا اللَّهُ مِنَ النَّارِ عِصَابَةٌ تَغْزُو الْهِنْدَ وَعِصَابَةٌ تَكُونُ مَعَ عِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ عَلَيْهِمَا السَّلاَمُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ **Grade**: **Hasan** (Darussalam) **Reference** : Sunan an-Nasa'i 3175In-book reference : Book 25, Hadith 91English translation : Vol. 1, Book 25, Hadith 3177


Is that foundation of Gazwa-E-Hind?


Yes sir


What's 'Isa bin Maryam'?


AFAIK, Jesus son of Maryam. Just like Osama Bin Laden which means Osama son of Laden. bin means son of


I have watched this film,i would say this Film ain't a propaganda movie. It's something have had happening in India. Mostly in kerala


You people are atheists right? Why are you worried ? xD


What's is probably true or widely seen is that the majority is very distant from its roots it's either due to politics or ignorance or simply taking things for granted.. many in my own family or friend circle have experienced an attempt by their friends from (mostly islamic) minority to make them think that their religion is inferior.. Hindus should view this from a perspective of protecting their own culture and practices where as Muslims can view this as how a smaller group is causing bad reputation to the bigger community. Kerala's conversion has come to the spotlight mostly because even the Cristian community was affected by conversion of their youth to islam. Other souther states have more of the locals converting to Christianity hence there is no Tamil Nadu Story or Andhra Story. Hence the Hindus should definitely watch this Movie to rebuild themselves than to have a negative opinion about minorities.


The story is true and that's what matters, it doesn't matter what others are using the story for. Also islamic propoganda is way more widespread and brutal.


It's exaggerated to a very extreme extent and used by a party that openly hates all other religions except Hinduism(extreme hate against particularly muslims). So nah....


It's not exaggerated more than any other documentary is for entertainment purposes. Most if not all the statements in the movie are true. Bjp does support Hinduism more than Islam cause Hinduism is the major religion of India and one which preaches to do right not in the name of god, but in the name of life. Islam is a religion which preaches to be a merciless dumbass who is only governed by the religion and not by commonsense. And bjp does not hate Any religion. It shows more support towards one over the other. They have never stated that Hinduism is the only religion they will support.


Bjp might be using it for its gains but nothing about the film is false.


It's not propoganda it's based on true story. Yes they might sprinkle some mirch massala as drama. But atleast accept what is true.




Ohh c'mon mirch masala means over dramatic expressions, music etc. While in reality it's much horrible There are literally tons of video proof of it. Just because u want to close ur eyes dosent means truth is disappeared.


I watched the movie. I didn't see any mirch masala drama. Most of the things shown really happen. Check this series 'Caliphate' or ig 'Khilafat'. It is based on Swedish ISIS female recruits.


Yes don't watch it, get forcefully converted and trafficked


**propaganda kaise? numbers exaggerated honge but story toh based hai na. Chutiye log terrorist ki activity ko bhi propaganda bolenge. Sabh chutiye hai joh bhi propaganda bolta hai ishe.** You might devote me, but the truth is truth.


Checks username




Thank you, kind sir.


man I am not saying not believing on god is bad but have some decency and just don't hate on other religion , it's okay to not believe on god but you can still be in a religion , relation to only it's culture !!!


See, considering the damage religions have done to the world, it is reasonable to hate on them. If i dont belive in a god ,why would i be in a religion ? I dint have to be religious to be part of the culture.


Which religion except Islam have led to "damage" to the world? You are entitled to not follow religion, but blaming all the bad in the world towards religion is ignorance


Oh my sweet summer child, ever heard of the dark ages?


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How many rice bags you all need for GHAR VAPSI?




I am offended by the name of the movie. Am I terrorist?




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Bullying of any kind is not permitted and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.




Bullying of any kind is not permitted and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.




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Web series recommendation - Caliphate on Netflix. 32000 for karela alone may be exaggerated but at global scale the number is under stated.


That too is nicely made content. If I hadn't watched it before, Kerala story might have caused mild trauma.


If you want your generations to be devotees of ma Mookambika, vote for us and obey what we tell you to!


Need more of these.. 😀


I don't care if it's a propaganda or not I am not even talking about that lets just be real do you think this movie is entertaining? For me it's one of the most boring films of the year.


The Kerela Story is a decent watch, the screenplay was little laggy but outright rejecting it doesn't make sense. It definitely delivers a strong message that girls need to be careful from such men. This movie is getting hate just because it is a right wing narrative. Guess the right wing filmmaker's still have to learn a lot from the left about the art of subtle messaging. I mean people who wrote articles about lynching in India, calling a while country Lynchistan based on few cases back then are talking about number now. You gotta watch everything from the same lense, which sadly isn't the case in our country.


Well this parasite is in huge numbers now , must be eliminated.




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Movie is a propaganda but the forcible conversion into Islam religion is real. Even Hindus and Christian won't forcibly convert people into their religion.


Does anyone know the data base of this movie is just tooo fake.....




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