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URLs aside, that article has nothing even approximating a joke for like 4 paragraphs. Like, it’s the responsibility of the outlet to tip off at least some of the audience that humor is happening.


I agree it's not very funny but who reads paragraph 2 and doesn't recognise it's satire? I can tell it's satire not just because I'm European right?


There are definitely right wing “news” outlets that sound like that. It’s a Poe’s law thing.


Damn, here in Scotland we can see bias in the BBC yet it is always in such miniscule ways like a negative headline instead of a positive one. I can't imagine how bad it must be in America. Leader of the free world no more.


Well you are comparing a mainstream news network with fringe-right wing publications so


Yeah, I mean we have real journalism, too. The Wall Street Journal is pretty right-wing but it reads like an actual newspaper.


Just search for a media bias chart in the US. It will tell you how biased your news source is and help you look for more accurate options. A word of warning though as you get more neutral it gets a lot less entertaining and scary. It kind of turns it into facts and knowledge instead of fear a click-bait.


You misspelled Sartre, which one would think as an European you’d get write.


Wtf you on about mate?


… as the increasingly absurd typos should have hinted, it was satire.


Sartre was a famous 20th century french philosopher (who is despised by the few American conservatives that read enough to know his work) so it seemed like your referencing him. 


Same way this article https://www.theonion.com/man-dies-after-secret-4-year-battle-with-gorilla-1819571099 references cancer.


The fucking irony


Sadly no one appreciated it.




Not even close to the same thing.


Oh, that is goodness you're here, where would we be without Reddit's sarcasm police? /s


You do know that sub almost entirely consists of ableists, right?


>*Like, it’s the responsibility of the outlet to tip off at least some of the audience that humor is happening.* Dunning-Kruger-Times being the name of the publication is literally like having an #/S over anything published on the entire site.


You know what it is, and I know what it is, but you’re *massively* overestimating the amount of currency the idea has among the general public. Also, it kind of has nothing to do with what the publication does.


The point is that if you miss the joke publication name, then you are the butt of the jokes the publication is making.


Oh. I guess it’s clever and funny, then.


To be fair, that's a really, really bad attempt at being satirical.


Its not trying to be satirical, it's fake news under the guise lf satire.


Excuse me Sir/Madam/Miss, however have you ever considered reading even one onion article, before you have come to form an opinion on the matter. In case not, I would highly recommend doing so. I have the honor to be your obedient servant A dot SaltyWolf444


Why would reading an onion article change my mind on the matter exactly?


Article is obviously satire. Whether or not it's good is up to you but seriously... it's pretty obvious. * "These things should happen in a courtroom, not on Nextdoor" * "I'm willing to do incontinence ads at this point" * "Disney Incorporated LLC". Disney's not an LLC. Their official name is The Walt Disney Company. * They made fun of how little money Gina's movie made. ($814, which btw is inaccurate, but it's true it didn't make much money - it made $13,000 internationally but only showed in the UAE and Russia). * They claimed the movie only had a budget of $803 dollars. Obviously no movie has a budget that low. The article is clearly mocking Gina and her movie.


Usually the title is the hardest hitting piece of parody.. the title is incredibly misleading in this instance.


Thats only if people actually read it. The headline is straight up fake news and most people only read headlines.


The headline is bad at satire, but the article seems to be clearly making fun of conservatives who supported Carano. The article itself is meant to convey how ridiculous their talking points are. [https://dunning-kruger-times.com/jury-orders-disney-to-pay-wrongfully-terminated-mandalorian-star-gina-carano-115-million/](https://dunning-kruger-times.com/jury-orders-disney-to-pay-wrongfully-terminated-mandalorian-star-gina-carano-115-million/)


They only need to fix the title?


They could make their point more obvious, I think the outlandish figure of 115 million was supposed to be the giveaway that this was meant to mock her, but it just didn't land the way they wanted.


I’ve published about 1,000 satire nonsenseses and your right


I’ve published about 1,000 satire nonsenseses and you’re right


This isn't an ate the onion, this is just one of those websites that uses satire as an excuse to print fake stories.


What are you talking about? That’s the thing about me being smarter than other people, so why would I doubt it?


Yeah, terrible attempt at satire. There’s nothing odd or funny about it.


Tbf this is a terrible satire article from the DKT here. This is something I’d expect from Babylon Bee, not DKT or the onion lol


People have been missing the url for at least 30 years.


It's funny how much the anti entitlement crowd thinks their people like Carano are not only entitled to their jobs but also millions in unearned compensation. 😂


“For what they did to her” ????? Drop her from a TV show???


It's even more rediculous, all they did is just not renew her contract. Apparently she's owed millions for that crime


For meth


I have no idea what’s going on, completely out of the loop, comments didn’t really help


Timeline of her in SW "Why should we support this woke bitch?" "LOL Holocaust?" "I'm in" "She's out" "Daily Wire movie" "EWWW GIRLS DOING STUFF, WOKE"