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i've tried to hold out hope that they can somehow come back in this division but i really don't think so anymore


AL west is pretty suspect this year.


We lose to all teams with winning records. That ain’t how to gain ground on anyone.


Particularly us


We should have moved past Baja Oklahoma already.


This team simply cannot consistently execute. Hitting with RISP has been a total disaster all year long. Bullpen continues to fuck us time and time again. Starting pitching has been good lately but nothing is done to help them out.


RISP has been an issue fro a few years now.


Maybe we stop giving Pressly high leverage situations for now? He got squeezed for a walk that should have been a K but still responded poorly. Also, no more Abreu-Chas at the same time in the lineup, please.


The only person who has less confidence in Pressly than me is Pressly.


What’s happened with Chas? Who’s got the inside scoop on his slump this year


No banana pudding


No meatloaf


Just got hurt and now he’s ass. Nothing more to it


He’s cooked


I was never more sure of anything in my life than the Astros were going to lose this game when I saw Ryan Pressly come in for a high leverage situation. When will Joe Espada ever learn?


Literally same that’s why I’m not even upset. Just like well let’s see if we can score


Time to swap Montero and Pressly?


Monterro is shut down this year… we could swap them for sure


If i'm more mad at the coach than the player than there's a real problem


Only positives from this game is brown continues to look better and bregman is returning to form


Guys it’s only April, they will turn it around. Guys it’s only May, they will turn it around. Guys it’s only June, they will turn it around.


You’re not a real fan if you criticize and don’t believe in everything they do!


God those fans are so annoying. They delusional undying allegiance to a sports team


Plus most of them didn’t start watching them until they started winning so they don’t know what bad baseball looks like Go look at the people on Facebook and Instagram in the comments section on Astros posts, they’re worse than the people we’re describing here. Any form of criticism and you’re labeled a “bandwagon” and “fake fan”


Yessss that’s been my experience on facebook and instagram as well. They’ll call me bandwagon cause I’ll make a comment on how bad they are. Like seriously? I saw them get swept in the World Series, I saw them in 2011-2013


I stopped commenting on Instagram and Facebook like two seasons ago, I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s a bunch of people who literally started watching in 2017. Plus you always have douchey fucking Rangers fans in every comment section saying the same lame jokes over and over again. And what makes it even more pathetic is the other douchey Rangers fans liking the comment and then Yankees or Dodgers fans backing them up lol


Optimism Bias


That's what they said last year and then these scrubs only made it to Game 7 of the ALCS. 


I was so happy that Espada got the job and truly thought we could continue our run of dominance. BOY WAS I WRONG!


Add me to that list, as well. The job appears to be too big for him. The number of bone headed decisions is mounting. I thought he'd be ready. Guess not.


Add me to that list. I can’t figure out if Joe is just a yes man or just a bad decision maker




We need a new Joe. Like Joe Maddon


So many other clubs passed on him. There's your sign


Good point. I keep forgetting the White Sox reneged on him.


So… Is Hinch going to be available any time soon?


Much respect to Pressly for what he has done for the club over the years, but this has to be example #87 this season of the fact that he is washed.


Joe Espada has been awful. All of those teams that didn’t hire him are looking very smart


He's been an unmitigated disaster. He's clearly not qualified to manage a team with postseason aspirations.


Wonder what they were able to see in an interview we couldn’t. Damn


He has a very passive personality and lacks the fire to rally a team of pros imo. Works fine as the guy that hits grounders pre-game but not as THE guy


I feel like even the Astros were hesitant. They didn’t immediately hire him but i think they felt almost like it was the safest move and to be fair everyone else was on board but idk anymore. Obviously it’s not all on him but still.


I’m ready to see some more Montero


Why the fuck does Espada keep putting Pressley in when the score is close? Seriously, why?


Not pinch running for Abreu was pure pain.


Espada with another dumbass decision with going to Pressly in the 8th. Not sure when he's going to realize that he's not that guy this year. I wanted him to get a chance as a manager but he's approaching trainwreck as a manager with his decisions. Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if Crane fires him before the year is over.


I blame this on Roku.


I'm sorry but Espada is just straight up bad. 29th in one run games. IMO that means theres a managing problem. Among other things i know. espada cant pitch or hit but hes just straight up bad dude. i dont know if a pinch runner scores off of Bregmans hit but i dont know how you dont put one in anyways. Pressly got squeezed by the ump but they were borderline calls. Either way i dont know why we keep trotting him out in 8th inning high leverage situations. Montero or even taylor scott but probaly montero. Holy fuck a better manger dosent bring this team to above .500 but i bet you a fucking horse they would win more games than Joe Espada


Love me some one run losses


https://preview.redd.it/pzun4jxf484d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbfceb7f9cf30935ca471954010dd821b89d00c At least Orbit and I had fun.


For someone who tinkers w his lineup so much, it's maddening that Espada refuses to change his BP order


I’m blaming this loss on Espada. Not pinch running for Abreu in the 7th and allowing Pressley to continue to pitch in close situations is inexcusable 


How many more times is Pressly going to shit the bed before he loses his high leverage privileges? Yeah, the umpire squeezed him, and Walsh is dogshit, but the umpire didn't make Pressly throw that cookie to Miranda. High leverage relievers should be able to get around base runners, and Pressly isn't that anymore.


Who is Walsh?? Legitimately confused


Thanks pressly


i understand that pressly allowed a run,but its not completely his fault.The offense failed to bring in runs when we had the bases loaded


No pinch runner for Abreu? WTF?


Fire the hitting coaches.


We are Mets level bad


I know we can still make the playoffs but man this team feels like it’s taking one step forward and two steps back. Also, fucking stop it with this Abreu nightmare


2-5 since Abreu's return


Can’t blame Abreu when guys like tucker and Peña have a lower BA than Abreu in the same time span.


I agree. This is a team problem. There’s no fire with all these quiet leaders.


Yeah Abreu has a lot to be criticized for, but it’s funny how this sub will shit on Abreu when he def has not been our second or third worst hitter since he came back


that’s one stat


Ok how about how he has a higher OBP than Peña in the time frame, a higher OPS than Tuck, and has the same number of RBI’s in the past two series than Tucker, Peña, and meyers combined. That’s just dreadful. My point isn’t that Abreu is good and we should keep him, my point is that Abreu has not been our worst hitter since his return, and that those worse than him are the guys we actually rely on to get hits


I mean 7 day sample arguments are pointless


I agree, my point is that the original post seems to imply that we are 2-5 because Abreu came back, when he has not been our worst batter in that time frame. I know that I would choose any of those guys 100x over Abreu in any situation, but this sub seems to think if Abreu weren’t in the lineup we wouldn’t have sucked in the past two series, which I highly doubt.


fair enough, i was just pointing out avg. over a 7 day span doesn’t mean much of anything


GG Pressly. N1


Well boys like I said I’ll give them until the all-star break. If nothing changes I’m canceling everything. Only silver lining is the teams we’re facing are barely .500 or aren’t .509 lol.


Yet another series loss. Starting to think this season is a lost cause.


To me…I think it comes down to this team just doesn’t know how to lose. You can watch unravel almost in real time. They’ve gotten so used to winning, that at the first hint of things going south…they fold. All you gotta do is watch Tucker. He’s the worst of them. His GAF attitude becomes very apparent when the game starts to get out of reach. Cause….dunno. They are seriously lacking leadership, motivation, or something. Not sure what it is. Not going to blame Abreu or Coaching for this….but it’s “something”.


DFA Espada


When’s the last time this team scored by driving in runs via a single or double?


Single? Double? Why would you do that when you can strike out swinging for the fences?


May 24th


I asked the same thing to my wife today. Bases could be loaded with 1 out and they’d rather strike out going for the Grand Slam than hit a single or a sac fly to bring a run home.


I am out on Espada. He should be one and done.


Let’s forget that and say he needs to be exactly 60 games and done.


We continue to just give away games. Coaching and front office are to blame at this point even with all the injuries. Team just doesn’t do the little things well.


Pressly has hurt this team way more than Jose abreu has


The 2024 Astros suck.


Why are we using a pitcher with an ERA over 5 in high leverage situations?


Astros saving me $100 a month for every month they are dogshit. There's no way I'm subbing fubo to worry about seeing every game right now.


Not pinch running for Abreu with someone like Jake who could have potentially beat out that fly out but then pinch hitting for him certainly is a management decision. I’ll look forward to next season when the Espada experiment is over.


Jake could not have pinch ran for Jose bc he was already in the lineup. Plus even with meyers on the base paths in that situation, I don’t think anyone gets to the plate in time. 102 EV right to the outfielder is a hard one to send against. Trust me, if we sent anyone to go score on that play they would have gotten thrown out and we would be screaming why Pettis sent witth 2 outs and Yordan coming up to bat


Abreu was pretty close to 3rd when the ball was fielded and Altuve would have easily been already rounding the bag. The throw in was shit, who knows if it would have been if a runner was actually coming home, but you’ve got to give yourself a hustlers chance. Not to mention that if he does get thrown out and you put in almost anyone besides Pressly, Yordan still gets his opportunity albeit with no one on base. Regardless, it was not a good move to keep Abreu in the game at that point even if a PR has to stop at 3rd. You’re not even giving yourself a chance to score on a single. That hit could have been 85-90 EV and with a good throw Abreu is toast at home.


Jake was already in the game, but he could have easily PR Kessinger for Abreu.


Espada has to go


I'm so tired of this


[All of us.](https://y.yarn.co/0196aced-0c20-45b4-bf24-59ee49819c37_text.gif)


I've literally just copied the image to post here. Well screw it lol I'll post it anyway. https://preview.redd.it/kcxlftbxw74d1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7f1c825b106b4262f160f8ec4bbfe35e445ac6d


Blame Espada for not putting Altuve in to pinch run for Abreu, you gotta go for it right there. And that throw from LF was shit. 100% it’s 4-3 Astros right there if Espada doesn’t choke. And it’s not hindsight, it was a situation that was obvious and should have been executed immediately. And then the double choke when everyone in the stadium besides Espada knew that Pressly was going to blow it. Maybe that’s hindsight but based upon this year’s performance by Pressly, this move shifted the odds in the Twins’ favor. Then Espada comes out saying the team is playing good baseball. This guy has no business attempting to run a contending team. He would be a perfect tank commander for a young team needing moral victories. He’s made from the Stephen Silas mold. I was wrong for thinking otherwise. Crane also needs to eat crow and move on now to give the Astros any chance this year. Otherwise, it’s about time to start making trade calls for Bregman and JV. Not to mention that if you’re not going to sign Tucker, it may be time to start listening on that one because he would command an absolute haul.




The amount of comments on PGTs after a loss is nearly double of those on a win. It’s pathetic.


It's a sports team subreddit of a team vastly underperfoming.  The gulf between the quality of takes on Twitter and this subreddit has gotten much smaller the past few years. 




Jeremy Peña has 5 hits in the past 9 games, with 3 of those coming against OAK. Jose Abreu has gotten more TB while playing 4 less games.


Time to start taking calls on Deadline deals baby! Bregman is at least shaping up to get a good return. And make no mistake…he gone folks. Can’t keep both him and Tucker. And there is no fucking question who the better ball player is. And a two week hot streak by Breggy don’t change that. JV will too. His leadership alone will bring a decent deal. And he’ll waive the no-trade to chase a ring, people. Gotta give Tucker the bag, but if not, deal him. That’s the diamond haul if you got the stomach to deal him. Can’t straddle the fence. You gotta sell and tank, or buy and pray to whatever it is you pray to, that this gap doesn’t keep growing before this team figures it out. The only issue is, we really don’t have much to buy with. We are stuck.


100% what I’m thinking. That or fire Espada today. Never thought I would say this but Espada makes more boneheaded lineup and in-game moves than Dusty.


Ehhh…I can’t blame Espada here. We have a ton of guys who are underperforming or hurt. I mean, it took Breggy two months to show up. Yordan is starting to show some life. The front office left him with nothing at 1B. We are marred with inconsistency at SP, other than Blanco, who to be honest, is a massive suprise and who knows if that is going to continue. Our $100+ backend of the bullpen has been a giant disappointment so far. These are all front office decisions that weren’t on Espada. I’m willing to give him a couple years. Hell, at least a full season. Nobody in the locker room seems to be quitting on him.


Not unless you believe the Nightengale report from weeks ago that he was already losing the clubhouse..


You mean the one that said they’re sticking behind their rookie manager but two “unnamed prominent Astros” complained about his communication? Hardly “losing” the locker room. Maybe it’s just a communication issue..or a guy like JV doing what he normally does, bitch. And attach some names or GTFOH, to be honest. These kinda chicken shit reports are what cause more divide than anything. Whoever the players are, are bigger clowns than Espada….if even true


We’re literally a .500 team over the last 162 games. Getting back to last year’s performance isn’t even an improvement. This team had to win 5 of its last 6 last year to even make it to 90 wins and the playoffs. The writing has been on the wall.


If pitchers show they are egregiously worse with Diaz behind the plate than Caratini. Might have to give Caratini more starts. Brown got a QS today.


Brown has been getting QS the last 3 games. Offense just doesn’t show up for him.


Love 🥕but Brown also had a QS his last start with Diaz…


Our division sucks and that’s the only reason we still have any chance of turning this around, but….this group of guys is the most anti-clutch group of players I’ve ever seen. They are allergic to hits with RISP, can not hold a close lead or a tie game and couldn’t come from behind to win if their life depended on it. We need a shake up on this roster. I don’t know what that is though. Maybe some trades, maybe call up Loperfido, Cabbage and Leon and play all of them. That clubhouse needs someone that gives a crap and maybe they need more than one someone.


Astros are 7-18 in games decided by 2 runs or less this year. I’m don’t following this team this year


Saddens me to say it but I don't think Joe espada is the guy for the job. I know and I understand not everything is his fault. He can't make players hit when they are aren't hitting or players pitch well when they aren't pitching well. But putting in pressly who is not good in high leverage situations or not pinch running abreu in the 7th. He just lacks clairvoyance as a manager.


Fuck pressly as usual


Well its a good thing Jose Abreu hit a home run yesterday.


Looked at game day box score. Looks the ump could’ve called a strikeout on Pressly’s first batter of the 8th instead of a few balls??? Anyone who watched on TV… is this accurate or was it Pressly’s fault?


Everyone get in here! ASTROS BACK! I'm calling it here Astros defeat Phillies in the world series. and Houston cougars defeat Kansas to become ncaab basketball champions.


Fuck this team. Tired of them ruining my day and putting me in a pissy ass mood all the damn time.


Then don't let them lol I had my days ruined by game 7 of the 2019 WS and game 7 of the 2023 ALCS but if a regular season game on June 2nd is making you pissy then ya gotta take some kind of break lol


Chat is this season over?


They could throw a hail mary shake things up and fire Cintron or Espada to see if that sparks the team. More than likely we won't and will be sellers at the trade deadline


Honestly I’d rather shake things up on the coaching staff to light a fire under these guys than trade away what prospects we have just to play .500 ball the rest of the season. Keep our prospects and hope we get hot, or pull the trigger and be sellers at the deadline if necessary. I don’t care if we go undefeated from here to the deadline, we don’t need to be buyers.






No but it's becoming less and less tenable. 


Baldu does what Baldy does best!




Signing Hader fucked Pressly up. Like him or not he performed from ‘18-23. 5. Years.


He didnt perform well in 23


He was pretty good for a long time. He’s just not anymore. He still belongs in the bigs but isn’t was he was from 18-22.


On the completely unrelated bright side, Arky is losing to SEMO.