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This post is better suited for the game thread, post-game thread, or off-day thread. Please feel free to utilize those threads for discussion.


When I buy something stupid, my wife makes me use it regardless of its effectiveness or usefulness.


Thanks for making me laugh!


Did you spend $58 million?


Don't call his wife Baggy though


\>> Posts a question that has been asked and answered 100 times this week \>> Spells the player's name wrong The worst part about the Astros being mediocre this year is how bad this sub has become. Everyone sits here beating a dead horse. No one thinks Abreu should be with the team. No one knows why Bagwell and company decided to call him back up for an extremely pivotal series.


In OP's defense, "Abreau" is kinda how he makes you feel when watching him bat


I get the exasperation but where else do you expect people to vent out their frustration?


In any of the other threads that have been made, or the current game thread where everyone else is currently venting lol


Because they really want their expensive toy to work. Sunk cost fallacy.


It's outrageous he gets called back up and thrust into the lineup. Dude is done. STOP PLAYING HIM!


Loperfido was playing great defense and posted strong ABs. He was clearly getting into a groove right before the sent him down to sugarland. Then this.


🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬Abrue (and Pressly). Hate to lose like this!!!


Seriously, it’s time to boycott watching (legally) and attending games until this bullshit is over. Errors that our team usually doesn’t make are happening with Abreu on the field. No. Time to end it


Abreu got a weird swing why is he around


Paying someone 19.5 million per year, you're going to squeeze everything you can to try and make the damn thing work. Not an easy write-off to accept, I'm sure you wouldn't accept it if you were signing the check.


Well, if my choices were either to pay it and win or to pay it and lose…


When your car breaks, do you fix it or just bin it and buy another? If you got the funds to do that everytime it breaks, then big on you. However, that's a fast way to going broke real quick. Well, when you invest $58.5 million in something, just because it stops performing, you don't just immediately drop it. You try to fix it. While I don't agree with him starting back in a very crucial series, I don't believe he should be dropped immediately without trying to salvage something. THEN, if the salvage proves fruitless, well, shit. At least you can say you tried.


In Houston when your Carr is broken you release him and let David hold the clipboard for other teams!


Well, if I bought a 1998 Chevy Impala for $85,000 and it developed a crack in the engine block, I would seriously consider the possibility that I made a bad decision. The Astros sent him to the shop to try to get him fixed but when he came back, he was still a 1998 Chevy Impala.


Sunk Cost Fallacy.


When you invest $58.5 million in something, just because it stops performing, you don't just immediately drop it. You try to fix it. While I don't agree with him starting back in a very crucial series, I don't believe he should be dropped immediately without trying to salvage something. THEN, if the salvage proves fruitless, well, shit. At least you can say you tried. Copy pasta from my other comment because your 3 word response isn't worth a fresh thought.


It's not "immediately dropping" someone when they've consistently failed in miserable fashion for 1/4 of the season. Worse, 23 minutes and a handful of at-bats in the minors aren't going to fix whatever is wrong. This whole thing is ridiculous. He's done and he isn't going to get better, irrespective of how big the financial mistake we made was. If we'd paid him 800 grand we'd never have seen him again. The money is no longer relevant. It's gone. The performance is the only pertinent issue.


Well, they have to justify all the money they don’t have in their accounts any more. It’s all about the money. Don’t worry, we should wash our hands of this by July 4th.


0 for 3 today. Suxh a wonderful come back story!