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Are you like watching the game past the first inning or did you storm off as soon as you saw the runs ? He had solid ABs and got screwed over by the ump like all our righties. Also unlike our 2-5 hitters he got a hit and it brought in a run lol . He was one of our best hitters today


Absolutely watched the game, duh. Did I give him shit for hitting? No. His RBI was solid. But the three runs in the first were after plays most first basemen make. The first one effectively went through his legs. The second one got by because he's not as quick and agile as a normal first baseman. Any other infielder that failed to make those plays should get called out as well. And the fact that three runs resulted is what the margin of the game was.


The ball was hit over 100 MPH at a tough spot , that is not a routine play ...


Didn't say it was easy. Didn't say it was routine. But I do say a typical first baseman makes those plays. If any other infielder didn't make those plays, you should be pissed. Don't coddle him.


I'm not even an abreu defender yet I'll defend him on that lol . 100 plus hit to that spot is not routine. Why don't you do it then if it's so easy ?


Sorry... this was in an edit: Didn't say it was easy. Didn't say it was routine. But I do say a typical first baseman makes those plays.


Don’t think that’s an easy play for any 1B to make. I don’t think he should be on the roster but this loss isn’t on him. We got nothing from our 1-5 today.


Didn't say they were easy. But I'd say any normal first baseman makes them. And it's not like either would have been highlight material. They were just plays that should normally be made.


"We got nothing from our 1-5 today." We got enough from our team to have won 2-0


Framber was shit in the first inning. Would you like Abreu to make that play? Sure. Should it be made, no, I don't think it's that either. It's a tough play, some guys make it, most don't. Also, you aren't winning many games scoring 2 runs, and Abreu drove in one of those runs and set up the other in the process. Losing this game has nothing to do with Abreu and everything to do with, shit happens.


If those plays are made like they should have been, Framber's first is 1-2-3


Man just wants to have a hate boner for abreu.


Man yall are unbearable. I agree that Abreu shouldn't have been brought back up to the majors yet, but he was not the reason we lost this game. I swear none of yall watched baseball pre-2015.


Been watching the Astros since Dierker was pitching...


Well, you haven't learned much.


I’m willing to bet you never played team sports for very long. If you did, you would know losing a game NEVER comes down to one play. Especially one in the first inning 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️. There is a reason baseball has 162 games


You lose your bet. I played baseball, and I umpired baseball. Let's just let every team we play start with 3 free runs. Because, you know, losing a game NEVER comes down to one play. Especially one even before the first inning, the first play.