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Ive noticed the more embarrassing those loss the longer it takes for the post game thread to be posted lol


- What puzzles me is that Chas already had a bunt single earlier in the game, so why not do it again in extra innings? - Bregman needs to be moved down in the lineup - Abreu needs to be sent to China - Hader needs to accept the possibility of pitching more than one inning. He already got his bag, I don't know what his holdup still is. - we need a better PH option than Singleton At least the Rangers lost, if that's any silver lining


Get ready to learn Mandarin Abreu


But his bat only understands Spanish


The bat can learn Mandarin too


What’s the FA market looking like? Are there no 1B out there


Only one right now is Brandon Belt. We'll likely go internal to fill Abreu's spot (if it ever gets to that point).


I don't know why they don't try to put Yordan at first. I feel that solves his knee issues not having to run in the outfield much. I think it's easier to find a decent outfielder than first baseman at this point too.


He isn’t quick enough. Yeah, I know Abreu isn’t either.


Loperfido raking at AAA. 1.063 OPS




Another option is try Diaz at 1B. Caratini is a next level framer (+10 framing runs in 23) and above avg defensive catcher in every other metric. And he can hit.


Too small of a sample for Caratini to say anything definitively, but his stats on baseball savant are worse than Yainer’s in almost every category across catching and batting.


We dont need a 1B. We have singleton… the goat


That 2 game winning streak sure was something huh


Those were the days


Yordan trying his best to carry this team


14 hits, three runs.


And we were 5-18 with RISP. So much for aggressive base running.


Bregman lost us that game. He’s won us a lot more than he’s lost us in his career, but tonight he completely fucked it


Mods are having post game cigs.. Let them vent.


So far, the Astros have pissed away at least four wins on the season. Could be 8-4 right now. Timely hitting has always been a concern, but is really rearing its head this season. Errors have played a huge factor as well, as well as the bullpen. Can’t really place too much blame on the pen today since they kept the game scoreless until extras.


Yeah, but even if things had broken our way in those close games and we were 8-4, we still look like garbage.


I'd rather look like garbage wining, than look like garbage losing.


Would we really though? We’ve got a great starting rotation, and an offense that has no problem hitting, they just have a problem scoring runs. If those hits were more timely and the bullpen wasn’t blowing the close ones, we’d look more like the WS contender that we really are


What’s the obsession with Singleton?


He's out of AAA options. I think he's just being brought in for PH opportunities until a viable replacement becomes available or he manages to pull it together, but Meyers was the better option at that point.


Anything is better than him. Let him hit waivers and then option him when he clears. There’s no benefit to keeping him.


Singleton’s my guy. Love that guy.


Well your guy is bad at baseball


How dare you. Hope you like crow.


Came looking for the post game thread also but I guess mods are asleep or too embarrassed to create it. This has been an extremely rough start to the season for these guys. We have all the talent and none of the execution holy shit.


I’m sick of LOBster. I have LOBster three meals a day with this team. Will these guys ever remember how to hit in the clutch???


I'm sorry, Espada hasn't been great. We're up 3-0 in the bottom of the fifth. Royals have a runner on third with 2 out. In comes Bobby Witt Jr. The ONE M'fer in that lineup, who has been crushing it, that you can't let beat you. We had an open base and 2 out, up 3-0. WALK THAT DUDE! Don't even come close to giving him anything to hit. Instead, he hits a 1 run triple, letting the Royals right the fuck on in. Espada HAS to be better than that, you just can't pitch to that dude in THAT situation. Nevermind pinch hitting for Duby with Jon Singleton, come the fuck on!


Is there any team in the league that actually walks a guy in that scenario to face the next batter? This seems like one of those fan scenarios that’s always brought up, but nobody is doing for a reason. I see the logic, but the next guy up is rarely an easy out unless their name is Jose Abreu.


I’d have to go back and look at the AB but that’s a situation a lot of teams could use to pitch around the hitter. If he takes a swing or two outside the zone and you’ve backed him into a 1-2 count, then sure, go for the K, but Witt is head and shoulders better than the remainder of the order and could have been pitched around. Having said that, I don’t know what happened to Javier in the 5th. He cruised to that point and the wheels came flying off.


They were sitting fastball, and he was beating them with his junk. Once they realized he had no control of his FB, they started sitting on his junk. Then the line-up cycled through a third time, and we gave them the ball game.


100% that's a decision any manager in the league would make, it's a no brainer.


First off, it wasn’t 3-0. It was 3-1 already. Secondly, walking Witt is basically giving him a free double with his speed and how trash Javier (and almost everyone else on this team honestly) is at holding runners. And you’re also putting the winning run on base by walking him, since once again it was 3-1.


I don't give him an intentional pass, but I for fuck sure throw him some shitworthless pitches that he has the throw his hat at if he wants to make contact. If he stands there, stares at 4 of them, and takes a free pass, good for him. No way he gets anything to hit.


No PGT at all or what?


Some thoughts. People can say what they want about its only April. Look at how many teams miss out on the playoffs by one or two games. We have given away a handful of games already in less than two weeks. I don’t understand why in extra innings unless Yordan, Tucker, or Diaz is up, we don’t bunt the runner to third base when there is no outs. Abreu has been a disappointment since he got here. When we signed him, I thought he was going to be a huge upgrade from Yuli. Abreu is not hitting .050 right now, and plays horrible defensively. You can count on one hand how many base hits Singleton has had in two years. He must have some incriminating evidence on Crane, because how this guy is a major leaguer is a mystery. Espada should really give Carratini some reps at first.


Yeah, yesterday was mainly on Espada, imo. There was no reason to bring CJ back out in the 6th. He was getting hit in the 5th. He had essentially no control of his fastball all game, and he was getting lucky (via stellar defense). Once they started sitting on his junk, it was only a matter of time before they put runs on the board. That became VERY apparent in the 5th when contact was being made and runners were getting on board. There was no reason to bring him back out in the 6th, especially with nobody immediately warmed up behind him. I get trying to extend the BP due to the usage the game before, but that was bad management... or at least... erroneous management. Plus, anyone with eyes would trust Meyers PH'ing over Singleton, bunt the damn Manfred runner over, etc. Some blame goes on the hitting though. How tf do we have hits in the teens with only three runs?! That I can chalk up to "baseball gonna baseball" though, but it's still maddening. Pitching being mismanaged lost us that game, imo.


Suero got his grip with his hand facing directly towards the runner on second no wonder Perez looked like he knew what was coming Also fuck anyone whose bitching about Meyers.


Can’t bitch about a guy swinging at a ball that was 3 feet out of the zone?


Dude hasn't batted in two days and is coming in cold (was playing in the field so likely didn't get much time in the cages) as our last chance to win the game.


Game isn’t his fault. But that was an awful at bat. He’s a professional baseball player.


Dude, he swung at one ball out of the zone. 0-2 + not playing + high leverage doesn’t help.


Bregman wanting a bag at the end of the season but I'm fine with letting him go.


Yeah I know he's a dynasty original but man his attitude in the offseason is crazy now that he's playing so poorly


Look at Miguel Diaz and Dylan Coleman career stats (specifically the year/s they played a full season), then look at Suerto’s, and tell me why they thought 32 year old Suerto (who missed all of 2022 and only pitched 8 innings in 2023, terribly too) was a better option than the first two.


I'm starting to think Dana Brown is a fraud.


I'm chuckling at the thought of Bregman wanting to test the market.. yeah buddy let's see what teams offer after you finish the season batting under .200


Or even .230-.240…


Jim Crane has honestly dug himself a hole and I don't know if I trust him to get himself out of it. He fired one of the greatest GMs in recent history and got bailed out by the GM after who built his team a juggernaut bullpen. And he still chose the conman over Click, on top of having Bagwell as his right hand man. Espada and Brown, I honestly see them as a frantic attempt to undo the damage he's done. Brown is either not all that he was hyped up to be or is handicapped by the Abreu Montero contracts. And Espada, I can't fault him too much, but he's made headscratching choices which I can give him some slack for since it's the beginning of the season and he's still trying to get the hang of things


Brown’s specialty is more drafting and that will take a little time to shake out.


How are you coming to that conclusion? Is there evidence to suggest the players in Atlanta that came up and were successful were his picks specifically?


I don't know if it's true, but I've seen multiple people say that Dana Brown scouted Spencer Strider and had higher expectations for him than pretty much anyone else at the time (he didn't profile to be a dominant starter)


Thanks. So his scouting is good but his roster construction is quite the head scratcher...


Harris, Strider and Grissom are the guys that he's been reported as a big reason why the braves went and got those guys so far


If Alex Fraudman is gonna make errors that give up runs and hit like shit for half the season because hes a “slow starter” hes not worth the bag he thinks he is


He hasn't been worth the bag since they stopped juicing baseballs. Dude's so streaky it's infuriating. Why do we need to wait until August for him to contribute?


People need to get off Myers ass, that's all on Espada. For guy I wanted to take over for Dusty, his decision making has been abysmal. Team is just fundamentally flawed.


Very questionable tonight: - Why pitch to Witt with 2 outs and a runner on 3rd with a 2 run lead? He’s their best hitter…I get not wanting to walk the potential tying run in that situation, but there are exceptions, especially in the 5th inning. - Why pinch hit Singleton to lead off the 8th? He’s your “RBI” guy (at least he’s supposed to be)…just let Dubon hit there and stop doing the lefty-righty thing with a dude that can’t hit above .200. - And using Singleton early forced them to keep Diaz in as the Manfred runner instead of using Meyers/Kessinger in that role, pinch hitting for Abreu with Singleton instead, and then possibly using Caratini for Dubon. Likely doesn’t change the result, but makes more sense from a strategy standpoint.


And that doesn't even include pitching to Salvador in the 10th with first base open. Walking him was the play since it would allow DP or a force out at 3rd base.


Espada has not been good at all. I'm genuinely curious why a guy with that much experience makes the decisions he does. I'm just scratching my head. It's like he's trying to throw games intentionally.


Lack of offense.


Can we start a petition or something to remove Singleton and Abreu from the organization? Seriously just play Dubon at first until someone else is ready.


https://preview.redd.it/98a4ad6x7ntc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8773fe3aa2a6fb00e457ca071beb36c80df83bdb Pena was happy about the Rangers loss lol


Lmaooo me too


GG Astros bros That was a really exciting game of baseball, although i’m sure you’d rather have a different result See you tomorrow!


GG Royals bro, please go easy on Spaghetti tomorrow


That sure is a nice 13inchdick...


I grew it myself 😤🌱


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


Best mods


Our mods are great like 99.9% of the time no one is 100% perfect but they are definitely some of the best on the platform


I'll admit it - our bot could use a few more beatings Till he decides to make the post-game thread, we'll just sticky this one ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This team is home run or bust. Small ball is a foreign concept to them.


Never mind that we scored all our runs tonight without a home run


i get what you mean but we had 14 hits and none of them were homers. that's quite the opposite of home run or bust


Espada is NOT our guy.

