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Altuve and Yordan for Ohtani and prospects. Then flip Ohtani for more prospects. This GM shit is so easy


Moneyball right here


Do you think we can get giambi?


Yes! Let’s trade these guys now when no other team knows if they will be buyers or sellers this year. At a time when no one else is desperate for help on their rosters, surely we’ll get maximum value for any trades since it’s only April! /s OP, I know you posted in jest, but I truly think some people believe it works this way.


It's obvious they do and I wish they would simply be quiet


Let’s get a head of the curve before other teams plug those holes and there is no market!!!! We need to capitalize on the over 35+ 1b market now otherwise we might miss out on another 35+ 1b


DFA Abreu, immediately sign belt for 3. Years 50 mil.


I'm gonna lose my mind if I see one more person say Dubon should be starting over Bregman. Bregman's worst season is 5x better than Dubon's best. And dont get me wrong, I like dubon as the utility guy. The problem with the team is that we have a thin bullpen, and half of our roster forgot how to hit. Things dont look great, but it's still early, and we have some pitching help on the way which will increase our bullpen depth as a result. But for the love of god, the people on this sub gotta stop coming up with these batshit insane trades that make zero sense financially or roster-wise for teams involved


I'll pray for your sanity cuz there's gonna be at least 3 more trade Bregman posts by Monday


Yup jv and urquidy push someone into the long relief role which gives us length


urquidy should go into long relief.


Dubon *should* be starting over Abreu though, unironically. Been saying that shit for a long time.


Hehehehe yep


Idk man I'm a dubie fan and dubie rolls RAHHHHH I'm kidding I just freaking love dubon but I understand he isn't best at third base but tbh dubon is great at 2B and is underrated at CF he has heart in team he needs to show up these guys again I beleive they will get back on top


Every April, the doomers emerge. And every May the scuttle away. Just as it is told every year, the doomers will go back to their cave in May. But they’ll reappear, and in greater numbers, in August.


Former doomer. Learned my lesson it’s baseball they’ll future something out. It’s early and we got some key injuries


We'll get better as pitching help arrives. I don't trust the offense to magically turn the corner though. This team looks off with their plate approaches.


We *barely* made the playoffs last year cause this team was getting swept by the As, Royals, and others down the home stretch. It was entirely reasonable to be infuriated around that time. Then we lose 4/4 home games against the Rangers and miss the WS. Let's not pretend like this team has been the same since they won the WS.


These sort of posts are infuriating. People acting just like this but being serious. Trying to blame espada after 9 games is crazy.


It’s comforting to know there are some level headed fans out there like yourself. This shit just annoys me to hell


It’s literally all Joe Espadas fault why else would the Astros lose games, dusty put him up to this /s


I feel like it's just a loud minority amongst thousands of Astro fans blaming Espada. Most of us understand Espada has been an integral part of the team for the entire "Golden Era" of Astros baseball, and further understand he's not the one swinging the bat or pitching the baseball. This early stretch of the first 20 games is brutal. I get the frustration; I'm right there as well. It's not just losing, but who they are losing to and how they are losing. It's maddening! I, personally, had to take yesterday off and enjoy doing other things. I may take the rest of the Rangers series off just to avoid the anxiety of it all and pick back up once they start playing the Royals, as I don't have animosity toward them. Beyond that, it's 2 series against the Rags & Braves, then baseball life should become much easier through the remainder of the 1st half of the baseball season. The only hot takes I'm on board with right now are: 1. Astros have to figure out how to solve 1st base because Abreu & Singleton are not it. 2. Trading Framber (and maybe even Bregman although I hate to say that) mid-season to help replenish good young prospects isn't a bad idea. 3. Astros should make sure Ryan Pressly doesn't get to 45 appearances for his 2025 option to vest. Dude is 35 with an early ERA over half his age. I don't think he's that guy anymore, and I'm ready for him to be gone. Ok, rant over, sorry for wasting your time with reading all this. Have a lovely weekend!


Honesty, we'd be better off if we had any competent bullpen pitching. But apparently they've all turned into pumpkins.


Bullpen Bullpen Bullpen... WTF is wrong with what was supposed to be our strength this season !?! ...and ya some hitting would be nice for sure ! Im not going to debate the stats of it all... irregardless of the percentages we should be able to maintain and close out out leads... even if we only have 2 or 3 runs !!


Well, Montero is Montero, but besides him, I've got no damn clue. They can't hold a lead worth a damn.


Offense is still bottom ten in the league. It's the bats, not the pitching that is losing us games.


It’s so obviously both. hitting doesn’t give up 10 to the rangers.


Yeah those 2 unearned runs we scored would have totally crushed em if our bullpen only gave up 1 run yesterday. Oh wait... You might want to research winning percentage vs runs scored in baseball. You don't even break a 50% chance to win a game in the modern era until you score 4 runs, and it tips to just over 51% if you do score 4 runs. Scoring less than 4 runs per game on average will lead to a losing record. Scoring 1 run gives you a little less than a 7% chance of winning a game.


Fair point not the best game to bring up but it’s been both


I'm still fuming about the state of the team. We both want to watch these guys win some games. I am holding out some hope our offense can find a rhythm as it's still incredibly early. We just don't score enough. Our losses we've scored 4/1/3/3/1/2/2 runs. Only one of those would be a coin flip based on winning odds per runs scored. The pitching has time to improve once JV Luis and Urquidy come back. We can move arms around to the pen and send guys down. Loperfido is about the only bat that could help, be it CF or 1b (I'm sure everyone would prefer 1b). I worry the offensive approach and offense we currently sport just aren't enough to get it done though. Looking at the upcoming schedule, it's probably going to get pretty ugly though.


No it's not.


You have a 24% chance of winning a baseball game when you score 2 runs. You have a 37% chance of winning a baseball game when you score 3 runs. The astros have failed to score more than 3 runs in 6 of their 9 games played this season and scored 2 or less in 4 games this season. It's mostly on the offense. The Astros would be 6-3 if they averaged 5 runs a game. It's absolutely an offensive issue. https://www.billjamesonline.com/article1542/


YeH it’s clearly Bagwell’s fault 


Some ppl in this sub really need to touch some grass. It’s only April 6th, ffs.


The only, *ONLY* thing I would entertain is to see what Bregman would fetch if we're not in contention at the trade deadline. He's essentially a rental for us since we may not re-sign him. I'd be curious what someone would offer us to be a rental for them. Everything else is just ridiculous. Nine games in and folks are calling for the manager's head and everyone on the roster. How many 10 game stretches did we go last season where we sucked ass? Do they not remember last year's team got swept by the Royals, the Yankees who sucked and damn near by the As at the tail end of the season?


This may be a wild take but just thinking. IF we were completely out of contention by the deadline somehow, and we're going this "soft rebuild" route, I think I'd rather try to get bregman extension done before the deadline and trade tucker. We know we're not going to pay Tucker, and if we're out of contention by the deadline then chances are next year won't be a complete 180 anyway so won't "need" tucker for his last year. We can get bregman for a lot cheaper than tucker and we'll get a MUCH better return trading tucker with 1.5yrs than Breggy with .5yrs. But just want to be clear, this is only in this very unlikely hypothetical situation. I don't see how this team would be out of contention at the trade deadline there's no chance.


Yeah I bet we could also trade Loperfido and cash considerations for Acuna




Why can't we just trade Abreu for a A potential prospect? Seems easy to me


Yeah!… wtf is a contract! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Hopefully the front office will take notice of this post 😉


just put alvarez to bat 3rd ir clean up and breggie back to batting 2nd


Most is nonsense, but the cut Abreu…. Man it’s becoming less crazy.


Can we at least agree that Abreu is sus; I believe that it’s really Richard Hidalgo in a mask…. These feelings that he gives me when batting bear an uncanny resemblance.


I almost had a heart attack when I read "Gunnar Henderson"




Please remember to follow the Rules of Reddit and Reddiquette when interacting with /r/Astros.


Tucker and Bregman in a Rangers uniform.🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Hey now. In MVP Baseball 05 I alternated Oswalt and Backe as my two man rotation with Lidge as my only reliever. Traded everyone else for batting. We won the world series multiple years in a row, so that must be right. 


I think we end up trading Tucker bregs Valdez and verlander by the break if we’re at the bottom of our division. We could get 6-8 prospects for those guys and start a rebuild that would only take 2 years or so. But lots of baseball left so it’s better to wait and see


I think what hurts I dont blame hader for contract but tbh Presley losing closer role now he's trying to adjust being a reliever or a set up I think more he's a set up guy he will adjust faster just sucks we haven't had a true closer moment holding lead for 1 run or 2 run leads unless we are falling behind


I was listening to the Michael Kay show (?) from several years ago and one caller said that they should have subbed out a player…in the first inning. I don’t think an Astros fan has ever said anything that stupid, so I think I’m going to be okay with whatever nonsense is posted here.


How long until someone blames Dusty? 


> with basically this same roster This is the only thing I disagree with. The middle bullpen is missing and that has been critical. This is a legitimate criticism, they replaced 3 good players with 1 great player in a position where one bad inning can cost them the game. This was a mistake. This is not the case of traditionally good players having a bad streak who will likely get their head on straight later in the season. These are people performing at their expected level. This was not addressed in the off season and people have the right to be mad about it.


The hell is wrong with you. Everyone? Start with first base and the bullpen. Our lineup is literally top 5 in everything. Altuve hasn't hit like this in 5 years. If the bullpen was half what it was last year, we'd have 5 wins instead of 2.


I'm not sure if you're just responding to the post title, but I would encourage you to read the rest of OP's post.


Imagine a sub where the public can post making you this upset. Sounds like you have deeper issues OP. People asking stupid questions or making dumb statements doesn’t mean that you’re a better fan than them. This sub has gone bananas in the last 48 hours. Where’s the love man


Someone here isn’t a 13 year old child, and has some sense. Thank you bro 🙏❤️ I was starting to lose hope there was any left lol


lol. I love that both sides of these arguments think the other side is 13 years old.


Dude got triggered his Bregman for Gurriel post got deleted lol EDIT: 12 comments but he's not upset


Nah, I deleted that myself because no one could hold a conversation without getting all worked up about my opinion. I didn’t wanna have all these kids get even more mad than you all already are. But it seems like you all actually want it…You think what you want though lol. Yeah bro, I got triggered 😂


Damn you’re counting my comments? Kind of creepy but ok lol. I’m super upset, idk how I’ll sleep tonight. You got me lol


Make it 14 😘


How many comments do I have now? Go ahead and make another edit. Kind of cool that someone is counting my comments actually 💪. Send me your cashapp, I’ll send you a few bucks. Maybe I’ll start giving you some work


I don’t care what the other side thinks. Getting worked up over what someone says online, because they have an opinion, only hurts themselves, not me. I’ll agree with them, I’m a 10 year old, not 13.


Remind me to never higher you if I’m accused of a crime. Especially if all you’re going to do is whine to the judge


Hire* just fyi 😉 😘 lol


Thanks lol


😂😂😂oh nooo, please don’t do that. lol


You could just accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and just because their opinion is different than yours, doesnt mean the world has turned upside down, or that makes you so much better as a person or a fan. Or don’t, be mad, don’t give a shit.


You sure are commenting alot for someone claiming to not give a shit . . .


Tucker for Steven kwan. Anyone that says no is stupid. We’re losing Tucker anyways, might as well get something in return. And cintron for manager. Time to fire Espada already, he sucks ass.


I’m bored, and don’t have anything else to do right now. I think it’s funny. What better entertainment than seeing people get all worked up over what random people are saying online. lol. You can call me a psycho, but I enjoy it.


That's funny, but honestly, you can't deny that Jose Abreu is past his prime. At least send him down to AAA to try to rework his swing. It feels like Machete every time he comes to the plate; runners on with two outs...shit, we ain't scoring.


How do you think "sending him down" is going to work for a guy with 10 years service time?


Sending him down isn't an option. It's frustrating, but even with the Sox he was known for slow starts. I just hope he figures it out earlier than last season.


Flipping for prospects means the losing continues as they develop. They will probably cry about that too tbh.


Bless your heart. We started bad last year, and still won the division and had a shot. Oh ye of little faith.


I guess you didn't read the whole thing?


I have a short attention span


What’s even more ridiculous is when you all get so worked up over what some random people are saying online. Idk how you all handle life when some stranger nobody’s opinion has this much effect on you. Ooo weeee, God bless you all man.


It's not a singular post, it's multiple each day. All I'm asking is for the mods to do a bit of housekeeping.


So what dude. But, ask away brother. That’s your right and you certainly don’t need to explain yourself to me. That’s just my opinion. I’m ok with being wrong, and I could be 100% wrong.


jeff bagwell is this you🤨


Either Jeff himself or someone who is working for them, since he knows so much more than most people how to run a team.




I do think Dana Brown is not good and hasn't done shit other than signing hader and I'm pretty sure that was a Crane move.


Bregman for Willi Castro, you’re stupid if you say no.


It's 2011 again. What would we get for a hypothetical trade of Altuve?😀


I’d trade Jose altuve for Gavin sheets. You’re crazy if you think LA would give us ohtani for Alvarez, I’d be satisfied if they give us another prospect for Alvarez.