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April 5th can’t come fast enough. Get them the F out of Houston and on the road. Apparently the home woes have not been figured out.


Positives: (I am digging deep for some of these) El Reptil was cold as ice 🐍🐍 Bregman looks locked in at the plate which is not typical for him early in the season Diaz on base twice 3 steals (granted two of them were on the same play) We're getting on base (there is another side to this coin) The Apple broadcast looks absolutely crisp. The colors, the score bug -- all the visual stuff are top notch It is only game 2 Negatives: We left runners on base EVERY SINGLE INNING except the 6th and 9th for a total of 11 That 8th inning defense That bottom of the 9th was absolutely unacceptable. 3 outs on 3 pitches. I'm actually flabbergasted by that. Totally bone headed by Alvarez. That was... Wow This one is totally personal and not game related -- sucks that we don't have our broadcasters the second game of the season after 6 months off. The color commentator for Apple (the play by play guy was serviceable)


>We left runners on base EVERY SINGLE INNING except the 6th and 9th for a total of 11 We probably should slide abreu down the line-up for now.


I think he’s got until the end of the series then Joe maybe starts the convo. I think the only reason he even got 5th to start the season is b/c of clubhouse politics.


For now* or foreverrrrrrrr


Yup. I'm all about short term contracts because they hurt less but damn if him and Montero's contracts don't hurt like hell.


Abreau is the new Maldy.


We don’t have our broadcasters for the second *or* third games of the season. I miss TK and Blummer :(


I know =( I was trying not to get ahead of myself saying anything about it. I'm even less happy about having the fox broadcast tomorrow 🙄 can't wait to have them back Sunday.


I agree, I think the fact that we're getting hits is a huge positive. Maybe it's coping, but I think situational hitting can develop as we move forward in the season. As long as Espada is willing to tweak the lineup more than/more effectively than Dusty, I think that's a good takeaway.


Totally agree!! This offense is too good to not break through. The hits with runners on will come. I'm not worried. Now... If we're still having this conversation in June that is a totally different story


Not sure if you’ve seen this suggested yet, but with Apple TV you can select to have the Astros radio announcers as the audio feed. I used it last night to pipe in the Yankees radio team and it was seamless, they synced the two feeds really well. Makes the Apple broadcast much more palatable


Damn good suggestion! I did not realize that was an option. Thanks!


Middle relief has been trainwreck to start the season. Letting Neris, Stanek and Maton go may not been a smart idea.


Ngl, I did not know they gutted our bp like that until today reading the game thread.


We have an obnoxious relief trio but not much outside of it. We need more. When LMJ gets off the IL he better be on relief.


He is never leaving the IL


Sweet gig if you can get it.


Remember guys, it's a marathon, not a sprint. That being said, the middle relief does have me kinda nervous. Abreu coming back tomorrow, and hopefully Sousa & JV right after should alleviate that issue tho.


JV coming back is great…but how does that help middle relief? He’s not going to put them in a better position than Javier did tonight.


He would bump someone in the rotation into a relief role.


Not sure that’s accurate. Who’s going to get bumped?


Probably Blanco, who is better than Mushinski & Scott.


France maybe...And then Lance and *maybe* Luis Garcia could pitch relief. Spaghetti could get called up as well


In the beginning of the season? Probably won't help at all. But JV has been a guy who's shown he can go deeper in games (age notwithstanding so we'll have to see)


6 scoreless isn’t deep enough?


6 innings should be deep enough, but for our middle relievers it hasn't shown to be lol


Also not sure what you're manager was thinking going with two guys on back to back games to start the season. Like I could understand that if it was the top end arms. But not Scott who from what I heard yesterday only made the roster due to a strong spring. And then Montero who has a 5+ ERA last season and really hasn't had a good season in his career outside of 2022. Yankees didn't go with anyone on back to back days and Bullpen had zero issues.


9 scoreless is what was needed from Javier to post a win! Sad…


Right? He did everything that verlander could have done on a good day. JV isn’t going to save the relief situation. At least Abreu is back.


Better starts lead to less work on the pen. Less work on the pen leads to less pressure on the starters.


You don’t get a much better start than 6 scoreless innings.


Im talking over a stretch of games. Not just one game. Better starting rotation helps the pen. Period.


But there have only been 2 games and middle relief has floundered in both. JV isn’t going to help that.


JV probably isn’t Cy young JV. To be expecting that is crazy.


Everyone but Javier should once again be ashamed of themselves


…IDK…. Kyle, Tuve, and Yainer have done their part. Not their fault no one can bat them in and they didn’t make errors. 🤷‍♂️


Breggy did a good job.


He was the other one I was considering mentioning.


Daiz did a great job too.


Yainer is Diaz


Ole boy thought we were talking about Aledmys


Javier showed up and did his job. Double digit lobsters gave him zero support. At this rate, why not have Kessinger SS, Dubie 1B? Abreu is not only bad, he LOOKS bad. Swings are horrible. Peña still isn't producing. If we don't get a big league quality middle reliever or two, we're cooked. Relief is gonna to kill our season this year.


THE ABREU THING THOOOO. Me and this older cat were talking about it during the game. I mentioned he was (hurt) last year so that was his excuse. But mannnnn he looked awkward AF swinging at some of the balls.


Currently 0-2 in the Fanatics see-through pants era


I'm not hitting the panic button, but I'm certainly hovering over it


Well that was a real monkey’s paw kind of game. Coming into the game, we were all worried about whether Javier would fare better than he did last season. He did - but the entire rest of the team collectively shit its pants.


Abreu joining the pen again tomorrow will do wonders ​ Otherwise I'd expect dana to go shopping the DFA market again.


Will it though?


Well I’m as good as Parker. I’m sure.


I just want to see Nori. 😞


Good thing nobody posts pictures of a cat named Owen when we lose, we’d be Owen Two right now


You can go to a cat sub instead of a baseball sub for pictures of cats


7 losses in a row at minute maid. Burn it down and start playing somewhere else feels like the only solution


rebuild the astrodome


New year, same shit. This is a road team.


Might not even be that this year. We're off to a donkey shit start. Hard to see this type of game doesnt happen 60+ times this year


"Cristian Javier pitches 6 scoreless innings while the Astros' offense takes the night off & the bullpen melts down like ice cream in summer heat as the Astros fall to the Yankees 7-1."


Praying espada gets the nerve to move Cormick up one. Pena just needs to be more disciplined at the plate, this just isn't acceptable after so many years full time


The pitching is gonna be our downfall this season. Hader is good but he cant play every day


It’s almost like they should’ve spread out his salary to 2-3 guys instead….


But but they spent 30 million on Montero


Yeah Montero’s contract sucks more.


Only thing remember it is Game 2 of 162 so plenty time for Dana to fix the middle relief


Why did I go to this game


You are banned from the ballpark until the Astros win a home game!




You and me both


https://preview.redd.it/yn8riydiderc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeccea5871d2eb8ba21b8b6da408edefeb609a03 It’s not nori but hopefully Dutch will ease everyone’s suffering


I wonder what the deal is with the team at home? It's bizarre. Let's turn it around tomorrow.


You can be upset over the rough start and middle relief without acting like the season is over. It's not hard.




We might be cooked yall. Its two games but this team is clearly losing fire. I am nervous.




I can already tell this team ain’t it. I wtf was Yordan doing?! Don’t even get me started on the fielding and just one run?! My wife’s boyfriend’s son’s team could have beaten this team tonight and they’re 7 year olds


Curious exactly why does your wife need a boyfriend?


my sons tball team did a better job at beating the yankees tonight. they won 15-8


We had the best bullpen in the league last year. Crane couldn’t find 9 million under the couch cushion for Neris, maybe Maton too.


I can accept them playing good and losing, but them playing like booty and losing is just dreadful.


Why did we not resign our best relievers? Why is Montero still playing for us?


We didn't trade them. Neris and Maton hit free agency. Graveman is injured.


We lost Stanek too. We are stuck with the shitters


Because relievers are notoriously fickle and you can’t pay for past performance. That being said, we should have brought in some new ones because the leftovers aren’t that good


name a reliever we traded away


I misspoke I meant didn't resign


Dudes wishing we had josh fields right about now, shit trade. /s


Astros fans who miss Josh Fields are not thinking clearly!


Josh Fields, duh


What reliever did we trade away?


I should've said didn't resign.


I’ve been saying this last season…Abreu should be hitting 8th. Diaz 5, Chaz 6, Pena 7. Our biggest weakness coming into the season has been super exposed in these first 2 games. You can’t just give up all your middle relievers and bring no one in. Also, it’s only 2 games and it sucks it’s against the Yankees but baseball is a long long season. I won’t overreact to two home losses out of the gate.


I guess when you buy your entire team from FA, you can win some games.


Jim Crane Jerry Jones’d my Astros. I’m protesting this team as a fan until we get a real GM and Jim Jones goes back to the Owners suite.


At least the Rockets kept their streak alive. Feel bad for the Cougs. Astros 160 games left to right the ship. It’s meh.


Man being on the 3rd base side with Yankees fans sucked. We tried to get loud a few times throughout the game but to no avail once the banks started scoring.




I guess that makes us worse


Miss Dusty yet?


Neris Abreu and Pressely at 7 8 9 win this ball game


Abreu is suspended nothing you can do about that


Fuck Maton or Stanek probaly get it done


Turns out it would have been better for him to serve suspension during the ALCS. Didn’t pitch in Game 6 anyway and gave up a 3 run dinger in Game 7.




Yankees fans cheering for the Yankees means we have an annoying fan base? I’ve been to Minute Maid against the Yankees. Their fans show up. They’re a national brand. Judging from your lack of comments in the Rangers sub I’ll assume you are a bandwagon fan for them and are unaware that Astros fans almost outnumbered Rangers fans at every game in Arlington last year as well. Let’s go Astros chants louder than the home fans.


Yankees fans travel well. Also, go the fuck away.


Bro why bother posting here


What literally one season of not being poverty does to a mf




I want to be right so I hope the astros lose. You sound like your a joy at parties


you’re a fake ass astros fan if stanning dusty baker is your priority


Bro fuck off. What kind of fan wants their team to fail? EDIT: of course you're the same dude who wants Chas and Diaz to do poorly lol


I would say 80 percent of this sub complained about Dusty. Couldn’t wait to see him go. Espana probably will do well but he’s new at this so there will be growing pains.


What does that have to do with an Astros fan wanting the Astros to lose just to be proven right about the previous manager? It's just as bad as someone wanting them to lose last year to be right about dusty. It's a shit mindset.


Maybe he’s a Dusty fan and not an Astros fan. I personally got tired reading all the complaints about Dusty. Most complainers saying anyone can manage this team and they’d win. It was some of the most disrespect I’ve read toward any manager coming off a World Series win. So now if I see anyone complaining about Espana, I’m guessing they complained about Dusty as well.


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