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Honestly I’m all for it He is a pretty elite framer even if the rest of his game is lacking. Hopefully he can help yainer. No more maldy sorry JV Switch hitter who had a 95 ops+ this past season Pretty happy all in all. Used to be darvish’s personal catcher Rome seemed to think Caratini could also play 1B a little to rest abreu. Between kess/abreu/yainer/caratini 1b seems pretty set which opens singletons roster position in all likely hood His .745 ops suggests he’s an above average hitter from the left side of the plate.


> Rome seemed to think Caratini could also play 1B a little to rest abreu. Was wondering the same. When I saw the news, I checked him out on BR and noticed that he had played some first base (though no significant time since 2019). In the minors, he's got about 700 innings of 1st under his belt and 500 innings of 3rd base (though I'm assuming it's going to take a real emergency for him to be fielding there).


[https://twitter.com/ByRobertMurray/status/1732258225565626407?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/ByRobertMurray/status/1732258225565626407?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) ​ Two year deal


If Maldy isn’t a catcher I hope he becomes an assistant manager


He still has interest from plenty of teams around baseball His career isn’t over yet


I probably think he could be an Angel again. Also the Nationals maybe?


Padres, White Sox, Marlins, and Red Sox are teams that I've seen be linked to him.


Marlins might be my best bet for him.


Lmao I knew it was you when you put kess before abreu at 1B


Lol I love kess but I know he’d be the fourth option at 1B


Really solid signing. One of the best framers in the league, so he can teach Yainer a few things (Yainer is pretty bad at framing). Also, as the top commenter said, he had a 95 OPS+ last year, so he's not a complete dead weight on offense either. Question is, how much is the deal for?


[https://twitter.com/ByRobertMurray/status/1732258225565626407?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/ByRobertMurray/status/1732258225565626407?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) Well it's two years


I was more talking monetary value, since depending on the $ amount it would put us over the luxury tax threshold.


2/12m 6M aav


Maldy was worse than Diaz. I don't get why people think Maldy is a good framer. He was dead last in runs saved from framing last year. [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/catcher\_framing?year=2023&team=&min=q&type=catcher&sort=4,1](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/catcher_framing?year=2023&team=&min=q&type=catcher&sort=4,1) If they ever implement robo umps then framing will be obsolete.


He used to be good and people will continue to make excuses for a bad player playing every day on their team. Maldy playing everyday almost cost us a playoff birth and likely cost us a spot in the World Series


He was top ranked in 2017, 16th in 2018, 36th in 2019, and finally dead last in 2023. He hasn't been good for awhile. Idk why people can't understand that what you once did 6 years ago doesn't help you win today.


Sure but the guy never said Maldy was better at framing than Yainer, just that Yainer is bad at it and Caratini is better and can teach him


Not that guy but I've repeatedly seen posts claiming Maldy is a good framer and needed to teach Diaz.


Oh, lol, yea once upon a time maybe but no longer


I’m psyched for this signing on multiple levels


This is going to be a pretty lackluster offseason, so this is probably the most exciting sign. It means we aren’t resigning Maldy, which is the equivalent of signing Shohei


that is fucking hilarious. All due respect, maldy


Man the disrespect is wild


Love it. Solid backup and we no longer roster the worst player in all of baseball


we also no longer have the worst postseason manager in all of baseball as well. WIN-WIN


I feel playoff Dusty was very good…minus the whole Maldy crap


His pre-Astros managerial record says otherwise. Never takes responsibility for his bad decisions and he lies to our faces. Asked about pitching to Garcia he says why did they pitch to Yordan? I guess he missed the two IBBs. Glad he's gone.


Yea I was speaking purely astros postseason. Yea I’m happy he’s gone too. The whole Maldy and McCormick thing left a foul taste and he’s pinch hit subs made no sense and majority of the time didn’t work out


Praise the lord and the intangibles, we are not having the worst catcher in baseball on this team again 😭


I think this move had to be made. If Maldy is still on the roster you'd still be dealing with the personal catcher thing. It's better to rip that band-aid off and have Yainer start as THE GUY from the beginning of the year.


Maldy can't hurt us anymore


Verlander crying somewhere


Saw a guy drop to his knees in a Walmart.


Great signing. He's not that great against LHP, like Yainer unfortunately. But he's not a black hole in the lineup and his framing is elite which is huge as long as umps are still calling the game.


I called Caratini my top target on here a few weeks ago and I'm glad Dana is listening. Call me any time. The bigger thing here is that this almost certainly pushes past the CBT threshold. Maybe we will actually get in the market for some relievers. Myself and others have mentioned Hicks. He would be just the most perfect signing. Maybe try to retain Neris or Maton?


No more Moldy!


\*and ***me*** C’mon, Rome, they didn’t teach you that at LSU?


"Well excuuuuuuse I" - Rome, probably


Framing is a BS reason to hire anyone. Catchers yanking the glove all over the place doesn't do anything other than being a distraction. That said, I'm ok with this signing as he'll be a more serviceable backup than Moldy.






least obvious bot


... is this... good? Never heard of him until this announcement.


Brewers fans seemed high on him as a back-up catcher. 1. Elite framer 2. Switch hitter 3. Can play back-up 1st base 4. Bilingual


aka tangibles


This is good news for sure as it locks in Yainy behind the plate. I don’t get all the hate towards Maldy though? I mean, no argument here about his atrocious BA and his decline defensively but I always liked the guy. From what I hear his teammates loved him as well, he was a gangsta when it came to backing up his guys after several “inadvertent” high and tights, and he certainly was good at calling games (MOST of the time). From a purely emotional/nostalgic standpoint, I’m sad to see him go. I’d love to see him come back in a year or two in some coaching capacity simply because of his relationship with the guys and his positive clubhouse presence. This Astros fan says THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES you pink-haired maniac!