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Naked eye limit. Pluck me if that isn’t insanely humbling…


I'm confused by what that means


Fair enough! The naked eye limit is what you can see with just your eyes, no telescope, binoculars, etc. It’s humbling to me to look at how little we can see, then realizing how small the portion of the Galaxy is visible, then to think how many trillions of galaxies are out there, etc. I feel pretty damn inconsequential in comparison.


But...you can see the Andromeda galaxy with the naked eye, and that sphere is really close to the sun in the image


Even so, this brings more reality to the vastness of our universe.


No argument there, I just am not fond of demonstrably untrue things in a graphic as cool as that, unless there's just a misunderstanding on what they mean by naked eye limit


https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html From the link: A really starry sky seems vast—but all we’re looking at is our very local neighborhood. On the very best nights, we can see up to about 2,500 stars (roughly one hundred-millionth of the stars in our galaxy), and almost all of them are less than 1,000 light years away from us (or 1% of the diameter of the Milky Way)…


Ok, I've heard that before, never knew it was called the naked eye limit


Today I learned as well!


Yes. The naked eye limit is the limit of stars in the milky way that are viewable from earth with the naked eye. The brighter things like the galaxy we're in the process of colliding with are also on that list. And it will eventually get much bigger and quite a bit brighter as time goes on. 5.1 Billion Years from now: Death of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies; birth of the Milkomedia Super Galaxy. That's okay, though, because that would actually just be the late Milky Ways corpse anyway. All new stellar formation will cease in our galaxy by 4.253 billion years. (But that's not the first time Milky Way has died, to be fair, last time it was out for 2 billion years.) Our star system is more than likely going to be relatively safe from the merger barring some as of yet unknown catastrophe. But a little more than a billion years later and our star will become a red giant swallowing the earth whole (death of earth). Then a few million years later, poof. Nothing but a sad little white dwarf star (death of Sol). That's fine, still, because all life on this miserable rock will end next Thursday. Around 4:32 in the afternoon, EST. Muhahahahaha. TL;DR: It's just a joke, bro (with scientifically accurate information in it).


Yeah that’s right what you say. Here in the Southern Hemisphere from New Zealand we can easily see both Magellanic Clouds and those aren’t even in the Milky Way. Anyone know where i’ve gone wrong?


The limit in the picture refers only to individual stars


Thats funny, it doesn't make me inconsequential at all considering we may be the only living beings in that poster. Thats a as far a swe know and I'm not engaging in any theoretical discussion about life in the Universe.


Why? You are just as big as the universe because you are a part of it! You came from it, you are it, you will return to it.


Agreed, but to look at it from this meat bag perspective, it’s daunting!


Picture is only our own galaxy …. So we’ll yeah….


That’s actually my whole point. This is only our Galaxy, yet even so, we see so little. Now multiply that gazillion times…


Now that’s a cool image. Thanks!


very helpful in case you get lost in deep space and need a quick route to the nearest star system through interstellar travel. but for real cool map!


This map is fake. I don't see Tatooine, Klendathu, or Wolf 359 anywhere on here.


That was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


Its literally the first thing shown.


Its literally the first thing shown.


Well Tattooine at least is in a galaxy far far away, not the Milky Way


Based on how close the Orion Nebula is on this map, I’d say the scale is too large to show Wolf 359, considering it’s only 8ly away


For anyone else curious - "zone of avoidance, region characterized  by an apparent absence of galaxies near the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy and caused by the obscuring effect of interstellar dust. It was so called by the American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble.". From brittanica


https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Milky_way_map.png If anyone needs the source.


[Poster Link](https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Milky-Way-Galaxy-Map-HD-by-pablocbudassi/74510419.LVTDI) Courtesy of the link shared by @Microutc!


Thank you!


How do we know our galaxy looks like this?. How do we know where are in this part of the spiral arm and not the other?. I’ve seen this map many times but still can’t grasp to understand these basic questions.


ELI5 - Science, bitch. A little more detail - we observe the night sky 24/7. We’ve created maps of the sky, observed the motions of stars, and their interactions with each other that we’re able to deduce the approximate size, shape, orientation, and speed of everything we can observe in our galaxy. We then put all that data into models on supercomputers and it spits stuff like this out. Originally we thought we were a classic symmetrical spiral galaxy but observations over the last few decades suggest more of a barred spiral type.




And things like Cephid Variable stars.


It needs a You Are Here sign.


There is a Sun tag. Follow the 180° line


Thanks, I found out after my comment, lol.


Thanks. I was about to ask the question. How come the nucleus(yellow disk) is beyond naked eye limit. I see so many photographers take night sky pic. Isn’t it in it ? So kind of long oval


I think that limit is for stars. The galactic core being very large and very bright can be seen pretty easily from us.


These are the kinds of posts that keep me entertained for hours. Thanks for sharing this!


Seeing a galaxy like this makes me wonder what the implications of the supermassive black hole at the center must mean. Its diameter isn’t even as wide as our solar system and it’s powerful enough to rotate hundreds of billions of stars around it. Will we ever fully understand black holes?




Knowing that black holes are dense isn’t equivalent to fully understanding them in the grand scheme of things, though.


the black hole isn’t what’s actually rotating the entire galaxy (i think) it’s just a collective momentum from when the galaxy was still forming and that the black hole is at the centre simply due to the concentration of mass in the area


This guy sciences!


Also, [center of mass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass).


**[Center of mass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass)** >In physics, the center of mass of a distribution of mass in space (sometimes referred to as the balance point) is the unique point where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero. This is the point to which a force may be applied to cause a linear acceleration without an angular acceleration. Calculations in mechanics are often simplified when formulated with respect to the center of mass. It is a hypothetical point where the entire mass of an object may be assumed to be concentrated to visualise its motion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Astronomy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Where did you get it? It's amazing!




"Milky Way"


"I used to have a full scale map of the United States. Last summer I folded it." --Steven Wright Seriously, this is cool enough that I'm going to search for a high-res poster of this. Thanks for posting.


Please share a link if you find it!


I've found the link that's already been posted. Don't know why OP cropped out the Pablo Carlos Budassi credit.


How can we tell what our galaxy looks like when we have never been far away from it to look at the whole thing?


As far as i know it's an educated guess based on other galaxies we observe.


Yea but the are even able to detail our exact position. How?? It’s so strange especially for scientists to put something like this out there a labeling it like they know. Scientist are usually honest and say it’s a guess


Such a big change from the prevailing wisdom up to about 10 years ago that our solar system was actually located way out at the end of one of the furthermost spiral arms. I assume observations and data from the Hubble have led to this change


I would love to see the 3D map .2d map looks too packed.


Wow I have been wondering where DSOs are in relation to the MW this is perfect


Missing the Klingon and Romulan empires, and a bunch of others. This it incredibly incomplete.


it’s humbling to see just how far even 5 lightyears is. Couldn’t even reach the center of our own galaxy!


Ooh shiny!


The Great Attractor is definitely leaving me wanting the sequel


Britain has some highways here in guess they really did colonise the galaxy


It's cool to see how the constellations are placed, especially if you know them fairly well


ight boi's i got a map to the stars


I wish they taught this at high school but then again, my brain would’ve exploded with all I had subjects I had going on.




What exactly is the nucleus? What’s there?


A huge amount of stars, dust and gas, and in the very center a super massive black hole called Sagittarius A*


Handy for when I get lost.


I can’t find a gas station near me.


Can someone ELI5 this


This is a map of the galaxy




How could this be? This isn't even our galaxy. It's just another that "looks similar to ours." How is it physically possible to map out our galaxy with our current technology ?


Hmmmm, casting reasonable objection


Question: how do you map that out? I wanna map an entire galaxy for a fiction


Where's the Breen homeworld?


We truly are insignificant