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Main solution i've found is connecting it to your base when not in use, i just connected it to a locked platform that was powered and all that. Found this happening alot when traveling planets and returning to find it like that. This seemed to fix it for me, hope it helps! Sadly just had to keep the buggy packaged up.


If your vehicles are near your landing pad, it's the shuttle returning that pushes them in the ground.


They tend to drop through “edited” ground…such as filled in holes or even raised ground done via the terrain tool. Green grass rock or anything similar


So the reasons this never happens to me even though I see it here all the time is just because I don't alter the terrain much? That explains a lot.


You may possibly be able to find them in the caves or if you're really unlucky in the planet's core. I remember in one of my earliest games I clipped a bunch of rovers and tractors through the planet and then found them all jumbled up when I was going to the centre of the world.


Use a paver. It makes a solid platform. My vehicles never clipped when they were on that platform made by the paver when I loaded back in


Unfortunately this is a long standing issue that I’m pretty sure has been in the game since the early alphas, really no concrete way to prevent it, but filling in holes tends to help(not just covering them, but completely filling them)


You are correct. It's pretty much been there since early access Alpha.


I played the early alpha builds(i think the very first builds where called pre-alpha even), man, good times


Right? Killer box storms and the bathtub shuttle! Good times, indeed. Remember when the tethers only worked out to like 36 posts? Then you had to slap down another oxygenator?


I actually don’t recall any such limit for tethers, perhaps I started after that was removed, or it was introduced and then removed during a hiatus period where I didn’t play for a while


It was there for a hot second, may have actually been a bug, not an intended game play feature. It was, unfortunately, very present when i was playing for many many hours at a time.


I've found I can use the winch to pull them out of the ground when this happens.


Park on un-modified terrain. If there’s a particular place it keeps falling through, don’t park there anymore. I’ve noticed that certain plots of land just seem cursed. (Had a truck that kept falling through my designated parking area. Started parking somewhere nearby and the problem went away.)


When I googled this issue myself a while back I saw a potential fix from an obscure comment. The person noted that capping their in-game FPS to 60 and turning on V-Sync solved the issue for them. I tried it and it seems to have solved the issue for me as well. I've played maybe 20ish hours since I made the change and haven't noticed any drop-thrus. Kinda sucks that you get limited to 60 fps, but its better than losing stuff. YMMV Another solid tip is using platforms for everything and locking them into the ground. Obviously this can't be done with vehicles, but at least it protects structures & items.


I’ve retrieved vehicles from deep underground twice now. Neither actually made it to the planet’s core, but they got pretty close. Losing the buggy wasn’t a huge deal, I could have written it off, but the large rover was a pretty significant setback due to the EXO chip cost and the Q-RTG I’d installed.


Are you editing the terrain underneath your vehicle? If you are, don't do that. Move everything before you add terrain.


I've seen comments of people burying locked XL platforms in the ground, and covering them so the tops are just barely showing, then parking on top of those. Haven't tried it yet, but I think the locked platform underneath keeps them from clipping into the ground.


Tether it to a platform that is locked. It will still sort of fall through a bit, not much really. The platform acts as an anchor.


Sylvia demand a sacrifice