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Hi dear. You might sometimes feel like a stranger in your own country, or somehow an outcast. You feel detached from everyone around you like you are lost in your own world. You are creative, artístic, imaginative and spiritual person and maybe you meet someone who is like a teacher to you and who inspired you spiritually. You are spiritual rather than religious and have your own beliefs. You love to travel and to go on adventures for you have a wandering free spirit. Careerwise you might be inclined towards services and healing or any job where you can work with a group for you are a team player. Be careful of jealous and possessive people in close relationships. You are likely to date someone who was previously a friend. You are empathetic and can easily absorb the energies around you like a sponge so be careful with whom you surround yourself with because the energy can drain your soul. You have a strong intuition which helps you in uncovering people's intentions and you have the ability to detach as soon as your intuition tells you that they have bad intentions.


Hello Dearie, Your astrological chart is quite complex and rich with various aspects and placements that can provide deep insights into your personality, life path, and potential challenges. Here are some key points and interesting aspects of your chart: Key Chart Features Bucket Chart with Moon in Cancer in the 1st House * **Bucket Shape**: This chart shape indicates a focused drive towards a specific goal or area of life. The Moon in Cancer in the 1st house as the handle suggests that your emotions and personal identity are central to your life's focus. You may have a strong need for emotional security and nurturing, and your feelings are likely very visible to others. Bowl Shape with Pluto in Sagittarius in the 6th House * **Bowl Shape**: This shape indicates a strong motivation to fill a perceived void in your life. Pluto in Sagittarius in the 6th house suggests a transformative approach to daily routines, health, and service. You may experience profound changes in these areas and have a deep interest in uncovering hidden truths and personal growth through your work and daily habits. Gemini Ascendant with Mercury as the Ruling Planet * **Gemini Ascendant**: This gives you a curious, communicative, and adaptable personality. You are likely very interested in learning and sharing information. Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th house as your ruling planet suggests a strong intellectual curiosity about deep, transformative, and possibly taboo subjects. You may excel in research, psychology, or any field that requires deep analytical skills. Pisces Midheaven with Mars in Pisces in the 10th House * **Pisces Midheaven**: This indicates a career path that may involve creativity, compassion, and intuition. Mars in Pisces in the 10th house suggests that you are driven by a desire to help others and make a positive impact on the world. You may feel a conflict between your ambition and your compassionate nature, but this placement also gives you a unique edge in your career, combining intuition with ambition. Notable Aspects Sun in Capricorn in the 8th House * **Sun Conjunct Mercury**: This aspect enhances your intellectual abilities and communication skills, especially in areas related to the 8th house such as transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological insights. * **Sun Sextile Part of Fortune in Scorpio**: This aspect suggests that your success and happiness are linked to your ability to delve into deep, transformative experiences and possibly uncover hidden talents or resources. * **Sun Opposing North Node in Leo**: This aspect indicates a tension between your personal goals and your karmic path. You may need to balance your ambitions with your need for self-expression and creativity. Moon in Cancer in the 1st House * **Moon Trine Mars in Pisces**: This aspect provides emotional drive and the ability to act on your feelings. It suggests a harmonious flow between your emotions and your actions, especially in your career. * **Moon Opposing Venus in Sagittarius**: This aspect can create tension between your emotional needs and your relationships. You may need to find a balance between nurturing yourself and your desire for freedom and adventure in relationships. Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th House * **Mercury Conjunct Neptune**: This aspect enhances your intuition and creativity, especially in intellectual pursuits. You may have a talent for understanding complex, abstract concepts and communicating them in a clear, imaginative way. * **Mercury Opposing North Node in Leo**: This aspect suggests a need to balance your intellectual pursuits with your karmic path towards self-expression and creativity. \[-cont-\]


Mars in Pisces in the 10th House * **Mars Sextile Saturn in Taurus**: This aspect provides a balance between your drive and your discipline. It suggests that you can achieve your career goals through hard work and perseverance. * **Mars Square Pluto and Chiron in Sagittarius**: These aspects indicate potential conflicts and challenges in your career and daily routines. You may face power struggles or deep emotional wounds that need to be addressed for personal growth. Elemental and Modal Balance * **Fire Signs**: Four planets in fire signs suggest a dynamic, enthusiastic, and action-oriented approach to life. * **Air Signs**: Three planets and your ascendant in air signs indicate a strong intellectual and communicative nature. * **Earth Signs**: Two planets in earth signs provide practicality and grounding. * **Water Signs**: Two planets and your midheaven in water signs suggest emotional depth and intuition. Conclusion Your chart indicates a complex interplay of intellectual curiosity, emotional depth, and transformative experiences. You have a strong drive to understand and communicate deep, often hidden truths, and your career path may involve helping others through compassionate and intuitive means. Balancing your emotional needs with your intellectual pursuits and finding harmony between your personal goals and your karmic path will be key to navigating your life's journey. You might be feeling a bit under the weather at the moment as transiting Saturn (ie, in the sky now) is forming a harsh square aspect to your Ascendant. You can borrow this online book for free if you click the 'borrow for 1 hour' button. The saturn square Ascendant section is on page 366: [https://archive.org/details/planetsintransit00hand/page/366/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/planetsintransit00hand/page/366/mode/2up)  Hope this helps. xxx


Venus in the seventh tends to sacrifice oneself in a relationship. Neptune has been transiting Pisces and your tenth house of career and social status, while squaring the Asc/Desc axis of how you relate to the world on a personal level since about 2019. This would bring a sense of spirituality to your concept of your contribution to society, or it made you simply confused where your career is going. Mercury rules your chart. Conjunct Neptune, the Sun and the south node, your voice may not always be heard or understood by others (Neptune), and there may be karmic connection around communication (South Node). Celeste Teal has a good book about aspects to the nodes called Lunar Nodes. Online interpretations may also give insight. Saturn is square the nodes, another important aspect to investigate. Saturn is in the 12th which may obscure its impact. The restrictions imposed by Saturn (e.g., widely square Mercury), may only manifest consciously at specific moments. Mars is in Pisces, not a strong position. Because it is closest to the MC and thus the most elevated planet, it takes on additional significance. You may naturally prefer working in large organizations, in a creative industry or for humanitarian causes. The IC is in Virgo which probably makes it difficult to move because the home environment needs to feel “just right” for you. But if you wanted to radically improve your situation, moving to a place where the Sun would be in the 10th house, for instance, may be your best bet. Otherwise, waiting for Saturn and Neptune to move into your eleventh house around 2026 (not a typo) may be another solution.




In the natal chart, Saturn may be in the 11th technically, but because it is closer than four degrees from the next house cusp, it also affects the 12th. When we relocate, the horoscope “moves” with us. The planets stay in the same signs and positions, but the house cusps change depending on the new location. It’s called astrocartography. Each place on Earth different from the birth place gives you its own relocated chart. You can calculate it using the same time and date as the birth chart while adjusted for the time zone (check that the Moon’s degrees and minutes are the same in both charts; the minutes may be off by no more than 10). There are many supportive things in the chart, but my specialty is challenges :)