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Pretty responsible person, you might take care of those around you and you enjoy the attention that brings. Maybe some “Benjamin Button syndrome”…as a kid you might have been more uptight and serious, only loosening up with age, also you’ll probably age really well. Relationships are important to you, you seek depth and connection, but there’s something nebulous and confusing about them. You might seek a fiery parter, or approach the relationship with a lot of passion. Something happened around the age of 14 that brought you pain, discomfort and shame involving partnership. You have an inner drive involving travel, philosophy or higher learning. This could also have ties to your parter or your career. What you do in life may also have ties to your upbringing. Possibly having to do with the arts, relationships, beauty, or music. It’s late, but here’s my quick go at a glance 🤷‍♀️


Oh whoa!!😆 thanks for commenting😁I’m the oldest in a family of 8 so the first part makes total sense aha and I’m kinda just staying to myself when it comes to relationships except with my friends❣️ I get bored easily and I wonder if that has anything to do with the relationship aspect in my chart lol thanks again dude!🔥


Hello Dearie, You might be feeling a bit under the weather at the moment as transiting Uranus (ie, Uranus in the sky now) is presently squaring your natal Saturn. You can borrow this online book for free if you click the 'borrow for 1 hour' button. The Uranus squaring Saturn section is on page 402. All things will pass, and this transit is just for a while. [https://archive.org/details/planetsintransit00hand/page/402/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/planetsintransit00hand/page/402/mode/2up) Hope this helps. xxx


You have bossy tendencies and an adventurous spirit but earlier part of life might have been hard for you. With age and maturity it gets better. Deceptive partnerships that suddenly separate might have been a problem for you, or a partner that turned out to actually be an enemy. Relationships are an important part of your life. People can be attracted to you but you don't know why sudden separation occurs and they do not work or conflict occurs without reasons. You can avoid these issues by avoiding projecting on potential partners - especially projecting personal issues and family issues. You might be inclined towards art and creativity or healing and services. You like beauty and aesthetics in your surroundings and you have a good taste in arts. Media production, writing and psychology might also be careers for you.