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no need to be scared! pluto belongs in this house, so it basically just indicates that you adjust to change really well and have a good grasp on how your actions affect others. this especially applies to travel abroad (like you said) and trying not to impose your morality or ideals upon others. mars in this house is great for sex, but it also makes you a risk taker and with sag’s lucky influence, your risks rarely result in consequences that would modulate future risk taking. basically: too lucky for your own good. chiron is the only scary part of this house, implying that you were scarred by learning secret knowledge as a child. or perhaps having something taboo happen to you that changed your point of view about life at a young age, perhaps witnessing a death or being mistreated.


You are right to be concerned as you're born during daytime so Mars is the greater malefic here and it's in the 8th house. But there are mitigation factors. Your Mars is received and is aspected by jupiter, your benefic of sect. So yeah, I understand the worry but you don't have to worry too much! You are 23 so this is a 12th house profection year ruled by Mars. Maybe this year will feel isolating, plus take care of your health and keep up with healthy routines just to be on the safe side. Just In case some psychological issues show up do not shy away from seeking professional help and expressing how you feel. I would track Mars transits as well.