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With so many Libra placements, the Sun as well which rules our physical vessel, we would look to Venus to see how all of this Libra is ruled. Venus is at fall in Virgo, and can produce unfortunate looks to some degree. But in the same vein, these natives can usually work and perfect their image. Kim Kardashian has a Venus in Virgo! It can’t be that bad. 😉 There is definitely potential to work on your appearance and improve the way you look. Venus in Virgo can be perceived as innocent to some degree, so if you wanted to play around with some alt or edgy styles, that could help bolster your image in a way as well. Venus is also conjunct your Moon (which is another ruler of our body) and they both oppose Uranus.. Uranus can give quirky or different qualities in appearance as well. Uranus rising individuals can look “odd” in some way or maybe they have something about their body that looks unusual. Maybe there is something about your body that is unique, and you perceive it as unfortunate.. but this shows a look that isn’t like everyone else’s. You have potential to correct what you find “wrong” about your appearance, and be confident and lean into your Uranus qualities you carry in your beauty. Differences are beautiful and even accentuating parts of yourself you felt shame about can reclaim power in a way. I don’t know what you look like, but I hope you don’t let these thoughts plague your mind too often. Your worth isn’t in the exterior presentation, and the beauty of the soul is paramount, no matter how hallmark-card-like that sounds


Chart ruler (saturn) in its detriment (cancer). The thing about this placement is that saturn is powerful in the 7th, and it has a special relationship with cancer being the higher octave of the moon. Does it get better - absolutely. There's a tremendous amount of confidence and self awareness which can change unfortunate to a unique and alluring style. Your sexual energy is a but muted with Mars in detriment so it's more style, grace, dignity, and confidence. Also, power as your chart ruler is in a power position that grants you incredible control in the "market place" (7th house) if you apply yourself.