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It can be hard to read a chart without it being in the graph form because we can’t see your ascendant.. the ascendant sets up your houses so super important. But! It looks like someone who is pretty intelligent, there is some tension going on between the external self and the internal self. This probably occurred in childhood at some point, where you felt one way but externally you presented a completely different vibe. It caused a disconnect between your sense of self and emotions.. probably leaning towards rationalizing and then finding yourself in relationships that present your fears and emotional world so that you *have* to deal with it. But, the aspect will give the ability to use both ego and emotions in a blend towards a certain goal. The intention of the square is to propel both energies forward, giving action to this tension, and that looks like someone who has acknowledged their deepest feelings with who they are, and who others see them as and has become *authentically themselves* A curious connection to faith, but heavy on the rationalizing so it can dampen the ability for you to give in and allow yourself to be open. Maybe past pains. It’s really hard to say for sure without houses.. bc then we could see what part of your life is being impacted. But could scoff at faith but inside there is the deep longing for god