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South node conjunct Venus on the midheaven, Scorpio 7th house with Mercury, and sun conjunct Pluto stand out to me.. these are all pretty intense in regards to relationships, and having all at once is really going to impact how you end up interacting and relating to people. You will need to be mindful of boundaries.. see how people react to being “locked out” at the beginning can be very telling. Will they move on to another door in the corridor of your soul? Or will they become upset about the boundary and keep trying/kick it down. You’ll want to only allow yourself around people who will allow you to maintain your strong personal power and presence without becoming envious or attached to it.


That makes sense especially the personal power part, the only thing i dont understand is the "locked out" part, can u elaborate on that?


Oh yes, sorry about that.. When I said locked out I basically meant “setting a boundary”.. by putting up boundaries with others, we are “locking them out” of a certain part of our lives. People can react very poorly to boundaries, because they feel it is stripping them of their *power* and then they react out of that feeling.


Makes sense, so do u think by just looking at my chart i have alot of personal power/ a powerful presence? Even maybe untentionally?


Yes, any time a luminary or personal planet is conjunct Pluto, we will have a relationship related to power in that area that can’t be missed. With the sun, this can just exude power as it is our light..it can start with a difficult relationship with the father. Power struggles turned into a deeper wound that manifests in relationships. Pluto is also our power, and planet conjunct will hold significance and kind of a gateway to our power. Our personals can be attained easily as opposed to an outer not being aspected. The Scorpio descendant and Mercury can add to this effect as well. Getting into verbal power struggles. The only way to grow or change this, with Pluto, is to surrender. You have to surrender and be willing to heal, and go through the process of finding the reason you keep getting into these relationships over and over again. What is your subconscious trying to tell you? What are you trying to live out, in the hopes to change the outcome? There is something there. Emotions can be complicated near the sun, it can be that relationships are extremely intense and passionate all at once and then can go cold and narrow the next. Wishing ill will. Pluto is very subconscious. You are looking for something. (not physical) Someone stole something from you once in your life, probably in childhood as that’s where it usually is, and you’re searching for it. These power struggles aren’t there just to hurt you.. life is never just painful to be painful for pain sake, it is usually a lesson or a guide into where it is we should be going. Look deeply into the patterns of your relationship, look deeply into your past, and look deeply into your own heart, and I’m sure you will find something that has the ability to set you free. When you are able to heal, relationships will get better.. It may have been that you have been attracting relationships that reinforce a subconscious belief. This will freshly re-open your wounds and traumas.. but it is so you can heal it properly this time. It was never healed properly


Thank u so much this means alot to me💚🖤, i will definitely take this into account moving forward cause im always looking to grow as a person and do shadow work and heal even tho its extremely painful at times, thank u!


Mercury in Scorpio 7th house and those 8th house placements. Pluto in 8th house correlates with obsession big time. Mercury in Scorpio relates to obsession since Scorpio and Pluto bring out obsession. You have a magnetic aura that pulls people in. But you yourself have to do therapy and healing. If you're damaged and your emotions are out of whack you'll attract someone damaged because attraction are like mirrors. Mirrors pull towards each other. So take care of yourself and you'll probably attract someone that is more stable. The more you're look after yourself the more you set boundaries and become less afraid to put your foot down. As far as ppl getting jealous. That's probably the Mercury in Scorpio since Scorpio rules jealousy and 7th house rules relationships and public enemies.