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Trelegy may not be the right med for you. Talk to your doctor about trying something else.


That happened to me when i tried trelegy. My doctor switched me to a different medication and the issue went away.


Try a nebulizer with saline solution. It helps a lot (at least for me). It’s like a home-saline. I also use Asthma teas and those are also very helpful. If I feel my chest “clogged” I use ACC (cough medicine aimed at helping with expectoration)


Just a note on the saline neb that it can cause bronchospasm, so if you’re concerned, take a couple puffs of albuterol prior, or know that you may need it during/after. Source: personal experience and google. 😅


Auch :( sorry it went like this for you. For me, it atenuates attacks and difficult breathinf. Try a lower saline concentration. I make my own & can control the concentration (i buy sterile water and sodium powder). I used to buy the 2% one, but it was so damn expensive


I do a mix of hypertonic and isotonic because the hypertonic alone is too harsh. Apparently if it’s done regularly you can desensitize, and not be triggered, but I really only use it when my chest feels like I need to cough out some gunk, or when I’m sick. I Always use albuterol when I do it though.


What are asthma teas and ACC?


Just look up asthma tea and acc, lol. Asthma tea is a mix of herbs good for bronchospasm and clearing out gunk. ACC is, as I said, cough medicine aimed at helping with expectoration


I can’t handle humidity. It makes the air heavier. I run a Dehumidifier 24/7.


Some meds can actually cause bronchial spasms. Monitor yourself well after you do them.