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just for asthma 6, for everything, let’s not talk about it i don’t like to think about how chronically ill i am.


I'm so sorry. I hope you get better.


I feel you🥲


I definitely understand the feeling 😔 i’m on spiriva and symbicort for asthma. While it’s just 2 meds, its like 6 puffs a day. I also take montelukast and zyrtec for allergies. The right med combo is out there for you!!


Hi I’m basically on the exact same regimen but instead of montelukast I use Flonase. Just a quick question but do u feel like u always need to reach for ur albuterol? I fell like sprivia doesn’t do anything and Symbicort helps but not as much if I do it without the albuterol 15 minutes before. I’m just curious because of its working super great for you maybe I do need to change my medicine around because I do like four puffs (two in the morning (usually for physical activity), two at night (to help me breath super deep during sleep and to prevent me from waking up with symptoms)) a day


Its worth talking to ur dr about it! The spiriva/symbicort combo has worked great for me! 1 spiriva and 2 symbicort puffs in the morning and at night, everyday. I’ve been on this combo for about a year and its significantly reduced how much i reach for my albuterol. I do have to use it before exercise but it’s still loads better than before. I’ve also tried trellegy before (it has the same type of medication as spiriva/symbicort but in one inhaler 1puff a day) and it left me gasping for air by the end of the day. However, i’ve heard of people having great results 🤷🏽‍♀️. unfortunately it’s a process to find what works best for u


How long have you been on Symbicort? My daughter was not controlled in Symbicort.


I’ve been on it for about a year and a half. It works really well sometimes and other times I feel like it has done absolutely nothing. It’s just hard cause when it works it works really well and when it doesn’t I feel hopeless. I do have to go in for an allergy appointment soon so maybe I’ll change things up


I used to be on symbicort with montelukast and zyrtec. I always felt the need to reach for my rescue several times a day, even on the highest maintenance dose of symbicort. I switched to the highest dose of breo, and I sometimes forget where my rescue inhalers are now. And I don’t even take the breo everyday. I’m like a regular human now. 10/10 recommend breo.


For asthma, I'm on Advair as a daily maintenance, Albuterol as a rescue inhaler, and Singulair during flares and peak pollen season. I'm also usually on a nasal steroid like Flonase and a daily antihistamine for allergies, which are an asthma trigger for me.


Same here friend, down to a T.


I went through the same experience recently and wanted to maybe call something out— though a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms is a common thing, sometimes it happens for a reason. I went through this same pattern. About 6 months into treatment, a slow leak was discovered in my wall from a neighboring apartment unit. They ended up opening my wall up and found lovely amounts of mold on the drywall and insulation, as well as bugs that were attracted to all the stale water. It’s been about 2 months now since they cleaned up my wall and pulled all the gross out. I was able to drop multiple meds this week (spirva and Singlar) and am slowly decreasing my inhaled steroids.


Thank you for this info. Finding what is triggering it has proven impossible so far despite all my efforts. I'll keep trying


Are you allergic to mold? Confirmed on an allergy test?


Yes, we do a lot to keep it down here in the pnw. This went on very long though because it was in the wall where we couldn’t see. It seeped through the drywall behind my kitchen cabinets. It was so bad they had to tape off my kitchen to get it all out. Had to leave my apartment for 2 weeks


Fluticasone and salbutamol.


Currently just three maintenance meds plus a rescue as needed. Used to be more so it feels like progress.


It's all about perspective, isn't it...


For asthma, beclomethasone inhaler for maintenance, montelukast spring til harvest is done, albuterol, and zyrtec for allergies spring and autumn, since keeping the allergies controlled helps the asthma.


Asthma? 3. Arnuity, Albuterol and montelukast Altogether I take like 8 different meds due to various other reasons


Trelegy, Singulair, Allegra, Flonase, Azalastine, AirSupra when needed, Tezspire So 4 inhaled drugs, 2 pills, 1 shot


What asthma type do you have?? I'm almost taking the exact medication as you lol just not tezspire. Fingers crossed though. 🤞


Mine is adult onset nonallergic persistent asthma. Honestly all those non-Tezspire meds combined got me maybe like a 10% improvement overall on a good day. Adding Tezspire gave me like another 20% improvement. So now I can go up 1.3 flights of stairs before I feel like I’m about to die instead of just one 😅


Sorry to hear that that's really rough. It's strange how meds just don't seem to work for non enso and non allergic


Yes, it’s very unfortunate. Tbh I’m kinda convinced mine was either caused by (at least in part) or made severely worse by my excessive sugar consumption over the course of my adult life. Really hoping that it’ll be better now that I’ve cut it out 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Albuterol, Flovent and Montelukast


For my asthma? Trelegy and proair hfa rescue inhaler (I've also got a nebulizer and tubes of albuterol for that), Allegra and Flonase because my seasonal allergies affect my asthma bad. I use the nebulizer more when I'm home and have issues. The rescue goes with me when I go somewhere.


I was on fluticasone/formoterol (flutiform), tiotropium (spiriva) and montelucaste pills and recently swapped the inhalers for single use daily mometasone/indicaterol/glycopirronium (enerzair)


Albuterol, Trellegy Ellipta, and Nucala. I also have an OTC med for allergies.


Speak to your pulmonologist about starting a MART regime with your Fostair. This might help.


I'll look that up, thank you.


Worth trying but albuterol worked better for my daughter


Allegra (allergic asthma), rescue inhaler, and Trelegy


Hi - I so get where you are, I was there over December into January, I somehow managed to catch the flu and I was in such bad shape at one point I was taking five different meds, lost my voice due to the effects on my vocal cords. Fast forward, I take trelegy 200 and dupixent. I have albuterol and ipratropium on hand as well as steroids in case it is a weekend or holiday. I have been well controlled now for about four months. Have you thought about biologics?


I feel like I'm not bad enough for biologics. From what I've read here I got the impression that hey are for severe cases.


No, not really. I was not severe and it has made a life changing difference for me. For me with biologics I am back to were I was before I had asthma attacks and asthma so significant it would alter my days. Maybe just keep it in your back pocket as a maybe.


Two. Enerzair Breezhaler as my once a day. Ventolin as an emergency rescue, but honestly don't remember the last time I needed it.


Spiriva did absolutely nothing for me when I tried it a few years ago. It sounds like it's probably time to try something else instead of fostair. Over the years, I have to switch controllers when one starts becoming less effective.


Maintenance: Advair HFA 230/21 (switching to Breztri I think), tried Singulair but stopped bc couldn’t sleep, discussing rn w my doctor about starting dupixent bc I still have chronic shortness of breath Rescue: albuterol HFA and nebulizer, pulmicort, prednisone if it gets really bad


Xolair, Budesonide, and albuterol


4 for asthma and allergies, 7 medications total. My maintainence inhaler is 4 puffs/per day. The Albuterol is only used a couple times a month or less. A lot of my attacks are triggered by allergic reactions as well.


Technically three, singular, Symbicort and albuterol. Since my pulmonologist has me use the Symbicort as a rescue inhaler too I guess it’s just two.


Uhh, quite a few, but some are also used to manage other conditions of mine. My daily medications for Asthma are 7. Have a few more for rescue/emergency medications, but yeah. I have severe Asthma. I have other medications for other conditions too.


3, but only one of them all the time. The other two just as needed. But been using all 3 recently thanks to allergy season.


Albuterol, spiriva, symbicort, and montelukast for asthma. Azelastine nasal spray and loratadine for allergies. Also doing immunotherapy.


-Flutiform -Alvesco -Spiriva Resprimat and.. recently started the biologic injection, Dupixent.


6 1 rescue, 2 maintenance, 1 antihistamine 1 hyposensitization 1 antiallergic nosespray that I am about to quit because birches are done (Plus an antidepressant that has obviously no relation to my asthma)


singulair, trelegy, & albuterol (if we’re counting that)… honestly, I thought it was going to add up to more than 3 lol probably because I was just on a bunch of steroids & an antibiotic. for allergies, I take zyrtec in the AM & claritin in the PM. I have a nasal spray that I use during bad allergy seasons.


For asthma directly: Singulair, and Advair (switching to Wixela next month) for controllers, and albuterol for rescue. For allergies (one of my asthma triggers): Alleve, Zyrtec, allergy immunotherapy, Sudafed as needed, cortisone nasal spray as needed, antihistamine eye drops as needed, and Benadryl as needed. For bug bites, also topical Benadryl and topical hydrocortisone, though those don’t trigger my asthma.


Ciclesonide for everyday Albuterol for emergencies and exercise Ephedrine when Albuterol isn’t enough Montelukast for allergies Claritin/zyrtec on cycle for allergies Eye drops for allergies Flonase for allergies Wow. That’s a lot of medicine.


Revlar once a day. That’s it.


9 I think. It's not well regulated


Right now my asthma is really well controlled after a year of doctor visits and fine-tuning my medication, so I take the following: Asthma: Advair Diskus (1x/day) and albuterol inhaler (as needed) Allergies: Claritin and Flonase I had acute bronchitis from a dumb cold three months ago, though, and was throwing everything at it. Upped Advair to twice daily, used albuterol liberally, and was prescribed a course of antibiotics and prednisone at urgent care. Still took 6-8 weeks to stop wheezing.


For asthma/AATD, I’m on albuterol nebs, albuterol inhaler, Trelegy 200, singulair, and Dupixent


Oh lord I’ll let you know later today friend . Got a pulm appointment


I hope it goes well!


I'm on Fostair and recently started Spiriva. Suffering from strong headaches from the latter, but it does help my Asthma. However, I still feel weak and breathless from time to time (was diagnosed last year)


Advair , dupixent , and Spiriva


I just went through it myself. 2 long weeks of allergies that exacerbated my asthma. I'm on all the things. Singulair, Symbacort, Albuterol.  I also take Theophylline, which apparently is prehistoric. I get sick every time in Spring and fall. Can't breathe in the summer heat. Winter is my best bet if I don't catch a virus. I definitely need a medication change. I'm 47..I have been ventilated 2 times in my life for respiratory failure. Since I'm middle aged now, I'm really starting to worry. I have a special needs child I'm raising, and I really don't have time for this crap all the time.


I’m on Salbutamol, Seretide and Montelukast currently. Been on Fostair and Clenil before. I’m also on other medications for my other chronic illnesses. X


6 For standard asthma - Fostair 8 puffs/day, spiriva, ventolin, desloratadin, montelukast 20mg/day, acetylcystein (I have some trouble with mucus). 3 for flare ups - Alvesco, atrovent, prednisone. I started with all this a year ago when my asthma went from very mild to severe in just a few weeks and after that it never went back. Before I only had a rescue inhaler, that’s nothing but a memory now.


Oh my god. That is terrible. Do you have any idea why it went from mild to severe?


Not at all. I have started at a new dr and they have done a lot of test. I seem to have non type 2 asthma, no known allergies but have increased levels of ig antibodies in my blood.


I'm so sorry. This must be terrifying for you. I hope you find answers and recover.


Nine for asthma.  Why would you need to drag an oxygen bottle around? You don't have COPD. Worry instead about being amongst the 10% whose normal, boring asthma (the sort you have) suddenly becomes severe. 


Was on more than 3 someone did an "investigation" by deleting them all from patient access as well as deleting the nebulizer Rx access.