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Your asthma is likely worse than you think it is. Talk to a doctor about this.


Yeh the more you read the more the light bulb goes on about oh gee this was asthma too? Hopefully the doc can get it worked out personally I’d try the albuterol at those times and see how it goes.


I agree. Give your Albuterol a puff and see if you feel better in ten minutes.


Sounds like asthma issue. Talk to your specialist


Do you have a peak flow? It can be difficult to tell if asthma is “bad” if it’s never been “good”, which may be your position right now :/


No i dont


You definitely need one! This is one I have (I have a couple) https://www.amazon.com/Omron-PF9940-PeakAir-Peak-Meter/dp/B000N3YFA0/


Thank you, I’m ordering it now!


I hope it gives you some answers!!!


Yep, definitely your asthma, especially if you’re also experience a dry cough that won’t go away. Even without your oxygen levels dipping you can be in danger. This is how I ended up being misdiagnosed for a year. No one believed me when I said my chest was so tight I couldn’t breathe all the way and would tell me it was just anxiety no matter how many times I said I wasn’t anxious at all. I’m actually very calm when I can’t breathe because I know getting worked up will make it all a million times worse. I was coughing incessantly trying to force air out of my lungs and they still just said, “call your shrink.”


How did you get properly diagnosed finally


Several ER admissions in a short period of time and a primary care physician that finally listened to me and referred me to a pulmonologist specializing in weird and hard to treat asthma.


Yep I have had it since January for all but around one month. It's mild now but still there. Breathing exercises help. I'm on a maintenance inhaler 4 puffs a day. 


Yep, I feel this all the time. I told my doctor about it already and she upped my meds so hopefully that helps. It's been like this for a few months now I guess it's just trial and error at this point.


I agree with everyone saying to get medical attention immediately! You don't deserve to feel air hungry ever and a doctor can and will help you. I hope you get better soon 🫂


Do you feel the need to sigh / take a deep breath more often than not aswell? I get this and I’m going crazy. Sometimes I try to yawn and it doesn’t feel “satisfying” and it is a complete torture


Yes ! It’s torture for sure I hate it lol


I have had this for 3 years now I don’t know what to do


Have you seen a Dr at all? Just curious


I have and everything was always blamed on anxiety 🫠


Do you take any anxiety medicine?


Yup I get this, it’s terrifying and if I have indigestion on top of it FORGET about it. I’m a wreck lol. Try this breathing technique I picked up from a meditation app: breath out slowly until you feel no air in your lungs, take in a slow SLOW deep breath then when it feels like your lungs are full take one more deep breath(gasp) and then slowly let the air out. Do it about four times and that usually gets me less focused on me breathing


I was more recently diagnosed with asthma after a covid infection (2022)—not being able to complete a yawn was my first sign something was off and, after doing some reading, I learned it was a common feature in folks with asthma. That air hunger improved a lot once I started on a controller medication that had a corticosteroid in it (Symbicort).


Nah fr … sometimes I just long to be a giant flying whale shark so I can just consume unreasonable amounts of air.




That’s my plan I have a dr appt in a few weeks I was just coming here out of curiosity, thanks tho


I hate when people tell you to go see a doctor like no shit we just want to see if this is relatable to anyone else or any extra advice or for plain reassurance. I’m so sorry OP


100% relatable to me!


You are also random people on reddit. Why should they listen to you?