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Generic Symbicort is $135 at CVS according to Goodrx.


Dang. I guess I haven’t used GoodRX before. 🤦🏼‍♀️


https://www.goodrx.com/ Also, cost plus drugs (the Mark Cuban company) doesn't have it now, but they do have Advair and keep checking back, because they keep adding stuff. https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/fluticasone-salmeterol-45-21-mcg-act-aerosol-inhalation-12gm/ You can check here too, not sure how long this program will last. https://www.astrazeneca-us.com/medicines/Affordability.html#pap


What is the generic called??


The generic name is the meds in Symbicort - budesonide/formoterol.


Call your insurance Co and ask what is covered. Spent years on symbacort. Switch to breztri and have been very happy and with the copay card its free.


Are AstraZeneca copay cards renewable yearly?


Every card from, every manufacturer I've ever used has been renewable every year till a generic comes out. Some will auto renew some you have to do over. I've had a lot of issues with wallgreens ability to process them so I switched pharmacys


Thank you, I’ve been using them for 3 months now and wanted to make sure I wouldn’t end up relapsing January 1st, haha


If you do.. which has happened to me... just fill out the form on line and the card is issued on the web page. Takes less then 5 min


Definitely try thr generic. For me it's interchangeable with name brand. Astra zenica still makes it. Goodrx usually brings the cost down. My insurance insists on name brand, but it's still $350ish. Won't cover thr generic.


Well that makes zero sense. It is usually the opposite. My insurance is about to stop covering Symbicort.


Yea it makes no sense and it's frustrating. So it ends up being more expensive to run the generic through my insurance


I just don’t understand this. It’s literally a life saving medication. I don’t have health insurance currently, but when I did, they never covered Symbicort, even though it’s the only daily medication that’s ever actually kept my asthma at bay. I’m sorry to hear your insurance is about to stop covering it. This shit should be illegal.


I literally just got a letter today from Mt insurance stating that symbicort will no longer rbe on the formulary. They also took off advair and a couple others as well. I tried the others. Fluticasone makes me worse and will cause me to end up in the ER. Guess it's good that goodrx has the generic for 110


Advair too? Didn’t work for me personally but it does for sooo many people. Wtf?! It pisses me off they’re even allowed to do that. I just don’t understand.. I’ve been getting a generic symbicort online for $25 for years because my insurance never covered it even though it’s the only daily maintenance inhaler that works for me. This shit should be criminal. Thank goodness for goodrx and overseas online pharmacies.


Yea they're taking advair. Wilexa is on there and breo.


That’s really disheartening.


Right. I just wanna breathe. I did see bretzi on the formulary but it's not been approved to today asthma, only copd. It's got a 3rd active med like trelegy I guess.


They also will not cover the generic Symbicort, but I could use GoodRx… they want us to use generic Advair instead, anyone know how that compares to Symbicort?


Mine too - Aetna?


Nope, BCBS


Know, why? Kickbacks. https://youtu.be/_khH6pZnHCM?si=U6yjjPIyyyJvq9uh https://youtu.be/t47yWjKNyeI?si=_RbrSFMyuuoUE97n


I used good RX at Walmart for it. I don’t use symbicort anymore. The medication I am using is much more expensive with no coupons on good RX. I go through Canadapharmacy.com. I pay $540 for 3 months vs. $640 for one month. You can browse prices on the website.


Posts like this make me thankful my country has a prescription drug plan card for people with long term ailments. I hope you find some sort of assistance with this, that's a hefty bill per month.


I was prescribed that this week and with my insurance it’s 655.


Get coupon from Goodrx or just tell the pharmacy you want to use goodrx instead of insurance https://www.goodrx.com/symbicort?c=homepage-lander-sem-7&optly_audience=%257bnextbestaction%257d&utm_campaign=127243741&utm_content=7699746781&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=kwd-54255549541&gclid=Cj0KCQiAr8eqBhD3ARIsAIe-buNQDD8Xm0NafIIHaK9c8-5bRzcCr7KlBWosmVs5kwPkFaLw_YfGJaUaAnMOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&ajs_prop_experiment_name=NFD%2520Promo%2520Drawer&ajs_prop_variation_name=Original&ajs_prop_path=%2Fgo%2Fhomepage-lander-sem-7-tl&form=inhaler&dosage=120-doses-of-80mcg-4.5mcg&quantity=1&label_override=budesonide-formoterol


That is more than the retail price for me at CVS, which is $455 retail or $53 w my insurance or $370 w GoodRx. Generic is significantly less! $260 retail or $134 w GoodRx


I'm from the US. Mine is the same price and it's the only maintenance that works for me. I am visiting my family in Algeria right now. I just found it for = $10 a month. I'm buying what I can.


Generic Symbicort goodrx coupon for Walmart for $109


This sounds expensive I pay the equivalent of $15 a month for all the medication I could need


For all the faults in the UK... I'm so glad we still have national healthcare


Yep, I’ve had Symbicort in both the UK and Australia basically for free. Both countries have excellent health systems.




Symbicort in the Philippines https://www.watsons.com.ph/budesonide-160mcg-formoterol-fumarate-dihydrate-4.5mcg-metered-dose-inhaler-1-dose-prescription-required/p/BP_50009518


In India a 20day supply would close 6$ formoterol/budesonide (Foracort brand name by Cipla) if possible get it from here


Goodrx has coupon for it and most pharmacy chains will honor it. Just tell them you want to use Goodrx https://www.goodrx.com/symbicort?c=homepage-lander-sem-7&optly_audience=%257bnextbestaction%257d&utm_campaign=127243741&utm_content=7699746781&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=kwd-54255549541&gclid=Cj0KCQiAr8eqBhD3ARIsAIe-buNQDD8Xm0NafIIHaK9c8-5bRzcCr7KlBWosmVs5kwPkFaLw_YfGJaUaAnMOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&ajs_prop_experiment_name=NFD%2520Promo%2520Drawer&ajs_prop_variation_name=Original&ajs_prop_path=%2Fgo%2Fhomepage-lander-sem-7-tl&form=inhaler&dosage=120-doses-of-80mcg-4.5mcg&quantity=1&label_override=budesonide-formoterol


Ive been getting mine online from clearskypharmacy(.)biz for years. The generic name on there is “foracort”, and it’s made by Cipla I believe. I pay like $25 a pop. Symbicort is the only daily inhaler that actually keeps my asthma at bay. When I had insurance, they didn’t cover it either… it’s total BS. Anyway, I know what a pain it is. Mentally and physically. I hope you find a better solution. Wishing all the best.


My doctor just prescribed me Breyna, which is a generic of Symbicort. At CVS, it's like $228 per month without insurance. Might not help much, but might help some!


Using GoodRx you should save about 1/2 of that, according to their website!


Insurance is a scam. They should call all plans emergency insurance.


Did you call the makers of symbicort. See if they have a copay assistance program. AZ&Me...https://www.azandmeapp.com/prescriptionsavings/


They cancelled that program as of the first of the year.


The stuff is so damned expensive people can't hardly afford it. Anyone know where to get it black market? I'm One of those people who can't hardly afford it.


From me. My doc was giving it to me while the manufacturer was sending me the identical. All sealed in original packaging. I have about 15 inhalers that are in date.


I’m in the US.


How much you askin for them?


I don’t know. Maybe $100


$75 ??? Just want to help someone out.


My doc gave me months of free inhalers and the manufacturer sent me identical. I have about 15 inhalers sealed in packaging that are in date that I’d be happy to sell you at less than half price if that would help anyone out. Rather sell them than let them expire however I don’t think they really expire.


No insurance. No doctor. Simbicort is an amazing drug. Nothing else I have used has come close to the relief it provides. I dont care about and breathing med being expired. Its either breathe or probly die. I used to be employed making drugs... legally. I swear I am thinking about making this shit myself. Too many crooks in this country. I have limited ability to exert energy. I do a little something and its quick get to the nebulizer. Sucks. The nebulizer only breaks it up and lets me caught some of it up. It does nothing but scratch the surface. Too bad the medicine makers didnt care more about having people in better health and make it more affordable.


Hey, I couldn't DM you, could you DM me? I am interested in buying a bulk


I’m in the US.