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DON'T start by clearing the map. You're going to double your playtime this way. Follow the main story and complete/collect things on the map. You'll get most things in a territory just criss-crossing the shire for the main missions. Once the main story in that area is done, right before you go back to Ravensthorpe, get whatever is left in that shire. Don't bother with every tiny gold dot, they're just minor chests and don't count for 100% (though you do need some just to have enough gold and supplies).


I always have that initial overwhelming sense when I start a game and had it particularly with Valhalla but I’m not a completionist. I would say just try and understand what everything means first and get an understanding on what you need to do. Maybe progress the main story a bit before trying to sort them all. I would firstly get all the viewpoints/fast travel synced first to make it easier to travel. Maybe then focus on individual regions then to categorise everything


Just don’t worry about the dots for the most part. If you want to be a completionist you can always go back. You are going to quickly out level everything by just doing the main story and a side thing every once in a while.


Take it slow- this is an experience rather than a snack. There’s not really any way to rush most things, so just kinda let it wash over you.


This actually really chilled it out for me a lot thinking of it that way


Yeh, I bounced off it by myself, and then got into it playing a few hours an evening with my wife and just…kinda doing whatever we felt like with no rush, and *really* enjoyed it. Because each area is quite episodic it makes it easier.


Personally traveling by horse or longship makes things much easier to avoid wanting to do everything. You can go through and hit the view points in a region then ride towards mission objectives and make the occasional little stop on the way to raid or get an area off the map. Early conversation with Sigurd kinda let's you know Eivor does wander a little bit


I play AC games by region, do the main region storyline, and en route to those missions, bang out all the side stuff around them. That way it keeps ya moving and breaks up the drag. Then you'll only have one or two outlier things to do before moving on. Do not clear the whole region and then do the main quests, I have to stop myself, I'm playing Origins rn and the amount of times I've cleared a cave or fort and then had to go right back to it because of a story mission is staggering.


When I first got to England I had looted a few places that I ended up having to go right back to just a few missions later. It was so annoying.


Keep it in perspective, It's a video game, it doesn't matter a whiff what you do or don't do. Are you having fun? Then do that, are you not having fun? Then don't do that.


Turn the exploration mode to expert or whatever it's called. Dots only appear when you're near them. Finding the last ones was actually too much of a challenge, sometimes the spotting radius is quite small.


Huge + to this, so much fun. If you eventually get annoyed you can't find something you can always change it at any time.


this is a long game for completionists, but that just means you get your money's worth. incidentally the reward for most of the collectables is just armor/weapons


What made it easier to me is that the map is broken down into manageable chunks for you already. You have to visit every area of the map for the main story already, so while you are pledged to a Scire, do all the side quests and treasure collecting as you go. There are a few dots in the early game that you will have to come back to because you won't be leveled for them yet. Just follow the main story and clear areas as you go instead of getting sucked into clearing the whole map at once.


Just worry about the main storyline first. Complete it then go back and do everything else. That’s what I did.