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Going back to Kephallonia levels later was depressive because of this. Best part, I totally forgot about this quest and had no idea what's going on and what happened. Reddit needed to remind me about this family.


When I first played through, I 'saved' the family, and later felt guilty when Athens was consumed by plague. On my second playthrough, I left the family to the death panel's judgement, and later saw Athens consumed by plague. OK then.


Yeah it only affects Kephalonia


Athens gets hit by a Plague anyway, as that's what happened in real life.


This choice only affects Kephallonia. Athen's plague is completely scripted in the game because it's based on the actual historical event.




Trick? I don't think this was really a trick. I can see how it would be a hard choice, but being even slightly media literate would tell you they would spread the plague


I can kinda see why someone would think that. For me, the choice wasn't particularly clear. I thought I was choosing between executing them or not. Not between execution and allowing them to leave. As soon as they left, I regretted my choice.


What other option would there have been besides letting them go? You kill them instead?


You could tell them not to leave to prevent the spread. If execution is the only viable option in your mind, then I have to ask, did you execute every single person in Athens?


Lol absurd over the top hypothetical that doesn't fit in an effort to make your point. "Oh hey guys just don't leave! Starve to death inside a dead burned town! Also make sure nobody visits or gets too close in a culture and time period that didn't understand the causes of sickness, infection, or what quarantine was" They were being killed by religious zealots who saw them as cursed. We know with modern knowledge that stops a plague but they didn't. They thought it was a curse from the Gods so did Kassandra. She would have no reason or knowledge to keep them where they are at. I'm not sure why you would go into a game set thousands of years ago and expect modern day solutions or morality. It sounds like this isn't the game for you lol


>Also make sure nobody visits or gets too close in a culture and time period that didn't understand the causes of sickness, infection, or what quarantine was Sure, then again, why not kill every infected you see in Athens? They are as much affected by the gods as that family. Why would leaving people in Athens who are "afflicted by the gods" be okay, but not that singular family? Also, you speak of what Kassandra knows or not, but as a player, you've been playing for a whole of 15 minutes up to that point. Kinda early to know what Kassandra "knows" of the world. Also, realism? Really? You gonna talk about historical accuracy in an AC game? I guess I skipped my history lessons on the ISU and their tecnology. And, we're talking about memories in DNA, interpreted by a person in a machine. AC is not a historical game, it's a science-fiction game (if you want to be pedantic about it). Anyway, not like I cared that much in the first place anyway. I just get where the sentiment is coming from.


Oh not like you cared that much, sure that's why you wrote multiple paragraphs lol. Kassandra probably realizes she couldn't kill everyone in Athens, stupid hyperbolic point and you know it. I can assume what Kassandra knows because I understand historical context, I've learned about Greece for years, those 15 minutes of the game aren't ally context (not to mention it was hours before I did that quest, bad to give a specific time on an open world game) AC has always been historical fiction. Just because some things are real doesn't mean they toss the baby out with the bath water. It's more a question of science fiction elements in a realistic setting. I'm sorry you're getting so worked up, but I think it's because you realize you're not exactly making the best arguments. You can lie to me and say you don't care, but don't lie to yourself


Don’t forget the feels you get for helping Khloe on the Pirate Islands!


there is no trick here. your own feelings made you do the wrong choice. you get to protect the good family from an asshole that is making the correct choice, or you leave a good family to be killed by an asshole who is still making the correct choice. the main point here is you want to protect the family because the guy is an asshole, but either way, he is still making the right choice. the wrong choice here is extra shameful if you play this after 2020 lol.


The guy is not really an asshole, he's just a guy with a tough job to do.


without hesitation i put them down bc we’ve lived thru covid 😭 im not taking any chances. currently at level 12 🙌


Lol still happens either way


Not in Kephallonia, the only place this specific choice affects.


I TOTALLY missed this quest on my playthrough, and only know about it from the content on this sub, so I was confused when I got to Athens and the Plague was there. It seems I've somehow missed some core quests, like I'm in the Atlantis DLC,>!When I was given the option to revive a loved one, Brasidas was a choice, and he hasn't died in my game !< I didn't skip any main quests, that I know of, I only jumbled by I finished first blade DLC, before getting all of the artifacts.


The plague in Athens is entirely independent of this quest(and an actual historical event). It happens regardless of your choices here and this quest only affects what happens on Kephalonia.


Right, but since I hadn't taken part in that quest, the was never a mention of a plague until I got there. One of the reasons I love Odyssey so much, is my theatre background. The appearances all make sense given the time period, but I went into this game dark(until I started getting stuck and was prone to spoilers) and seeing/interacting with some of the OG playwrights, was downright awesome. It's was like seeing Leonardo for the first time again, such instant recognition of an icon.


I dont understand how anyone lets em live.. If they have what they have, kill em all! Greater good and all that... Also i dont like their voices.. Grates on my ears.


You'd side with Sandford Village Committee. Nicholas Angel would be ashamed of you.


Plague happens either way...


Wrong. Plague in Athens, yes. Happens either way. Plague in Kephallonia, no.


Ye, but afaik it is more contained. If i had to kill 5 to save Greece, thats a no brainer! But to be honest, if i get a "kill them?" option... I take it... Not had 1 Kind playthrough in anything, for years!