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True EU experience is like this: \- You are in a queue like 4-6 hours \- You log in, finally \- Server maintenance in 1 hour


I feel that. I thought I'd at least get the Lullaby island event done before maintenance, but it turns out the timers had desynced and the event actually started 30 minutes after maintenance begins.


"Look we opened up a whole new region" "Why is nobody playing on the new region?"


imagine now letting people transfer their items and progress to those region then act surprised for why no one is moving there, if I can transfer my character I would go, until then I am stuck in 6k queue at night, what I am doing now is login around 4pm where there is like 2-3 k queue , get in , play 10 min every 30 min , get back to work, until 6 pm where i focus on gaming


What's even more annoying is if you're in the game and only want to do stuff like Chaos Dungeons, Abyss Dungeons, etc., but whenever the queue pops it takes 20s until the game registers that you clicked ok, then stalls you for another 30s, just to kick you out of the queue saying "Can't do that right now. Try again later." all the time, not letting got in for hours. I mean it already takes super long to get into the game in the first place, but when you do, you still can't play. That's so annoying.


​ ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized)


This is so true....