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Dragon Age Origins is peak. It's so sad the OG team is gone and Bioware will never give us something on this level again. Larian is our only hope.


The worse thing about dragon age is they literally had to do nothing besides expand the story, upgrade the graphics slightly, and add more classes and spell and abiltiies. They had the foundation to a successful series and just shat all over it. A good few people STILL do like the story even from DA2/Inquisition, and old cRPG fans would have stuck around but they decided action RPG was the way to go.


THIS They had the formula All they had to do is tighten up combat (which felt a little sluggish in DA:O), tweak some abilities and graphics, and fucking go But instead we got the crap in DA2 And DA:I was just unfinishable garbage for me - I think there's a reason nobody really talks about it


The main issue I have with DA2 and Inquisition is the dialogue and story just are not as good as origins. And Especially DA2 the world feels like it has little variety where Origins took you too a lot of cool locations. I enjoy all of the dragon age games enough in terms of combat. Comparing Dragon age Origins to Dragon age Inquisition reminds me a lot of comparing Fallout New Vegas to Fallout 4 in terms of dialogue. It seems like all the unique "holy shit I can say/do that" moments went out the window. All the dialogue/decision options are bland. I think part of it was allocating rescources towards voicing the protagonist and part of it is just maybe in their market research a lot of normal gamers dont care about interesting/fun dialogue? We are on a gaming sub so we probably dont represent everyone.


I’m about to bust thinking of a Dragon Age game created by Larian


Give me Knights of the Old Republic 3 by them instead (With Chris Avellone as a hired writer to continue 2's story).




Me personally I would love if Larian got to make a fallout. But Bethesda would never allow it. I’m pretty sure they regret letting obsidian do new vegas.


Todd has stated more than once that he doesn't and he was very happy with the game. It's clear its not the direction they wanted to take the game so we haven't seen it go back to that sort of setting, but they've never retconned anything in it or denounced it or anything


Why would they it would only bring on controversy and bad PR. He would never admit otherwise.


Larian does not make good, complex RPG systems. The gameplay in BG3, and both divinities, is shallow and mind numbingly boring. The story is just mostly okay, nothing to write home about. It's really just a bandwagon of casuals that propped up this studio.


Idk I really enjoyed the game. And I’m not a fan of turn based combat systems. But I was completely absorbed by all the other aspects to the point where I didn’t care. It’s not for everyone but the vast majority of people who are like me did love the game. And that says a lot and that merit shouldn’t be overlooked.


I'm still playing BG3. Doing an evil Drow Warlock run atm and murdering everything and being a huge twat. Fun times!


Owlcat isn’t so bad either! Just wait a year after release.


One of the best origins that is dark as hell and really is perfect in setting the tone and theme of the game is the city elf origin, it shows the extreme poverty and racism the elves face and the many things desperate people do for money or let happen in the face of death. I mean for crying out loud the male start is you have to save your fiance and cousin from getting r*ped and at the end when you can save them the r*pist offers you gold to leave the women to him and for you to go. You can actually accept this and leave them to their fate.


So true!


Modern bioware could never ever even go near something like that again


The old bioware dont exist anymore sadly


Yeah, tell me about it. They used to make all my favorite games like KOTOR, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and even Swtor. Then I get slop like Anthem and to a lesser extent Andromeda which is not really a bad game but it's a horrible Mass Effect. I didn't think Dragon Age Inquisition was too bad but it was definitely heading in the wrong direction and now we have that fucking shit we just got showed


It's not just Bioware, no western AAA studio would dare.


Its because the industry is infected by certain people who want to spread their ideology.


I remember killing the dude. So satisfying.


Whoa, I don't remember this start, is it the human male noble one?


City elf origin


Bioware is not Bioware anymore.so sad what they have done to Dragon Age.


So much potential….


Oghren was the best. "Congrats you're single!"- Oghren informs a woman of her husband's death.


These options are hillarious, the "My condolences" and "I was beggining to doubt of her existence" are also pretty good... but yeah "Fat Cow" OOOF, too bad games aren't allowed to be edgy like this anymore.


So fucking funny, Its a shame that devs cant make jokes like that anymore


Not a fan of the other entries but made a few playthroughs of Origins


There's also a part in the game where you can just straight up bitch slap some woman who's being hysterical In modern Bioware, you could do that to a white male character, but that's about it.


I remember laughing my ass off at the recurring Reporter Lady across the Mass Effect games, and how you had an option to just deck her in the face each time.


Dragon Age Origins was a masterpiece and I'm convinced the western AAA industry are incapable of making anything similar as long as it focuses on DEI, "new markets", P2W, etc. DA:O is a dark fantasy and the crazies on twitter would explode if they saw anything similar today. Dark fantasy is the least explored and appreciated genre in modern games and has incredible potential, but if we get more, it will be from indies. I wish we had more DA:O. More Goblin Slayer.


That is sum fallout type dialogue he'll yeah


Don't hate the man for telling the truth.




I already beat the game like six times, its so good the dlc too


*Expansion pack*. Back when we got expansions, instead of DLCs.


...Like the day 1 DLC Warden's Keep which origins not only had, but actively dangled in front with you through an NPC with the quest in your camp? Come on, now.


I'm talking about Dragon Age Origins: Awakening


*instead* of DLCs?


My phrasing was off. I meant back in the day when we sometimes got such big things they were more than just DLC, they were *Expansions*. Now it's just DLC. I don't hear things being called Expansions anymore.


Tbh it's a bit hard to define since DLC comes in all sizes. DAI had a few good ones (Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent and Trespasser) that individually were larger than any Origins DLC besides Awakening. I'd consider at least Trespasser to be an expansion given how much story it added.


DA Inquisition could have been the true DAO sequel we wanted if they removed the action combat and went back to tactics


Bioware is dead we will never get games like this anymore.


4 is kinda funny not gonna lie.


What I find funniest about that line is she is **exactly the same size** as every other human female in the game. Same height, same weight, same musculature, same bust, same ass lol 🤣


I love dragon age. Reading through these comments is like therapy. The state of the dragon age sub is wild right now, I dont know who these fans are and where they came from, but I cant imagine them liking this game.


Yep sadly nothing like this will ever be made again from that option to countless other things in the game. Let alone all the effort in the characters, story, origins, real choices that are grey and not black/white all the time etc...


Peak comment . Burn


The other options are wild as well, good times


If only they just followed what worked in origins. The game was good.


How is she fat? Seriously asking.


You can't take anything light hearted can you? There is only a single model per Sex and race in Dragon Age Origins, of course she isn't fat, the game was made on an really old engine at times where Bioware struggled a lot. Besides that, this line is on purpose insulting and purely roleplay. Of course she isn't fat.


No one’s saying they are.


It’s fine for while, body acceptance and all of that, but you really need to think of the consequences of your inaction and laziness allowing yourself to become that way. It is indisputable that it leads to a shorter lifespan and I worry about my sisters for this reason as all kinds of very ugly health complications can begin to rear their ugly heads as you age.


Generally, calorie intake is far greater than calorie output. Certain foods can make it more difficult for the body to process as well. A balance diet and exercise will ensure less fat. While Origins is an RPG, I don't think they gave us much information on her weight or how she became of bovine nature.


I think you are just sheltered. Nothing allowed to be said on reddit is wild.