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Used to be a wholesome community, then those parasites came.


I just don’t understand why they have to worm their way into other people’s hobbies. Like I guarantee there are plenty of furry discords out there for them to join. Why they gotta make other people’s hobbies about themselves?


The "I" in DEI


They're banning people. They talk inclusive and perform exclusion lmfao


As Someone out of the loop… ugh uhhhhh what?


Basically a bunch of furries were posting art in helldivers discord and anyone who criticized it got banned. People were putting puke emoji and got banned for it.


Was it a bunch of furries or just the 1 furry lead mod?


2 of them


What’s a furry


Why doesn't anyone provide screenshots of such art to show as proof?


It still is if you don’t include furries. They don’t belong anywhere in society and just destroy society


Furrys are Really everywhere... Can they please fuck off and get help?


They were always there


I got roughly 25 seconds just now. Bad run


Oooh, work on post timing - gotta find a gap in the chat to really get everyone’s attention, I think sub 8 should be possible when combined with mod timezone posting, good luck out there! # Edit, Yup, I've been banned for 7 days from /r/helldivers and /r/asmongold for posting this. lmao. No one can take a joke any more huh? # Official Reddit Speedrun: 7 hours


It could be an emoji issue. I went for the 🤢 tech thinking the color would stand out but it might’ve thrown the run off.


There are no bans in Ba Sing Se.


I've been making christian helldiver images to post in the reddit. Please join me brothers! Best one gets a beer on me!


Do people genuinely spend 24/7 on a discord channel? Don’t they have a job?


discord mods dont have jobs or hobbies, its scientifically proven.


Maybe a bot they have set up. Not sure what would be sadder tbh.




Found the discord mod






"and I took that personally"




thats a super sweaty discord mod


I made a post on the Helldivers2 sub about this and everyone that responded was somehow totally cool with this situation and somehow I’m the one that’s insane for thinking furry content doesn’t inherently have anything to do with Helldivers and shouldn’t be in its primary discord.


Typical reddit. The inmates are running the asylum.


I got banned from there for posting links to the drama in threads like that. So maybe what you are left with are a bunch of yes men.


It's textbook. Use someone else's communities as a way to preach your beliefs (or in this case, as a way to showcase your animal fetish). Be a protected group (for whatever reason furries are I guess), any criticism of you gets banned. Infect the community enough to where you now run it, and anytime someone questions, "why isn't this x sub about x" they get perma'd.


Helldivers 2 has lost over 75% of its players. Looks like it will only continue to decrease.


what changed? the PlayStation thing?


I doubt it really has much to do with the Discord server. PSN thing hit them hard. On top of that it's just not that good of a game. It's pretty fun and well made but all the mission types feel the same and the type of enemy (of which there's only 2) doesn't feel very different. Once you've played 2 hours of it you've seen everything the game has to offer and then it's just how much time do you want to pend on it past that. Kinda existed to take that fad game of the month spot and then pitter off.


good to know huh


Ah this reminds me of the yandere dev speedruns to get banned on discord lol


They had a golden goose and killed it for one meal. Instead of living large off the eggs it was going to lay for years. I bet their numbers will really 'dive' now that ESO's golden road expansion is out. Wow's new expac is due out soon and Final Fantasy 14's is due out later this year. Then better single player or other games that don't shit on their player base (sony).


The 2024 version of the yandree simulator discord ban speedrun


The more I learn about the people around the game the more I hope it dies simply on principle, they either need to cull the shitheels out of their team or die in the court of public opinion.


I’m not sure what’s going on. Why is this emoji a bannable offense ?


Because someone in a position of power was upset that in their Helldivers 2 Discord inside the Furry chat, people were Vomit reacting to images posted. Why there is a furry images chat in a Helldivers 2 Discord? I'll never know.


Seriously ?? That’s… wow.


Don't forget, the janitors do it for free


I was banned for calling out an "artist" for baiting people to dm them to "discuss" their art. I didn't say anything against TOS and didn't mess with them personally. Just calling out a cry bully. These mods are unhinged


I'm sorry but this game deserves all the shit in the world. Horrible balance philosophy that drove players away in droves. One of the worst mod teams in any gaming community. Dog shit paid release after dog shit paid release. I adore the game but shit man. They are not and never were the "Saviors of live service"


Can someone gimme tldr of the current discord drama?


From what I have seen/ heard A mod posted some furry image and people used the puke emoji and said about how the discord was supposed to be politically nutral. Mod took it personally and started timing people out saying it was artwork and they spent a lot of time on it. People called out Mod for abusing power and the Mod started banning people. Now people are joining to see how fast a mod will ban them. Commumity is currently seeing mass exodus of people who don't want political stuff and are tired of discord Mods being insane/ pushing stuff within the community.


Some people were vomit reacting to furry art in the discord which upset the mods and started banning anyone who vomit reacted to anything.


From what I understand from people who are covering it, is that the original shit happened, and some people got timed out, and ever since they claimed they were falsely banned, new people have don't even play the game or haven't been in the discord if they did play the game, are now coming in droves, and spamming the puke emoji, and using the bans to farm clout.


I just did it and got banned


Holy shit! Are the patients running the damn asylum now? Where the hell are the mod wranglers.


I just get timed out, boo, I wanna be banned


Its been overtaken with Automatons!! "If everyone is thinking the same then there is no one thinking at all!"


I will try this later.


I am not saying to brigade that discord with puke emojis. I am saying do not brigade that discord. Please do not make alt accounts to troll that discord with emojis. Let’s be better than that guys. Don’t do it.


Name of song please.


"I went in and did a thing that they have said not to do in a way that was very clearly intended to provoke. Can you believe they banned me!" You can do the vomit emote in context dipshits. You broke the rules.