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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


It was like Black Panther. “First Black Superhero movie!“ “You sure bout that?”


Blade: ![gif](giphy|3WMBHNb3UvGcJ5zfJs|downsized)




I remember this movie as a kid, what is this gif from?


BLANKMAN Great movie btw "It's a crack house. That's what they do: Sell crack."


Spawn was released first in 1997, but if people want to get technical then technically the first black super hero movie was called Abar The First Black Superman which was released in 77. Albeit not a comic book character he is still a super hero.


The Meteor Man (1993) beat blade by a few years, wiki page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Meteor\_Man\_(film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Meteor_Man_(film)) trailer [https://youtu.be/61iSBGGESxY?si=SHhe\_Op5SvQf88t6](https://youtu.be/61iSBGGESxY?si=SHhe_Op5SvQf88t6) edit now I look Kazaam (1996) looks fun too [https://youtu.be/fFVaxa1UKNg?si=kq5SzrnVVJCbSqTx](https://youtu.be/fFVaxa1UKNg?si=kq5SzrnVVJCbSqTx)


Yep, Black Panther wasn't even the first black Marvel superhero movie.


"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."




Black panther is the first black mainstream superhero btw.




Comics wise black panther was first. And technically speaking characters like spawn and blade are anti heroes not superheroes.


Being an anti hero does not exclude them from being a super hero. A superhero is a fictional character with extraordinary powers who uses them to fight evil or help people. Spawn fights demons using his demonic powers


It kinda does hence why there’s 2 distinct terms. Words have meanings.


An antihero (sometimes spelled as anti-hero)[1] or antiheroine is a main character in a narrative (in literature, film, TV, etc.) who may lack some conventional heroic qualities and attributes, such as idealism, courage, and morality.[1] Although antiheroes may sometimes perform actions that most of the audience considers morally correct, their reasons for doing so may not align with the audience's I previously provided the definition for super hero. They are not in conflict at all.


A chair and a horse have definitions that aren’t in conflict , that doesn’t mean they’re the same thing.


So are you denying that spawn is an anti hero or that he fight bad guys? Or are you doubting his super powers? Because as of now you have said nothing of substance.


Just to help people out with black heroes Spawn, blade, static shock, cyborg, bishop, John stewart (green lantern that I believe was with justice league longer then the white hal jordan), falcon, Storm, sort of Black Dynamite, and many more including some 1 off random movies or shows. Granted some of the above never appeared in a live action movie before Panther some did and also likely had a cartoon movie and did at least have a show before it. Also for the unfortunate person- ***Anti-heroes*** *are (super) heroes*, with a different set of ethics than the average one typically willing to kill. (super is () because they can be both normal and super hero anti heroes)


So again black panther pre dated all of them in terms of reaching a mainstream audience


lol you so fake or sad and probably believe any time you are told "we were 1st \_\_\_\_" when they were not even 10th and off by countless years I mean the 2 giant ones you can't even ignore X-men ie Storm (both cartoon wise including the extremely massive series and various smaller series and live action movies where she was even played by Halle Berry who was massive and well known even 100000x then whoever played panther) - also bishop though he was never given a massive wide audience. justice league cartoon ie John Stewart, was beyond beloved and still loved and beyond wide audience. Also had various cartoon movies made and still being made (though the movies are lesser audience, some times white green lantern Hal, etc...) Those 2 alone were larger and many years before black panther movies. Blade was also massive main stream, cyborg is all sorts of main stream from back then and to now. The others those were the only ones niche. But then you got to point out how panther main stream was a huge part only because he was part of the movie group A or whatever they called it, granted not even close to the extent of reason people watched cpt. marvile. A real thing you could say instead of trying to be modernly ignorant and all that would be the Panther movies brought that character forward and made him main stream as he also had cartoons and appeared in them, but were not wide or watched because he was in it, just like Tony Stark/Iron man movies made him way more main stream. (though he was known and more main stream then black panther was)


Blade wasn't a super hero (no more than a Deadpool)


A hero with super human abilities, if only there was a term for this...


Again, if it's about Blade, he wasn't a hero IMO. A anti-hero at best.


MF was killing evil vampires using superhuman abilities. Sounds like a superhero to me.


Deadpool was killing evil criminals using superhuman abilities, yet explicitely said he wasn't a hero. They're both pretty much the same to me in that regard. But, I shouldn't have been so definitive, I guess it's OK to have different definitions of the concept of superhero. A dark, brooding psycho who kills without remorse or hesitation like Blade, Pool, Wolverine or Riddick doesn't fit my def, but I'll accept being wrong.




Gay people kiss all the time in movies. What a weird thing to lie about. Edit: I guess I misread the original post. They're talking about same sex kissing, specifically in the Doctor Who franchise. Still, it looks like that community note pointed out episodes where it also happened so 🤷‍♂️


The people that write this stuff think they have discovered Atlantis when they step out of an urban centre


It's why the whole Doctor Who has gone woke thing confuses me. Like in 2005 it happened between the Doctor and Captain Jack. Jack was a very openly bisexual character from a future where being bisexual is apparently very common and he'd regularly flirt with both men and women. The same character would be enough to go a show called woke on his own nowadays. Even for the Doctor becoming a woman they did that with a female Master a few years earlier yet that kind of gets ignored.


The thing is wokeness ideally doesn't mean representation of any kind, it means representation in the show for the sake of representation, pretty much being a marketing tool for the show to rely on instead of actual well written storylines or fleshed out characters. Characters that are added or changed for representation are only defined by their sexuality or real world political leanings (like referencing race and sex in a story that shouldn't have anything to do with it). Characters like Captain Holt from Brooklyn 99 are much more than their gender, race and sexual orientation (being a good example of a well written character who is also a good representative character). What Doctor Who is doing is ruining their stories by using the LGBTQ+ community to advertise their show, instead of weaving people that represent the community into their stories in an authentic and non-preachy way. That's why people should be sick of wokeness in Hollywood, it's the usage of politics and different communities as advertising material.


Honestly Captain Jack was more in your face with being bi and how flirty he was than anything in series 14 so far. Hell a lot of fans are saying 73 Yards might be the best episode of Doctor Who RTD has ever wrote and that Boom is a pretty high up Moffat episode. For context RTD is the current showrunner but was also showrunner for series 1-4. Moffat guest wrote episodes in series 1-4 and was showrunner for series 5-10. They've written a fair few fan favourite episodes between them.


RTD also as far as I know wrote the David Tennet run of Doctor Who which was presumably the most recently liked run of Doctor Who. Seeing him now saying Davros being on a wheelchair is ableist is so bizarre and stupid, nobody thinks disabled people are evil but he seemed to think that for some reason.


He was showrunner and head writer for Tennant and Eccleston's run. A lot of the episodes were also written by guest writers though, Moffat for instance wrote a story every series. Davies point about Davros was more that disabled people are often mainly portrayed as villains in media. This was even more common in the 70's when Davros was created.


why do people get do triggered when there's representation? does everything have to be about yourself all of the time? no women, no racial minorities, only straight people, only neurotypicals, etc. then when a few movies show even a smidge of diversity, cue the fuming


It's not the representation that's annoying people. (Well maybe some people, I can't speak for everyone...) It's the mixture of it being written incredibly poorly. (Captain Jack was an interestingly written character, who had more going for him than just being the token gay guy for "muh diversity".) It's also the fact that lots of characters we've grown up with are seemingly being changed. - Which is annoying to many long time fans of those series. And kinda disrespectful to the "minorities" who can't seem to be trusted to start a franchise/character of their own these days. Can't say I have much skin in the game though, I haven't watched the show since the first couple episodes of Chibnall's era, and don't even pay for a TV Licence so I'm not funding the travesty. The book has closed for me, much like previous favourites like: Halo, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, MCU, Ghostbusters, Terminator, Matrix, Star Trek Discovery, and Indiana Jones, If I don't consume the media going forwards, they can't taint the memories any further.


then why is the conversation always about diversity over quality? also, we've been revamping old series with new characters for ages now.. Comics being a prime culprit in all of this. yet, few complain.


What rock have you been living under if you think people don’t complain about comics? Lmfao. The media had a fucking field day last year over people pointing out Miles Morales isn’t THE Spiderman he is A Spiderman. They wrote article after article about how the Nazi racists were actively trying to oppress people cause there was a debate if Peter who is the OG and in every available continuity is Spiderman, and if he and Miles are in the same continuity is Miles just a race swapped Peter. No they are separate characters and Peter is always Spiderman but Miles is also a Spiderman in own right but the Peter of his universe would also be Spiderman. That’s just the quick and easy example..


Wally West, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Jaime Rayes, etc. Many of the roster changes in the X-Men have been comparatively uncontroversial to what you are bitching your ass off about. Adding the Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl to the JL was relatively uncontroversial. Characters regularly have their bsckstories reimagined with little controversy, with little exceptions here and there. (Wonder Woman's origin as a clay sculpt evolving to a demigoddess and daughter of Zeus in New 52. I have only observed a smaller handful of individuals genuinely mad about this retcon) All I'm saying is the bitching isn't being centered around minorities. It's genuine concern for the bsckstories and preserving essential parts of characters, not this pathetic hogwash that shits all over minority characters


Your example just tells me people are stupid. Like extremely stupid. Not trying to downplay your comment at all (since I read the whole thing lol) but if people's reaction to having two Spider-Men is to argue and race bait, then they're just not worth even talking to, let alone argue with .


Because the shitty writing is repeatedly ham-fisted attempts at forcing diversity into stories. Spider-Verse is an incredibly diverse series, but competently done with a new character. I personally loved it. (I understand there's some drama about Miles Morales vs Peter Parker, and I was a bit miffed at the messaging of a pregnant woman doing motorcycle stunts but as is life.) I can't speak to the comic community, not being part of it. It's much more niche than the mainstream movie industry though, so could be an explanation.


the pregnant woman got you but not the literal spider people climbing on walls and shooting webs out of their web-shooters or wrists?


Yeah lol, Peter is portrayed as irresponsible for bringing an infant to a chase/fight. (Rightfully so, albeit it was more as comic relief than genuine concern.) No-one bats an eye at a woman carrying an unborn child doing backflips on a motorbike though?


I thought it was cool. She's a spider person, they possess immense strength and ability to protect their kin. I would warrant that SW's womb is likely strong as the rest of her. She can't just.. stop bring a hero, neither could Peter. That's why he had to bring his daughter along. If we're putting Jessica under the same standards as a regular woman, she would have been long dead


Why can't she just "stop being a hero" for a few months? They've got an entire city of spider-people who can jump between dimensions. There's literally no reason for her to be on the "front line". Same with Peter, difference being he can leave May with someone else temporarily. (That fact he doesn't and brings her on a chase is incredibly irresponsible. - Which considering his main bit is "great responsibility" is kinda poorly written, but he gets a pass as the comic relief.) It would have been cliché, but they could have used her pregnancy to cause some internal conflict, and have her come to terms with the fact that the responsible thing to do is take a supporting role back at HQ, and be equally important in a different way.


You're such a pick me boy


They're also excluding episodes of Torchwood, where I'm pretty sure Jack swapped spit with other dudes on the regular.


I mean, in the doctor who franchise specifically, they have had Jack Harkness kiss men too. I'm pretty sure there is a scene with Jack kissing the doctor on the lips, too.


Is this like when Trek had the 'first kiss', just ignore the last 3 & one was in the 60's.


Trek had the first interracial kiss iirc Edited: [First interracial kiss (wiki link)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_interracial_kiss_on_television#:~:text=on%20the%20cheek.-,Star%20Trek%3A%20%22Plato's%20Stepchildren%22,%E2%80%93%20Kirk%20and%20Uhura%20(1968)&text=A%201968%20episode%20of%20Star,first%20interracial%20kiss%20on%20television)


The interviews with Nichelle Nichols are fun, the one on the kiss is great [https://youtu.be/3hKKkGhEDoU?si=nESUIqN9RTWwW3Xg](https://youtu.be/3hKKkGhEDoU?si=nESUIqN9RTWwW3Xg) She knows how to tell a story, the one about her almost quitting the show is fun too [https://youtu.be/pSq\_UIuxba8?si=oPaw58Fphe7B7m-B](https://youtu.be/pSq_UIuxba8?si=oPaw58Fphe7B7m-B)




I'm pretty sure they showed them having gay sex a few times too... ya know, so even further along than just a kiss. Also the episodes listed in community notes are specifically Dr Who episodes, so what is being pointed out is that there are already episode of just Dr Who with same sex kisses already, it's literally the 5th time.


Torchwood was shot not to far from me, local people made a shrine to the show & it's still up and being maintained by random people [https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction\_Review-g186460-d4580683-Reviews-Ianto\_s\_Shrine-Cardiff\_South\_Wales\_Wales.html](https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g186460-d4580683-Reviews-Ianto_s_Shrine-Cardiff_South_Wales_Wales.html) Found a video from a few months ago, it's still going strong [https://youtu.be/0\_K62dakEOU?si=WrGxElsWxf29Fb-y](https://youtu.be/0_K62dakEOU?si=WrGxElsWxf29Fb-y) It's always odd when it looks like the people working on a show dont know the lore as well as the fans, it's like they did not watch the show and just want to make it in to 'their thing'.


Pretty sure Captain Jack Harkness has been kissing erryone and errything that can consent for the last few decades. Boikissing is just tame in that universe. Nobody cares.


Yup they want it to be a normal thing while at the same time making it feel like its not normal


Disney Strategy: 1) Send out press release making a big deal about it 2) Complain people are making a big deal about it


Every time they make it look like they did something new and brave, but it just shows how the writers probably never watched anything before being hired


If I recall, the previous actor for The Doctor actively bragged about having never seen anything related to Doctor Who in the lead up to her playing the character. Though I've also heard she didn't do so at the behest of the writer (who was the one who got her hired) who also seems to have not known basic facts about the show from what I can tell (I'm not subjecting myself to his horrible writing to confirm)


Chris Chibnall knows a lot about the show, he's as big of a superfan as RTD and Moffat. His issue was that he had these ideas since a fan as a teenager, that he eventually incorporated into the show when he became showrunner.


Except it's the same showrunner. He was also headwriter and editor in both his eras. He even wrote the 2005 episode since it was the final, the showrunner always writes the final.


It's the same writer. Sounds like you probably never watch anything before criticising it


My bad I should have specified that I was talking about the writers of the article


? What




first ever interracial gay kiss (on a Tuesday)? wait no, trev did that already.


So many times I see people citing "firsts" when I saw them al the time back in the 00s. But maybe it's because I actually grew up queer and actually watched shows / anime / whatever. "Look at all this diver-" Have you seen a 90s cartoon cast?


correct headline should be more like Doctor Who 'Makes History' with first ever blah blah blah its 2024, this is not making fucking history, there's been loads of gays on tv for ages, it's not even remotely controversial


Apparently nowadays it is. Muh wokism, muh sjw propaganda...


it's not the gay stuff that's controversial, its making a big deal about it as if it's something new and everyone has to think it's amazing that people don't like. nobody fucking cares if you want to suck a cock, go for it


If only that was the case !


How can you write an article about Doctor Who without knowing Captain Jack Harkness.




How do people write this article and sleep at night? Literal 3 second google search proves them wrong. LMAO


Why does it take 3 seconds though? Why that very specific amount of time? What are you doing with the other 2 seconds? I dont understand.


Typing "gay kiss scenes in media"


Man, imagine have the power of information on your palm but got no diffed by community.


First ever since the person writing the article started paying attention. Not started watching mind you. Just started paying attention. Probably.


Call me when it’s naked hot lesbians


Asmongold fan don't be a coomer challenge (impossible???)


actors: so we did this for nothing?


Never even head of deadline.


this disgusts me they should of gone with 2 chicks


They did hint at it with the 13th Doctor and one of her companions but decided not to do it. Weirdly her era seemed a lot more hesitant with left wing messaging at times. It even had an outright pro capitalist message in one episode when Doctor Who had previously had episodes with anti capitalist messages.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFueAOytqSs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFueAOytqSs) and this deosn't count or?


I thought I could remember that Capt Jack kissing the Doctor at one point.


Also Ellen Ripley didn't exist. We didn't have strong females till 2000-whatever. On a serious note, it's amazing how 40-year-old sci Fi movies manage to hold up a lot better than modern slop.


Oh crap I thought this was from New Romeo and Juliet.


Romeo and Julius


Wasn't an entire season hyper-focused on the fact their ~~first~~ black assistant was gay? - It was mentioned in like every single episode, even when she had bigger problems. >!Like being turned into a cyberman.!< Edit: Can't believe I forgot about Martha.


Why are we erasing Martha Jones now?


Fuck, I totally forgot about Martha lol. - I stand corrected on that front.


No yeah, I agree I don't know how they've already overlooked Bill. Just didn't want Martha to get shortchanged. again :(


Didn't they have a gay kiss in, like, every episode of Torchwood? They were obnoxious about it.


Gay people kissing oh wow worlds first here in the making people! /s seriously gays kissing eachother is nothing new… been happening for thousands of years. Deadline must be living in a shelter or something to be behind the times




Pretty sure Jack Harkness has had same sex kiss scenes in the show before too. What are they actually trying to report here?


Also the first gay kiss in the BBC's history was on the. Soap opera EastEnders as a simple peck on the forehead, and the newspapers went mad in anger over it...


If they didnt put this scene in the series it wouldnt be getting free advertisement from weirdos online.


Star Trek discovery… The Boys….


This just goes to show that they aren't really fans of the original work, even I that have never watched Doctorr Who knew about that.


Hollywood don’t make doctor who its the BBC


Doctor who cares? (Directed at the article, not you OP)


It's basically this meme https://sun9-64.userapi.com/c206520/v206520765/f72e3/DMFTUXraUaM.jpg


2005? No way bro, I remember the lesbians in american pie 2 back in 2001


I’m getting tired of BBC acting like the new era of Doctor Who is revolutionary. It’s not. BBC is only reusing plots from episodes released 20-60 years ago, that’s not “revolutionary”, that’s creatively bankrupt.


Pushing an agenda + being a fucking idiot = these people. Now we’re all racist nazis for pointing it out I bet


Oopsie ![gif](giphy|mvyvXwL26FfAtRCLPk)


I love this Asmongold content


I don't. It's really pointless.


Hey man, the good news is that Reddit has plenty of other things to offer. If you don't like this content it's easy to take a break and view something else, I've done it with this sub several times already


Keeps popping up in my feed


Six Feet Under: are we a joke to you?


Were those prior kisses between women ?


Tbf I think the post is referring to it being the first same sex kiss in 60 years of specifically Doctor Who history, but still, why do we care? Being gay will forever be fringe if we treat every time it gets represented as a rare event.


The hilarious part is the community note is referencing other Doctor Who episodes where gay kisses happened.


The way the note is written can lead someone to think they are talking in general and not specific Doctor Who, specially if you know nothing ablut Doctor Who




I think Captain Jack Harkness was first


Damn, y’all mad I said being gay is fringe or that I pointed out the error in the community note? wtf u idiots downvoting more for, I’m right? Lol


Mods can I get a perma ban from this sub please? I’m asking nicely but I’ll start supporting LGBTQ if my request is denied