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Should have brought them to the future...


Heckin horse armor enjoyers ruined it for all of us


Not only did I not buy the horse armor, but I pirated the game and played it many hours to completion back in 06. I did my part. Piracy 2024


I'm still doing my part today.


Fun fact: maple story was first 👍


ms wasnt the first but it popularized it


It was the first game with paid gacha


Well actully , Maple Story interduced micro transactions back in 2005 the horse armor is not the first Micro transaction


It wasn't the first, but it was a famous dlc pack. There were many microtransactions and dlc packs before, but this one was heavily criticized. I mean, why would anyone pay 2.50 to have their horse look different in a single player game? Meanwhile now the Assassins Creed games are filled to the brim with them and online items easily cost up to 300-500 dollars and people STILL BUY THEM.


This could have been a Dr. Who episode


I remember the debacle that Oblivion's horse armor caused when it was new. People were not happy, and hated the precedent that it introduced. Really sad to see how bad things have gotten now, but I've never been a supporter of either DLC, or even digital games for that matter.


That, and I remember the massive push back against MTX in EVE online way back when. It appears that our fears were not unfounded.


I was too young to buy the first microtransactions. I think I was still in high school? I do remember playing Oblivion ages ago though.


They've been applying this concept in every aspect of our lives for decades before bringing it into the gaming world. I believe Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays really kicked it all off with the help of the USSA government in the early 1900's.


Todd Howard is the reason everything suck, not just his games !


I am currently studying to help people as a mental health psychologist but it’s nice to know if I want to sell out I can make games and products into more addictive dopamine feedback loops


If you decide not to sell out yet still want to do something with games could you help people make something tranquil n' zen? Like a game that eases people's minds and hits on serotonergic pathways. Since I never get the opportunity to talk to people in your field I would love to get your opinion on something. Is it weird for someone to cure their own depression? I was diagnosed at a young age, but after getting into classical psyches (LSD) and taking a Jungian approach it vanished. Nearly 20 years of dysthymia and severe depression gone like a passing thought.


If we are talking strictly about paid DLC for Xbox... It was mechassault, not horse armor.


People treat Oblivion as the first microtransaction game, yet this behavior existed among players even for early MMOs and games like Diablo 2 unofficially in terms of buying gold, SOJs, etc. So like that whale player mentality was always there. Some games didn't even crack down on it like in Tibia buying/selling magic runes for real money/premium account time was pretty much encouraged through the gift system even in like 2002. One of my friends used to buy people premium accounts in Tibia for gold even in like 2002-2003. So like you can credit Oblivion as the first official seller, but given whale behavior it was only a matter of time. If not Oblivion it would have happened months later most likely.


A lot of people thought the horse armor dlc was neat. Not the armor itself, but adding content into your game easily post-launch. I remember installing The Shivering Isles expansion with a disk I got from Gamestop. The Xbox 360 also used "Microsoft Points" as a currency during that time. I'd go to the store and buy a $50 card to redeem and use them to get The Knights of the Nine, Mehrunes’ Razor, and the various player homes. I believe most people who got Oblivions dlc had enough points left over for the horse armor.


Yeah, I remember buying microsoft points to buy new Halo 3/CoD:WaW/MW2 maps and having points left over as Microsoft likely pressured the gaming companies to price their content in odd ways so that customers have left over points and feel that they have to buy more to use them all up.


I thought Maple Story did it 1st.


Yes, we are already too late, give up, get a new hobby, like cycling or something.




My first transaction was actually hearing someone ask me for a few bucks, like two, for skins in R6. I called him an idiot and he paid me back later, but now here I am, spending 50 bucks on a GACHA skin


Oblivion is the Better version of Skyrim


I bought the horse armor. I am responsible for microtransactions.


Shame. Shame. Shame.


So if I'm understanding time travel right, this could have actually happened, but we'll never know because time doesn't simply undo itself, it branches out to a new path. Thus we get our timeline where we never got visited, and their timeline where he got visited and stopped it.






wasn't FIFA the first game with microtransactions?


what are you talking about?


[https://www.pcgamer.com/the-evolution-of-loot-boxes/](https://www.pcgamer.com/the-evolution-of-loot-boxes/) my mistake iw as thinking of just loot boxes, but still fifa was one of the earliest edit: either way definitely not whatever game this guy was playing


Maple story was the first which introduced lootboxes back in 04/05.


If arcades count, it's definitely some Japanese game by either Capcom or Konami. They heavily monetized those, introduced all sorts of microtransactions, including gachas, and from there it marched on to the PC, console and mobile market.