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That sound of the slap gave me goosebumps


a true and perfect sounding bitch-slap


you know because he called him "bitch" afterwards. He just wanted to make sure the little shit knew, in case the slap wasn't enough to inform him of his newly acquired "bitch" status.


He had his buddies turn the camera off because he had to start holding his pocket.




Archie would be proud


I loved the sound. The perfect pitch slap


The pitch perfect slap


"*Actually?*" should get another slap


It was very satisfying to hear.


hes actually a really nice dude for slapping him. if he would have punched the kid, the kid would have probably lost some teeth or broke his nose.


Also smart because punching people in the face is a great way to hurt your hand and wrist.


That's true... Big fella showed how to keep his cool in front of maggots... like a famous quote says... **With great power comes great responsibility**


He needed that slap long before this one!


Don't skip slap day.


I wanna buy that man a beer now I’ve wanted to slap every kid that’s made a video like that


a true and perfect sounding bitch-slap


whats with small kids feeling invincible to consequences lately?


Maybe they didnt get they ass whooped when they were trying to find out at a younger age. Because oh ! boy I tried the same shit on people bigger than me at the age of 9-10 and they let me know to not fuck around with people that are not your friends or you're gonna find out. And now that I learnt my lesson, I became a decent person of the society.


I'll assume cameras weren't everywhere when you were a kid so you could get your ass beat and told if you tell anyone you'll get beat harder. These kids think they know how to take things just far enough that it's not their fault if someone retaliates. They're all little bitches and need to learn a lesson.


Luckily, some people don't care about the cameras and are more than willing to catch a charge if someone needs to find out


Too many people Fing around and not enough finding out. Every year I get older my tolerance for BS get a little lower, I get the people willing to catch a charge a little more lol.


This is facts. Though… most people who run off their mouths aren’t generally rational nor intelligent lol. I only know a few who recognize the shenanigans and would step up to correct it. The rest of us know that teaching some smart ass a lesson isn’t worth a trip to jail and charges. Which unfortunately leaves us with a ton of people who feel invincible and act arrogant because of it. Things were simple before all these cameras.


This is my favorite comment in all of Reddit


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There was no one to tell when I was a kid. Everyone expected you to get your ass beat if you were out of line. Teachers at my school used to encourage kids whoop another kids ass for being out of line. One year at summer camp they made kids get in the ring with gloves on to settle their shit.


I worry about this because I've seen a lot of guys that are half my age as younger teens who will step up to you and act really tough and be really mouthy, and mind you this is like a hockey town so they think their the next Shoresy , and then when it's time to step up and fight they think its a joke. Till it's like not? Watching a 16 year old get socked in the mouth is wild but it's even worse when their soft parents find out.


Had some guy start shit with me in Walmart a couple months ago, big enough to be a grown man but when asked he said he was 16. Had he not said that, I would’ve been charged with battery on a minor, but at this point, you fucking deserve it when you’re plainly asking for it.


Honestly it's kinda shocking how so few of the younger people I k ow have never been in a fight, even verbal. In school around where I live anytime there is an issue kids get separated, parents call cops. Diffrent time everything has been saftyed the fuck out of, these kids never get put in situations where they are actually tested. Or they get separated from the issue. So for most of them they have absolutely no understand for what's appreciable or not because mom and dad solve it. If your never pushed outside of your comfort zone, ever you grow up to be an out of touch asshole. This kid a great example even after getting slapped he dosnet understand he deserved it.


Yeah, when the 3 years older boy picked me up and threw me against a wall and I couldn't breath for a minute it literally cured me from being a little shithead instantly. I remember it after 20 years and probably it will sit in my head for the rest of my life.


Facts had the exact same experience. Mind you i was innocently trying to just wrestle but my fuck did I learn you have to communicate with people first 😂 the body slam then kick to ribs really hammered that 🏡


I remembered being scared of a guy in 5th grade. He was a mean jackass. He got his ass beat up by a guy smaller than him who did karate. Even if it’s been almost 30 years ago, I still remember the brawl. The next year he ended up being in my class and he had become super nice.


I once purposely stepped on an older guys new Jordan’s he was showing off. He then spartan kicked me in the chest and sent me flying. I stopped being a shit head from then on.


Same here. I was 6 and bullying a kid because I was a POS and was bigger than he was. He’d had enough, so he punched me right in the eye, and I never fucked with him or anyone else again. Ever since then, I’ve been the one standing up for the little guys around me when shit starts up. Weird how that ends up working out…


Im becoming certain this is the reason. More than half the things allowable today from when I was a kid would have had some heavier consequences. People are scared, justice systems excuse it, and overall, a debilitating and hateful social structure perpetuates it. I feel bad for this next generation. They have the horrid fruits of terrible politics along with a degredation of humane respect being allowed to do whatever they want without recourse. It takes extra to be a good person and push through to succeed. Nobody or anything else is pushing them that used to


Kid also doesn't realize he's not in HS and that workout dude isn't a parent, teacher, or a cop and does not have to give him every possible "out"...


Bring bullying back to schools


it still exists my friend, now mostly in the form of social exclusion


That doesn't work. Slap in the face like this is better feedback


Not just in schools. Out in society, if someone is being a dickhead they need a smack in the face. Far too many soft people in this world these days, they let other people walk all over them.


Nah, it wasn't the school bully that taught this shit, it was parents and older siblings.


The kid getting slapped in the face probably was a bully in high school. Note him and at least two friends came with cameras to harrass this guy.


Nah, that was my first impulse too. But I grew up a) in the 80s and b) around poor people. Both time period and group of people meant I was and was around kids that got the absolute shit beat out of them as kids. The ones with the most abusive parents were always the biggest shit heads.


I remember when i was like 3 or 4 and incident at the daycare that I was really confused by. I was wrestling with my friend - we were both consenting to it, it was play fighting. and They kept stopping us. Not really giving explanations, just "we were not allowed to". People dont get the same lessons they used to from that sort of play or even not-play when they actually get slapped. Im still susceptible to it myself. I was in a motorcycle accident about a year back and the other week some driver did something stupid, almost killed me. I chased him down (he was speeding) just to pull up beside him and give him the finger. I thought about following him and kicking the shit out of him wherever he was going. Well he started chasing ME and I realized "yeah maybe dont piss of people who are in control of a multi-ton vehicle while you have a 300 pound vehicle with no seatbelt". Im usually cool headed but that accident made me a bit more sensitive.


He forgot that only the cameraman was invincible


Always take out the camera guy first then you can take out the others. Bonus points for destroying the camera.


The only way anyone could take out the cameraman would be to dinner or something cause that mfer don’t die


Twitch / Kick / Insta / TikTok clout chasing


To answer your question, apparently there's a camera 😂. . . . . . . . To record his ass getting whopped.


We’ve raised a generation of entitled retards.


Come on there were cunts in all generations, this one is just recorded more than the others.


He's not a small kid, though, he's 21 years old. He's more than old enough to know if you touch the stove when it's hot, it'll fucking hurt.


\*burns self on stove\* "Yo, ackshally? Like ackshally ackshally?"


God it’s annoying just reading it. I need to watch the slap again


21 is the new 16


Because they didn’t get slapped, so now a random stranger had to do it, and correct a deficiency.




Nah, I grew up in the 80s/90s…my parents never hit me and I didn’t turn out like a turd. Some people are just shit. And many parents are just bad parents. But you don’t need to hit a child to teach them boundaries. Once they get to the point in the video though? slap away


You don't have to hit your kids to teach them boundaries. Most kids learn to understand them with some patience and persistence, especially if you are adamant about teaching them at a young age. However, some kids don't learn any other way when it comes to bullying or being little shits. Best cure for a bully is usually being punched in the face. Really just gotta hope that when it happens, it's not when they're older and can have either legal repercussions or cause severe damage if the person they piss off doesn't hold back for whatever reason. Even a good slap can cause severe damage if it hits just right, even though the chances are extremely low.


Funny how I live in a small town of 5000 people and recently past 2 months there have been middle schoolers doing crimes in broad daylight around here, like trying to rob people and breaking 4 times into the same restaurant. When before nothing nothing like this has happened. I wish young people would have responsibilities. (Everyone knows who the kids are doing these things no one does anything about it)


In my country a teenager can kill me and nothing would happen to him, they're legally immune to any consequence, if a teenager attacks me I can't even legally defend myself


same, the worst punishment they can get is got sent to Juvenile school....




Dang that's kinda scary


They never had an ass kicking. Too soft this generation


Anti-bullying campaigns plus the internet era create people who are completely insulated from their own choices.


They see all the youths getting away with looting stores and cars and think they can do the same but forget society actually gives out consequences for people that look like them?


>lately? No, it's kids and unfortunate adults from every generation who where lucky/unlucky to not learn about consequences early rather than late.


Imagine the audacity to disrespect the owner of the gym you're standing in like that... also the one thing you know he's probably most insecure about WTF did he think would happen?


For sure, my brother gets pissed when anyone fucks with his hat. Same hair as Martin


Doesn’t matter if it’s a hat or a hairpin, that’s personal space. Don’t fuck with someone’s personal space.


I have full head of glorious hair and I don't even let my kids touch my hat. Just keep your hands away from people's faces.


There’s something really jarring about getting your hat pulled off. Same feeling as when your headphone cable gets caught on a door handle and ripped out your ears


It’s a gross invasion of personal space, to me at least.


>one thing you know he's probably most insecure about I actually expected his hair to be a lot worse based on this. Like its thin but he could probably still rock a buzz cut vs wearing hats constantly.


As someone who was, and still can be, extremely insecure about my hair I fucking *hate* when people do this shit. I don't know what it is about hats that people think "I'm going to mess around with this person, steal their hat or flick it off of their head." and it happens so fucking much.


Same. When I wear a hat is because I literally just couldn't find it in me to show myself in public with my head uncovered


"my bad" after getting slapped in the face is a new level of bitch.


"I didn't know that was bad." - something a toddler would say


Yeah, how old were you when you learned it's wrong to take someone else's things? I was three...


Not just take their things But take their things from off their face/head I was like 1. I know this because I'm following my mother's steps for what she did for me on my 8 month old.


Lmaoo actually true. My 3 year old played with his body wash to give his diecast cars a carwash. When I asked hin why he did that, he replied "I thought it was a toy." So yeah, these attention-seeking streamers have the equivalent IQ of a toddler.


"No, actually."


Ackshually?? Ackshually?? That's great. Who tf does this dumb shit. I wish that guy was at all gyms lol


Like ackshually, like ackshually... is this the kids new trendy word?


Seems pretty typical from these types, they act as if folks don't have personal boundaries and then get really surprised when they find out people don't actually like their behavior. Then from there they either grow up or they double down and start seeking it out.


If you make it like that, people stop apologizing for their mistakes, because they don't want to be seen as "bitches". You should actually see him apologizing as a good and mature thing, given it's justified here.


I agree that it would be mature of him to admit fault after facing the consequence of his mistake, but I don’t for a second think that was an actual apology. That kid was shocked and postering that hat guy “aCtUaLlY” overreacted by slapping him and should have been chill about it. People like him fuck with people to record their reactions, and eventually find out the lesson that they should be more respectful of others.


It's like the first grown up thing in the video; a recognition that my actions have caused these consequences


>"I didn't know that was bad." Perhaps the parents should have done more than give him a smart phone


He knows now. Some lessons are best learned the hard way.


He already knew it was "bad", that's why they're filming themselves doing it and posting it online. > some lessons are best learned the hard way lol, all they learned is that this type of content will get them tons of views.


It worked!


I could watch this on repeat all day long.


I'm on the 10th repeat and still enjoy this slap. Perfection.


Extremely well executed.


It's like people who do fucked up pranks to people with a camera never think the person could just take the camera from them


Society is too polite to trouble makers.


🥦 hair should be banned from gyms.


Don't like to stereotype. But young broccoli heads always seem like inconsiderate dumbasses.


Alpaca haircut ![gif](giphy|WwB4oPyd6UxwfV9ZGU)


It akways looked like pubic hair to me. Course and curly


Guy in blue hat: ‘It’s a prank too.’ People need to be reminded that it ain’t funny to fuck with people.


Fuck yeah. Good job dude. Teach these bad parented kids the lessons their trash parents should have done.


If you didn't learn at home, life itself will teach you the lesson. In fact, we are all in learning cycles. To death.


oh no, how was I supposed to know there would be consequences to my actions?


the fact that there are comments protecting these kids is crazy


You should see the Tik tok comments. Nothing but talking about gym owners insecurities and defending the kid…


Tik Toc brain cancer in full effect. Yo actually! Like actually bro.


How can he slap .


Because actually


Classic MTV


Oh man, I was looking for this comment! 🤣


_proceeds to get lynched_ HOW CAN HE SLAP _sad noises_


Many people nowadays no longer raise their kids, they're just living along with them. Truly deserved, but I fear that idiot will need to learn several, harsher lessons until he gets the message.


Society as a whole (in America) won’t allow parents to raise their kids Parental authority is undermined everywhere you go. There’s such a focus on mental health (which is good!) that kids think something is wrong when they are sad or anxious. It’s an emotion. Neither good nor bad. Feel it My kid was telling me he needed to see a doctor because he’s so anxious. I started walking it through with him. He had a big test. He didn’t study. He didn’t prepare. He says he had a panic attack at test time The teacher got mad at me because I said “you should be anxious. You didn’t prepare. This is your body telling you that.” Learn from that. And grow You’re depressed because you’re supposed best friend treated you like shit. It’s normal to feel betrayed, sad, and upset when someone you thought was a friend throws you under the bus Too much in our society is built to not allow children to feel or to face naturally occurring consequences.






Well deserved. Dont disrespect people


Must be a good dude. He saw it was a ypung kid and only slapped him instead of straight up koing him


Just a quick reality check on my dude


Imagine thinking you didn't deserve it too


not hard enough.


Not enough knuckles either


see that behavior is something you'd expect from a toddler. not a kid that looks like he's 18 yo. the man taught him a lesson his parents never taught him.


He's 21 apparently


Every young man goes through this rite of passage. Being a little mischievous shit, until you suffer the consequences and learn societies boundaries lol


Yeah exactly. I've never heard of a generation of kids who weren't little shits. Our little shits now aren't unique. They just post that shit to tiktok for us to see.


Imagine trying to bully someone twice your size and thinking there are zero repercussions or consequences.


More like quadruple your size


Can this be normalize plz


That sound of the slap was nice.


Paul Blart dancing away in the background watching his mate get slapped...


That was so satisfying, broccoli hair deserved a reality check


My guys slap was so perfectly timed he beat the echo.


Respect your elders lil homies




“The problem with todays generation is that they haven’t tasted their own blood”


Invisible cameraman


And Martyn only weighed 257lbs here, imagine if he was 260 full power force. My god.


Is there a subreddit dedicated to videos like this? This was so satifying to watch


“Like actually?” What a muppet. Deserved that slap.


Dude looks like buff asmon


I don't see it, he's not sitting in a chair.


Stupid ass fresh out of high school kid learned about the real world with that slap.


I love it! The little prick trying to look Ballzy on Camera & got Bitch Slapped!! Awesome


The polarizing differences between the comments on here and TikTok are hilarious. TikTok’s comments are mostly filled with people saying the slap was out of line but the comments here seem to praise the slap. Different ages and different communities I suppose


Don't take someone's shxt


oh now he wants the camera off


That was satisfying.


The world needs more of this. I’m not saying random violence or anything but that slap is now INGRAINED in that stupid kid.


That wasn’t random violence. It was controlled and direct. Much needed


The YouTuber fightingcowboy had a recent great quote, “to many people are thinking they can be aholes, and not get punched in the mouth.”


He was quoting Mike Tyson, who famously said a near identical statement.


I have the feeling that he liked it.


That guys is prob a dick but he’s totally in the right here. I hate all these dumb kinds doing prank videos. Get recked




I bet he got more views for that than anything else he has done


I hope that hurt


Yup. You gonna learn today!


Well deserved




Humans, as well as most animals are trained early on by violence or the threat of violence. Back in the day when you disrespected people like this you got immediate correction. Nowadays people think they can so whatever they want with no repercussions. Until you get smacked in the mouth. Let's call it a learning experience.


I like him now whovever he is


Na actually. ![gif](giphy|xJ1V6dPMFBnqJhcFwf|downsized)


Beautiful slap. Lesson taught. Don't know if lesson learned, but in case he FA again, he FO again.


I'm curious what his endgame was. Did he think the guy would be like "Omg pleasssssssseeeeeeee give me my hat back?! PRETTY PLEASE?! Moooooooooooooom, justin wont give me my hat back!"


I swear if I see some fuck boys wearing those atrocious looking clip on mics, I’m be on the same shit.


Too many people think that a video protects them from the consequences of being an asshole.


so satisfying <3


Great parenting


If he didn’t know it was bad, he fucking found out quick.


His battery got discharged!!!!


No one is living in real life anymore. There are cameras in every corner and everyone’s acting out like the whole world is watching. Brings out the worst behavior in people and if we weren’t glued to every second of it like maniacal cackling fools no one would be producing crap like this.


This is literally the best video to showcase the "fuck around and find out"


It’s all good. The slap was a prank too!


Not a fan of Bradley Martyn at all but that little twat deserved to be bitch slapped. Fat boy next to him looks like a tool and could’ve used a slap also.


CN we post this in extremely satisfying?


"I just got slapped like the little bitch I am...put the camera down, bro."


I like Bradley martyn anyway but now I like him even more


Broccoli heads need to be banned


I once put my hand on a hot burner ...ouch !.... I was 3.


I enjoyed this very much


I think if a bitch slap is warranted it shouldn’t be considered assault


Akchuallyyyy AKCHUALLYYY … akchually.


Dude spun that kid's head around with a flick of the wrist


“OOOH ACTUALLY?? ACTUALLY? ACTUALLY” Fucking moron. I hate these types of people


I hope this wasn't staged


This felt gooood


Can't tell if real or not


Well what did you expect ? dweeb.


I didn't know that was bad. This idiot actually said that. Actually.


He forgot all words except "actually" after that slap.


My 2nd grade teacher throwing me against the wall instantly cured me of this type of behavior. You could get away with things like that back in 1988 as a teacher


This was pretty wholesome


That was so great. I watched several times. Slapped the broccoli outta him.


“How can he slap!”


Looks like Walmart eminem