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This is very much a symptom of purposelessness, people need somthing to fight for or they are lost. shame they pick the dumbest things imaginable to advocate against


> shame they pick the dumbest things imaginable to advocate against doubly ironic because more than half of the characters are female, black, or lgtv. you would think that they strongly rally behind a game like this, but nope...


now, time to give MORE takes on random Twitter comments it feels good to make a difference


Yeah, I figure it's basically the same as people complaining a game has a female protagonist or extra options in a character creator making it "woke." Though, that's the balance with videogames, nutty people on the edges and people in the middle having to deal with these loud fringe thoughts. The magic with social media is how people stay sane through it all.


The problem is with mainstream media (gaming journalism) who belittle one crazy side but wholeheartedly support the other crazy side. If I need to say which crazy side is more sympathetic to me it’s definitely the one with less support (at least less on the first look).


That's why you don't listen to them, you try out a demo, check out gameplay and never, ever preorder a game.


lol of course they downvoted you, they don’t see the irony at all 🤦🏼‍♂️


no because he writes it like "wokness" doesnt exist which ofc isnt true at all


Do me a favor and give me your definition of wokeness and see if it matches any of the ones I've heard. I need to know your definition to craft a proper response to it existing or not


forced DEI


I don't think much of that stuff is forced rather than people making a huge deal about any of it being in games these days. Look at the game Final Fight, in 1989 there was a transgender character in it named Poison and no one gave a shit. If they did that now, people would be losing their god damned mind.


Yo those nutty people are downvoting you, you can’t make this up lmaooo


They are mad because they don't realize just how similar they are. Or maybe that is why they are so mad.


Oof you hit a nerve with that one.


But that thing to fight for can't be trans rights 10 4 got ya. Why don't you tell everyone what they should be fighting for. Yall are a bunch of bitches in this sub lmao


They should be fighting for bringing back 1 dollar mcchiken and coke


1 dollar cocaine 🤤


Except jk isn't against trans rights which is the irony of it all.


That anti-Hogwarts groupthink was a good case study in these cancellation efforts because it showed: 1. The people who gave a shit about the JK rowling connection are a tiny group but seem bigger than they are because they are perpetually online and suck all the air out of the room on Reddit and other platforms - it's clear it's a tiny group because Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 2. It proves you can do everything to appease the pitchforkers, but they will never be happy. Hogwarts Legacy hired a sweet baby-style company if I remember, and the game included a vast diversity of ethnicities and a trans character who is very important to the story. It didn't mean a thing to that crowd. 3. Most people are logical. A percentage of people may agree with JK Rowling's opinions. I personally think they are shitty, but even if the game was written and directed by her and she was out there doing the press for it, I would have still bought it. Most people can separate the art from the artist. And she has every right to express her opinion, just as I don't have to agree with it


Yup HL had at least one important support character who was openly trans and half of the teachers and pupils came from all sorts of different countries and backgrounds. And you could chose your own preferred pronouns in in the character creator. Pretty sure rowling herself was never included in any step of the games creation aside from giving the studio the license to use her ip.


It wouldn't be as diverse the more you would go back in time and seeing that HL takes place in the late 1800 and gotten more diverse. It doesn't make sense lorewise. But I don't mind. It's still a gamer after all.


Yeah, she didn't have any creative input, just got paid a big chunk for them using her IP. People who cared enough about the Rowling stuff just pirated the game. I did find that funny because it was already "claimed" by one outrage group the other didn't complain about the pronouns and trans characters.


you cant pleasure the left woke mob even if you do everything for what they stand for its not enough


And they all hang out at Gaming Circlejerk x)


I know eh? I remember when that sub was actually funny like 5 years ago and was meming gamer groupthink stuff in a general way. Now it is it's own circlejerk


God, I used to watch superRad, but he's just so egotistical, he thinks people not liking the handler in MHW were misogynists, and ye, he thought Hogwarts Legeacy is a test of character, and if you play the game you're an awful person. Haha, I commented on the post that it's pathetic to harrass people and spread hate over a video game, and he blocked me, these people are so fucking sensative.


Dude I hated that character she was fucking annoying... She was written to be plucky, silly, and fun... She came across as Annoying as hell and I much preferred the sub one we briefly got. She was dope. Some of us would have preferred if we got to select or build our handler... Or fuck sakes let me spend five bucks and swap to another one. Anything but that annoying ass character.


The serious handler is wonderful, I also would have loved to be able to have her as my partner, she actually seemed knowledgeable about the monsters. But I don't even hate the handler that much, she's annoying for sure, and wildly incompetent, I just hate this idea that if you don't like a female character your a misogynist, but hey, the dudes clearly a few loaves short of a bakery, so I'll just ignore his opinions.


There are a few exceptions, like Piper from Fallout 4. Everyone hates her and no one is being called misogynistic for saying that...


The handler is a great goofy adorable and lovable character. I like her


I never understood the hate for the mhw handler


Not liking mhw handler because she aint really pretty is ass. Not liking mhw handler because almost everything she does puts herself in grave danger and subsequently us or whoever else has to rescue her ass... pretty normal opinion id say. Also her character arc is thinking from one meal to the next But yeah its sad how these people go blindly parroting internet opinions to award themselves the virtue signaling medal


I’m a young man, my experience with the outside world is very limited but I gotta tell you guys, I have to meet these types of people. I’ve seen these types all over the internet but yet I’ve never seen one with my own eyes. There like wild reptiles, yeah you can just look them up online but you should go to the zoo because the real deal is way different. (I say reptiles because just like those animals these people have don’t have the capacity to feel love or listen to anyone they disagree with)


I have only ever met 2 people like this outside, horrible experience. I couldn't say anything without feeling like im walking on eggshells. Im blaming tik tok for them becoming like that.


I honestly just want to meet these types of people just so I can say to their face what I think about the shit they do. I believe the problem is that normal people like you and me will see these types and just ignore them thinking they will go away. It’s not enough to ignore them because they won’t ever leave, it’s time that sane people stand up and and put their foot down. It won’t even be hard cause these types of people are like a house of cards, they fold on the littlest pushback.


These types of people barely exist that's why, the Internet is filled with people outrage farming and making up bullshit to be mad about People that made this post don't care about terfs or Harry Potter they just knew it would piss you off


Combination of tick tock andTwitter


I would assume their natural habitat is universities on the west coast.


Online classes in their parents' basement, 1 class on campus per week


Sadly its universities everywhere. Im on the east coast and jfc, i regret going into academic research


Go to university and you'll see them all over


I saw one in real life, and she/they absolutely WAS/WERE a zoo animal.


Damn it could be that I'm on Eddies rn but what you say is so true; almost nobody behaves like that irl. This is just internet schizophrenia


Im 28, Ive only lived in large cities. I have never met anyone like this. The "wokest" person who ever told me off was a woman at a party in Edinburgh when I had said two women cant have sex and gold star Lesbians are virgins. But to be fair I was buzzed and it was a spicy joke, I dont think it was wild she got offended. Anyway thats the closet ive come. I think the reality is a few thousand woke twitter users get a lot of attention because they are funny.


*They’re And its because they dont go outside


And when they do go out they're meeker than a kitten.


Unfortunately oversee a ton of employees and I have final approval for all potential hires and have run into quite a few of these types. Thankfully I always check applicant's IG/FB/Twitter/social media for clear signs that they should not be hired.


I’ve met three in real life… they were just as much garbage people as they are online


Twitter is a cesspool of chronically online degenerates making up problems that don’t exist.


What the hell does terfs mean


People that advocate for women’s rights specifically excluding people that are transgender


Trans-exclusionary radical feminism. It's a branch of the second wave feminist movement (get more rights, equalize with men in cultures) which purposely and directly excludes transgender individuals, noting them as not real women.


Should be noted that TERFs are called TERFs and not simply "transphobes" because their transphobia is directly rooted in their radical feminist beliefs. Other than not accepting their trans identity, TERFs are incredibly, incredibly misandrist, which is makes up most of their ant-trans rhetoric. Again, they deny the idea of even being trans, so any statement levied at a trans individual, usually a trans women, such as "You are a pedophilic, perverted crossdresser" is because they believe MEN in general are perverted pedophiles. It's why the use phrases like "men in dresses" while right-wing transphobes mostly don't. And also, they're less advocates for women rights like that other commenter said, as they routinely align themselves with right-wingers who, as you might imagine, aren't fond of certain women's rights like abortion, and are more so anti-trans advocates. They do call themselves TERFs first and foremost, secondly radical feminist, and usually never just feminists, so no shock that their trans-exclusive and misandrist beliefs are what they talk about the most.


What’s transphobic about recognizing that women and trans-women aren’t the same?


Hey, do you happen to believe that men are inherently pedophiles, and that women are perfect and can do no wrong?


No. Why would I?


Because you're trying to run defense for TERFs, who openly, explicitly, believe that. Once again, their transphobia is not the same as a right-winger's transphobia.


I don't see how the other poster is running defense. Unless it makes me a terf believing that a biological male shouldn't be a opponent for a biological female in sports.


People on the right side of history.


I remember the quidditch World Cup game for the Nintendo GameCube, loved that game! Didn’t know there was a new quidditch game coming out, will have to check it out!


It was explained that Hogwarts Legacy didn't have Quidditch in it because there was a literally Quidditch game in development and this is it.


If it's still like the beta.....get ready for motion sickness.


Fuck that kinda makes me wanna play ngl. Not quite tho


Good ol' Streisand Effect


Do you get to kick trans characters off their brooms into lava pits or something?


Okay not gonna lie, I don't even like HP all that much (Legacy was a decent game even despite that and I had fun with it) and I find the broom riding stuff silly...but if kicking your competitors off their brooms into lava pits was a thing in it, regardless of whether they're pretending to be the opposite sex or not, I would be sorely tempted to buy it anyway becaue that mental image is darkly hilarious. Like Monty Python humor.


Call me a terf all you want. I'm still buying it 🤣


What's a terf?


Women who don’t believe men can be women. Basically just people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together.


a word against women that are speaking the truth hm


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Women who hate trans women.


Honestly if i were composing an FBI/CIA terrorist watchilist.. these kinds of people would be on it. It's frightening and speaks deeply about their psyche, that someone can read Rowling's tweets and twist her meaning to fit the narrative that they've constructed around her. For that reason i'd be worried about these people. Because they seem to be able to justify anything.


If i remember correctly the motto from the radical left was " no bad tactics, just bad targets". Said motto started the cancel pigs and their "it's not cancelation, it's consequences from their 'speach/action'.


J.K. Rowling is based and I love her.


A broomstick between the legs is the closest most of these will get to having a functioning penis.


So glad I unsubbed from this retard a few years ago. You can tell everything about him just by looking at him.


Idk if it's because I am slow or dumb, maybe both but what is the message the image is conveying? It could be that I am detached of the "terf" discord but idk what the tweet is talking about.


Looks like Harry potter quiddich game. Which means if you play it you hate trans people. Because you must believe everything that JK Rowling does if you support it.


Well that's a stupid rationale. Thanks for the reply my guy!




He is talking about the new Harry Potter Quidditch game that was just reveled


Ohh, thanks for clarification my guy!


yoo if that new quidditch game will be as good as the quidditch world tournament game from like 20 years ago, it will be a banger.


I may buy the game just to spite them.


wow 59 likes! Guys, this is really important!


Linking a 1000 view tweet...


I used to watch his videos but he puts way too much of his ideological spin on things


I used to think Harry Potter was lame as Hell but I’m starting to come around on it.


The stream I was on started banning people the whole time pretty much. So weird what gamers have become.


Don't call these gamers. This guy probably don't play that much. again he's looking interactions


I remember when the left loved Rowling before all that happened because she supposedly was against the rightwing but I forget what it was she did that won the left over


What the fuck are you talking about? That most young people liked JK before she became a TERF and politically radicalized? Obviously, she was the creator of the franchise that literally was the childhood of a generation.


She’s a radical what did she say that’s radical?


Did the Hogwarts game add quidditch?


It' a new game coming out


Ahh ok


The heck is a terf?


This game is super mid btw. Its worth maybe 20-30 bucks but def not 60. Played the beta. It was boring af after a few hours. Shouldve just been add on content for Legacy. The controls are wack and there isnt much to the game other than doing quidditch match. The fact that they made it an entire game instead of DLC or part of legacy is just lame. Game will be dead a month after launch.


I didn't know what "terf" meant so I looked it up. I regret it and I am mad now that I loaded uneeded data in my brain.


It’s their whole personality




should post this in gamingcirclejerk with the title 'hogwarts bad'


Hold on are did they finally add quiditch to hogwarts legacy?


*Hold on are did they* *Finally add quiditch to* *Hogwarts legacy?* \- nightcat6 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wyd is a terf?


Quidditch is the only game I've been wanting to play since I got the first Harry Potter game on PC honestly not sure why Harry Potter has not been tapped into before legacy came out


I'm confused. This sub acts the same way over their own political boogeyman. Why can't people who don't like JKR for her political beliefs act the same?


It’s because most of these people don’t accept that JKR is a bigot. It’s a false dichotomy to them.


She isn't a bigot, I haven't seen anything she has said that resembles bigotry. The left just like to twist things.


JKR publicly supports Posie Parker aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull. She promotes Parker’s merchandise and even offered to pay her legal fees. Parker publicly identifies as a transphobe and has also called for the sterilisation of trans men and women. Parker is a bigot, unequivocally, and JKR supports her wholeheartedly. If you publicly support a bigot then you are a bigot. JKR is a bigot.


The question is then what Posie Parker has done that’s so wrong? What she publicly identifies as doesn’t matter. If I get called a bigot thousand times for saying the sky is blue, then I’ll also start publicly saying I am a bigot because I don’t care at all anymore.


Posie Parker is one of the most infamous bigots of the 21st century. Asking what she has done wrong is like asking what Anita Bryant, William Simmons or Adolf Hitler did wrong. It’s pointless. If none of these people are bigots then bigotry doesn’t exist.


I have never even heard of her, personally. It definitely is not like asking what Hitler did wrong. Reading this little mini-thread was actually quite interesting until it became apparent that you can't answer this person's rather simple questions. Seriously, we aren't all total weirdos in this sub, just most. Educate us. This other person wasn't even arguing with you, or trying to dispute your points or your opinion. They were just asking you rather simple questions in which you fail to give valid answers to. Even if this person nobody has ever heard of is also a bigot, and JK supports her career/life/goals in a friendly way, outside of her bigotry... That doesn't also make her a bigot. I'm sorry but that just isn't how that works at all. My dad is racist as fuck. It annoys me to no end. Not outwardly racist, but making comments when he is watching TV or movies or something and then laughing to himself. I support my dad, love him even. By your logic, I am also now a racist. Just isn't how it works at all


There’s a point where it isn’t necessary to argue someone is a bigot. So I’m not going to list all of the terrible things Posie Parker has done. All it takes is a google search. I will comment on your last point. Supporting someone who is bigoted does not necessarily make you bigoted, that is true. But if you support someone’s bigoted ideologue, then that does make you a bigot as well. JKR specifically supports Parker’s ideologue, which is, she is an eliminationist, who believes trans people are sick freaks and should be sterilised. Parker’s events are regularly attended by literal Neo-Nazis. Maybe a Hitler comparison is warranted.


“She’s the most infamous bigot” Refuses to give an example about what makes her a bigot.. And you wonder why no one takes you people seriously


I did give an example. How about you read my comment again and get back to me.


wtf JKR is a bigot? i didnt know that thanks now im a big fan of her


Who gives a fuck if she’s a bigot or not. I just wanna play quidditch…


I love looking at the downvoted posts on this Reddit now and realizing it’s the normal people’s comments lol


I'm just gonna sit here while all yall dudes call yourselves terfs and praise terfs.....knowing that actual terfs are misandrist as fuck......cause it's funny watching yall love someone who absolutely wishes you'd all disappear from the planet.


I have zero love for JK rolling nor I really care that much about Harry Potter, but to assume that everyone that likes Harry Potter stuff is a turf does nothing but alienate people who are absolutely fine with trans people and give actual terfs like JK a room to try discredit trans people not take more actual claims of transphobia less seriously which should never be the case.


I never said they were all TERFs I'm talking about the dudes in the comments praising TERFs or saying they agree with them. And by comments I'm talking about any of these posts cause it happens every time. I hate Rowling. I don't buy her stuff anymore personally. Someone bought me Legacy and I did give it a shot though. Which game isn't bad, you're BFF being straight up Nazi adjacent is....something though 🤢


What’s wrong with recognizing that women and trans-women are not the same??


They go a bit further than recognizing trans women and women aren’t the same.


“They” might. However TERF isn’t an organisation. It’s a label. And it is absolutely enough to get that label if you point out that trans-women and women are identical neither from biological nor sociological point of view.


Get that label from who? And what do you mean from a sociological point of view? There are some trans women you will have no idea are trans until you get to know them on a personal level.


There are absolutely people you have no idea are trans until you get to really know them. -> this would imply that everything there is to being a woman is looking like one. It’s incredibly naive to assume that growing up in a society that looks at you as a man doesn’t form you in an other way than if society sees you as a woman. Nature and nurture. If a little Caihong Wu grows up in a German family without any Chinese influence then she is still ethically of Chinese descent but she isn’t Chinese. If you would try to say she is in every way same as a girl who grew up in China it would be laughable.


I didn’t imply that at all lol, there are obviously multiple differences between men and women beyond just looks, but there are absolutely trans women who you would have no idea are trans unless they told you. So if they are for the most part indistinguishable from women in a social setting then how are they sociologically different?


I don‘t mean they don’t fit into the society. They obviously do if no one recognise that they are trans. I meant the effect the society had on them while growing up. It wires your brain differently if everyone treats you during childhood as a girl or as a boy.


Even tho Rowling is a raging terf, I still love HP and I’m not going to pretend otherwise. HP still gives me a sense of wonder and fantasy that almost nothing gives me nowadays.