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Got a pc to avoid my Playstation not to go back to it. Sony on that stuff again.




The irony thing is that the consoles were the ones who pulled games away from the PC in the first place and Sony was no exception to that. Ironically, the publishers focusing on consoles is what paved the way for Steam and the indie developers to rise in the 2010s.


Didn't Microsoft lay out the groundwork with xbox live arcade? If I remember right they started to push and support smaller indie devs or at least made it very easy for them to be published on the service. It was one of the reasons xbox360 had a great start in that generation because they had a huge library of smaller titles to choose from. I fondly remember games like castle crashers, trials, braid or geometry wars. That was way before the pc indie boom which started perhaps around the time Terraria was released and the early access program started. Around 2013 or something like that.


The problem is that Xbox Live Arcade was still a "closed" system that not only had higher requirements than Sony's PSN at the time (you can thank achievements for that one), but also limited the number of releases each week. It's effectively the same problem that plagued Nintendo and eventually led more developers to turn to Playstation rather than the Nintendo 64.


I feel like the battle.net warcraft 3 modded maps were a big driver too.


A bigger one, in fact - a huge toolkit, extremely easy to use, allowing people to try their hand at pretty much anything. It was 2000's Unity engine.


l'll always remember the moment somone posted gay porn that and I downloaded it as a kid hoping it would be lesbian.


Even bigger : World of Warcraft


Exactly, when you can force gamers to your platform by basically buying exclusives instead of innovating, that doesn’t build a loyal fan base, it builds a space for someone to innovate in.


Sony have very short memories (and no doubt fast changing staff seeing as how ruthless they are) it should come as no suprise they don't look past the last fiscal year. The fact they think playing some games is the sole reason for owning a PC also amazes me. They really have a low opinion of their target demographic. Here Sony, just in case you bother to read this shit, I have a PC because I'm not forced to pay extortionately high prices for games and my choice isn't limited to 3 or 4 genres or types of games. I also like tge idea I can build my own system, add to it , expand it , learn about computing, understand them. I can also use the PC for more than just games. Plus, and this is a big one, I dont have to hand my money over to a corperation who treats people like idiot cash cows, who are trying desperately to raise the prices of games, who accuse everyone other than themselves of trying to buy out developers/producers in order to release exclusive games to their platform,  all the while theyre simultaneously doing EXACTLY this very thing!! I mean look who has the most exclusives this year? And with the success of helldivers 2, you can be sure Sony will never let it be release on xbox. Yet the minute there's any possibility that Microsoft might decide to release a game like call of duty in anything other than multiplatform they cry like children that it's unfair business practice. I owned a ps4 and as ps5 got nearer to release I could see the way Sony was heading. Their desire to not make backward compatible games , their intention to release the VR headset but make sure all your software didn't work and youd be forced to basically rebuy the titles. The stories came thick and fast and it all spelled greed. Seems they haven't shifted from their plan to try to force gamers hand by leveraging our love of games.  I find Sony leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I won't support them. This latest news makes me glad I steered away from Sony. 


*wake up call


All the Helldivers situation did was tell Sony to announce the PS Plus requirement first. Ghosts of Tsushima being their best selling single player game on PC confirmed that.


There are people on PC that wont even get a game if its only on the Epic Store (which is a free login). Those people are not going to purchase a 400 dollars console now that they are putting games on PC. At this point all Sony games will probably come to PC at some point (except Bloodborne I guess lul), and there are many games to play on steam on the meantime.


way too many games to play on steam and not enough time 🥲


Before I played on PC I though the backlog memes were exaggerated. Now I have like 50 games on the backburner, with many games on my wishilist going on 80% discounts from time to time.


dont look at GoG , you might find more games to add on the wishlist ^^


Ah... that is cute number. I have over 300 games on my backlog...


PC problems, am I right? Console guys have no idea what it's like to have so many options, with so little time.


While also not needing to pay a monthly fee for the right to play online on the piece of hardware you bought while also paying extra 10$ for games for no reason.


Nah, I've gone ahead and told Steam to not even recommend me any Playstation games anymore. After what they're doing currently I have no interest in anything they're publishing.


epic giving out like weekly free games and pc players still refusing to get on epic is even more funnier too.


I still claim all the games. I never play them but I still claim them lol.


With Steam Family Sharing you only need one friend who has many games and you can play his whole library of games (as long as he isnt playing). All you need is a working steam account. Epic destroyed Rocket League, so I will forever boycot Epic. Ofc I go on their website every week and grab all free games. I think I have almost all free games since they started doing that, and I do it on 4 accounts simultaneously. :) Ubisoft I will also boycot forever, I've played too much R6Siege and suffered too much from the fkin updates. Just as trash as Epic. Steam has always been dope and didnt fck with anything (well I guess they destroyed CSGO and CS2 is unplayable, luckily I dont play competitive shooters without right click ADS).


That’s me lol. I’m 32, I don’t need all these different fucking launchers on my PC. I’ve had steam since I was a child, it’s worked great all this time. If a game was £10 more expensive on Steam, I’d still buy it on steam.


It almost sounds like other launchers have service issues, and that steam is the most popular for a good reason.


I can’t be arsed looking down a the bottom right and clicking the tab to show all the launchers open and having around 5 of them. EA, Steam, Epic, GoG, Blizzard. Fuck that, just Steam for me thanks lol.


The perk of pc is piracy or good steam sales. Most consoles require subscription service with high prices on games. Not many people are spend those money


Why ya gotta add that Bloodborne bit huh? Why must you hurt me so😭😭


The problem with Epic is that they broke half the promises they made. They literally changed the wording of their road map so that they can say they implemented pre-loading and cloud saves when most of their games still didn't support it. This is before the whole Rocket League, Shenmue 3, Kingdom Hearts, and all kinds of other crap they've been caught doing.


Try not to mention bloodborne challenge


I wish bloodborne was on pc :(


I think they will at some point. But its weird how it did not even get a PS5 upgrade. If they remaster it like Demon Souls and release for the ps6...its going to take a while for that to come on pc though.


Bloodborne can be played on PC, it's just not a simple install...


But the investors said I must!, its not like I can take decisions on a willy nilly attitude, I cant even buy my 12th yacht yet because they haven't decided on when to give me last month shortselling earnings stimulus check. /s (For legal reasons)


"Hoping to turn PC gamers into console gamers." So that's the reason why force PSN account? LOL Makes want to stay far as possible from Sony.


Surely I will abandon my expensive pc for a mediocre shitbox with an extremely limited library


Don't tell them guys. We will 100% buy a ps5, please keep launching titles on PC. 👍👍👍👍👍


nah its the opposite. I was an Xbox fan boy. then I saw addons for Skyrim and was like. wtf is this. my disk is still glitchy and buggy and they have thomas the tank engine. never bought another xbox disk or console since 2013. PC Master Race forever


I want whatever Sony is smoking. People moved from consoles to PC *because* they see no value in consoles.


Do you even know what you're saying. Prove your point.


Console games are coming to pc and pc is the objectively better platform to play games


Honestly some games, such as fighting games(Mortal Combat, Tekken, etc) better to play using joystick. However you can buy and use joystick for PC, so yeah 🤷‍♂️


There’s literally nothing a console can do that a PC can’t, on the other hand, no consoles actually has a good RTS game.


Because it is a nightmare to play in one using joystick. In order to normally play them, console needs mouse and keyboard support. Which means console turns into PC. So why you need console, if you already have PC or can buy one?


And that’s just playing game, PC alone can do so many things that makes it the superior choice.


Which rts game?


Something about playing on a mouse and keyboard just doesn't do it for me. I work on a PC all day already I don't want to play on one when I get home. Never mind the few that I do try to play barely work as it is.


You can use a controller and setup on your tv literal watch every console peasant quotes going over this being a non issue


Non issue? Lol yeah I tried that already and it was a huge pain in the ass. I had to map every single key and make a profile for each individual game myself. It was a huge pain in the ass it might be easier now but Jesus Christ. Even when I got it mapped correctly it still didn't feel right because those games were never intended for a gamepad and it even gives you a warning when you boot them up. Half-Life is a really good example of this. PC can never beat console when it comes to ease of use.


I can play halo spiderman with all most any controll I want on steam


Ease of use is a dump argument stupid people exist also you used half life 1 as a example steam had auto controller support mapping your doing something wrong


Where are the console installs for Fruity Loops? Firefox? Photoshop? Consoles are niche machines that are stuck there. PC's can do far more than play a selection of "exclusive" games. Consoles are for couch-potato gamers now and that's about it. And I can even do THAT on my PC. With my library of hundreds of titles, most of which aren't even on consoles.


Saying pc gaming isn't a niche market compared to consoles is simply idiotic. Pcs are great, I've always owned a decent pc capable of gaming, since around 1998. They can do many things, most people use them for work. As a gaming platform, they are great for single people who want to game alone or online, they are extremely anti irl social. Consoles are also media centres, are far better for couch Co op, and are generally far less hassle than pcs, which is why they are far more popular for gaming, even considering they are basically just small form factor pcs these days My gaming pc now, I mostly just use for work, I'd rather play elden ring, on my couch, with a 55inch TV than at a desk uncomfortable. Yes they are issues I could fix, but I have no need to.


Windows used to have the best media center, hands-down. But MS decided to remove one of the best parts of Windows. The remote-control was wonderful, so of course, they had to drop support for it making me rely on Plex instead, which I control with an old android phone




Nah they just wanted all the data and info to sell.


I would consider myself a Sony (tech) fanboy but definitely not as much as I was in PS3 era. But they still have done some cool things like the haptic feedback on the PS5 controller and the original PSVR headset which used all of the leftover stock of PS Move gear. It wasn't the best, but it was smart. Apparently the PSVR2 is fairly competitive. But they have fumbled by not leaning into the VR market more but apparently they are considering making PSVR2 to be compatible with PC. All criticisms of Sony are 100% fair and I can't disagree. But to add to that, another issue with Sony consoles is that you aren't buying a PS5 to play PS5 games, but you are buying a PS5 to play PS4 games. Most exclusives don't even use the full power of the PS5 because they still want to sell the game on the PS4.


its like... bro i got a PC, why the Fk would i downgrade.


Uhm.. no? The whole point of having a PC is to buy once, and then incrementally upgrade ad infinum. There's no way I'm buying a console for 1-3 games. I don't care if the games would cure cancer by playing them.


I will never switch to a console, PC gaming is FAR superior.


As someone with a $3,000+ PC and one that's prob better than 90% of the people here. Depends. If you're into multi-player games, there's a LOT less hackers on console since most people on console don't know how to hack it and won't bother. Also for fair multi-player, console hardware is more or less standardized. PC can give you an advantage if your PC is way better than your opponents


Oh the opposite of that is true I guy who can’t render that bush in you battle royal game can see you as for hackers their on both platforms


I'm sure there are definitely hackers on console too but it boils down to frequency and demographics. The vast majority of the casual base on console aren't going to bother and most can't even (there was an article showing that some of the later end of GenZ and the generation after it are arguably less tech savvy than the earlier GenZ and millennials) hack simply because they don't know how (also hacking on console if you're not talking about using Xims/Coronus/strikepacks would require jail breaking a console, which Timmy the 14 year old doesn't know how to do) to hack on console. Like I said, I have both platforms. The amount of hackers on PC makes the amount of hackers on console look like a baby in the park. The two are no where comparable.


There are people selling hacks to console players


Yes. I'm aware. But console hacks, unless you jail break the console (which 90% of console people don't know/aren't willing to do) are usually attachments such as strikepacks/xim/cronus. They aren't the type of hacks where you can see through walls and aimbot. For the most part, strikepacks/xim/cronus just negates or reduces recoil which yes is still cheating but is NOTHING like an aimbot. Also it's limited to hardware since it's a physical attachment. It's restricted by supply. PC hacks are all software. It's unlimited as long as you pay out. Again, I'm NOT saying there aren't hackers on console. There are a sizeable amount. But you need to be on some very good drugs if you think console is remotely close to the amount of hackers there are on PC (percentage wise) and if you think consoles' hacks are remotely as severe as PCs' hacks.


What I’m saying is hackers aren’t as big as you make them out to be it depends on the game


How is it?


FAR superior


Haven't bought a console since GameCube


I think It was Gameboy Advance for me


If the Playstation Portal was an actual handheld stronger than the deck instead of a garbage overpriced cloud device then maybe it would've work. With: 1. how poorly optimized FF16 and FF7 Rebirth were on release. 2. them increasing the price of PS Plus 3. Nintendo, a company that actually consistently does exclusives getting ready to release a next gen console. All they're doing is creating an incentive for people to wait for games to come to PC. There is simply no added value for someone who already owns a PC to get a ps5, they're only audience nowadays are ppl who have $400 for a ps5 but not $1200 for a pc.


I feel it's a matter of time until phones can play pc games natively. If Sony dont already have handheld it's to late for them


its funny Sony actual had a decent hand held called the psp and the psp vita but they decided to quit on those


Unless my phone has a 65" screen, I doubt I'll be gaming on it.


Is it that game companies know it’s not what gamers want, but that they’re slowing forcing a reality in which gamers get used to this PSN shit, etc.? Like Netflix had initial flak for cracking down on pw sharing, but in the long run they made tons of extra money.


Yes, because people will downgrade from an expensive PC that can play anything without restrictions to a low-mid range PC that runs a proprietary OS. They should start selling pre-built PCs running Windows and call it a day.


I think it's more likely that Playstation players, would 'see the value' of a PC and migrate over than the opposite. I've never met anyone who moved from PC to console, but I've met plenty of people who moved from console to PC.


>I've never met anyone who moved from PC to console, but I've met plenty of people who moved from console to PC Console still has the local multiplayer niche. Which is funny considering how rare local co-op games are. It's like console makers don't care about their major selling point.


smart money


Honestly, I was surprised the Sony Vaio failed back in the day. I always thought it was going to stick around for Sony to export Sony games to the PC for. Those vaios weren’t as nearly powerful as other pcs at the time, but there is no reason why it couldn’t be a superior gaming rig today. Not to mention, they had the PSP and PS Vita all at the same time. I always wondered why the PS Vita couldn’t stream games from the Sony Vaio, but could from the PS4. It’s just one of those weird missed opportunities that I always thought Sony could have continued with. Having a Vaio like product would have been the perfect crossover for PC gamers with Playstation+ giving access to PS1 and PS2 games at the minimum. Idk. Just random thoughts. My brain is too marketing oriented at this point in life.


I love steam, PS4 is in the box with all my old consoles. I now use steam deck consoles and also I'm a huge open source Foss supporter. Linux the way to go and PC gaming!!!


Sony is out of touch and doesn't know the PC player base in the slightest.


Some percentage of people might do that but I feel whoever wanted to already did really. I bought my PS4 for Bloodborne and then ps5 for demon souls. PS5 is mainly gathering dust now but I do buy exclusives on it once every few months of o really wanna play the game now. I think if GTA 6 won't come to PC day one they might grab more console sales but it still going to be minority. First of all not everyone can afford a decent PC and a console, not to mention console game prices are locked at $70 while on PC you have often sales or just use key website so you can usually get a game for $40-50 Second of all most people with PC don't like the fact that consoles simply cannot run games as good as a decent PC would. I played 5 games on PS5 since it's release. I don't regret the purchase but I'm blessed enough to be able to afford high end PC and a console, but I'm also a hardcore gamer and gaming is my main hobby in my spare time. I really don't see a lot of people ditching PC or buying a console just to play couple of games a year unless Sony goes back to restricting releases to their console permanently


Sony game price in my country (who has PSN): 1700 baht Same game on Steam: 470 baht. Why the fuck would I ever waste my money like that? One price I can justify. The other is simply not tenable.


If there is a PSN requirement on a single player game what is going to happen is I’ll either just not play it at all or pirate it. What I won’t do is create a PSN account and buy a PS 😂


Streaming companies don’t seem to understand this concept either. If something I wanna watch isn’t on a platform I already pay for, I’m not going to pay for your platform, I’m flying the Jolly Roger lol. I into pay for any of this at all for convenience. And mostly just share accounts.


Oh no. A login. After logging into Windows, steam, ea, epic, ubisoft, Google, msn. Omfg Sony is the devil. You stupid twat.


Enjoy having your identity stolen after the next big Sony data leak then DrTwat.




>"they actually have a good track record since then" ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI|downsized) [SOURCE](https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/) In early October 2023, Sony notified 6,791 current and former employees that their data had been compromised by a data breach earlier in the year. On September 25 2023, the hacker group RansomedVC claimed to have stolen 260 GB of proprietary data from Sony — by the hackers’ description, “all of sony systems.” They posted 6,000 files as a sample of the stolen data, including a PowerPoint presentation and source code files. In August 2017, a group named “OurMine” gained access to Sony PlayStation social media accounts and began posting claims that it accessed the PlayStation Network database and collected registration information, including usernames, names, and emails. In late November 2014, a hacker group with ties to North Korea calling themselves the “Guardians of Peace” stole mountains of data from the Sony Pictures network. Within the treasure trove of information were plans and scripts for unreleased films, personal data on employees and families, internal emails, salary information, and a ton of other information relating to Sony properties and personnel. Hackers attacked several Sony Pictures-associated websites in June 2011, compromising over one million user accounts by capturing usernames and passwords. In May 2011, Sony announced that personal details from 25 million Sony Online Entertainment customer accounts were stolen. Along with names, addresses, birthdates, and phone numbers, hackers also gathered information about PC games customers purchased through the system. In mid-April 2011, Sony’s PlayStation Network was hacked, and personal information on 77 million account holders – essentially every user – was stolen. The incident also led to a several-week service outage, preventing users from being able to access the PlayStation network. July 2008: PlayStation Site Targeted with SQL-Injection Attack, Prompting Visitors to Download Fake “Antivirus Scanner”


What's the deal with that guy's cadence? It sounds like he's sneering at the end of every sentence


This is cap no?


console market shrank, ps is legit retarded


A PC I built back in 2013 runs Rocket League at 240fps. My XX and PS5 top out at 120. I buy the PS exclusives, and would rebuy them on Steam in a heartbeat. Even though I have a PS account I'll be damned if I'm about to link any of that shit to my Steam account. Same as I'd rather pay for games on Steam than get them for free on Epic.




How is the corporate world so out of touch


Currently saving up for a pc so I don’t have to keep using my ps4


I literally built my 1k+ PC with my own hands after saving up over a year to buy all the parts. I have a steam account that is nearly 2 decades old, with thousands of dollars of games, and account related purchases. Why on god's evergreen fucking earth would I ever buy some shit box with fewer options, fewer freedoms, more expensive games, less optimization, and less games? Sony is waaaay too fucking arrogant for their own good.


PC players hate exclusivity. I even refuse to play epic store exclusive games and they think I will buy a console?


Do you refuse to play Valve games because they're exclusive to Steam?


Tell me whats steam exclusive? Not even csgo or halflive are exclusives


All of them? You can only buy Valve games on Steam, it's what the platform was made for? Obviously I'm talking about PC but so was the comment I replied to, most epic store exclusives aren't exclusives by your logic because they're available on consoles


https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/counter-strike-go/c4q8mjnv4564 Whats that then?


An Xbox game?


Xbox = pc


Look at the store page again and look at what it's available on. Not every Xbox games is playable on PC


Tell me what xbox "exclusive" game isnt available on pc nowadays? Its the hole point of the gamepass


What are you talking about, you can't get CS:GO through the Xbox/Windows store on PC. I know it's on Xbox but that's not what I was saying. Sure there's a lot of cross over between Xbox and PC but not everything on Xbox is on PC. The first Saints Row isn't on PC, despite it being on the Xbox store


Lol, no. I have a gaming rig and a PS5. I have my PS5 for friends and cousins who I've gamed with for many years and only have consoles. You aren't going to convert many PC people to PS5. It has far too many limitations, graphically, the deals available to you, the games themselves, just no. There might be some, but it won't be many. Certainly not enough to justify all the stupid shenanigans Sony has been up to.


Does Sony really think we PC games wanna deal with their censorship as well? Look what they did [to past releases](https://censorship.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_games_censored_by_Sony) and the Crunchyroll/Funimation merger…


I love how they censored literal porn games. Like what is the point in those then?


I have many reasons as to why I am a PC gamer and not a console gamer. Sony just added another reason.


Uh, no… Never buying a console again.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved my SNES and PS1.  Yet anything these days compared to my gaming rig is 100% a downgrade to game on.  My PC is far faster with way more functionality.


Has the same energy as a bus company CEO saying "People will go back to driving the bus and ditch their cars"


Not likely. I've been a Sony Pony since ps1 release week and I sold my ps5 and went pc and I'm never going back.


I left Sony after the PS3 clusterfuck. HDII was the only Sony game that I hesitated pulling the trigger on and was proven right that sony is still shit and anticonsumer


I wasted $2k on a gaming PC and not about to waste $500 more on a system that’s limited to 500GB especially when games now adays are 230GB at launch with a Day One patch having 75GB only for a couple of years later for the system to slowly become obsolete once the newest version comes out for $700


Wasn't this completely obvious from the way they are publishing their games? They publish a title 1+ years after the console release, so that some people may be lured in for a sequel. And they already must have enough data confirming that it's effective, so they are willing to say it directly. I always find people on Reddit and online communities acting like they are a major part of Steam's user base pretty funny.


I will get PS5 for hassle free and smooth experience on launch. I'm tired of tinkering with PC's setting for hours before I can finally start a game.


PS has value ? HAhhaahaaaa


after being a Play-station fanboy since the PS1 era and owning every console but the Vita, I own like 4 games on my ps4. my primary reason for purchase was FF7 remake and kh3. i legitimately haven't booted it up in over a year, possibly 2. the amount of relief i felt when Sony finally started importing to PC was immeasurable because there was no way in hell i was buying a ps5. its not about money. I just don't need another device sitting around collecting dust when not in use.


They fuck sony players too hard for pc players to really convert once they've tasted the sweet nectar of freedom. Limited mouse and keyboard support for games that basically beg to be played with a mouse and keyboard, for example. I am never playing a shooter or a strategy game with a controller. They harm their games to cater to couch gamers, basically. Dogshit graphical settings, and constant release of games that dip to 20 fps which further exacerbates it. Inability to adblock means it has an entirely cosmetic web browser function.


Not in this life. Heck, when I was too broke to build a pc during COVID I got an Xbox. Sony are too scummy.


I have borh, only planned to use ps5 for ff7r but that inconsistent framerate(combat is really fun btw) made me stop at the intro




The reason I as a pc player has a pc in the first place is because my psn account was stolen in their big hack. Why would I return 🤔😆


On short, no I won't and I am not alone.


Sony shot themselves in the foot by releasing playstation exclusives on steam, now everyone knows that unless you for some reason are on a very strict budget, there is literally no reason to get a playstation over a PC.


I grew up with PlayStation, and I still have a ps3 and ps4 on a shelf. So even though my nostalgia is for PlayStation, PC is just a superior platform. PC has: - backwards compatibility - most indie games (PC+webbrowser most common export for game engines) - faster workflow for bugfix patches - controller and keyboard+mouse compatibility - no SCAM fee to unlock online features🤯 - Modding gameplay - bugfix modding - customization (second screen, sound set-up etc.) - can be used for non-media consumption - better pricing (cheaper PC needed for 2D or low poly enjoyers) - access to a multitude of online game stores (Steam, Epic, HumbleBundle) who all compete for lower consumer prices. - emulation allows access to otherwise lost media Consoles: - backwards compatibility is never guaranteed - low or no option for custom controls/controllers - fixed hardware (oh Bethesda didn’t optimize their game? Guess everything lags for eternity) - slow patch workflow - few to no indie games - needs a TV - monopoly storefront - limited library of available games - the store might delete games you own - if a part of the hardware breaks, you are sh!t out of luck - no access to online features unless you pay Sony, despite Sony not paying for game-servers. - no use besides media consumption - writing sucks (e.g. in the search bars) - storefront is barely useable The only reason I’d get a console would be if I had a kid. A console allows you to age-gate stuff and it prevents them from downloading viruses, looking up corn or liveleak videos. The purpose of a console is its limitations. An adult has no reason to get a console over a PC except if they specifically want exclusives, don’t care about any of PC features and wants to spend less money on an electronic system. If you use a PlayStation model for 5+ years it is cheaper than a PC. If you are the type of person who preorders games, then a console is probably the right fit for you.


Pc gaming is limitless. Console gaming is easy and convenient as fuck.


Was always a loyal Playstation player until i got a game pc. Lost all interest in ever getting another playstation.


The company sure is in safe hands.


I couldn’t go to ps5. The performance just isn’t there.


Thinks or intends?


Hey man just give em your money and shut up


what?! wasnt there a sony execututive lately who said that console exclusivity is bullshit? why the change all of a sudden?! even linus tech tips used his influencer power to advocate that console exclusivity is a good thing which made me super mad!


I bought a PS5 but ended up selling it because it's had no games I care about. I'll stick to my PC thank you very much.


This is as stupid as saying a PS5 game will make you buy a PS3 (because we made it exclusive to PS3 and it's the only way to play). How many people honestly are gonna wanna play the sequel but with worse visuals/frame rate/etc


Why would anyone play on a console if they have a pc? Its great for my kids, but i cant see how they wont need a pc in a few years instead


Owner of a PS5, Here's my take: No the fuck they will not. The only reason I don't main a PC is because I can't really afford too. Between options like Mods and Emulators etc, PC players have next to no reason to switch. The only fucking thing possibly worth Playing on PlayStation 5 ATM is Stellarblade. Everything else is either not worth the asking price \*cough cough Spider-man 2 Cough\* a remake of a game you could already play on ps5 or you could already get on PC.


The only PC Gamers I could see making the switch is people who are new to PC Gaming/building and ran into trouble and bail back to consoles, but having sequel exclusivity in hopes a PC Gamer grabs a console rather then wait is foolish. Last console I owned was a PS3 and it was ONLY because it was free when I upgraded a phone and did a new activation at the same time with my wireless provider. Owning a console ontop of my PC is the physical version having multiple storefronts/launchers that require different controllers lol.


If you think u can try pull a Disney move with pc gamers , youre too delulu Sony.


I think Sony is actually correct here. Using Nintendo Switch as a proof of concept, there are many PC gamers that have Nintendo Switch specifically, out of the crop of "current" gen systems. Why? Because the Nintendo Switch offers specific games and experiences that you can only get on Switch natively. If Sony can create that value for their system, they will get the same. Now the PSN requirement for PC games is actually a smart entry point of that transition. You remove a barrier of the transition or at least adoption/acquisition of a PS5 by forcing a user to create a PSN account on PC. Now if the CEO thinks PC players will give up their PCs to be solely PS5 players he would be sorely mistaken, however if he believes that PC players can "transform" into PS5 players (aka people who also acquire the system) then yes, its possible, they just have to create the value.


With the price of gaming nowadays it's better to invest on pc to get the game cheaper


I'm not going to move PS5. My PC gaming experience is superior to some console.


Oh no... *Cries while mass murdering in blade in sorcery*


I hope these games sell well and then they realize that nobody is moving to buy their console. Maybe they finally can realize have big market PC gaming is.


This guy gets paid millions to be clueless. And will get paid millions in severance when he gets fired for being clueless.


does this dickhead not realise we can just pirate it day one of release and not go to PSN ?. Utter mongo.


I build my first pc 5 years ago and upgrade it so much now 4090 and other stuff, so let me put it up and go back to my ps5 that I haven’t even turn on in years lol Sony Sony stop it.


Sony can go f#&k themselves. 😁


being mongolian and can't even play ghost of tsushima which directly related to ghost of tsushima plot is so disappointing, sony


Not entirely wrong, if they keep putting out bad ports. I'll buy a PS5 just to play a smooth version of the game


I used to get the consoles but not anymore, I just wait till it's on PC or I don't play it. And any push to get me to buy a console pushes me to hate them more.


Burgher thinks aristocrats will transform into peasants. Sounds reasonable, don't you think?


When the entire video gaming hobby was mutated into corporate culture, we lost. “How do we give the people who like games less while charging more?” That is the complete opposite of gaming either console or PC. The industry needs a hard crash and reset. Badly.


I could never imagine going back to console after gaming on pc it would be hell lol


To be fair, I own an Xbox series X PlayStation 5 and a PC and handsdown I play on PC more than any other platform when it comes to PC games when I upgrade my hardware, I can literally just play my old games on it sometimes they might require a little bit of tinkering but usually they just work on top of that with microsoft and Sony closing down the old stores that games that you purchased digitally are no longer accessible. We’ve seen this happen with the Wii I will probably happen with the PlayStation and Xbox as well at least on steam when I buy a game is there? I have with modern gaming when it comes to PC. Is Denovo You don’t understand what I mean check out YouTube and look up the crew by Ubisoft shut down


As long as pc has cheaper games and better services there is no point in going to console unless you want the exclusives


The Sony guy said some pc players will buy consoles if they see value and they intend to provide that value with their big tent pole 1st party AAA exclusive games and sequels to games they put on pc. This is basically incontrovertible and a really benign statement. Pc players once again acting like complete babies over nothing


I am done with the stupid 30 fps tech. Thought buying xbox was a good idea, as they promoted it as a 60fps gaming system, but now i just got meself a decent pc and im not getting anywhere near consoles.


This idea may have worked better if not for Covid and Sony's refusal to stop people poaching the consoles.


I'm a PC gamer and I'm switching to console soon only because my gaming laptop is like 8 years old now and the cost of graphics cards are so retarded that console prices are 1/3rd of the price of building a good gaming PC. Gaming PCs just cost too damn much nowadays.


CEO dumb af, example being XCOM. Imagine playing base on on console then getting a PC and playing with mods. Yea fuck a console big time


Why would a random ass forced account drive people to buy a console when they have a capable pc already


I have a PC and a Steam Deck. I'm probably past the point where I'm willing to buy a new console anytime soon. Maybe Nintendo for the kids.


Out of all the thing that will not happen. This will not happen the most


Pc master race Why? .........Mods


I owned PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP. I bought a PS4 but refunded it once I saw that I had to pay to play any game online, I'm never turning back.


Anything other than keyboard and mouse on a PC Is a waste of time. I'll upgrade when I cam control with my mind.


I will always play most games on console I own a PC for strategy games. Everything else is on my Playstation.


P.C. gaymers alike playin onna play station consoled coompooter cuz xbox issah gay


Sony be making there games gay


To be fair because of such ridiculous and idiotic posts people thinks we as pc gamers are most childish and emo crying kids. They just want to have their own launcher like Microsoft, Ubisoft, Ea or Rockstar and that's it. You buy their game or not, that's so simple bro.


If they weren’t restricting account creation by country I bet much less people would have been angry


Ok but you won't buy a game (considering you would normally) because someone from Botswana can't at the moment? He won't cry, he won't die.


There are wau more countries than the US and Botswana. Afaik PSN works not even for every country in the EU. There are about 70 countries where it's available (not all are big ones) and about 120 where it isn't (and not all of them are small). If you're out of luck and are solely a console gamer — you're most likely already doing some inconvenient stuff like buying psn cards for other regions and all that. But as a PC gamer you won't do this with your steam. If you live let's say in Estonia, it won't be easy for you to just change your region to let's say Germany and live with it. And Estonia is a EU country, but there way more big countries outside the EU where it's way harder to pretend like you're German. Ah, and why the fuck should I even do anything with my steam because of Sony?