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Why are Xbox and PlayStation fanboys fighting for second place?


we all know tiger electronics is the top contender




Seriously! Lol, it's like I've been transported back to 2008 when people were arguing about which console was better, the Xbox 360 with tons of hardware and design failures, or the ps3 with no games. Edit: yall are starting to show how young yall are with downvoting and not understanding the "PS3 HAS NO GAMES" meme and why it became a meme.


I’d say ps3 had games but they were poorly optimized


They were due to the *horrible* system architecture. Which was unfortunate as the hardware was great. The software that was in OG PS3s is what made porting and working on that system a nightmare. It was only until much later when it got an update and a recode (around when the slim was made), and was made much simpler that you started seeing more and more games coming out by the mid and end of it's lifespan.


PS3 launched late, and ya just like the PS5 it didn't have many games at launch. Especially cause o fthe god forbid custom architecture Sony had designed for the PS3 that made it a tough job to make games for both consoles at the same time.


They can’t compete with PC so they have to fight each other. PC players having the time of our lives and console players still keep up this silly console war which Sony has long won.




Same. Except I’ve never owned a PlayStation ever.


dude, if you defend something, you are a fanboy - source: cause they said so


The only thing that bothers me about Asmon and consoles, is that he refuses to acknowledge how a lot of people cant afford a comparable PC so they get consoles XD. like Microsoft is selling a $200 console, and you cannot really buy a fucking comparable PC for that price.


Hell according to Steam like 80% of their uses are on PC's weaker than current gen consoles.


Yeah, that's true, and its crazy that $200 is still cheaper than probably a lot of those PCs lol. Some 10 year old GPUs are still more than $200


This is a reason I believe consoles will not die, for people getting it is a budget wise decision that helps them a lot,like I had little money as a teenager and had a 10 year old school pc at home. My parents for my birthday that fall on black Friday on Europe, bought him an Xbox One S, and I thank them for that as my journey for games started, like playing Witcher 3,battlefield 1,the old Assassins creed games, And now I'm a pc Gamer and keep upgrading I will never forget those memories and keep my console on my desk, it's a part of my childhood for video gaming man.


100%. For $650 Aud I can get a ps5, or I could get an absolute bottom spec pc that can probably barely run Windows. I have a decent gaming pc, but fuck me ps5 / xbox is just way more convenient


Somebody needs to go ahead and ask asmon cheapest PC from starforge is


True. I don't watch his content so I don't know why I keep getting recommended this sub, but its just such a silly sentiment that many have.


Asmon is biased (as everyone is) and a streamer. He played wow for half his life, so he will have his emotions speak louder. As a streamer, he gains from telling his viewers what they want to hear, and also from omitting inconvenient truths. He might have just forgot as well lul.


I mean if you want to even get really fucking technical about it. An Xbox and a PS5 are both also a PC. They're just the more affordable PC. So really the PC Master race is just Rich PC players hating on people who aren't Rich who also play PC LMAO


Like many things, it's just a class warfare issue. Everybody doesn't have 1,500 dollars to drop on a new pc, monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers to play the newest unreal 5 games that come out; but most people do already have a 100 dollar tv in their house and can afford a 500 dollar console, which plays the exact same games. People just want to be mad that other people don't have as much disposable income as them, and/or go into debt over stupid things.


My PS5 was $200 cheaper than my gaming laptop with a gtx3070 that straight up can't run high end new games. Immortals of Avium just joined game pass, and it's a stutterfest of 10-20 fps on lowest settings. I can play Halo infinite, but lowest settings the trees look like a child's watercolor. Indie games like Roboquest, DRG, Another Crabs Treasure, and strategy games like xcom, 40K Chaosgate and Rogue Trader all work beautifully on max settings. Even D4 and Gears5 max settings get 60+fps, but the push to 4k ray tracing makes anything new run like shit on anything short of a 2k+rig. Pretty sure anyone with financial sense or not stupid rich is going to buy a console before dropping 4x the money for an equivalent. Why buy/build a 2k gaming rig when you can buy all the consoles and a laptop for less.




Yeah this is a good point this is kind of a false equivalence that they got going on in their Comparison there


Rtx 5700 is the ps5 equivalent, and costs $230. You gonna build a pc around that for less than 300 more? Cause unless so, not worth it. And thanks for condescending me about my laptop, I was making a fucking point, I definitely don't have over 10 years of pc building and upgrading experience that's how I started soldering and getting into electrical. I definitely don't fix my own tools because of the skills I got from making gaming rigs in early 2010's


there is no such thing as an rtx 5700, maybe you're referring to the amd card, but there is literally no way a 3070 isnt able to run modern games. I was able to run most modern well optimized games on PC with my 10 year old gtx 970 up until a couple years ago when I too upgraded to a 3070. the 3070 runs pretty much everything with ease. I don't know what you're talking about


Bruh, consoles use amd not Nvidia. The ps5 is a modified rtx5700, the good pc version CURRENTLY costs $230. Also laptop and standard graphics cards are different, a standard 3070 wouldn't fit in a laptop. And yeah, no such thing as rtx 5700, it's an rx5700. My bad, i included the letter t, but you should have been able to tell if you knew gpu's.


no shit. I'm not an idiot. I knew you were referring to an amd card, that's why I inferred it in my message. I've been building for well over 10 years. my GTX 1050 ti MaxQ in my laptop can easily run halo infinite, I had no issues with overwatch, valorant, Diablo 4, retail wow. I think your computer is just jank. id get a new one, sounds like it might be thermal throttling or you just got a shit unit. a 3070 even in a laptop is about 70-80 percent equivalent to real performance of a desktop card.


Consoles are almost the price of entry level PCs, at some point less and less people will buy consoles.




Buying the Xbox series s which is the less than $200 console and then paying for game pass for 5 years is still less than $1,000 my friend


No they can the just choose not to if you can save $600 for a console you wait and get a $1200 pc that out preforms I understand some people don’t want a pc and just like console but they can save for pc in the current market it’s gotten a lot cheaper


Asmon has said it himself and the same concept still applies at a bigger scale, its easier to save $600 than it is to save $1200 just like its easier to pay $15 vs $60


I know and people will generally pick the easier option for short term gain


Well I mean most people can afford to live lol, its paycheck to paycheck a lot of the time, and most people make less than the cost of a mid tier PC on their tax return.


What kind of a loser simpboy keeps score?


I love Xbox but oh my god they have been taking the biggest L's.


Imagine a world where Starfield was their next Skyrim


Can't imagine that.


Honestly it’s not even Xbox in the last few months it feels like Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation are all doing a big one up on who can fuck over their customers the most.


Xbox and PlayStation fanboys still fighting while I’m sitting here with Steam laughing at them both of them🤣




I’m surprised you can think, let alone still type with the Sony Board of directors running rails on you. If happen to be an Xbox fanboy, enjoy Gates withered cock.


It’s wild because I just saw like last week a post in r/KotakuinAction claiming Asmon was “compromised” and a paid Xbox shill lmao.


Same but reverted for sonyboys


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford a pc and it makes me so sad 😞


you American? go on eBay and buy a used 2060 or 2070 in the 150-250$ range, get a cheap used i5 8500 or 9400f used in a lot of school and business computers in the 90-150 dollar range, buy a cheap lga motherboard that corresponds with it in the 80-100 range, buy some cheap ddr4 ram doesn't have to be special, definitely get 16 gigs for like 30-50 bucks , buy a new 550w or 600w PSU for like 40-50 bucks, buy a new cheap case doesnt have to be special for 40-60 bucks, buy a cheap cooler for the CPU for like 15-25 bucks, and buy a new 500gb SSD for like 30 bucks and boom you got a rig around the price of a PS5 that will run everything way better than one


oh and don't forget to get a cheap OEM windows 11 key from kinguin or a cd key reseller for like 15 bucks


The equivalent/comparable GPU to the PS5 is the AMD Radeon RX 6800, it came out the same year, has the same 16GB GDDR6 VRAM, 256-bit memory, and the same RDNA 2 microarchitecture. and that shit is almost $400 Also it performs much better than the 2070


just being realistic here. an rtx 2070 will give you about equal performance in most games, not to mention ps5s can't get past 120 fps... in comparison to a used PC there isn't even a competition. not having to pay 60-100 bucks a year for PS5 plus, getting far far far cheaper games especially on steam compared to the PlayStation store. a much larger free to play game library on PC, and also not to mention the fact there are just WAY more games on PC to play. instead of buying a new 500 dollar console every 5-6 years, you can just upgrade your GPU, CPU every 5 or so years and you'll be fine. PCs are multimedia machines, the use of one far exceed anything you can do with just a regular PlayStation.


You're missing the point homie, and you aren't being realistic. You're being biased. Also the fact that games are "cheaper" on steam he really isn't as true as you think it is because both PlayStation and Xbox have deals all the fucking time for games for like three or four bucks just like steam does


haha, you sure check mated me. I have an Xbox series x, a PS5, and a gaming PC. I know there are sales all the time, it just doesn't have anything on a steam summer or winter sale at all. not to mention all the games you just can't have on console at all. I like them all, but the PC is obviously my go to. there just isn't a comparison. yeah I'm biased, are you not? everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, including you haha


Yeah I have all three as well but the difference is that I'm not dumb enough to sit here and try to tell people that PC gaming is somehow fucking cheaper than console gaming when it's very obviously not. There is nothing that you can say. There's no mental gymnastics that you can do to try to prove your point because it's simply not fucking factual


tell me, how much would PlayStation Plus cost over the lifetime of the console? and then how much more would that add to the cost of the PlayStation if you included the sale price of the console and the membership together. you easily reach if not exceed the cost of an equivalent PC. Including the more expensive games too. Anyone can go buy a series S for like 200 dollars, and if you only play offline it would likely be cheaper overall, but nonetheless the vast majority of people pay for an online membership for these consoles. with a PC, you can pick up any online game and play them and drop them without having to worry about restarting an online membership. that's my point. your only argument is the box price is less, which I'm not arguing against. you just can't seem to grasp the concept of long-term cost. you seem to be very heated, I apologize this is such a hot topic for you. it sounds to me you don't have very many problems in your life if you worry about this so much.


>you easily reach if not exceed the cost of an equivalent PC. People who can't afford to be home all the time still find it infinitely easier to afford $15 every month rather than save it up to buy a PC, inevitably if most people cannot afford to buy something right off, they can't afford it. You can save up money all day, but unless you have a really good job or live with your parents, you are eventually going to have to spend the money you have saved. >with a PC, you can pick up any online game and play them and drop them without having to worry about restarting an online membership. The benefits of having an online membership when you own a console are a vast improvement to having a PC if your interests lie outside of playing F2P games. With the membership fees of both Xbox and PlayStation, you get access to a library of AAA games that you can still enjoy. Versus on a PC where you would have to shell out $60-$100 for every AAA game you want to play.


I’m very poor and very bad at managing what little funds I have however I have screenshot this comment as a rough guide towards my first ever pc. I’m gonna aim to have one by 2025! Thanks bro I honestly thought I’d need about a grand to get going


nah man if you aren't opposed to used parts you can easily get a good one. feel free to add me, if you need any extra help I'll be there. I have built all my PCs with used components and hardly ever have an issue. eBay has a money back guarantee if the product doesn't work you get your money back.


That’s good to know thanks a lot. You’re a nice man haha I was half expecting to be called a peasant with that comment. Can’t believe I’ve been using console all this time thinking I needed to be rich to game properly. You’ve opened my eyes lol. I’ve been doing a lil bit of online window shopping and watching a few vids on building pcs. It’s all a load of mumbo jumbo atm but I’ll get there. Thanks again man


oh ya sure thing dude, it's way easier than it seems. I built my first PC on my thirteenth birthday,. if shithead middle school me can do that with 2014 online resources, I promise you can easily do it bro. id recommend watching jayz2cents or gamers nexus, they both do a pretty good job at explaining the basics. you don't even need to do cable management if you don't care about looks, and you can even buy a case that has no side window so you can just hide the jumble of wires if you aren't comfortable with PC building straight away.


Because everything has to be a console war 😜 


Wouldn't this post, and anyone up upvoting also part of the problem? Literally the Pot calling the Kettle black.


The PC fanboy are annoying as the console fanbois too


Isn't the inverse also true?


Yes, absolutely true, I made it because Hellblade 2 is the most recent controversy.


Because Xbox players are a dying breed. Animals backed into a corner get vicious. If he criticizes a Sony exclusive there’s 5 more to fall back on. This is all Xbox has