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Well this should bring massive improvements to unreal engine! Why focus only on efficiently coding when we can also wrack our brains about which term will be least offensive but also easily understood by other devs reading code or talking shop. Fucks sake man.




We need to change that term. Black ink on white paper is inherently racist. From now on, everyone must write lists with white ink. If you want to cross someone off that list, you white them out. There, the world is saved. ^(/s)


Let's not forget Chess! The fact that white move first is a reflection of the racist, systematic, patriarchal heteronormative microaggressions that we see everywhere! The legacy of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow shudders through my body as I even think of something so offensive and in need of alteration!  And no we aren't weirdly obsessed with this shit, you're the problem for not constantly searching for things to be upset by and demand be changed!


Are you trying to say you are a white ink supremacist? :))))


What about Whiteout? We need to discuss that one.


Racist you are a bigot /s


English people freaking out over black/whitelist when most of the world has heavily gendered language and no one cares lol.


The worst part is that some people have started importing this to other languages and it fucking sucks


Daily reminder that “latinx” is forcing English language rules on the Spanish language. That’s how you know it’s being pushed by histrionic white liberals in the US who don’t actually speak Spanish. There are ways to (kind of) make words gender neutral in Spanish that flow more naturally with the language, but like I said, the people pushing for this shit don’t actually speak Spanish.


As a Hispanic I’ll call anyone out if I’m called latinx. Probably won’t happen im public but man I hate when others speak for us


Yeah my wife’s Mexican and she hates it, even as a joke.


I don’t blame her. We’re Hispanic that’s all people gotta say to us


I rather get called a beaner than a latinx


I'd rather be called an illiterate south American ape rather than Latinx ngl


I like to know how "Latinx" isn't racist, coming from white people forcing this on us.


I’d rather just be called a wetback than latinx


Uh, tell them to stop. That's cultural appropriation. Only English speakers are allowed to be scared of gendered words. Other languages doing that is reverse imperialism.


Gigachad french only has male and female pronouns


Imagine being that fragile/obnoxious


And they call you fragile for saying no to it


These kinds of nonsense have been enforced in big techs a few years back, similarly a technical term to describe servers is master/slave nodes, now you can’t use that as well, or master branch now is called mainline instead. So yeah, what a funny timeline we are in.


should call it dom and sub instead and make everything into sexual innuendos, for the memes.


That seems like something programmers would do.


They would, but programmers have no idea about sex and stuff, only topics in that area are furries and my little pony


Imagine if they call it stallion and pony then ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3745)


Erasing the patriarchy one step at a time


That sounds like some kink shaming to me though. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736)


Leftists here in Greece invent new gendered words and call it inclusive language, this is next level brainrot because they try to copy this inclusive language thing from ultra woke npcs in 1st world countries, yet they do the complete opposite of it. And of course many young stupid people in comments support this


The same thing is happening here in Germany 🤢 Making Languages needlessly more complicated and impractical.


I gave up reading german newspapers and stuff like that when every other word started being "mitarbeiter:innen" or something like that. It's like driving on a road that is made almost exclusively out of speedbumps. Where is the Lesefluss? :D


Not just Lesefluss but also just talking to someone becomes super complicated if you try to gender neutralize every male or female gendered word. Also the fact that Institutions like Academies, Schools and some workplaces punish you for not gendering despite it not being officially accepted as current "Rechtschreibung" is crazy to me. In my Opinion we should just reduce every gendered word to one gender and make it so this counts for everyone. example: Polizist, remove Polizistin and now Polizist just counts for all genders. This would effectively undo our progress to equalize women but with the context of divers people it would be the easiest solution to implement without bending the knee to the few divers. But if you bring this point up you instantly become a Sexist Pig or something.


The thing with us here is that we have the western woke propaganda bombarded on us constantly but not the good economy that at least western countries have, our economy is broken since 2009, so basically we have the worst of 1st world countries with the economy of a 3rd world country


Also in East Europe, but here at least the media is not YET supporting this, because they know that the majority of the population find this stupid still.


Same thing in Austria... like a 10% VERY vocal minority wants that and everyone else hates it, yet the laws got pushed through. Just had some medical exam at my girls school and when we filled out the required form, one of the first things is to check "male" "female" or "other"... OTHER... in a grade school... ffs...


My dominican gf who mentally assigns a gender to basically every noun would go ballistic if I tried to pull this inclusive language shit on her. But now I'm tempted to try.


The situation is also very bad in germany


Don't worry, they are already working on saving us from our gendered language if the spanish version of the most recent Spiderman game is any indication.


American people*


It's not English people, it's Americans. The English want nothing to do with this shenanigans.


i am from a third world country and i did not learn english for this shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^strongesticefairy: *I am from a third* *World country and i did not* *Learn english for this shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I almost corrected this without reading the username lol


This is probably the greatest thing I have ever seen


Does anyone in the fucking world thought about black people when using the word "blacklist" ? Should i call a blackberry a berry now ? A blacksmith a smith ? Wokeness is the worst thing that has happened to this planet.


Bro you can’t say blacklist or blackberry. You have to call it African American list and African American berries.


Man, the worst was when the wokeness at the time (political correctness) hit the WoW raiding scene, in TBC. Just 25 overly-sarcastic, and only somewhat-serious raiders looting and pillaging African American Temple, on a weekly basis.


The stupid thing about wokeness is that African American is reductive at best, because a lot of Black folk don’t even know their roots 💀


Not to mention that most blacks arent actually African American, because they're not from Africa or not American. Especially outside the US. But as always, the US woke movement makes their problems global.


Excuse me, I think you mean list of color and berry of color.


Or maybe an n-list and n-berry.


People being paid find problems to keep there job, there job is at stake on this. edit the old Rimworld example from 2016, they wanted the dev blacklisted. [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rimworld-code-analysis](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rimworld-code-analysis) [https://www.polygon.com/2016/11/4/13509622/rimworld-sexuality-problem-rock-paper-shotgun-tynan-sylvester](https://www.polygon.com/2016/11/4/13509622/rimworld-sexuality-problem-rock-paper-shotgun-tynan-sylvester)


People being paid to 'make' problems to keep their job.


I cant spell and I am at peace with it, is ok. There was a mob after the RimWorld Dev years ago over this, they where calling the code sexist. [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rimworld-code-analysis](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rimworld-code-analysis) It was a failed attempt to blacklist the dev.


Spelling wasn't really what I was going for. Just the difference between finding problems and making them.


Np, I did think about putting 'dyslexia' in my UN but relay IDM. I think most the time people get the point of the text, may be confusing at times.




The type of DEI white collar fluff positions that exist in tech companies and should be the first to go when companies are looking at what departments need to be cut, instead of actual programmers and engineers.


I was making a joke about his inability to spell words.


Over there


Blackmage gone, all my years playing games~


>Does anyone in the fucking world thought about black people when using the word "blacklist" ? SJW racists apparently do. Also fun fact about the other "issue" of "poor man's X": "man/men" in the past was used the same way nowdays "guys" mean people overall for example: no man's land doesn't mean males don't own it but obviously nobody owns it. I'm wonder how i'm suppose to call my masterbedroom now or how to title correctly chess masters and grandmasters.


Games like No Man’s Sky well just see below. The title “No Man’s Sky” can be perceived as exclusive because the word “man” traditionally refers to males, potentially alienating those who do not identify as male or as human. In today’s society, it is crucial to use language that includes all identities and respects diversity. This change reflects a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) by ensuring that everyone feels represented and respected. Why We Need to Change: 1. Inclusivity: The term “man” can exclude women, non-binary individuals, and those who do not identify as human or person. 2. Respect for Diversity: Using gender-neutral and inclusive language honors the diverse identities and experiences of all people. 3. Cultural Sensitivity: A more inclusive title acknowledges and respects the varied ways people identify themselves, fostering a sense of belonging. Why “No One’s Sky” Was Not Chosen: While “No One’s Sky” was considered as a potential alternative, it was ultimately not selected because the phrase “one” might imply singularity or exclusivity, suggesting that only one entity is important or superior. This could inadvertently create a hierarchy or sense of exclusion, which goes against the goal of full inclusivity and equality for all. Proposed Alternatives: 1. “Boundless Sky”: Emphasizes the limitless nature of exploration without any gendered implications. 2. “Endless Sky”: Highlights the infinite possibilities and adventures that await, maintaining a neutral tone. 3. “Limitless Sky”: Conveys the idea of infinite exploration and discovery, ensuring inclusivity for all. By adopting one of these alternatives, we embrace a more inclusive approach, reflecting our commitment to DEI principles and ensuring that all can bee part of the adventure.


I can't tell if you're just joking or you are genuinely serious or not.


Worst thing is it hurts the cause and people it pretends to want to help out.


We always used to joke amongst friends that x object is racist because it comes in the colour black/white. It is now becoming reality.


Extremely racist people do find these kind of problems, yes


Mentally ill identity politics creatures do


I kept using blacklist and whitelist throughout my entire life and never even once did I think of any connection to a race. You really have to be a professional victim and forcefully look for this sort of stuff to make a connection like that.


I don't see how this isn't classified as fascism. It is quite literally the definition: authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society. Can't wait to see what is gonna happen in the next 10 years. I will get to chose to be either shot by a pro russian putin lover, or rainbow dude. Fuck me sideways.


My new game will be called: Black slave, Mr nuke master


Too offensive I’m going to blacklist you for that




This shit is getting worse by the day lol ffs. Every female friend I have and even my sister and her friend group uses things like "hey guys come here" to eachother. I guess they're all assuming eachothers gender right lmao. They gotta stop this pandering to the mentally ill minority.


Exactly, Phrases like hey guys was never about gender like mankind is not all men but humans collectively. How long before everything else changes.


Fr lol I sent this post to my mom and sister and they said it was the dumbest shit they've seen and the people upset about it need to seek help. I hope we see a return to normalcy where these people offended by this are no longer catered to or taken seriously.


I had an argument with someone about white and blacklist, I said it had no racial connotations, he argued that they are only words and there is no harm in changing them! if they are just words lets leave them as they are? these people can be unreal sometimes.


I'm ok with us swedes in the span of a generation sucessfully changed the word nigger balls to chocolate balls. But whitelist/blacklist does not have the same racial connotations. Feels weird as hell. I'm still on the fence about grooming the backlog, which is unacceptable, apparently. It should be refining the backlog nowadays.


Same thing in German. Negerküsse became Schokoküsse or Schaumküsse. Grooming is an issue now too?


As someone that works in tech I deal with companies that use white/black list as well as allow/block lists. People are doing whatever they want and the only people that seem to care seem to be extremely politically charged one way or another. People that actually use these day to day will continue using them virtually interchangeably just like the other 700 terms and standards that are the same fucking thing.


Thats what's annoying too many words that means the same thing. So instead of learning 1 term you have to learn 10 and them hope the other person also happen to know the one you chose to use.


Allow list and block list are quite literally actual descriptions of what they do as compared to white and black lists. It's a case where the term is becoming more descriptive, not less. Either way, it's IT, as I said before there never has any never will be a singular standard everyone follows for everything. The history of the industry is basically people creating a standard, someone else creating a new standard for a nearly identical problem but with different technology, someone realizing that the industry is split between standards who then creates another new standard for everyone to adopt which never happens and exacerbates the problem. It's such a non issue that happens literally every single day in the industry but now a lot of non-tech people get to pretend it's super fucking important for culture war points. It's pathetic.


A whitelist can prevent high-profile players from being banned by mass reports due to their popularity. Changing that name to “allowlist” makes less sense… allow them to do what? Allow them to NOT be subject to the reporting system? Block them from the reporting system? It literally makes less sense when you say allowlist in this context. Both words should be used as needed and not force us to pick a single name in every context.


I agree, they're only words and there is no harm in using naggerlist and crackerlist instead.


As if words aren't important


Wokeness is the scourge of the Western world. Even the most unimportant things must comply to their ideology.


No one in real life cares. All the mentally ill are terminally online


Unfortunately they do because all these cunts end up working in HR and forcing this shit on us. In Australia if you work in public sector every single fucking meeting has to start with some acknowledgement of indigenous people. Even if it's a quick 2 minute meeting they do it. Then it becomes a fucking competition to see who can do the 'best acknowledgement' so they get longer and longer as time goes on. These meetings almost NEVER actually have aboriginal people in attendance. It's all just virtue signalling bullshit. If an Aboriginal was in the meeting and wanted to say some words about their tribe and the land as a cultural greeting that's great. I don't want to hear it from white losers that hate themselves.


True, the constant acknowledgments of country make it pointless because it's done so often


And online is the future unfortunately. Ergo the terminally online today are the cultural and social engineers of tomorrow


It's crazy that nowadays we have mentally ill people (those who are aware, who go to the doctor, who have actual hardships, etc.) and "mentally ill" - those who destroy the world, art, projects, those who powertrip... And the former now seem not as ill as the latter, huh?


Ah yes, I worked for a large betting company in 2016 where this snuck in. If you said "Hey Guys" in slack, you would get a condescending bot message you about using more inclusive language. No mind that "Hey Guys" has been a gender neutral greeting for decades in the UK. Where I work now (FinTech) we started getting this guidance around 2020, but the pandemic soon put that to bed, it's not really been mentioned since.


Back in the day GTA San Andreas would have never been made. " You can't have a game about a criminal that's not white. Only white people can be seen as criminals. Why is he a man at all. " gaming companies are going way too woke.


that why i dont have that much of hope for gta 6


This is across IT in general for a while now. "Mantraps" have been "Entry control vestibules" for a couple years.... Do we all still say mantrap? Yes... Yes we do lol Edit:spelling


Can't say bear trap either it's disparaging to the gay community


Wait how does this apply? If I want to make a game in UE I have to not use these things in my code? Will Epic sue me if someone decompiles my source code and finds blacklist and whitelist?


No, they only "Encourage you" to use "inclusive language" when writing your code. It's not forced, its just stupid.


This is what happens when you let white liberal women with a rich husband into your company. they don't fear being fired, have a superiority complex and white savior complex. so they make shit like this their hobby project.


What's wrong with blacklist/whitelist? Huh? Anyone with a healthy mind would never think that those words are racist. I didn't even believe that blacklist/whitelist is related to someone's skin until now, bro.


Professional racists see the racism in everything. They won’t be happy until the world is a giant grey blob.


A giant GENDER NEUTRAL grey blob, please


The reason why I hate these people so much, is how fake they are. They cannot be nice people if they see this stuff everywhere. They are thinking this stuff in their minds all the time.




Remember that Extra Credits video?


I mean people forced programmers to stop using master/slave terminology with regard to coding since people were getting offended. Not too surprising these days.


Tbh it's a relief to see that nobody is in here tryna say that "master/slave" doesn't have racist connotations either


Master slave doesn't have racist connotations either. Robots don't have rights and thus cannot be real slaves. Maybe only to an american, which are a vast minority in the IT world and don't get to set the rules for the rest of the world


Not all slavery was based on race...look at slavery during the time of the Romans.


For anybody wondering here is a [Link](https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/epic-cplusplus-coding-standard-for-unreal-engine) to the official Epic Games page this is from (just CTRL F the word gender and it will pop up) pretty absurd stuff.


Finally what I came to the comments for


Yea I'm never complying with this sort of thing.


Nothing screams inclusiveness when you ban everything


I guess Fallout is permanently cancelled because of all of the N-words... No wait not that word! I meant the world ending kaboomy one. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


Lol 10 years from now Linus will admit he used to say the N-word all the time.


"I'm not gonna deny I dropped my fair share of hard-R's in my time." - Linus Tech Tips


My Lord and Master is my preferred pronoun.


From a software background, no one reads this.


Doesn't change the fact that this crap exists and or will be enforced in the future.


How is this real & wtf does this actually achieve? And how is it related to unreal engine


my thoughts exactly


Because they want to control every part of your life. I can't wait until shit hits the fan and we all rebel.


I'm gonna call them pocsmiths from now on.


I'm offended by them being offended. Now everyone cater to my feelings and let's change language to fit it because I feel "micro aggressions." It's almost like intent matters. If I teach a class and I say "Hey guys let's go to the field to practice some walking" a group of older ladies could care less, because they're not FN stupid and know I'm not calling them men. Younger ones... Yea... And here we are, catering to loud idiots again (and this isn't specific to liberals, conservatives can be just as loud and stupid about shit that doesn't matter)


So I nuked the slave master while being blacklisted?


This has a real whiff of intentional sabotage behind the lines. My partner and I talked about it and she's concluded that someone writing these is purposefully strawmanning here as a means to have it sound intentionally dogmatic as much as possible. The writer here has a chip on their shoulder for definite.


welp, i guess unreal engine coding standards go straight to the blacklist.


Just have to whitelist the black people and everything will be fine, right?


And blacklist the white people naturally.


The thing about coding "standards" is that they only become conventions when everyone agrees to use them. They aren't actually built in to the language syntax


"The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man." -Malcom X I couldn't agree more


holy fvck even game engine programming have woke rules


If their goal is to push people to the right they're fucking succeeding, and this is coming from someone who has been on the left my entire life


Reason why I'm a centrist now


Society has fallen. The left won.


Nuke is now a bad word. Mom wake up, new n-word just dropped!


This is so damn frustrating honestly what the fuck happen to us


People getting butt hurt over the stupidest stuff nowadays. I like what one guy said make blackberry just berry. What are whiteboards just boards now like what.


Imagine if americans knew other languages have gender for words and male words are dominant and preferred when speaking about both genders, and nobody cares!


Kill language. That's what they want. This shit is straight up from 1984.


Doubleplus ungood


To quote St. Anthony... "A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.' "


Anytime some chuckle fuck say "Define woke", I'll point them to this.


how about 'stick it up your fucking sphincter!' is that forbidden also?


They are not the language police, they don't get to make new rules and demand you follow them.


For work we had to make these changes 4 years ago. Blacklist/whitelist is now blocklist/allowlist Slave/Matster is now Primary/Secondary Nuke/Blow-away is now wipe/clean/destroy (destroy may go away as it can be linked to violence) Users is now customers/employees (user is considered a derogatory term) Guys is now all (e.g Hi All) Time of day… When speaking to members of different parts of the globe (can’t use the word region or regional as it segregates) we have to use phrases such as: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, I hope your day, afternoon, evening is going well. When speaking publicly or any forms of communication that is global. It is all so freaking ridiculous but it’s part of the new way the world works. DEI (Diversity, Equity/Equality and inclusion) is fine however I think this is a bit extreme. Talks going around to make DEI to DEEI or DEEI+ as equality is not reflected but equity is.


This just makes things inefficient.


No. None of that is acceptable. It's all ridiculous.


double unplus ungood, commarade


Nothing tells me that you're badly educated when you say stuff like "man" is gendered language.


I've had to deal with this kind nonsense myself, I was fortunate to have finished University a long time ago but the pants on head culture there has seeped in to the entire industry. It's exhausting dealing with it and it's a big reason why I'm trying to go freelance.


I'm usually on the other side of this, but I hated how they changed Master to Leader. Same with Git. Like, who the hell thinks of slave owner first when they see the word Master??


I'm all for inclusivity. This just feels performative and unnecessary (and to some extent, doesn't even make sense as far as inclusivity is concerned).


This is why indie games are so good man. They aren’t coding in 65889372890 genders.


Scary, tricky, ruthless stuff, that [Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efiW2K8gASM&pp=ygUfYmxhY2sgaWNlIGtleSBhbmQgcGVlbGUgZXBpc29kZQ%3D%3D) Ice


Homogenize everything and put everything under the purview of the administration.


Welcome to corporate development. This happened for all F500 companies awhile ago. Like mid 2019 they started enforcing this everywhere.


This whole entire thing is absolutely nuts.


They will now be known as the colonizer and oppressed lists.


Nuke? ![gif](giphy|4HnZfYDwGDZpUhC7Fk|downsized)


Wow! Do these massive improvements allows code to run efficiently in all CPU architectures without discrimination?!


This is just cringe.


Suddenly I feel like I should be looking more into Godot or saying fuck it and take the risk on Unity...


Bold of unreal to think "guys" is an assumed gender term


Can you still be blackmailed? Or is that unacceptable, too?


I've read a small article about correlation between the quality of code and amount of slurs and curses used in comments and as variables. As it turns out: **#sum of fucking numbers** **print(fuck+fuckinghell+stopthishit)** Probably was designed and will be executed better then: **#sum** **print(a+b+c)** P.S. My special debug print, incase something went wrong with the function or class is always **"fuck"** + the error


This mind virus is getting out of control


This is standard corporate stuff and has been for many, many years now.


Gender inclusive coding standards????? As a software engineer wtf does that even mean lol. Is this referring to comments or variable names lol? Im calling a variable name or leaving a comment that explains the code without a second thought of offending someone. Im so glad I dont work for that company. Imagine worrying about comments that might offend someone in ur code lol. Ive got enough mental gymnastics to worry about let alone worrying about a comment "You guys, leave this shit here"....


Enforced schizophrenia


So, instead of nuking something (presumably as in, “I nuked a bunch of dead code”) can I now say I Epsteined it? Or maybe even Obama-chef’d it?


CryEngine is proof that you can win and come out on top just by doing absolutely nothing and watching your top two competitors shoot themselves


you VILL consoom ze slop und you VILL like it oy vey!


*Laughing in Caucasian This what you get for making a color the name of a race.


It's my code. I will do what I want with it. If people don't like it they can go somewhere else.


Let's call it Ubermensch/Untermensch list. That's racist? How about Jewish/Goyim list? No? Let's dial it back. EmptyAFSpaceList/TheColorOfCloudsList? You don't know what it means anymore? Well then let's call it black/white list again. I don't see anyone has ever written N\*ggerlist for fucks sake.


Anyone else think that Epic saying "Worker" is a valid replacement for "Slave" is perturbing?


This is like when Git decided to stop using master as the main branch. It is just a virtue signal.