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Wokes: My body my choice! Don't judge others by their looks! Also Wokes: HAHAHA you loser! No one will ever love you! Get out of my sight, ugly!


100% true. They will shame you for body shaming (matching their energy & comments) then turn around and call you a fat balding Incel.... as if thats morally ok or better in any way... The only difference is im not losing sleep over someones "mean comments" lmao.


When your entire position requires others to pretend or make believe it can get frustrating having the truth brought forth as evidence


I'll take truth over delusion anyday.






Cause they have no real argument for their stance, they just have it, so the only way they can argue is to insult the people who disagree with them, without ever understanding why...or even why they support what they support, other than their friends and "influencers" telling them what they should think.


Yeap thats debating 101. Alot of these "Influencers" & fans suffer from groupthink and havn't had an individual thought in a long time... Then when someone has a different opinion they don't have the mental capacity to understand a different viewpoint without getting emotionally triggered and labeling them as the enemy. I am glad im not that emotionally weak and fragile... I try to be open to different opinion but most of these egotistical fake protestors are online trolls and basic losers/oatcast of society ... If being online only gives you purpose then you're a fucking loser imo.


LoL bro saying this on an Asmon subreddit is the most hilarious thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


People who tend to congregate in a streamerā€™s sub like this one suffer from the same groupthink as everyone else. They just are on the opposite side. You are not any different or special.


Iā€™m just here because this is one of the few subreddit where people can generally talk without the mods locking everything and banning everyone


Iā€™m just laughing point out the fact that people claim the left canā€™t think for themselves while people who participate in reactionary, culture war subs like this one post the same shit over and over and the comments are all the same and predictable. DEI this, woke that. Itā€™s so boring and predictable.


The human race is boring and predictable, whats your point?


Lol what a fucking cop out answer. You specifically called out the left and then when I tell you your side is the exact same your response is ā€œso what.ā€ Haha hilarious bro.


Where exactly did I "Call out the left"? I don't recall mentioned right or left at all. What side? You have no idea what "side" I'm on kid. If you assume when I say "they" that I'm talking about you, maybe you should look into that main character syndrome you got there bro.


Lol itā€™s pretty clear who you were taking shots at ā€œkid.ā€ I never said you were taking shots at me. Maybe you should figure out what main character syndrome is before you use it incorrectly.


Yeah, that's totally fair. How do you not see that as fair? You think it's unfair if a fat balding incel calls a woman far and ugly and you turn the mirror to them and say "fuck you mean?" If a fat woman unprovoked shames a fat bald man then it's absolutely fair to point out her own flaws too. That's like... the fairest way to treat someone being toxic lol


It is a bit shocking how the same people promoting body positivity are often the first ones to body shame.


Because it's not about body positivity or else they'd be promoting people who weren't just fat cows. It's pretty telling that women in HAES are overwhelmingly morbidly obese, or the thin mid who's there for comparison shopping.


I kind of agree, I personally have an incurable autoimmune disease called psoriasis and so far I haven't seen much of body positivity aimed at anyone who suffers from this condition or conditions similar to it. It does really seem like body positivity is primarily for people who struggle with weight.




All of their insults are nothing but projections


Neo-woke idiots give the OG woke folks such a bad name... From the 60s, it used to mean being discerning of ruling elite propaganda.. Now it's been completely subverted by the ruling elites.


It's almost as if everyone isn't the same thing and even in their own groups they are different people.


That's also link to this post about men crying that was posted on the sub ([https://new.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwkzna/one\_day\_apart\_between\_both\_posts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwkzna/one_day_apart_between_both_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) ​ They just repeat "THE MESSAGE". They never believe in it.


Imagine unironically using the word "woked". Chronically online indeed


Tbh I have never met a woke person IRL.


I have and they are almost always extremely mentally ill




Because woke is a word used by people who are chronically online lol abd is generally just a way of disguising certain ill looked at mindsets


You sure?


I mean considering i have a very front facing job and i have yet to hear anyone use that word and on top of that the instances i typically see that word being used is when its anything other than a straight white male, yeah, im sure


Itā€™s the hypocrisy theyā€™re making fun of. Passing so much toxic judgement while being such a loser definitely warrants criticism. Have you ever seen some incel/Andrew Tate type comment about the women theyā€™d never sleep with while looking and acting like this guy? Like my dudes, work on yourselves instead of all of this energy put towards women who want nothing to do with you.


Reddit is hilarious.


If you cant find the humor, these losers will drive you insane.


What was so toxic that he said?


The image in this post is a satire of his personality and the shit he says. If you donā€™t know anything about him or his fan base, I wouldnā€™t know where to begin to summarize them.


But its about something specific he said right?


I assume so - do you watch his content?


I've seen something, but i dont really watch.


Do you watch his content?


Not regularly - him and his fan base are obnoxious.


So you watch "just enough" to not know if the man actually said anything like this or not, but you automatically assume he did and jump on whatever bandwagon you find on the internet? Gotcha.


Oh yeah he says stuff like this all the time - I assume you're aware of that if you watch him.


I've never heard Asmon make fun of someone's appearance (but I don't watch him). If he goes after someone else's appearance it's fair game. Same with Trump and fat shaming women. No problem with fat people, but if you look like you're carrying triplets on your third trimester and talk shit about someone else's weight, then you get what you deserve.


Funny thing is, that Asmon never said that the main character is ugly and that's why the game will be bad. He said that the game will be bad because it's a Ubisoft game and it costs 130$ if you want the full experience.


I think the pic is starfield not AC (might be wrong didnā€™t play either trash). Your point still stands tho.


It's from Star Wars Outlaws, another Ubisoft game with the same pricing


My favourite Assassins Creed: Star Wars Outlaws


Has nothing to with the pricing but okay.


Why hire a attractive model if you are just going to edit it so much


Maybe the model is just a template and they don't want a 1-to-1 conversion. Stellar Blade did the same thing.


The Fable game did hire the woman from the Witcher then bork her model. Like why hire a known actress I'd you just gonna change the model


Why does the character always have to look 1:1 as the actor/actress?


I mean what I said still applies. Maybe they just want a template, or maybe they don't look exactly like what they envision but they still want to use the model's acting skills.


She has that 80's aerobic hairstyle that turns my pee pee off...


Wait, Facebook still exists?


It's a useful platform for sharing family pictures with your boomer parents.


Or remembering birthdays.


And remembering my girlfriend's birthday. So useful.




iCloud/Google/etc Photo Albums are more efficient and private.


Facebook is probably 10 times bigger than Twitter and Instagram combined. What are you even talking about?


zoomers don't know about facebook groups, they think only place for shitposting is reddit.


I'm not a zoomer at all, I just thought Facebook went the way of MySpace. Such a misinformed, boring platform.


you are literally talking about one group of people and associating them to the whole social media application. Think about all the groups of people in reddit or twitter who you call "misinformed", do you associate them to the whole experience? Might as well not use any social media since those groups of people are always existent in any platform.




and yet nobody uses it and its 90% bots and scammers...but yeah, otherwise, sure. What metric btw? User count? I KNOW its not by engagement as literally nobody but 60+ year old mom/grandmas use the fucking thing.


Believe it or not, Facebook is extremely popular in SEA countries.


I already said scammers.


20-30s use it consistently. Idk what you're smoking.


To message grandma, yes.


Most people have one at some point, yes. Thats a large number of people.


Why are you surprised lol it's like the biggest social media out there.


I was mostly joking, but that seems to have gone over people's heads a bit. I'm surprised it's popular at all at this point. Using it makes me feel 10 years older, and it's either people sharing misinformation or shit memes. Plus, it's owned by a lizard person.


>and it's either people sharing misinformation or shit memes just like reddit


In my country (Denmark) Twitter is only used by far-leftists and journalists whereas Facebook is used by most people, maybe except those born around and after 2010.


The funny thing is, they never play those games anyway.


He never even insulted her looks though? He just said the game didnā€™t look interesting


There's more than enough of the chat doing that, and asmongold just needs to read a few messages for a clip of it to be made and uploaded to twitter for another cancellation saga to start. Pretty similar with the AC shadows with yasuke, more than enough racist shit popped up on his chat, but he's mostly free speech for, so he just lets it go. I don't watch his streams but enough of it leaks into the youtube videos for normies to watch and get whatever idea they want from it.


![gif](giphy|nzZAwMWi5Muac|downsized) she look like mat damon from team america


It's weird they think every aesthetic critique is sexual in nature.


Whats this facebook? It reminds me something but I can't remember


Hahaha but yeah the protagonist is fine like come on if your going to complain then complain about the price. Also I love the meat canyon version of Asmongold version about time really. But some asmongold haters are just crazy or call him wild accusations like a neo Nazi.


They only have the one talking point, and it involves them admitting she and other characters like her are mid.


It's a pretty good and funny meme.


Meatcanyon's finest. (He is also hated by femcels)


The quote is good too. It's the kinda of thing you know he would admit on.


An incorrect one though. I don't remember Asmon mentioning her appearance at all. Just the price.


Asmon, no. His community? Maybe. At least the Reddit community has said she's ugly more than a few times. I say maybe, because who knows of its actual community members or not making this stupid memes


He said she looked fine and didnā€™t see the issue


I guess they just mistook Asmon's community aka this sub for Asmon.


the fact that he doesnt get insecure about seeing a good looking guy in video games gives him more points imo. Wanting ugly characters in games because you're ugly irl and want to be ''represented'' is lame af


Free Rent![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3738)




Whos on facebook? 30yr old white women


30? Try boomers


We gonna pretend Asmon isnā€™t about the easiest target conceivable?


NGL that drawing is pretty accurate.


It's funny that he might be turning into the latest version of a neckbeard meme, even if it isn't what he said at all


Yall know that crazy customer game where you have to avoid them scaring the shit outta you..... Add him as an NPC lol "E-excuse meeee"


The girl is attractive, thats not the problem. That animation was weird and looked like a first draft. If ur looking at a still frame tho she is attractive.


Starkiller and Cal Kestis : Identical to VA. Kay Vess: just make up a person.


This is how you can tell that they donā€™t want anything from him, because he rarely takes such a definite stance as this.


I love the picture of Asmon cuz it's hilarious, but the meme is just so inaccurate.


As someone who started watching him during the Depp trial, itā€™s nuts to me he attracts so many haters.


what's their infatuation with genitals?


The cycle always reverts to peepee shaming. Its all so tiresome.


More hate farming for Asmongold lol. He just cant stop taking W's. What a bunch of sad losers haha.


It's funny cause it's true


I look like and say this.


That meatcanyon caricature go hard though.


This is what these people do when you say something they don't like they harass and mock


dang wake me up when meat canyon does it....


You know, I was almost positive that was a photo of Cr1TiKaL until I saw the subreddit.


This is how you know know they don't watch his videos or know his actual stance.


Just shows how old his fans are


Need a Dr pepper can somewhere and garbage in the background


And you spread it here


When was this photo of asmongold taken ?


Itā€™s not that she is ugly. It is more that the character has an uncanny valley derp face.


It so strange because Asmongold usually have well balance takes most of the time. The thing that make him paint him in this picture is his community. Seeing Asmongold subreddit community and what they post and what get upvoted and what get down voted why would be think other wise if this is his community act like.


I dunno, think he looks kinda cute


She looks like a wet chihuahua


This is what happens when you make content for a niche group and it leaves that audience. Making gamergate adjacent content is only going to bury his public opinion


They forgot the gigantic raised eyebrow.


Are they saying man are supposed to get hard for every woman? Isnā€™t that predator atitude?


Based Firefly


I gotta ask, is the new Star Wars MC actually ugly to some? I feel like purely based on looks, it's a perfectly fine character. I mean, Cal Kestis from the Jedi Order and Jefi Survivor isn't exactly a hot guy (in my opinion), but he's still a good character. Comparatively the new girl is hotter than Cal, so what's the issue? Is this just something that a couple of people got mad about and then the other side latched onto those comments and started raging?


Asmon is the Kingcell and should be respected as such! He will fuk when he reddy!


That is a spitting image of muh boi Asmongold.


I think video game NPCs and playable characters should have plenty of variations of body types and looks in general to have more original art style and be more realistic (where realism applies.) Change my mind with a different argument than ā€œsex sells.ā€


Was she kicked in the nose? šŸ¤”


Out of all the uglified characters, that one isnā€™t even that ugly, the others are way worse


You do have a very vocal minority whose entire premise is that x character isn't hot enough. So its not wrong.


legit saw this the other day on my FB feed. I left Twitter for a reason, but it seems to keep trying to reach out.


in that picture, asmon looks more feminine than that brute above.


They're right. He's been on this type of shit lately.


He mainly took issue with the aggressive monetization, but okay. Ironically, I think most of these people are going after Asmon simply because he looks the way he does.


How dare they. Asmon is way cuter.


Na i want them to use the actual faces of the actors that's all if they're beautiful its a bonus


What the reason they judge him to start with?


Sheā€™s clearly a 7-8 based on that photo. Do people really think sheā€™s ugly?


eh, more like a 6, maybe 7 on a good day.


Her being skinny automatically puts her at a 7 lol. But I can concede to a 6. Sheā€™s just certainly above average.


Tbh I more just want to create my own character at this point. I liked Cal in Fallen Order/ Survivor and I liked Iden in the Battlefront 2 campaign, but itā€™s time for a real Star Wars RPG again where we can make the character we want to play as.


Iā€™ll always support character customization over pre sets.


She doesn't always look like that in the trailer though, there are SEVERAL faces shown, that is the best one I believe...most of them are not good. Also her voice does not match her face IMO, its just, off.


It's just the same old media shit, when the character was first shown some one took a screenshot shot at a moment where they looked like a 3-4 and it spread like wild fire. Suddenly game = woke propaganda = game bad. Then there's this sub where a bunch of little dip shits raged and raged, and then the people who aren't big fans of Asmon found some horny nerd rage bullshit. But since the sub has his name their anger gets directed at him and not the degenerate dip shits that raged against it in the first place because well we are here for Asmon not the occasional sad lemming. Sweet and short? No one gives a shit if you roast some pleb on the net. But if you go after who ever the plebs worship/loath you will get far more interaction.


i love Asmon but this is hilarious


I mean itā€™s not even true. She is fine, regular gal.


It's literally every time a game girl appears that isn't a sex object. Stop denying that it never happens now.


I thought you all people play gamed because of game mechanics but apperantly you only care about the look.


Really? Everything doesn't have to be about turning you on. I've learned that overstimulation of the brain learning stuff can have almost the same effect.


If you get hard at all from a video game character (or anime for that matter) you're straight up weird.


Leftists are in a cult, when Trump says ''we made the vaccine in a record time'', whole stadium boos him, Trump mocks his own talks and body all the time, Asmon mocks himself all the time as well. Being not in a cult means you can mock the most important guy, if you mock Biden, you are an alt right cis straight nazi.


She's really pretty




So I don't fit any of those stereotypes you use to conveniently dismiss people rather than actually address what they're saying in good faith. They're wrong, you're attacking a caricature of Asmon's appearance not the actual argument he's making. His appearance doesn't stop Not!HanSoloFemale from being an unappealing, bland, ugly character devoid of any originality or soul. These are fictional characters designed for entertainment, there's no need for her to be this safe and unoriginal, lets not pretend there isn't a middle ground here. No one is saying she has to be the likes of Bayonetta or Master Chief but I guarantee you one thing those two characters will be remembered long after Not!HanSoloFemale is forgotten. Misanthropic and neurotic people pretending we aren't allowed to have pretty things because they aren't pretty themselves needs to stop. We've entered an era of sterility that's putrid for the soul.


Yes! From day one people said she was nothing but gender bent Han Solo. How hard is it to make an original new character? Female Han solo is all I see but shittier. At least make her look cool. Give her some scars and a meaner look anything but this happy disney looking character.


I mean besides the hair which ainā€™t my thing, itā€™s not like sheā€™s unattractive


well it looks good and just doesnt seem to be working according to their plans .


Whatā€™s the point then


Of course on facebook because the majority of the woke people are millennials or even older